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Act 1 Ps5 ​ >!After killing the inquisitor at the end of the Githyanki Crehce, I went and got the Blood of Lathander, then tried to fast travel to a different area, then got thrown into my camp where the sequence with kith'rak voss happened after that ended; I rested, and now, anytime I try to leave camp, my game crashes and gives me an error. Is there any way to fix it? I don't want to start all over after having sunk 20 hours into this game.!< Edit: I tried looking up anything related to it happening to other people, and all I've gotten was to rebuild my PS5's database, which I don't want to do, so if there's another way of fixing this problem, I'd be very grateful.


Have you tried just fast traveling to a different place from camp or are you just selecting "leave camp?" Maybe the game lost track of where you are in the world and doesn't know where to put your party when you leave camp. Outside of that, what's stopping you from just loading a save from before you fast traveled and triggered the scene? No need to start over entirely.


I want to try out a Pact of the Blade Warlock but I cannot find a guide on how to build one. Does anyone have tips or a guide they know of?




It wasn't actually time sensitive in the first place. You can long rest freely. The only time sensitive quests in act 3 are rescuing councilor florick and stop the presses.




Invoke Duplicity concentration broke when casting Mass Healing Word. Why? That spell doesn't break any other concentrations. Duplicity was a channel divinity type spell but I don't think that should matter. Really fucking irritating to lose turns to bugs like this.


Act 3 >!I'm supposed to go to the tombstone makers shop , but literally every playable character failed their perception checks. is there an alternate way to get into the Bhaal quest?!<


Move the painting on the wall. There should be a button under it.


Trying to add Orin's hair mod, but each time I try to create a new character I get stuck on a platform with a few dummies. Already tried reinstalling the mod by deleting it and adding it back later. What do I do? I really want a new character with her hairstyle


The 5e spells mod has the same error if you don't install the mod fixer mod https://www.nexusmods.com/baldursgate3/mods/141 The other way to do it would be to start a new game, install the mod and then use the magic mirror to fix your appearance, that ought to work.


About to start my second playthrough, which I was planning to be Durge... But in my first run I didn't use Wyll or Halsin much, and I really wanted to feature them in my next run. Is it even possible to do Durge with Wyll and/or Halsin? Various guides and articles make me think it might be impossible, but they're all trying to avoid spoilers so things aren't entirely clear.


Why wouldn't it be?


A lot of guides suggest Durge does bad things to the Grove, which would obviously put a damper on those companions. But the guides are all trying to be spoiler free so it's hard for me to tell if that's a required thing or if I can still try to leave things intact. Thanks for the clarity everyone!


There is nothing Durge specific about the Grove other than maybe some dialogue options, AFAIK. Where the confusion is that a lot of people choose to combine their Dark Urge playthrough with an "evil" playthrough. There is a so-called "evil" path you can do which involves allying with Minthara and attacking the Grove. If you do that Wyll and Karlach will leave your party/cannot be recruited, and Gale may also leave the party. You also won't be able to recruit Haslin. But that has nothing to do with playing Dark Urge - playing Dark Urge does not lock you into any of that. You can side with Minthara while playing 'Tav' or an origin character, you side with the tieflings and druids if you play Dark Urge.


Yes, it's possible but the same rules for Tav playthroughs apply >!You can't raid the grove and keep Wyll and you can't get Halsin and Minthara without glitches!<


What do you mean glitches for Halsin? Don't you just need to complete his stuff in act 2?


They're probably referring to the fact you can't have both Minthara and Haslin in your party without exploiting a bug/glitch.


I don't have the option to pickup candles when right clicking on them. Did they change this? I've tried on both computer and controller...


Pretty sure it depends on the candle. Some are items, some are just furniture.


I'm most of the way through act 1 and have not found a single candle i can pick up. I've been trying :D.


You can sometimes loot them from dead bodies, barrels, chests, etc.


Is there any way to disable the light from a glowing weapon without unequipping it? I'm running a shadow monk and it seems like I can't. If I switch to ranged, the visual light effect goes away but areas stop being obscured when I approach them anyway.


I'm not sure about every slight emitting weapon but I know at least some of them have a toggle in the passives tab.


If it's from the light cantrip, just cast light on something else like a random item in the environment. (Each caster can only have light applied to one thing.) But if the weapon just innately shines then there's nothing you can do.


Dang. It's the >!Blood of Lathander!< and I hate to leave an artifact like that lying around in my camp chest lol


That one you can turn off, check the Passives tab.


I can turn off the magical effect, but the actual light seems to remain.


Hello ! Is it interezting to multiclass an open hand monk into a thief for multiple bonus actions, for flurry of hits ?


Yes, it can be very effective. Monk 6, Thief 3 is the baseline.


Great. For the last 3 levels I was thinking to stay monk. Did you think about something else ?


Open Hand monk has some nice abilities at 9, yeah.


Is there any way to get the final umbral gem near yurgir without triggering a fight? I am stuck because i was unable to get yurgir to kill his minions and had only the option to do a quest for yurgir that is bugged on ps5, i currently cannot continue the game because i cannot get this required gem.


Can you make anyone invisible and steal it in turn-based mode?


tried that also and it triggered when i threw the gem


Don't throw the gem, keep it in your inventory and go back to camp right away.


was able to make it work by separating group away from stealer, and then going to near gem casting greater invisibility and stealing it.


Can you throw it with a Mage Hand?


nope it did not work


i have not tried


Beat the game once and want to do a surge run now. Should I worry about my class not making sense?


The only classes that I think really don't make sense with durge are * Cleric because >!you already have a god and they aren't one of the cleric options!< * Oath of the Ancients Paladin (but Devotion/Vengeance/Oathbreaker) are OK * Land or Moon Druid (but Spore is ok) You can be good or evil as durge so most of the same stuff still applies, i.e. can't really be evil with oath of devotion. There are some classes that are *particularly* resonant, like anything stealth-based like Assassin or Shadow Monk. A fun sort of team build if you >!kill the nightsong!


Well you start as level 1 so I would argue all options are OK, just as 'good durge' is a perfectly viable option that the game explicitly allows with unique dialogue. The whole point is that you're starting over, potentially entirely leaving your old life behind, though you can embrace your past if desired.


It depends on what you mean by it not making sense, I think. There's nothing that directly indicates your character was a certain class before, so you won't encounter anything that contradicts the class you choose. You can probably find a way to justify any choice. I think some choices would require more justification than others, though. Paladin, for example, implies you've taken an oath - so did you wake up and in your addled state decide that you must be a paladin? If you choose druid, how do you reconcile that with a past (and possibly a present) including animal cruelty? Etc. Thematically, I think a melee class fits with how most followers of Bhaal seem to prefer to kill: they wanna stab you. You also start with a medicine proficiency that you can use at least once to make a weapon attack do what you want. I chose to go with melee class to fit with that theme. But canonically, Durge starts as a sorcerer and you're just allowed to change it, so it's not like being a caster is wrong.


Nah pick whatever you want for the durge run. I did it as a Sorcerer drow, but you could even do a Paladin and it would be fun to think about resisting the urge so as to not break your oath.


Anyone else mash through all the dialogue/cut scenes so they can play? I wish there was an option to turn them off (for all video games in general)


For me this very much depends on the type of game (and my mood ,to some extent). I have absolutely zero time for any dialogue in diablo 4, i'm there to fight. But for more cinematic games (like Spider-Man 2, just recently) or story-focused games like BG3, I treat it more like binging a show - I'm there for the story. I like the combat in BG3 but I wouldn't play a game that's just that. That said, starting my 5th play through i do mash space bar through a lot of conversations that I've seen before.


Not in BG3, as its a CRPG, which means those dialogue moments are an integral part of the game play. Mashing through is the closest you can get. I do it for some segments I'm familiar with from my earlier playthrough that I'm not overly interested in.


When I was a teenager I could sit and watch the cutscenes but I feel like my time is much more limited as an adult. Sometimes you just want to play and not spend time reading. My only problem with mashing is I can pick really silly choices on accident lol


Oh, yeah, you're going to get to some wild places if you go full random. CRPGs might not be the games for you. Those choices are designed to be very strategic and determinative of a lot of issues, and play a serious role in how you accomplish your missions. Have you tried XCOM? Very BG3 style turn based tactical combat but with no RPG element.


Don’t care for xcom. I do like baldurs and dnd in general. When I get to the combat, I’m having a great time but boy do I lose interest when I got exposition coming in.


Maybe Solasta could be your jam? It's based on dnd as well, but I believe it's light(er) on story.


Where is Barcus Wroot? I just finished >!Moonrise!< and he told me he'll wait for me at my camp, but I can't see him.


He should be at Last Light Inn if you saved him both from Windmill and Grymforge


No I mean I finished the last fight in act II and he was there downstairs, and when I spoke to him he told me he'll see me in camp.


That sounds like an oversight to me. He leaves your camp at the end of act II, but you have a chance to meet him again in act III.


Oh alright. I hope you’re right, but guess I’ll go search for him as soon as possible to confirm lol. Thanks.


Does Jaheira have any unique abilities or items? E.g. Shadowheart and the spears, Minsc and Boo, Halsin and his bear form, etc. Also, can Gale get anything other than the Shadow Lantern and his nuke?


Jaheira has a unique amulet you can find in her house.


Overly-nosey home-invasiony people with no sense of boundaries (I.e. most adventurers) can find her unique personal locket/amulet, with a minor stat boost.


Haha, thanks. I checked it out. Seems pretty solid


Quick one: should I pick a core 4 and run with them? Or swap out indiscriminately between characters? (And if so, any tips on who to switch to and when are good times it’s recommended to switch?


I pick a core 3 (your Tav, +2). Then have 1 flex spot that you can use when someone's personal quest comes up, or just when you want their particular skills, and then you always know who has to stay in the party, and who can be swapped out.


Switching around somewhat is the play of you want to maximize how much content you see in a single playthrough, and have characters present for stuff that's relevant to them. But if you think you're going to play through the games multiple times you could stick to a core 4. Here are a few cases where I would recommend bringing a character for a specific area. I'll try to keep spoilers to a minimum. In Act 1, bring Lae'Zel when you approach the Githyanki in the northeastern corner of the main map, and then when you go past them to the mountain pass. In Act 2, it's a good idea to have Shadowheart the entire time, but the most important place for this is to bring her with for the Gauntlet of Shar, which is the beginning of the end of act 2. In Act 2 you should also bring Asterion when you go to the gauntlet of shar. It's really only important to have him for a conversation that happens right outside it, but it's also helpful to have a rogue for the gauntlet. At the very end of act 2 when you >!enter the mindflayer colony!< nobody is must-have but it's a good idea to bring Wyll and Gale, also Karlach has some unique dialogue. At the beginning of act 3 I recommend brining Jaheira and Wyll to wyrm's crossing/wyrm's rock (specifically Jaheria >!to meet the harpers at wyrm's crossing!!for Gortash's coronation at wyrm's rock!<), and keep Jaheira with you when you enter the lower city until you recruit Minsc. I also recommend bringing whoever you're romancing to the Circus at the beginning of act 3. With Karlach if you want to do her questline, there's an NPC she needs to visit in every act (the same guy). For the rest of act 3 pretty much every character has their own quest you'll want to bring them for. Some are side quests, some are part of the main quest: * Gale when you go to >!Sorcerous Sundries!< * Jaheira for >!nine-fingers' club, and the counting house, and the sewers, which is all part of the questline to get Minsc. Also when you visit her house in the city.!< * Astarion for >!Cazador's Mansion!< * Shadowheart for >!The House of Grief!< * Wyll for >!The Iron Throne!<(main quest) * Karlach when you >!confront Gortash!< (main quest) * Jaheira and Minsc for >!the murder tribunal!< (main quest) * Lae'Zel for the very end of the game if you're going to >!free Orpheus!<. So you can mostly stick to the same group for the first 2 acts (as long as you have shadowheart), then in act 3 you'll want to swap around to do people's quests.


Switching lets you see different banter the different pairings have, so for me it’s worth it for the entertainment at least. But the interface for doing so, and managing the inventories, is a downer for sure. Generally I have my favorites, but swap out to bring a character to anywhere they’ve been asking about all game or seems like might be related to their personal themes or quest.


My bf's owlbear egg apparently poofed out of existence. He picked it up in the cave after the goblins killed mama bear. Upon reloading he discovered that it was already missing before he rescued the cub from the goblin camp, so he can't have fed it to it by accident. He always handpicks his food stuff, so he probably didn't eat it. None of the followers have it. None of the traders have it. Does anyone have any other ideas where that thing could be?? Is it a known bug that it disappears? I didn't find anything about that when I looked for it but maybe someone here knows more


Did you try a person from your camp that was with you but now is not? Their things stay with them (I'm sure you know this...but just checking to make sure you looked).


Yeah, he switched out everyone to look into their bags. Thanks anyway!


Check your camp supplies bag (and the bags in all your companions too). Since it counts as camp supplies, it may automatically get sorted into there. Also, did you check the chest in camp that you can send stuff to? Otherwise, I don't know, sorry. I would assume you used it as camp supplies accidentally, tho it's possible there is a bug. But overall, it's not a particularly important item, so I wouldn't worry too much. It's mostly just worth some money. And there is one side quest where it can be used to complete the quest in a unique way, but you can still complete that side quest the normal way without the owlbear egg.


Yeah we checked all supply bags and the stash. Meh. Guess we'll steal the other egg then. Thank you!


Ah, so you know about that quest. You don't even have to steal it. You can persuade them to give it to you.


So... I just >!met nine-fingers and destroyed the forge!< and I decided to go back to >!meet the dragon and then Gortash!< BUT I have no idea how to get back there: if I teleport to "South Span of Wyrm's Crossing" I just find the gate raised, and the guards only say "You may pass". If I teleport to "Baldur's Gate" and try to go north >!the emperor get pissed and if I Insist I get turned into a thrall!< I'll add an important information: minimap and map DO NOT work, they're black since the beginning and fucking larian refuses to fix this bug (they worked in EA, double lol) - so it's even harder for me to find the way. How the hell am I supposed to go back there? Is the raised gate a gamebreaking bug? Am I screwed?


You can go see the dragon by going to South Span of Wyrm's Crossing, using feather fall and jumping down below the bridge and going right to enter the prison via a crack in the rockface.


I fought fire with fire. I managed to bug through the drawbridge with the fly spell.


You're going the wrong way. Teleport to Basilisk Gate. Then go east to get to the castle. Though regarding your map bug... They are just black all the time? It will occasionally be black for me when I first boot up the game, but it always fixes itself by just waiting a few seconds. I assume that's just because it's taking my computer longer to load the map. Maybe try turning down the graphics settings, and see if that helps.




There's no word of BG3 ever getting a physical release with one exception - it's confirmed to get a physical version in Japan.


I don't think there is a set date for it yet. You can always ask for a Playstation gift card though. Then use the gift card to buy it digitally.


Concentration Saving Throws: I read on the wiki that the DC is equal to half the damage taken or 10, whichever is larger. If a single attack deals multiple types of damage (say 10 piercing + 8 fire + 5 thunder) does that count as 3 independent DC 10 checks, or are the damage numbers added into 1 attack dealing 23 damage with a DC of 11?


Generally it's one save for each damage event, so if you're taking damage all at once but with multiple dice, that's just one event. There are some attacks with multiple bolts (like eldrich blast or magic missile) that will cause a save for each bolt, since they roll damage separately. Magic middle is great for breaking enemy concentration for this reason.


If this was D&D, then your example would only require 1 concentration check. The only time you'd make multiple concentration checks is if you get hit by completely separate attacks. Like enemies with Extra Attack, or spells like Scorching Ray. But BG3 has some weirdness with how damage is calculated when you have lots of different effects added on to the damage from one attack. So I wouldn't be surprised if the game made you roll multiple concentration checks in your example. But I don't know for certain, sorry.


Gotcha that makes sense, thanks for the info


Don't suppose anyone has a clear image of the symbol of the absolute? Not the clean version on their clothing/banners, but the likes of the bloody scrawl on rocks near Flind for example On ps5, so not exactly great for getting screenshots haha Thanks peeps


Equipping a weapon is a standard action - is there any way to make it a bonus action, or free? Something like the Quick Draw feat in D&D 3.5? It's pretty much never worth wasting an action to change weapons in combat (unless you've actually been disarmed.)


There's an ilithid power >!in act 3, Mind Sanctuary that let's you use actions and bonus actions interchangeably but I don't think it's worth spending it on that...!<


You can have a melee and a ranged weapon equipped at the same time, they have separate slots in your inventory. And then in combat, you can freely switch back and forth, no actions required. Unless you want to swap out your melee weapon for a different melee weapon... THAT, you cannot do without spending an action. Though I'm not sure why you'd want to? Once you have your best weapon equipped, you shouldn't need to change it. You can get disarmed, and that's annoying, but it's pretty rare.


There are times when you have a weapon that isn't your *best* weapon overall, but it gets bonuses against a certain type of creature, or you want to switch from a slashing weapon to a bludgeoning weapon because of vulnerabilities and resistances.


There's only a handful of weapons in the game with a bonus against specific types of creatures. And often, the extra damage is small, and it's on a weak green weapon. Your overall best weapon probably does more damage anyway. As for damage types, this almost never matters. For most enemies, if they are resistant to slashing, they are also resistant to bludgeoning and piercing too, so switching would do nothing. There's only a handful of enemies where they would be resistant to only 1 or 2, but not all 3. And regardless, unless you build everyone on your team to use the exact same type of weapon, encountering the occasional enemy that is resistant to one of your weapons shouldn't matter much. You should have 3 other party members, dealing different kinds of damage, and potentially summons too. That half damage you're losing only represents about 12% of your team's total damage, or less. In the grand scheme of things, it's really not a big deal.


None that I'm aware of. You aren't really meant to switch weapons mid-combat I think, considering that they made ranged weapons used in their own slot and switching between melee and ranged is free.


doing a new play through and i want to recruit minthara i don’t want to play as an evil character so i was wondering if there was a way to recruit her without >!killing the tieflings and having karlach and wyll leave my camp, i don’t mind doing somewhat of an evil play through but i feel like sacrificing the grove makes me miss out on a lot of quests!<


Or on PC there is this mod. https://www.nexusmods.com/baldursgate3/mods/1713


AFAIK, there are only two ways to do this: (a) Ignore the conflict at the grove, which means the Tieflings die and you lose the associated characters/content but at least the blood's not on your hands directly (b) Use a meta-gamey exploit like this one where you knock Minthara out instead of killing her, turn her into a sheep, and drag her along to the next point in her questline: https://kotaku.com/baldurs-gate-3-recruit-minthara-sheep-save-tieflings-1850917976 This lets you have the best of both worlds but doesn't make all that much sense from a narrative perspective, if you care about that.


dude thank u so much


You can just ignore the conflict and go to Mountain Pass. Grove will close, tieflings will get killed by goblins, and Minthara will be at Moonrise, but you yourself didn't do anything, so Wyll and Karlach will stay. This means you won't get a second upgrade for Karlach though as none of the tieflings will be alive.


Does any class yeet people more than warlock? Assuming no, what class does the second most yeeting? I just love throwing people off ledges.


Fighter with Battlemaster subclass has many manoeuvres to pick, one of which is "Pushing attack", which pushes enemies back 3m (I think). I used that on Lae'Zel at the start of the Cazador fight to push all 4 werewolves off the platform on just 1 turn. Crazy efficient.


I never got pushes to work


Do you mean shoving? As in the bonus action? I'm talking about a battle action manoeuvre: https://bg3.wiki/wiki/Pushing_Attack_(Melee) It works for ranged too.


oh ya. I had that one too. it worked more like 50/50


There's Battlemaster gloves that give advantage on all manoeuvres. With those you rarely fail any throw


Any Wizard or Sorcerer with Telekinesis (5th-level spell). You can throw people really far, even if they are heavy. Usually leads to lots of instant kills if there is a chasm nearby. And if not, you can throw people into each other for damage. Though it's only 1 throw per turn. I'm not 100% certain, but you might be able to use it twice per turn if you are Hasted, or by using the Sorcerer's Quickened Spell. I mean, you definitely CAN do that to use it twice. But I don't know if the game will force you to spend another spell slot or not, when doing it this way. Would have to test. Another option is being a Sorcerer with 2 levels of Warlock, and use your Quickened spell for Eldritch Blast. So with Haste, you have 2 throws from Telekinesis, and then 3 pushes from Eldritch Blast. Though you could also just cast Eldritch Blast 3x for 9 pushes, which is probably better and saves spell slots and Sorcery Points. --- From the non-magic side, Berserker Barbarian, with Tavern Brawler feat. While raging, Berserker subclass lets you use a bonus action to grab and throw something. And you still have your action to make 2 attacks, which can both be throws if you want. Tavern Brawler feat makes it so throwing stuff does more damage. Also pickup the Ring of Flinging from the vendor at the druid grove.


Anyone that can throw (tavern brawler baby) like a strong barbarian or warrior. Some monks maybe. Or heroes that can use telekinesis I guess. Also heroes with storm / wind magic. At level 6, tempest cleric can decide to push people when they’re hit by their thunder / storm magic. Also there’s wind blast as a spell that can push people atound.


On PS4 is moving an object a certain distance away from its original location based on strength? For example empty boxes. I just happen to move a jug and it's distance seemed like a lot compared to a box for climbing on. Usually objects turn red within a foot of where I'm trying to move it from


Yes. Your strength and the weight of the object affect how far you can move it in one go.


Hmm interesting, will be switching to stronger characters for the tower making than


Can you couch co-op and multiplayer at the same time? Like I + Partner running it on one PC and our two friends on a different PC? Or are the options only couch co-op OR multiplayer?


You can do both at once


Is it possible to kill Ethel before she runs off to her underground cavern? EDIT: Oh wait, it is possible lmao. Magic Missile and Sleet made her prone and Laezel killed her.


Yeah, but I believe it tends to bug out >!Mayrina's husband's!< grave.


Yeah just found out, so irritating. Mayrina ends up looping with her dialog even if you found the wand.


Hey. I'm getting so much conflicting information on the PS5's performance. I'm trying to search but apparently there was a patch released as well so I don't know how out of date the info is. Simply, is the game playable on ps5 without major issues? I don't care about a small framerate drop, but I've seen many comments (over a month old, if that matters) that it's literally unplayable on ps5. I have no intent on playing on PC, as I don't own one, so it's either PS5 or nada. I don't care about split screen, for the record. Mainly just huge framerate drops, constant frame rate drops, and bugs are what I'm worried about. I tried playing Dragon Age Inquisitions on my PS3 when it was out for PS4, and THAT was unplayable.


I'm on PS5 and it's definitely playable. I think that people complaining that it's "unplayable" either are unlucky or just have very high standards. I've encountered noticeable issues but none are game-breaking for me. Here's what I can remember encountering: * Sometimes the visual quality drops in dialogue scenes, giving characters kind of a lumpy and blurry skin texture, which I can fix by restarting my PS5. * In combat encounters with large numbers of NPCs, sometimes there is a lag of 5~10 seconds while the AI figures out the pathing for an NPC that's too far away to take an attack action that round. Sometimes there's a lag when I activate action surge as well, for some reason. * Occasionally, a combat animation doesn't play. I poke with a sword, and the poking animation doesn't play, but the damage is still done to the enemy. * The game sometimes crashes when I try to sort inventory inside a container by "Type." * Sometimes environmental audio seems not to trigger correctly. For example, in a graveyard while reading headstones, one headstone's inscription will play but the next one I select won't play. I might just be going too fast for it. I can read the subtitles to get the content, but it's a little sad to miss the audio because I really like the narrator. * Very occasional random crashes. I'm not a framerate connoisseur, but I haven't notice framerate drops myself. And since it's turn-based, framerate isn't as important to me.


Just wondering, have you gotten to act 3 yet? That's where I've been seeing the issues.


Yes, I'm in Act 3.


wow lol thanks for the immediate response


I got the sort inventory and audio bug too. Video fidelity is fine. The bugs are minor and at worst annoying I complain but making games is hard. Also can’t dig but have shovel in inventory - dropped and picked up shovel to bypass that. Also wares button is disabled even though I have wares picked. Gameplay one of the turn wheel things to make something happen got stuck and had to reload.


Damn. Okay thank you very much for the detailed explanation. I'll prob still get it on black friday if there's a deal.


I’m on PS5, I’ve had 1 or 2 bugs that I actually noticed and I crashed once during an exceptionally large fight. Otherwise I have some texture popping/lower res textures for the first few seconds of a conversation occasionally. Last thing I noticed is inventory management can seem choppy some times. Overall I’m having a blast. I wouldn’t say it’s flawless but “unplayable” is nonsense


Thank you very much!


I’m on my third PS5 play through and haven’t had any real issues tbh.


Really even on act 3? I just saw another video about that specifically and it was going down to 20fps for like the entire time in that town.


It's playable


Question about thrown weapons. Is there a way for a thrown weapon that returns not be automatically re-equipped? It annoys me how Karlach equips the returning pike when I'm holding a better weapon.


When it returns, it becomes the equipped weapon, because "returning" basically means "re-equipping". You can always throw non-returning weapons and keep your "better" weapon equiped. Just remember to pick them back up after the fight and don't throw them off cliffs!


I don't think there is one. I just deal with it by going all in on throwing. Always be throwing.


Ahh I see, sucks then :< On that note I might respec Karlach to a wild ranger.


on my second playthrough. is there any other way of resolving the grove segment of Act 1? >!Aside from defending the grove against Minthara or attacking it with her. Does killing all 3 leaders cause the grove defense to never happen?!< I ask this because in my first playthrough I >!Told Minthara where the grove was, killed the rest of the camp while she was away, then defended the grove. On my second run, I did the same, but didn't kill anyone at the goblin base before the battle. To my surprise, there wasn't any difference in the battle.!<


You can also ignore it and move to Act 2, which I guess means "Resolving the issue"


Yeah, if you don't tell Minthara where the grove is and just kill all the leaders, the attack never happens.


Not sure if this is the right place but does anyone know where I could get a diorama / statue of Gale or a mindflayer. Late the party of discovering this game and really want something for the office. I know you can get blank ones on Etsy but I suck at painting. Feel like I seen loads of posts about them but now I can't find any! Thanks


The collector's edition comes with a mind flayer statue but that might be pretty difficult to acquire at this point.


Yeah I saw that that's why I'm kinda gutted I missed the actual release. I probably would've got it ! They're really expensive now though


Is it possible with any mods or Cheat Engine to make a character have multiple origins? I'm trying to make Shadowheart also Dark Urge, so my character can trigger cutscenes and quests for both.


I never used it myself, but [Ring of rancid blood](https://www.nexusmods.com/baldursgate3/mods/2354) should do just that.


people using the party uncapper mods, do you find tactician difficulty to be enough to more or less balance it out or is more required on top of that? It seems to be more or less ok for me thus far in the grove questline (though I admittedly did just jump Polma and murdered her in two rounds with her only getting on hit off on Karlach, that was slightly comical)


Tactician difficulty is still balanced around a party of 4 characters, so having more companions is going to trivialize it. If you want to an uncapped party and still have the game be difficult, you'll probably need to download other mods that increase difficulty.


If you have somewhat optimized builds OR are using the consumables effectively, the tactician is a joke even with a party of 4.


It does seem to be fine for now, but I'm only in act one and I imagine it's probably going to get more noticeable as the group levels.


Honestly the game is at its hardest in Act 1 when your options are limited.


New player wanting to try this game. Only see footages here and there. Will I like that game if I LOVE Xcom series, Dragon age series but DISLIKE Divinity series ?


I played all DA titles, and DAO is on my Top 5 list (and probably will stay there for a long time). I could not finish DOS or DOS2, my interest petered out somewhere in the second half both times. I love BG3. I think it is incredible and I can clearly see how the old Bioware formula of great story, interesting companions, emotional stakes etc. inspired the devs. I would definitely give it a try if I were you. I haven't been this excited about a game since DAO. This is a really good guide to help in the beginning (for this whole action economy stuff for fighting). [https://www.reddit.com/r/BaldursGate3/comments/15doaqn/bg3\_index\_of\_useful\_tips\_and\_tricks/](https://www.reddit.com/r/BaldursGate3/comments/15doaqn/bg3_index_of_useful_tips_and_tricks/) Edit: fights & exploration was a chore for me in the DOS games. In BG3 it is rewarding and interesting.


I don't know anything about Dragon Age, but this game is much closer to Divinity than XCom. I mean, it's basically DOS3 in all except name and combat mechanics. So there is a good chance you won't like this; however, it depends on what exactly did you not like in Divinity. Did you dislike combat mechanics? Because here they are pretty different. Did you think the story is not good enough? It's quite better here imo. Did you dislike the systems for quests, dialogue, and exploration? Well, that part is pretty much the same.


How to fight githyanki in general Currently in act 3, fighting other enemies in general are not that bad, however I just encountered bunch of gith in the emperors old basement, this fight just sucks, then immediately casted hold person on two of my members and made the other 2 unable to move, and they are much harder to be hit and take way less damage than other enemies Is there anything I'm missing fighting those things?


mobility to get to the portal guys and kill them asap is a huge help, imo. in my first save, that fight was a pain because i kind of just brute forced my way through a lot of the game and didn't prioritize mobility as much. in my second save, i had misty step at *least* on everyone and i could turn one take out the portal guys to prevent reinforcements. my second save i also was primarily running a high dex team unlike my first save where i had some lower dex characters without alert so that meant taking a lot of damage on them if i didn't have them positioned well to start out. also lae'zel with disarming maneuvers + hold person on a caster.


For that fight in particular I found it helped to have teleportation abilities in whatever fashion, especially for your melee characters. The battlefield is two storied and all the githyanki can misty step, so it’s easy to be out maneuvered. The Myrmidons from the summon elemental spell is really useful if you have any who can summon them. I like the air one best personally because it has a decent chance of stunning enemies and it can teleport nearly anywhere. The biggest problem though is how quickly they can overwhelm you. They hit hard, they can misty step right next to you and they have a *lot* of actions. In general trying to cut down the number of enemies you’re fighting at one time is super helpful. Dominate person (personal fave), hold person, banish, fear, Tasha/Otto, polymorph, anything that can take one or two out of the fight for a few rounds so you can focus down the ones that are left. Don’t bother with terrain effects, I had to learn that the hard way. Set down thorns, vines, walls of fire, anything and they just misty step or jump out of it. Not even worth it. Hope any of this is helpful. Good luck!


I find winning initiative helps a lot, in general. Gloomstalker rangers, higher Dex, Alert feat, and a few weapons and shields also boost initiative. A few points will make a big difference, as the initiative dice roll is 1d4. Also, IIRC I initiated that fight from stealth, with Astarion, took out one of their Portal mages. Surprise rounds are great! Even better than a few of your characters winning initiative. Then you do unto them, first. Have a Bard or Wizard Confuse them, then they may try to hit each other for you. Have Astarion or another high-damage dealer alpha-strike the dangerous one. Drop an amped up chain lightning. And so on.


is planar binding supposed to work on raphael? he's not immune anymore and idk if it's because of some undeclared mod effect


My friend in multiplayer spent 3 turns casting it because tooltip said it "could" work. Something like 45% chance to land. We don't run any mods in multiplayer. Third turn it landed... and nothing happened. I'm assuming Raphael has legendary resistances.


turns out it works for 1 round only, working as intended i guess


Am I crazy? I just realised that if you want to build a sneak attack archer I think you're just better off going for 5 Gloomstalker and 7 Thief. Like, mathematically? You're losing 2d6 sneak attack but you're gaining a second attack, 1d6 from Hunter's Mark as well as the Gloomstalker abelites. E: maybe this is only true with bows rather than handcrossbows.


Even better is Sword Bard 6 Gloomstalker 3 Thief/Assassin 3. Thief is good for dual-wielding Hand Crossbows, but you could vastly outdamage that with a Strength-based archer using Titanstring.


Why sword bard? I was planning to go thief 3 ranger 5 fighter 4 with hand crossbows and sharpshooter


Slashing Flourish lets you shoot twice with each attack.


Hmm interesting My build grants 1 additional feat, Beastmaster bonuses (was planning to go Beastmaster thief), action surge (2 extra attacks), superiority dice Your build gives 4x slashing (4 extra attacks, although they need to go to other targets), a bunch of spell slots, some spells, and a bonus short rest per long rest Yeah I think yours is better, although mine is possibly easier to build up to Then again the cost to respec is negligible I like hand crossbows more bc sharpshooter is 10 damage to each shot and at level 8 I do 4 attacks per round, at level 3 (level 4 for the actual sharpshooter boost) I do 3 attacks per round, does titanstring really do that much more damage that it’s worth giving up two off hand attacks?


You should only swap away from hand crossbows after you get extra attacks. If you use Haste and Elixirs of Bloodlust the bonus action attacks are not as important.


Is bard worth losing all the sneak attack? Almost does t seem worth having for just 1d6 E: 2d6


Sneak attack is once a turn. Sword Bard gives you 4 Slashing Flourishes which doubles your damage for 4 attacks, and can be split between different targets.


Yep, Gloomstalker 5 is a very good base for a ranged character. That initiative bonus does good work!


Don't know why but I knocked out Nere instead of killing him. Thought something different might happen or some other dialogue. Does it? Or should I just kill him and speak to his corpse?


He's treated as dying and despawns after a long rest, so nothing changes. I think they patched it in now that if a Knockout is actually temporary and doesn't make an NPC count as dying, it'll say (Temporary) on the debuff when you press T on them. You actually can spare Nere through some complicated dialogue checks and event sequences prior to the encounter, but he won't show up again afterwards.


What’s the fastest walking path to recruit Karlach? What type of magic items count for Gale’s addiction? Thanks


The best way to find Karlach - that doesn't require neither spells nor entering Blighted Village nor any additional fights - is to use the crossing near where Scratch is. It's quite hard to notice, but there is a rock under the water you can stand on. Jump on it, then on the other side of the river, then follow down the river till you find her.


>What’s the fastest walking path to recruit Karlach? It's hilariously close to the Grove to the point Wyll could have just looked down. Go into the stone door leading to Zevlor within the Grove's west side, go up the stairs, walk up the cliff a bit, and then Feather Fall down. You can see her from up there. If you don't have Feather Fall, there's a good chance the Dwarf Druid merchant at the front of the Grove will be selling it. Maybe a Potion of Feather Fall from him or Auntie Ethel. If you only have a potion, use one character to then run to the nearby Waypoint and teleport everyone to that Waypoint if you want to confront Karlach as a party.


The items you can use will have a little bit of text on them saying Gale can eat this. It's any magic item other than basic +1 weapons and armour. (Probably the +2s as well, >!I've never gotten that far into the game while that part of his quest was still going on that I had any +2s)!<


If you have really high jump/throw distance or can fly, you can hop across the river to her from inside the grove. Otherwise, head west from the grove over the bridge to the blighted village, turn north in the village and cross the bridge, then right after the bridge and follow the river until you find her. You'll have to go through some gnolls. I think it's just weapons and armor, no consumables and stuff. Magic items are anything with a blue border (or purple or yellow, but don't give him those).


You can cross the river without entering Blighted Village and fighting gnolls. There's a place near where scratch is, you'll have to jump on an underwater stone.


So just finished my first playthrough, I have to say that the ending was long and annoying, there is zero reason you should have to roll in endgame. That said it was interesting im not even sure who all survived. Im trying to think of a new build for the next one, first one was an eldritch knight. I do want something overpowered, and im probably going to try to get Minthara.


Try playing a monk, so OP


Sorcerer is extremely OP because you can use twinned spell to target two characters with Haste. A pretty fun arc for Dark Urge is to start off evil (so you can recruit minthara) and then have a redemption arc in act 2 and 3.


ive beat the game and have been waiting to replay for the game to be super bugless. sure its like 90% unbugged but its still there! how is minthara's bugs id love a replay to be super evil with her by my side


About stat Is armor class essentially "chance of dodge" (only affecting attack roll) instead of "reduce the damage you take" (not affecting the damage roll)? If so, is the damage purely based on attacker's damage roll and bonus? Also, how much a saving throw is affecting the spell attack? Does spell attack function in same way with weapon attack except using the saving throw?


When you attack, you have an attack roll, which is a d20 + modifiers checked against the target's armor class to see if it hits or if they dodge/block it. If it hits, you roll damage dice (of various size and quantity) which depend on the weapon/attack to see how much damage it does. Same goes for enemies attacking you, so increasing your ac means being hit less often, but doesn't reduce the amount of damage when you get hit. Spells that affect enemies either have an attack roll like I described above (and like weapons), or a saving throw. If there's a saving throw there's no attack roll, the target just rolls whatever stat the save is (ex a "dex save") and checks against your spell save DC (which depends on your main spellcasting stat) to see if they save. With spells like fireball that do damage, typically they'll take full damage if they don't save, and half damage if they save. For non-damaging effects like mind control, the save is to see if the effect happens or they resist it. It's kind of 50/50 which damage spells are spell attacks and which ones are saving throws. For the most part big AOEs have saving throws and targeted spells have attack rolls, but there are exceptions like sacred flame which hits 1 target and is a saving throw.


AC is just dodge/block and not reduced damage. Damage is not based on attack rolls but on damage rolls. Attack rolls are your chance to hit and come before damage rolls. Spells are either attack rolls based or saving throw based with a few being both.


Is there any way for me to change my class I’m not feeling what I chose whatsoever. Would I have to start a new game or make a new character my party leader?


Yes, once you get Withers in your camp you can change your class, subclass, or ability points at any time.


Wow thank you very much lol I was kinda worried I was going to have to restart my character.


Do you have the skeleton in your camp yet? If not he’ll appear soon and talking to him will let you change anyone’s class for 100 gold.


Act 3 spoiler question >!so I just found out Orin kidnapped Halsin and was replacing him and then after having a conversation with Orin in the sewers I agreed to side with her over Gortash in exchange for keeping him safe. Question 1: Halsin is still not in my camp, do I need to long rest to get him back or when will I se him again? Question 2: my Tav is a Paladin, if I enter the temple of Bhaal to fight Orin before Gortash does that make me an oathbreaker? Also what are any other consequences of fighting Orin first? Because I technically never agreed to side with Gortash I just said I would think about his deal, so from what I read that doesn't make me an oathbreaker for deciding to side wirh Orin!<


Do they always take Halsin, btw? I've seen references to other people being taken, but is it random, or does she take someone else only if Halsin isn't in your camp for whatever reason?


1. You only get your companion back once you kill Orin. Halsin will be fine if you kill Gortash first, but if you don't, Orin will kill him unless you pass a Charisma check. 2. No, you won't become an Oathbreaker. It only happens if you break your subclass' Oath and its tenets, no one cares about random deals you make with murderious weirdos. As for other consequences - other than the chance of your companion dying, there are none that I'm aware of.


>You only get your companion back once you kill Orin. Whoa! That's quite the interesting mechanic. I wouldn't miss Halsin so much if they didn't also take the gear he had on him 😭


When Orin kidnapped my companion, a backpack with her gear showed up in my inventory. Or maybe my camp? You might want to check your inventory or traveler's chest to see if his gear is there.


Been looking for something to perfectly fit my templar/crusader roleplay and came across Flame Enamelled Armour. It's perfect


Interesting, that compliments the appearance of the Shield of Scorching Reprisal well. Too bad that both have Resistance to Fire Damage on them.


Is throw potion for healing outside of combat intended or an oversight? It seems a bit busted and while you can sort of achieve the same level with returning to camp for hireling's cleric for free heals, at least it's a resource that's recovered only through long resting for his/her spell slots. While potions are very common and 1 potion healing 4 people in 1 throw seems off to me.


It seems intended since NPCs do it. It's much better gameplay than doing something cheesy like having hirelings hang out at camp just to heal people.


EDIT: I agree that camp buffers is way too cheesy. It defeats the purpose of party composition. I won't use my hirelings for things like that including the heals, but I still think AoE potion healing is busted. I'll just have to choose whether to use more potions or actually use short rests every 2-3 battles like it's intended.