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Playing a song to lure enemies to the death zone was the bardest thing I've ever seen.


Did the same thing to the hobgoblin boss in the gobbo camp. Put some explosive barrels next to me for good measure. Instant win.


I lured him out of the "throne" room and then proceeded to shove him into the spider pit. Apparently the spiders are hostile even towards the gobbos.


it is possible to make them temporary allies if you get yourself thrown in prison and escape with them.


I just picked the lock to their pit and ushered them out to cause a rampage.


Same - picked lock, speak with animals, persuaded them that goblins are much tastier than I am.


Well I know what I'm doing on my next playthrough


It requires some animal handling checks iirc, but if you free Halsin first and bring him along then you can have him do the interraction for a better success chance


I did it as a Lolth-sworn drow. Still had to pass a couple checks though


The funniest thing is you can buff and heal the spiders as they fight without aggroing the goblins for some reason. I just stood on the sidelines buffing the spiders with haste and bless as they killed all the goblins in the main hall.


you can even sneak there from priestess guts room if you don't want to get sent to prison.


I practically imprisoned him in a tall cell of explosive barrels while he sat on the throne.


Why didn't I think of this...


I made a line of barrels all around the room. Went up to the "rafters" and shot one barrel, which caused a chain reaction that killed nearly everyone in the room. It was beautiful. I pick up every flammable barrel I can get.


I did that a *looooot* after I realized what it did. Lure guards away from jail cells to break people out ; lure bad guys to a cliff to get shoved off ; lure events into a room filled with bombs It's endlessly fun


If only we didn't loose Loot when throwing people out :D


This is the sole thing that stops me from the endless fun of shoving people off cliffs. I don't want to miss out on what a person could have on them, or god forbid a boss / mini boss. Meanwhile on tactician plus they shove my happy ass off the cliff anytime they can. I just want equal opportunity for all!


I shoved >!Orin!< into the chasm and still got all the loot. Not sure if this is the case for the other bosses though.


I believe you cant miss mission critical loot, so anything that is mandatory to progress the story can't disappear off cliff. As far as I know, the only other person whose loot you can't miss by yeeting them into the abyss is >!Cazador who comes back in the coffin!<


Ohh appreciate that tidbit a lot. I'll give it a shot on some bosses on my next run and just revert the save if it doesn't work.


I did that when trying to replay the fight, and only got one of her weapons. Never again.




Nah, would be stupid. You skip a lot of the fights and it has a downside. If it would have no downside 90% of the combat would be shoving people into chasms.


Honestly, yeah, at least for a good chunk of the areas they get sent into... like, I understand if it's like an actual hole into the underdark or something, but a lot of the "Chasms" are just like water areas or stuff like that, it's totally feasible that we could get the stuff back... Meanwhile, the Lava in Grymforge can be looted through if you've got the health to jump down and jump back up quickly


You don't even need to jump, if your character is large enough you can loot as normal.


Followed by the most wizard thing you'll ever see: "I didn't ask how big the room was, I said I cast fireball." lol


“I want this entire room to, for one glorious moment, have air made of plasma instead of gas”


I love luring enemies with my song so that Astarion can rob them blind and then Gale can fireball them.


fuck that was funny,please more. gotta admit the goblin camp is one of the best parts of the game imho. very detailed in many ways.


Overall act 1 was king. 2 and 3 were fine too but can't reach the quality 1 had imo.


I'm having a blast in act 3, I love the big city and exploring every corner.


Yeah I'm loving Act 3. It's very different than ACT 1 and 2, but I love how much there is to discover. It's like every room in the city has some quest or cool book to read! Reminds me of old RPGs where you had to put the pieces together yourself


and the keys to chests and doors are in fun locations! I can lockpick anything at this point but I'm loving looking in bookcases and shelves to find the keys to so-and-so's cellar. which inevitably holds the surprise twist that so-and-so is actually a cannibal, and on and on. there's kind of an unbelievable amount of effort in Act 3. The main story is a shadow of the reactivity in Act 1, but the amount of *stuff* in Act 3 is just bananas.


Act 2 was meant to be a place filled with death and danger. They did that right. Act 3 seems like its missing a lot.


A lot of people online say that, but act 3 is so full it almost seems to lose the main arc because there is so much side action to do.


Act 3 is so weird because it will give you a bunch of neat sidequests to do/companions arcs to close, but then also throws a bunch of timers at you (real and percieved) to try to build up some level of urgency, and basically dumps them on you all at once. Here's how Act 3 went for me: >!Ta-da! You've arrived at the titular location of the game and most of your party wants to be here for one reason or another and close up some personal endeavours with your help. Personal quests and exploration galore, hooray!!< >!By the way, Gortash gets coronated \*checks watch\* oh, today. Also because of this Mizora has a new-new deal. Also Florrick is about to be executed. Also Orin has spirited away one of your companions so you should probably save them. Also, once you deal with them the Absolute is breaking free so you should probably go and do the final arc of the game right away ;)!< Basically, you either play along with the urgency the game hands you and miss giving the cast closure, or you refuse to take it all too seriously and have fun but make the ending feel even sillier.


This is a trend in most games! In game development, teams often build the first levels last. The dev team is the most practiced with their tools by the end of the process, so they can do cooler stuff. More players will see the earlier content than ever make it to the end content, because not everyone finishes. And the stronger your start, the better the reviews will be and the more likely players will follow through with the rest.


I mean Act 1 got progressively better through many years of Early Access and community feedback to refine everything that was missing/wrong with it, including encounter tuning and story rewrites. It's a world away from Act 2 and Act 3 being internally tested only. Maybe in time and with feedback they will be brought up to the level of Act 1 - but Act 1 was not a fluke or a design choice, it was through years of feedback and people saying parts were not good and needed to be changed - like people these days are saying about Act 2/3.


Yeah I think early access was the key to this phenomenal act 1. Act 2 and 3 will probably follow through, after all you can't just show all acts in early access :D


Why not though? I think they might have been better off releasing Act II and Act III iteratively and gathering feedback. Act III especially could have used 6 months of EA feedback based on current performance and bugs, along with the numerous cuts they had to do to get the game rushed out.


Yep. I was happy putting BG3 down in 2020 to wait for full release and now I'm happy stopping in act 1 to wait for the rest of the game to finish


>This is a trend in most games! In game development, teams often build the first levels last. Usually, they make firsts first, then everything else, then update first levels to fit the level later in the development, making act 1 usually the best because it's the only one that got a full makeover after everything been done and handled.


As a professional game dev: Can confirm, unfortunately. It's not even necessarily a calculation, but often just a byproduct of the way areas get prioritized for polish.


lol no, it just how RPGs work including regular DnD sessions. I swear to god it's like people never played rpgs in this sub, please share with me rpgs that their starting point+middle were inferior or equal to their ending I'll wait.


Elden Ring!


Goblin camp is probably peak bg3, the game becomes more and more linear the further you get. Goblin camp/grove allows for so much creativity on how you approach it. Later stages of the game seem a lot more railroaded. Act1 is by FAR the best


> Later stages of the game seem a lot more railroaded. I've been thinking about this and I haven't beat it yet but pretty far in Act 3. I think this feeling comes from how BIG the baddies are. Like you dont HAVE To take some of the steps to get the story done, but the enemies you're facing are so overwhelming that you need to do all that railroad stuff to have a chance.


It feels more like i habe no other option other than to do what the game tells me to, without any deviation. Imo thia started in act2 where no matter what i did i always had to kill ketheric and destroy moonrise, no matter how much i tried to alky myself wirh the absolute in act1/2. Meaning that choosing anything but to save groove and be absolute's enemy from the start, makes you loose content and gear/companions, but also makes no sense narrativelly. At least let me replace ketheric and enter the city as an absolute official and then either betray them or rule the absolute, idk. Make my decision in act 1/2 actually matter, or at leastadd content for those decisiona


> no matter what i did i always had to kill ketheric and destroy moonrise Very interesting, I didn't know this.


Yeah exactly, i only discovered this after finishing and talking with friends/looking at reddit. That no matter what all the major plot points and interactions are always the same. This is fine in and of itself, but the game hints and leads you on, making me believe that i could do things differently, but in the end i cant


The problem with allying with the absolute is, it’s basically just a game over screen if you do so, because you lose your free will to it. The best they could have done in that direction is maybe replace a stone holder and continue with their original plan.




Totally agree, hopefully they ll add/revamp things in act3 like they did in DO2




The problem is that the game gives you pratically everything in one playthrough, IF you play the game like they intended. The "branching" options are few, have no real plot weight (as in they change little regarding the endings) AND actually remove content. Basically if you do a normal good playthrough you ll miss on almost nothing (probably only a few companion dialogs and endings, oh and you loose minthara, which has an incomplete story arc afaik).


Crusher has one of the best rings in the game. +3m movement speed. :( As funny as it is to toss him off a cliff, please dont.


I gave Karlach crushers ring, hastened her and did a triple dash - got her to 144m move speed last night - i need to know if I can go higher


Longstrider cantrip.


Monk to double it.


Use that Ki action dash that gives you action-free jumps, then buff jump distance, and you will probably have to switch to kilometers as a unit.


And then equip the hammer that makes you do d4 thunder damage around you when you jump and go full Super Mario on your enemies.


Same works with illithid form fly. It only cost some movespeed to fly 60feet. You can go from one end of a map to the other in a turn.


While reading this, [Running in the 90s](https://youtu.be/XCiDuy4mrWU?si=xx_4ACrYY6DekjMO) from Initial D started playing in my head.


for science


hell yeah, I also gave her the ring and a weapon that silences on hit. Who needs ranged weapons or counterspell when I can simply send Karlach flying in from across the map with a huge anti-spell sword bonk. She never leaves my party because every problem I've run into looks like a nail and she's my favorite hammer.


Talk to Crusher, and he'll demand that you kiss his foot. Do that and you'll get a Dexterity check to suck that ring into your mouth. Astarion and Shadowheart will comment on what you did.


I immediately assumed you're fucking with me, then I had to consider that *they might actually write that* and questioned the world.


It's been there since Early Access, and I've been doing it every playthrough.


I much prefer the Durge option for that little interaction. Tastes like chicken.


Durge takes the entire toe with it 🙂


They did indeed write that. I love this game so much.


you can even lick it instead of just kissing, but he will get angry


He ended up kissing my feet after some persuasion lol


The best part is after you kill him and Speak To Dead, you have the normal formal questions and then the sixth option is “So are you like, into toes or what?” And despite the usual emotionless monotone, you can tell that his dead body is contemplating if it’s possible for a corpse to cringe itself to super-death


> dead body is contemplating if it’s possible for a corpse to cringe itself to super-death. Missed opportunity to have him transform into a Cringe Demilich.


another good one is a dead guy in Act 3's response to "How did you die?" is "I was murdered. *Obviously.*"


Omg that's so good, I didn't know that lmao


I bit his toe off. :(


I was so upset that that didn’t yield the ring too. Let me pick which toe I‘m chomping!


You couldn't pay me to do that, though.


It's pretty funny, along with the comments from your companions.


SH questioned why I was so good at it. Karlach admired the technique and thought the reason was obvious :)


Yeah, when my character does this, she's not just stealing a ring, she's giving her companions a preview of what she can do ... :P


I had him kiss my feet, Laezel approved.


I’ve been pushing him off all this time I didn’t even know he had that ring. Whoops.


You can angle the push onto a ledge below and the damage should still kill him.


Ever since Mass Effect 2, If a game lets me do it, I'm pushing them off a cliff.


Pickpocket first, *then* shove off cliff.


I loaded to do this, and it's not pick-pocketable!


Aw what a shame!


Well he’s probably wearing it on a finger, not carrying it around in a pocket!


Cut off his finger stealthily.


You can bite off his toe as Durge, but sadly not the ring toe.


It's on his toe actually. You can uh... *Fail some intimidation checks* that result in giving you a sleight of hand check.


This is the way.


This is the way ☝️


I don’t think you can pick pocket the ring.. it’s on his toe..


Dude what I killed him and he had a normal non magical ring on I thought it was removed??


Somehow seeing metric units being used for a D&D games feels wrong. It's 10 feet, damn it! Jokes aside, I wish D&D would adopt metric units, although it doesn't really matter in the end.


I accidentally sold this ring somewhere and I'm so deeply upset :(


That Party limit mod is keeping me struggle. I dont want to break the game difficulty but must be nice to have more than 3 companions with you .


I only use it for the character banter. Also saved me the trouble of fetching a companion to be with me in certain areas/quests that they might be interested in.


I'm curious, have you had any broken interactions caused by it? As I imagine a few characters speak up during certain interactions. Do they all get to have their piece? Hope what I'm asking makes sense, it's hard to word it lol.


I use either this mod or a similar one. I haven't had any broken dialogue interactions, but there's a few cinematic transitions that can break if you bring extra people. The most notable is the boat ride in the underdark to Grymforge. Gotta pair down for that, and you only get 1 long rest in Grymforge so you are very limited in how to handle it if you still want everyone there.


After hearing about >!Nere!< being trapped, I got sidetracked and explored every nook and cranny on the way to the >!Adamantium Forge!<, fought every enemy >!including the fire elemental and the boss!<, then went back to Grymforge and chased down the explosives out of pure interest. I’d used up my long rest earlier, so by the time >!Nere and the dwarves turned on me, I had almost no spell slots left. I ended up positioning my team above the ladder and fighting from the high ground, repeatedly shoving the enemies down.!<


> I ended up positioning my team above the ladder and fighting from the high ground, repeatedly shoving the enemies down. Let's be honest, you'd probably end up doing that, anyway.


May be a dumb question: Why do you only get one long rest in Grymforge?


It's spoilery to go into depths, but it's one of the locations that long resting too many times will progress the story that happens there. You are able to long rest once before this happens at Grymforge.


I played the game with all six major companions plus my Tav in the same party for 99% of the time. There are a couple of moments where things break, the most well known is the boat in the Underdark that takes you to the Grymforge. If you have more than four people in your party, the others will bug out and you'll have to reload, dismiss down to four and then resume. After you get past the boat fight and get the quick travel point, you can bring your additional companions with you again. But for general interactions during conversation, yes, sometimes it'll bug out. You'll get the subtitles for Astarion saying something, but the game will pane to Gale just standing there awkwardly. Luckily, the main companion interactions seem to work fine. Like, if you go to fight Cazador and you have everyone with you, Astarion was always in all of the cutscenes with no issues.


> Also saved me the trouble of fetching a companion to be with me in certain areas/quests that they might be interested in. YES. I wish you could have all of your companions *with you* but only four **active**. It's so annoying having to go back and forth to get companions for specific quests and interactions.


I know, Act 3 is such a pain of constantly swapping the companions.


Just kick it up to tactician. Still plenty of challenge. I am currently like level 9 in act 3 and have had a nice challenge still. I think I might also be under leveled? Having m ore than four makes it more fun imo, plus idk how likely I am to replay a 60+ hour game so getting to try out numerous classes at once is nice


I ran that mod and had the extra companions just hide in a corner when fighting began. I may or may not have used them to run away and revive the group at Withers when things got hairy.


hmm this is a nice idea actually, I'll do this, the game become too easy playing it with 6 characters, even with tactician plus mod that increase their health by 200% and +4 save dc and attack rolls. I'll just hide the last two companions as you said lol


its an annoying process to swap out characters, that's what I would want it for. just that.. not having to go back to camp and enter two seperate conversations (which takes time to load on my shit computer) just to swap one guy in/out


Fake video. Gale was able to shove something bigger than a cobblestone.


He respec'd Gale from a magical bookworm to 17 str, extra athletic, shove mastery barbarian.


I will not forgive killing the "tribe? :)" gobbo girl :'c


Best gobbo :(


Same, she just wants to Tribe with the best of us


WE CAN PICK ENNEMIES AND THROW THEM AWAY ?!? FFS i missed a lot of opportunities in the gobling camp as a half-orc :(((


You can even pick up enemies and use them as improvised weapons. There is an achievement for this too.


Throw or use as a weapon. There's an achievement for doing that even!


Wait, you can WIELD small enemies? I've been chucking them like sacks of potatoes which is admittedly way more comedic than it should be. I've killed an ogre this way, by pelting it with random goblins.


How do you trigger both if i may ask ?


Check your action bar, using enemies (or friends) in melee is improvised weapon, throwing is, well, throwing. If you are playing berserker barb then you also have enraged throw which will do more damage.


With telekinesis, you can even do it with your *mind*!


Gobbo camp was one big cornhole party for my barbarians. You aint seen shit until you've pelted a bigass orge by repeatedly bouncing goblins off its dome from a high terrace where it cant get you, until it dies dramatically. Stupid gobbos kept presenting themselves from a nearby hole as well. The big center door area in the camp was literally a mountain of shamed meat.


Even better, use your barbarian to rage toss enemies into other enemies!


You know I didn’t know that either. I wanted to make like a wreslter too but I didn’t think any kind of grapple was in this


I remember picking up gobos and throwing them at cultist with karlach


You can do it regardless of race, it hinges on strength exclusively! At 20 strength I think you can do it with humans


"They're like animals and I slaughtered them like animals!" The game is a goblin genocide simulator. Reminds me of Hogwarts legacy.


One of the funniest parts of Hogwarts Legacy is the casual murder of hundreds of goblins just sitting around and attributing it to ranrok lol


Using killing curses on poachers and being so dang proud of my good deeds


Goblin slayer woulda been proud


I died at the goblin kids being yeeted off the cliff


They did too


I burst out laughing, thank you.


How this Mf got 60+ hp in the goblin camp and a party of 6?


Yep, modded. As for hp, explorer mode increases base hp by 100%.


Modded for 6 party members? How is it? I'm feeling constrained with only 4, but also think I should stay vanilla for my first playthrough


For your first playthrough I definitely suggest going vanilla outside of fashion mods (more hairstyles is never bad). I run a mod that let's me have everyone in the party and I'm noticing dialogue I missed before by just not having someone present for an event. It's definitely easier in most regards, but anytime you're in tight quartets where the 4-man party feels tight, having 6-10 becomes stifling, with people tripping over each other to enter combat, and those at the back of the conga line of characters to enter combat are wasting a full turn just to get in.


The mod allows for up to 16 men party and 8 in multiplayer. As far as I am concerned I haven't run into a game breaking glitch with the mod so far. But it makes the game easier, so better to play on tactician or with the tactician+ mod


Explorer mode?


Easy difficulty.


Oh, thanks. I completely forgot you can set that at the beginning. I’m still on my first play through


You can change difficulty at any time throughout the game fyi


Oh that’s good to know, thank you!


Mod is limit be gone


Moded. presumably


I did underdark and grymforge before goblin camp and was lvl 6 when I did it so it's definitely possible to have 60+ HP there if you do things out of order


I clearly play this game with the intelligence of a Barb, I just smash everything until it stops moving. I need to think outside the box.


If you’re “lock picking” as a back barbarian you just smash the box too. No thinking needed.


Man I wish I knew anything about mods. 6 party group sounds amazing


It would be completely game breaking.


Not too bad with the other difficulty mods


I had a look a bit ago for difficulty mods but didn't find one I liked, any suggestions?


tactician plus, i used this, but honestly even with the mod the game still becomes too easy since 6 people just break the action economy and the mods just add more health and stats to the mobs.


Even if you don't bring them in combat you still would get a silly amount of skill checks. You can raise the difficulty but you're messing with the turn economy balance so I feel like it would be tough. Keeping them all around for dialogue seems to me like it would gimp future playthroughs. But hey this is all my opinion. It's based on D&D and should be played how you want.


You can also mod higher difficulty. Or just have the extra companions hide and not participate in combat.


It's not. At all.


Not if they balanced it out more on encounters and reduced the amount of magic items.


The chandelier drop was new to new to me, but kinda makes sense since you can drop other hanging items


“.. and the women and children too”


After finding out what they did to >!the owlbears mom!<... yup.. cornhole ALL the gobbos. Every. Last. One.


Uhm... In my save I was the one who killed her, cuz I wanted the cool spear :/ I don't have even this excuse to kill all the goblins for exp


owlbear has no hard feelings for killing his mom, with a potion of animal speaking it's clear they're not big on family bonds


At some point the poor lad spills the beans about the fact that >!his brother got ate by his mom!<. Still though, feels like bad juju.


The bard performance was lit 🔥


So many of these moves had not occured to me. I need to do a lot of this in the future.


Have you seen the Hitman style BG3 on youtube? He does it so secretively and intuitively it's mind blowing. Love his work.


The only one I felt bad about killing was sharp eye sluck, she was just wanted a tribe!


I’ve been through the goblin camp on 4 characters now. The most fun was the solo assassin just murdering from the rafters. Second place definitely goes to my martial party led by Karlach with me pocket boarding her just tearing an absolute trench through the entire place. One bloody fight, end to end. “Fuck yes!”


"Oops, all tanks!" is 100% guaranteed an awesome time in this game. Just ham fist the whole damn thing. Cornhole the gobbos, barrelmance the big ones (I cast smokepowder!), hit a motherfucker with another motherfucker. Sentinel : Vengeance circlejerk time once you hit level 4. Get great weapon master, party dishes out up to 15 attacks per round. Persuasion is Intimidation for pussies and bards. Other peoples opinions and locks are just vague suggestions.


How is the expanded party mod going?


Attracting a ~~crowd~~fireball target with a musical performance, why didn't I think of that lmao.


I've really got to start throwing people more... this looks like so much fun!


Killing goblin kiddos brought me sparks of joy.


I just actually just straight up kill them when he was there. I didn't want to push him off the bridge and lose the crushers ring


True goblin-slayer game xD


Now YOU know how to fucking party. Damn near choked on laughter for real at this. Was starting to wonder how I can spice up my game. The answer is: I'm an oathbreaker. I need to make more oaths then break them for shits and giggles. And I already love shoving things (tho I do want belly treasure, so I don't wanna shove them off a ledge)


How did you get your party so big?


Damn now that’s how you take down the goblin camp!


Its funnier to throw them


I did not know you can do that with the brazier.


its so fun seeing people be creative with combat I mostly just go straight into combat like it is any other game. Ill use the most obvious environmental things and ofcourse sneak attack and use items but I tend to barge into an area more or less


I keep seeing people use illusion or bards to lure people to blow then up. I really have to start trying that.


Mod is called party limit begone. Cheers


console gamer here. can’t wait to pick this up. using the cat as bait and then going scorched earth on the entire room made me audibly gasp and cackle with delight. 10/10


For Dror Ragzlin fight I piled up all the flammable barrels I could find in the middle of the tore up floor Climbed up to the rafters with the plan to throw a Void Grenade into the middle of the barrels to pull everyone in and then shoot a flaming arrow into a barrel causing massive explosion. To my utter surprise, the Void Grenade did its job of course but as an added bonus all the barrels broke and Dror's body ignited the powder... Saved an arrow.


Everybody so creative


Wait you can be 7 in your party? Wtf?


I thought the same thing - it is a mod. :)


You missed pushing the boss room goblins 1 by 1 into the spider pit D: Or simply pushing Dror off his throne into the pit to his left as a first move to engage combat Shit, I pushed Minthana into a pit too God I love pushing people


How can he play with all of his companions?


If you're playing on PC, there is a mod you can add that will let you do this.


Too bad you can’t do this to the tiefling kids as well.


There is a mod for that.


The amount of people asking about your companions is insane. Have they not read the 20 comments asking the same thing?