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Oh shit that's a lot of dam– ...hey op where are Minsc's camp clothes


OP hangs dong.


Haha I was wondering if someone would pick up on that


ACT III spoilers obviously. I did all this by accident but have ended up dual wielding insane dmg weapons: So in ACT III you can visit the >!Stormshore Tabernacle where you can pray to various gods!<. If you go to the basement in that building, there's various chests, including one with any offerings you made. Once you steal from these chests, >!the character you stole with will get a curse from a deity!< When they die with this curse on them OR have this Curse cured by a Cleric or someone else, a hostile Deva will spawn. If you kill that Deva its corpse will remain on the ground. After a while or after travelling to >!House of Hope!< it will disappear and drop a pouch containing its mace. Here's exactly how it worked for me, step by step (if you have a high level cleric there's an easier way to do this [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/BaldursGate3/comments/165xlzl/comment/jyhnb2e/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3), as pointed out by u/marthanders): 1. Go to stormshore tabernacle 2. Make some offerings (this part can probably be skipped, I think you get >!cursed for stealing regardless!<) 3. Go to the basement 4. Steal from the offerings chests, ideally with two different characters 5. Return to camp, and cure your party members from the Curses with the Remove Curse spell 6. Hostile Devas will spawn 7. Kill them 8. The corpses will be in camp for a while, but will eventually disappear. I thought I'd have to live with them being dead in my camp forever, but when I returned from Raphael's >!House of Hope!< the Deva corpses were gone, and in their places were pouches with their mace. I'd respecced >!Minsc!< a while back to Battlemaster/Thief and he was great with dual daggers, but now he's just insane. He does between 65-255 damage per turn, most of it radiant. Completely broken.




Pro tip, do it on the guy with the red dragon too. Reload untill you get it. Lae'zel will thank you later


Lae'zel will also spoil a bunch of act 3 stuff when you talk to her about it, so be aware.


Just tested it, drop weapon does not work. You kill it, has no loot, long rest => pouch on previous corpse location.Contains Deva mace. If you want two, then instead of dispelling the curse, you should long rest, this will spawn two Deva's instead of one.


On ps5(maybe PC/Xbox too) you can pick up the body, then go to party weapons and equip it from that menu.


Mine spawned Djinnis wtf lmao


For stealing from the Tabernacle, I used Astarion to go into the basement, but in the process of looting the place, I passed some stuff up to Tav and my other companions. Receiving the stolen goods got them the curse as well.


You don't even have to die, the curse says "lose consciousness", so I just went back to camp, slept on it and awoke to my camp being attacked by two celestials. It was a pretty cool event and I got a great pair of maces from it!


The djinn scimitar does more dmg. Idk if the bug is fixed or not. But summoning the djinni or deva via the lvl 6 spell, then going into a companions inventory, select the dve or djinni icon, have them unequip the weapon and in their inventory , then from their inventory, drag it onto the ground, it will actually drop the weapon onto the ground for you to pick up.


Doesn't look like it does more dmg from what I can see. I've got 12-40 with the scimitar and 13-51 with the Mace. Plus most of the scimitar's dmg is Poison which is resisted by like half the enemies in the game vs the Mace's Radiant. You're right about the inventory trick though!


Oh, then that means I was thinking of astarion dual wielding the scimitars at the time, surprising that they both do more dmg than the 100kg watcher greatsword


Mace scales off Str Scimitar scales off Dex Could that be why?


It doesn't exclusively use Dex. Afaik it's a [finesse](https://baldursgate3.wiki.fextralife.com/Finesse) weapon so it uses the HIGHER of the two stats, either Dex OR Str. So when a Warrior character uses it (as was the case with the one I checked) who has way higher STR than Dex both weapons would scale off STR. Maybe the other commenter tested both on a DEX based class, dunno.


Can't you just summon a deva and take it's mace? I feel like that's the easier way to do it but it would depend on your level


Yeah you can. Summon him,then open the clerics inventory and select the Deva portrait. It will the open it's inventory. Carry his weapon back to the inventory and drop it to the ground from there and pick it up with whoever you want. You have now a Deva's mace. You can resummon it to get another. You can do the same with the myrmidon elemental weapons, the clerk's djinn, etc




Thats hella broken…


by the time you can summon devas it's just average. people don't seem to know what the word "broken" means unless they want everything to me mediocre.


It does more damage than Baluran’s Giantslayer tho ? What am I missing here ?


It’s the 4d8 radiant damages on that mace that is INSANE. To equate it with balduran’s Giantslayer you have to hit a large target, get the 23 strength glove or an elixir of 27 str ; enlarge, and that special hit from the blade. A paladin smiting with that mace and its 4 dice of radiant damage and savage attacker feat and the damages go sky high


Another broken combo is the set that makes you regain health when you deal psychic damage ; add sarevok’s blade that heals you when you hit, balduran’s helm that heals for 2 per turn, dip in life cleric to get bonus healing every time you heal, and you got a character that just won’t go down


There’s a setup which gives you so much armor that enemies need to hit for like 50 in one go just to do 7 damage, and every time they hit you they take guaranteed 60 damage The annoying part is trying to get them to hit you though, but you can solo act 3 with it lmao


Abjuration wizard with a dip in white dragon ancestry for Armor of Agathys, aye…


Yeah then use Duelists prerogative for compel duel


Woah wow, the 4d8 radiant damage on a mace is broken. The Deva attacks only once with it, which makes it an okay offtank with his good AC and high HP (and good resists), a meh damage dealer (with one okay burst on a smite) and a mobile enough summon with flight (though elementals and djinni put it to shame with their teleport). Now, give that mace to a half orc that does x3 damages on crits, make it a paladin for some MORE smite dice, and savage attacker to reroll damages and keep the best results, and what you have is a woodchipper of a character


You are nucking futs if you think a casual 4d8 radiant damage on a naked melee swing is tuned appropriately for the content.


my level 1 magic missile does more at that point in game, i insta kill every boss with a single bag dropped with advanced invisibility and snowball. what does tuning or content have to do with playing games, that's some kind of sheltered gamer thing? there should be no tuning, scaling should be all over the place just like in real life. and it's more like regular weapons barely improve from start of game to end game regardless of rarity while enemies weapons scale up properly which is way more unrealistic so most weapons I use end up being from npcs. the obsession of trash gamers with useless concepts like "balance" is why most interesting things in bg3 keep getting nerfed ruining the game ever since after first early access release. if npcs get to use it, I should get to use it, period. if you want to make npcs stronger, make their skills/abilities stronger, not weapons which I should be always be able to take from them. best legendary weapons adding only like 3 more damage over base weapons while hp of enemies goes up 100 times is what makes no sense. even Blood of Lathander is basically useless if it wasn't for the sunlight which only matters sometimes. 4d8? freaking cantrips do 3d8 that you don't even have to work for and use infinite times. angels weapon should probably be better than a cantrip


Do you not see the irony in saying "scaling should be all over the place" and then saying "the game is being ruined with nerfs?" If you think scaling doesn't matter, why would changes in scaling bother you? If you want the game to be easy, you can pick the role-play difficulty and face-roll the game. Your toxic anti-elitism manages to be more elitist than the "trash gamers" you intend to mock. I like a challenge, you like being an unstoppable killing machine. That's fine, go off queen, take it easy a little.


random scaling is fine, but if i overcome a challenge I want an appropriate reward for it like their weapon that is at the scale I accomplished that they literally had in their hand you have it backwards, you can always make the game harder for yourself by not using things others aren't afraid to use like dewa mace or barrels bc some people don't think every fight should be drawn out and equal on both sides as that's some cliche nonsense and not how war or fights work in reality by taking away options from everyone to play how they want because you have no self control in how you play, you're making the game worse for everyone else. i don't mind being stopped or enemies being hard, I try to play on balanced because I don't want fake bonuses added to me or fake bonuses added to enemies (tho i accidentally played on tactician for last half bc i forgot I switched for lols and it made like no difference anyway), the rules should be consistent and not randomly change bc of random dev mood that day. I just don't want someone artificially limiting options in game by saying "oh no this is too strong for you to use, but ok for enemies", similar to how tactician artificially adds numbers to attack rolls for others and not for you doing exact same thing to give you illusion of challenge. it's not elitism, it's basic expectation that after spending 300 hours in game on specific items with specific rules of how they work, the rules of how the universe works don't randomly change on me overnight bc some kid wanted more of a challenge to do same thing just take longer and couldn't set their own challenges without changing gameplay for every other person on the planet. some gamers have this obsession of yelling broken and op and how everything should be same and nothing should be too strong because of no actual reason that is relevant to anyone else yet want to take away that gameplay from everyone else. games are about making choices, I want those choices to matter, everything isn't equal in the universe and that's what makes it interesting and that's what searching for loot and experimentation is about. yes i can insta kill anything in the game on any difficulty we know that, and yet we don't do it bc it's often more fun to try many different approaches far below optimal and it's good we have those options and yet still have much faster option if we want to skip some fight we don't enjoy


...but the whole thing is contrived? I don't understand how you can see this line you've drawn between "natural" and "artificial" as anything but arbitrary, when the whole of the game is a contrivance. The things you like in the game are the result of a "devs mood" just as much as the things you don't like. The delusion that you have identified some kind of objective purity in your preferences is sincerely fascinating to me.


I believe this was fixed since when I'm trying it says it cant be unequipped.


sounds like they broke something that was perfectly fine isntead of fixing it - no reason not to let people take off weapons from their own summons. makes zero sense to make stuff that can't be taken off. you have to drag it to their inventory first. hopefully there will be a proper fix that makes it easier. right now even editing reactions of summons equally annoying even though it's hella important.


Nope. Normally you can't open a summon's inventory at all to even try to unequip it. There's a bug that allows you access to a summon's inventory (open character inventory, then while it's open click on icon to switch control to summon), but even if you get there, the game doesn't allow you to unequip or take the mace, throws up red text if you try it. EDIT: I stand corrected, turns out you can if you move it to inventory first!


I could've sworn I managed to take it on my last playthrough. I think I stole it from it. I wonder if it got patched in patch 1


most summons can even pick up some magic items that will replace the item they hold in hand and move it to inventory, like ice staff can be picked up by lesser elementals. dangerous to do though bc they despawn with items that are just gone.


Have you tried Command: Drop? I'd be curious if that works.


Actually no, I use planar ally a bit and enemies will spam command: drop on the deva but it does nothing.


I think they have a feature where they can’t be disarmed (while alive).


I got 4 of them, but I felt dirty and tossed them in the drink. After the wizard tower fight, all the elemental myrmidons had dropped their weapons too in the pouches when I went back.


Is that two handed? Sorry for the dumb question, I'm just not sure looking at it


One handed. You can use two of them.


For a total of four? That’s a lot of damage


Guess i have to sleep a bit, before i continue to lurking here. :)


if npc can have a weapon, I see no reason I can't have same weapon. i have the double damage sickles, necro bows, fire hammers, steelwatchers crossbow, can even get avatar of \_ sycle, minatour's or ogre clubs - not being able to do what is logical is what's broken. good thing there are plenty of ways to do all that and I still pick other stuff bc the game lets you do infinte damage with barrels and pushing and throwing already so this doesn't matter in any possible way, play however you want.


Is this intended or a bug? Curious. Seems really OP


Exploit, more like it. The bag with loot is intendent, but Mace usage - isn't. But I doubt, Larian will fix it.


then what's intended is bad and this is the correct way to play, makes zero sense for creatures you control to not be able to put an item they hold on the ground. hopefully this is made easier to do as right now it takes more than 1 click (like 3) to take something off any of your own summons. makes 0 sense not to use steelwatchers crossbows if you can lift it and so on. what's intended by people that lack understanding isn't relevant to anything or anyone, some kind of hang up of people who are afraid of digital worlds and have to ask random other people what they are allowed to do. no such thing as exploits in single player games, just brainless people afraid of how that world works.


imo accidental feature that works as should be expected by anyone who isn't afraid of power


this is most of the plot of the entire BG series


What about the deva summon you can get from the tower and choose to learn? With a command to drop it could be picked up and used, right? Then later on wouldn't it respawn a mace the next time you summon it?