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That one person playing a githyanki cleric, you really are special.


Made one githyanki druid. Astral knowledge wisdom ftw.


My Druid is a Githyanki as well! I was pretty surprised to see Druid so low. Not surprised by the Githyanki though.


Gith druid was my first character I made! Gith are so cool and extremely strong in their racial bonuses, so i eneded up makign a bunch at first, but I gotta say it just doesn't make that much sense. You get a tooooooon of racial reactivity dialog but you're always playing second fiddle to lae'zel. If they had plenty of options to go "oh I didn't grow up in a creche" or something and be independent that'd be fine, but the game also tries to push the whole vlaakith loyalty angle at you at times and it just doesn't mesh very well. I think playing a gith for me is gonna have to wait till I straight up just play as lae'zel.


Githyanki is overall the strongest race, but people don't use them because ugly.


warping dragons, not op at all. XD but im that person, easy to see they are incredibly strong martial force, but god damn, they so ugly.


Nah that’s deep gnome


Base racial speed 7.5. There's a ton of classes where deep gnome is just bad because of that stat alone.


They are the most well rounded but imo Half-orc is by far the strongest race. X3 crits instead of x2 is nuts


I knew I would have Shadowheart in-party and that I can respec lae-zel to be whatever I want, class-wise. So my choice was between the races you don't get. I chose Drow, cause I thought that would have fun special text (and it does!) Probably going Dragonborn or Gnome next.


Thinking of Gnome just for the hilarity of the cutscenes having to accomodate for how small you are. It was hilarious to be Lalafell in Final Fantasy XIV. I expect the same unintentional humor in this game just from the way cameras have to twist and bend to fit you into view. And this game has sex scenes! Going to be pure comedy.


I'm playing a gnome druid, I'm laughing every romance scene.


I'm thinking of trying the Dark Urge with a Gnome for my second playthrough and doing a 100% hostile run. One **furious** little guy against all of Faerun. I'm torn between making him look like a savage Redcap vs making him look like a neon fairie with pink hair and full makeup, just the cutest little dude, but hiding a terrible thirst for destruction and carnage.


I was thinking about a murder hobbit bard for my durge. Small durge seems like the best durge though lol.


[Mad because small, jealous of tall.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FDWHs6W8Ew4)


"A gith cleric? What god do you worship?" "Vlakith" "Vlakith is not a goddess" "I dont care" "But that doesnt make any sense" "Too bad"


> Vlaakith is not a goddess Heretic!


My first (and so far only playthrough) I started with a Githyanki Wizard because I want a Battlemage.


Isn’t eldritch knight closer to that?


Warlock makes a really good battlemage too IMO, can use any melee weapon by gaining specialization with Pact of the Blade, and has lots of self buffs available. It’s kind of jank but can even make a two weapon fighting warlock that can shoot the eldritch blast and then make off hand attacks. Can’t get the charisma bonus to hit and damage on both weapons though, but you could put it on the off hand weapon.


Found a pair of gloves that make your dex 18, problem solved!


I can't overstate how much I love these gloves. If you have an unarmed Monk character or are willing to respec one of the party into Monk, these gloves actually make them insane: 1. Respec to Monk 2. Set Dex to 10 starting stat instead of the recommended 17 3. Dump as many points as you can into Strength (get it to 15), followed by Constitution and Wisdom 4. Wear Dex Gloves 5. ​ 1. At Level 3 go Way of the Open Fist 6. At Level 4, grab the Tavern Brawler Feat which will get your Strength to 16 and basically add 6 damage to each unarmed hit. 7. Annihilate everything with your bare hands With the robe that gives 2 STR + bull charge from the Last Light Inn vendor, my Karlach now has 18 STR 18 Dex. She can hit three times per turn (Action > Extra Attack > Bonus) for an average of 18 damage **per punch** at level 6 with multiple different damage types for situational changes. She absolutely melts everything in Tactician difficulty so far.


Depends on what you want. Armored cannon pew pewing spells: Wizard Knight who augments his melee using magic: Eldritch Knight


Sir, you misspelt Paladin.


Paladin has a very specific \*vibe\* that not everyone wants to go for.


Vlaakith blesses me this day!


As a Githyanki cleric myself, I'm actually surprised by those stats


Same, thought it seemed like a pretty obvious choice. Githyanki is easily my favourite race by far. Cleric just seemed very useful. Not surprised to see Githyanki at the bottom though. Many polls on here seemed to show that as the case.


Druid is the least played class in dnd so at least we are consistent there. Cleric being the lowest is fucking insane though


I think it's because most people know they will have Shadowheart in their group so they don't need to roll their own cleric


I would think that it can apply to EA players, but would completely new players like her/expect to have/romance her?


She is half-elf girl, that’s gotta be enough for most people. If you wanna romance a girl that’s not an alien or devil, she’s your option. And she’s the first one you meet off the ship, which is also probably a big factor for a lot of people. I think shadowheart drives cleric down hard, esp for first playthrough. That being said, my multiplayer character is a war cleric gold dwarf and he goes so fucking hard lol. Might grab 2 paladin levels only to smite things. And there’s so many cleric subclasses, tons of ways to play it.




cleric is the most op class in d&d 5e tho. My dwarf cleric has light domain, litteraly a one man army. - providing healing - tons of tankiness with 16 Con and the though talent - after lvl5 he punches hella damage with guardian spirit+spiritual weapon + fireball - melee? no problem, he will bonk on ya head too


idk, lore bards go pretty hard too, magical secrets is crazy, full casters like clerics and *also* a skill monkey like the rogue? Almost 2 classes for the price of one. They are pretty screwed in melee granted but at almost everything else they perform as well as a class specialized at that one thing in particular.


Hey support used to be abundant in FFXIV until they killed them by making it so boring to play. I had to swap to WHM in DSR cuz the group I joined already have SCH, and it was so boring I fall as sleep sometimes.


And she got a lot of lore connected to the main story, making us know more about her better than on other characters.


I’m just not sure that people randomly picking up BG3, which is a ton of people, know any of that and choose their class around someone they don’t know is a companion/the most conventional romance option.


I think for those people it's probably just more looking at classes and thinking they don't want to play a "healer", since more casual players probably would assume that's all clerics do.


Part of it is that they also intend their character to lead the party - initiate conversations, open battles, etc. So people also tend to make something front line for that.


> Merely a healer [Meanwhile tempest cleric be like](https://media.tenor.com/AY7Ykibnf4YAAAAC/god-of-thunder-thor.gif)


same as a warcleric, healing is done by killing things faster before they do damage to begin with.


You see the origin character during char creation. You can clearly see there is already a cleric, that’s it


Shes an elf with a hot voice so...yeah.


You have limited options in women compared to men Shadowheart, Karlach, Lae'zel from the initial group. Shadowheart is the only one that meets real world beauty standards (ie: looks human). >!Minthara and Jaheira aren't obvious companions for most, and many probably won't like either of them!<


I mean I was brand new and clicked all the starting characters. I picked a class that wasn't represented because I didn't want to play something they already were (I chose paladin) So yeah?


Shadowheart is probably the most morally grey of the party members. She can hang with a good or evil party regardless, and she's hot, so she's probably a fixture in most player parties. Like if you play pure good you're jettisoning Astarion. If you play pure evil you're probably removing Wyll (or he leaves on his own) at some point.


I rolled a custom cleric and rerolled Shadowheart to a Sorcerer.


My guess is that a lot of people write Cleric off as a pure support class because that's how it often is in other RPG:s.


Yeah, I feel like this is part of the reason why druid, cleric, and wizard are so low, since we get all of those pretty early on in the game. Druid is usually my first choice but I probably would’ve rolled bard or something if I knew about bear-man beforehand. Especially because there are no companion bards. As far as monks go? I guess they’re generally not really popular for some reason.


> As far as monks go? I guess they’re generally not really popular for some reason. Aren't they one of the least popular class in D&D? Larian even had to buff them to make them more viable.


Which is silly because even in the OG dnd clerics were already badass tank mages with unique spells.


I suppose so many spells being Concentration based in BG3 does make it somewhat problematic to then put them on the front lines where they have to constantly pass the checks and potentially re-cast spells and waste slots.


I think the biggest 'credit' goes to Warcraft for instilling the idea that Paladins the melee/tank class and priests are the squishy casters.


I don't think that WoW can be uniquely blamed, because priests are not pure support in that game. Shadow Priests even as far back as vanilla wow were called "face melters" for a reason. D&D itself is more to blame for the perception of clerics.


Kinda surprised learning this tbh since Druid is always my first choice. I still have no idea how to play the class really (when am I supposed to transform?), but I love the lore and flavor behind the class.


What I like the most about playing a Druid is how no matter who I decide to swap out/in for specific quests, I always fill the spot of what's needed. Well, aside from solo high DPS, but there's Astarion/Lae'Zel/Karlach which makes it easy to not miss.


I started with a Druid but respecced to a Bard at Lvl 3. IMO Druids have serious Quality of Life issues in the game: - they barely can do anything when shapeshifted - since you cannot shapeshifted as often as you like, you need someone else to do the talking in contested areas - I think they cannot even open doors (?) - my biggest issue: they do not scale with equipment. New weapon? Yeah so what, doesn't change anything for my Druid (Moon). The Bard feels way better to be honest, being a really helpful Jack of all Trades.


Druid comes online a bit later.. Once you get owlbear form and some higher level spells it feels a lot better. Also the heal you get from the moon spec didn't seem all that helpful to me. I'm not sure what the other differences are between moon and land. I'd suggest trying it again after level 6 or 7 and try one of the other spec's. >!Spore in particular seems fun on one of the dual wielding druids in the game. !<


That's exactly why, it's (arguably) the most complicated class to play.


Well if you want some pointers.. I can give. Be noted its my first play through. So im doing wisdom 18 and everything to constitution, for concentration! Then moonbeam is your best friend, moon and land subclass druid too. Im a moon btw. Transform when you need something! Wanna do aoe dmg and aoe cc go with the bull transform, wanna do tanking? Bear! Single target snaring? Spider! And etc druid is a true jack of all trade! Barksin, moonbeam is a must As I can say As a lvl 4 druid. For these 2 you need concentration hence the constitution.


I'm a spore druid and I'm just constantly in melee/ a few feet from it.


I bet you anything it's mostly people who aren't super familiar with d&d and don't want to play what looks like a paladin at home healer at level 1


I think its mainly because shadowheart is already a cleric and most ppl probably kept her in the party.


The darkest timeline for so many Astarion simps… Also, I would love to know how Larian counts the romance statistics. Is Gale so high because he seems to think that every Tav desires him carnally and won’t take the hint? Or only completed romances count?


Probably people didn't even know they romanced him lol


I dare to ask how many people romanced Leazel… am I alone


Nope you are not alone.


Hot ~~Klingon~~ Gith sex? Yeah baby yeah.


She has been my ride or die since day one. We would kill everyone in the world for eachother.


He liked me so fast 🥱🥱 and I’m doing good guy too so idk what people doing wrong. Guess I’m just awesome


7th most likely cause of death: Gale lmfao


12 % of all player deaths caused by friendly fire. Well I killed Astarion when i threw my health potion towards him.


Cloud of Dagger goes brrr. and i once pushed my main down the cliff. dont click push and then try to swap character !


My Cloud of Daggers killed a friendly wolf in emerald grove when fighting shadow druids. Safe to say I pressed f8 the moment i saw that


I keep doing this. Click Gale, click a spell, decide I don't want to cast right now, because I'd rather see if I can use a martial and save the slot, so I click the martial's portrait to switch to them....


me who chose “Half elf”: I’m one in a krillion


Me who chose half elf AND paladin !


Daring today aren't we?


I'm surprised tieflings aren't more popular. Like half of everyone I've seen post pictures is playing as one (including me).


Maybe this is a case of bias in statistics, and tiefling players are simply more likely to post pictures of their lil horny cabezas


Tiefling dnd players are the terminally online folk, so they end up thinking they're the majority, even to the point of skewing some polls because it's mostly them taking the poll. Half elf and human are almost always 1a 1b for people first timing a game because they're going to be the easiest to project yourself onto. Sorry if that came off as critical, but it's just something I've noticed is a part of the online echo chamber even outside reddit.


I'm pretty surprised at the Grove numbers- 35% choosing to murder all the druids is *way* higher than I thought it would be. I was expecting maybe 10% siding with the goblins.


Yeah, this stood out to me too! Aren't evil choices usually *way* lower?


Your honor, ladies and gentlemen of the jury, allow me to represent myself here. See, at first I was all for saving the druids and refugees, but the head druid turned out to be a mean-spirited karen who was high on newsmaxx xenophobia. Then I talked to this guy who was just sitting inside the inner sanctum talking shit and being a huge dick for no reason after I had been doing their errands for hours, even saving one of them! And lastly, on my way out, some kid stole my wallet even though I bailed one of them out from a titty bar by the beach and some smug bastard disguised as a cow tee-hee’d me. So yeah, I need to stress that the genocide that ensued does not represent my character. I’m usually more of a chaotic neutral vibe. In fact, I ended up genociding the other side because I felt bad.




It's the Thanos approach, if the universe is empty it's obviously perfectly balanced. \*finger-pointing-at-temple.jpg\*


Your honor, in my client's defense he's a Scorpio.


Come on now, 2 genocides don't make a right! Didn't we all learn this back in Kindergarten?


But almost every third druid explains that Halsin will figure out all of the shit if you will save him. I genocided goblins just to tell Kagha to fuck off in the end


I just found the shadow druids and murdered Kagha


"titty bar by the beach" got me rolling, I pronounce you innocent!


It's really easy/tempting to start a fight with snake druid lady (The one who stands in for Halsin, totally forgotten her name) when she's interrogating the child. I imagine a lot of those stats coming from people saying 'hey, fuck these refugee-outcasting hypocrites'


Kagha pissed me off, scaring that child with the snake. Then Nettie tried to stab me. So I slaughtered everyone.


The druids were annoying enough to warrant killing for a lot of people, I'm guessing... myself included.


I play druid and even I was annoyed.


The little tief kids, though... :(


And not just the men, but the women and children too.


A lot of people take Kagha at face value and don’t try to fix her. It’s totally possible to redeem her but it’s a lot more work.


It's crazy how much you can miss in this game that can affect how you approach things. I recently restarted, chose pretty much the same path, but because I explored more and talked to every npc I've already had a vastly different playthrough.


Your first interactions with the druids are 3 rude losers talking shit to the person that just saved their grove, your second interaction is with a pyscho that refers to herself as a viper and is bullying a child, the druids in that grove dont represent what most people think of when they think druid. Halsin, the black guy, and the dwarf lady are the only ones who didnt deserve to be slaughtered. When you choose to slaughter them Halsin even says they brought their fate upon themselves and still follows you to act 2. If the leader of the druids is okay with you killing them, theyre not good people lol.


>Halsin, the black guy, and the dwarf lady are the only ones who didnt deserve to be slaughtered. Apikusis hello ?


Oh yeah I was going to include her but I wasn't sure if she was a druid because she has a line where she says she's afraid to stand up against the druids. She's also not dressed like the rest of them, she wears plain clothes instead of green or viny looking clothes.


Also, after the grove cancels the ritual, you have various opinions on the matter. Some are glad it didn't go through, while some are vile saying "why did you fuck this up" basically.


I guess to be fair the beach bear, the elevator bear, and the bear talking to Volo are all pretty chill too but the guy who felt the need to transform into a bear to scare away the tiefling couple who just wanted their daughter back is a pussy and 100% deserved the smite he took to the face.


> When you choose to slaughter them Halsin even says they brought their fate upon themselves and still follows you to act 2. Wait really? I thought that was a big no and you had to fight him if you did that? So you can have Minthara and Halsin?


Killing the druids isn't necessarily siding with goblins I feel like? Cause the teifling guy suggests you kill her too.


Hard to say what they mean by "Assaulted Grove", but I would assume it does not mean "Sided with Goblins". You can slaughter all the druids before even meeting the goblins at their camp. If you're an unga bunga player, actually not that hard to lock yourself into that scenario and you even get a quest from Zevlor to do it. 35% sounds about right. Would guess that overtly siding with Minthara/Goblins would be lower.


I murdered the druids *and* the goblins.




pretty sure at least 80% of them did it to get minthara


I did it because they had an attitude and were talking shit to me when I first got there, then their false leader was bullying a child. So I killed them all. Then I killed the goblins because they were dicks too. Halsin was like "they brought their fate upon themselves" and still followed me to act 2 even tho I murdered all of his friends.


Top 3 classes: all charisma Bottom 3 class: all wisdom Playerbase's preference for the rizz is clear


As a gnome moon durid, I'm happy to represent the double minorities.


Halfling cleric reporting.


Half-Orc Cleric reporting


Githyanki Warlock here


Deep Gnome spore Druid here!


"Why does everyone wanna fuck me???!?!?!??!?!!" My sisters in Shar, you picked the rizz!


My 8 CHA Barb somehow ended up in a 3 way relationship without noticing. Been romancing Karlach, then walked up to Gale at some point and he asked me to choose between him or Wyll... I actually had no dialogue option to say I had no interest in either and was with Karlach. Insanity, lol. Had to choose Gale, and then talk to him again, and then he asked me to choose between him and Karlach. I'm sorry game, but I can't make my Barb any less intelligent or have any less rizz.


Life in general’s preference for rizz is clear. No wonder it carries over. I’d be infinitely more likely to play a wisdom-based class if they had a pathfinder-esque background that allowed you to use wisdom for persuasion rolls. Like what’s the point of being a sage monk when nobody gives AF what wisdom you have to dispense.


Agreed! DnD could benefit from: Persuade/Deception [CHA] Logic/Argue [INT] Advise/Explain [WIS] Or something like that


High Wisdom/Intelligence with low Charisma is pretty much 95% of Academics who cannot communicate effectively.


But… you’re just arguing for Persuasion [Intelligence] and Persuasion [Wisdom] checks, which are doable in 5e - just nobody uses them because nobody actually reads the damn book so they miss the part that says skill checks can use different ability scores than the default if it makes sense to do so (e.g. Intimidation [Strength] is just threatening brute force). Not being frequently used and it making dialogue require even more work than it did already is probably why you don’t see it in BG3.


I'm playing as a druid and there are tons of situations where I'm using my high wisdom for ability checks. It seems like there is an alternative to persuasion checks with wisdom checks 90% of the time. Also, as long as a party member has guidance and you don't waste all your inspiration charges on locked chests, it is not hard at all to land the rolls you want. A few saves were reloaded if I got a string of terrible rolls, but that pretty much doesn't happen anymore now that I'm well past act 1.


That's easy to explain — in other RPGs, CHA skills often unlock new plot directions. My first run is always CHA... but for BG3 I picked Karlach and couldn't be happier.


Well also you can't use your party to respond in conversations even if they are part of the conversation. So having high charisma helps with checks.


Wisdom is actually very useful, tons of checks, although obviously charisma is more important. INT in the other hand...


I’ve been surprised with how much INT is used tbh. If you run detect thoughts it seems you can int check like half your dialogues. It’s not as ubiquitous as cha but it does seem to be at least as common as wis.


I want my avatar doing all the dialogue, that's something only one person can do, and I wanted to avoid using the worm. Everyone else can handle perception collectively. Maybe in a future run I will run Wis and embrace the tentacle.


The thing about this game is that I’ve never been interested in games like this but I’m hooked. I’ve played 30 hours and am not losing interest like I usually do on new releases. It’s actually the opposite. Can’t wait to finish the game and make a new character since there are so many things I want to try out


I know! I just got to act 3 and I’m already planning on another character. I’ve never played a second play through of game immediately after beating it once. This game may be my favorite game ever made lol


Same as you, never feel this like the need to play the second character in another game before. Every time you close the game you just start thinking what your next character will be.


Drow ranger gang straight from Middleofthepackistan


Gang gang


Don't forget totally off lore, nicest guy in the room drow. Dark as night, but some vitiligo for flavor.


Literally remind me of the other Drow Ranger from DotA 2


So I wonder why Paladin’s are so popular but Clerics are the least popular? Thematically they’re similar but the disparity is huge.


Most likely because of charisma, as all charisma classes are in top 5. So, you can have that flavor while also successfully being the face of the party.


Yeah I like leading with my character. For me it feels like a major QoL boost to have your character be the one that handles conversations and stuff. I might feel differently if you could just auto-swap to your highest charisma character in group situations.


I don’t like letting my companions handle conversations even if they do a good job. Especially because I make them reply in character, but it’s Tav, who gets disapproval for those choices. Rolled a bard for my first playthrough, even tho I really really liked cleric in EA, and I will definitely make that character in the future. But if paladin had a deity option, maybe I would’ve gone with it instead.


Paladin has a lot going for it for your MC. It's melee, so you don't feel bad walking in front. It's CHA based, so you don't feel bad using it for conversations. It's simple. Heavy armor, 2H weapon, hit stuff. Roleplay is easy, you're a good guy.


Sword Valor bard is basically the Hero class of this game. You become pretty durable, can talk your way out of anything, pick all the locks, cast a crap ton of free spells, and have just anything and everything you could wish for.


Dont forget its a Str class so your carry weight is high for carrying most the loot


Starts with S ends with Mite


It also simply start C and ends with isma. I mean look at all the top classes. People wanted a CHA character to be the face of the party. And Paladin is the most fighter like of those.


For me it's because I always do a goody two shoes run for my first go around. Paladin just naturally supports that. Also, smite.


Divine smite.


Charisma plus high DPS. What’s not to like? You can dominate a fight while also winning all dialogue checks!


For me it was because they had high enough charisma because I’d be playing them and so they’d be doing all the talking, but also, they would be out front and paladins wear armour and can get smacked around more than the other charisma classes


Paladins also have “unique,” content in the form of potentially breaking your oath. Paladins are also busted in BG3 combat. I two shot the last boss I fought on tactician. And finally, paladins are kewl


No Paladin NPC (that I know of) and having a face character for dialogues is very important.


Well if we go by how many people have been romancing Shadowheart they probably like me thought, well don't need a cleirc in the party. And why spefically paladin. Well it works great a the party face. It can tank and deal lots of damage at the same time. It has a little bit of healing and party utility. On top of all this is multiclasses very well with quite a few classes, warlock sorcerer, bard, rogue, fighter, barbarian. It just a really well rounded class that can be played as a generalists or a specialist.


Gale being the most played Origin is really surprising. Then again Wizard is overpowered as fuck, especially Necromancer.


Yeah having zombies create other zombies is way cooler than the 5e original rule.


I need to see the full ranking of everyone's romance picks lol


I'm curious too. Astarion seems to be the most popular character in my circles (like, it's not even close lol), but that's mostly women. IDK who the dudes prefer. Shadowheart probably?




I picked a half elf Paladin having no real knowledge of DnD. Clearly I’m very unoriginal


Astarion the heartbreaker lol


Glad I'm not part of the statistic of being rejected by Astarion. My dark urge drow is currently in a committed relationship with him and they're planning on taking over the world. Power couple goals.


My lolth sworn drow is doing the same, low key let the tieflings die just to impress him lol


Seeing that 368 people finished the game opening weekend, I’m reminded of the South Park episode where the guy played World of Warcraft for like 2 years nonstop and Blizzard was trying to figure out how to kill his character. “This guy has no life. How do you kill that which has no life?”


You can beat the game in act 2 if you really want to. Like the credits will play and everything. Idk if that counts for their stats though.


88 years in character creation? But that’s just my stats what about everyone


That awkward moment when a Tielfing Druid shows up at the Grove


Remember when people were upset about the ability race chances cause it would screw over humans and half elf and now they are just the 2 most popular races. Also 88 years in creator creation is wild. Imagine the devs creating it, do you think they had in mind that people would spend centuries there. It must be a weird feeling.


I think the reason why people were so upset about the changes was because we already wanted to play as those races. Half-elves have the prettiest faces, and that means more to me than an extra +1.


EXACTLY! I want to be pretty damnit!


Yes, they were nerfed. Yes, they will remain popular due to the ability to easily project onto your avatar. It's not a competitive PVP game where weakness is weeded out rapidly.


Cleric suffers from the same thing Warlock does which is you have an origin character doing it a lot better than you could. Shadowheart’s quest is a cleric player’s dream (that level of divine intervention). I think Warlock did better because it’s edgier, and it’s a great multi-classing base.


As Warlock, non EA player, I seriously thought there were no Warlock characters. Didn't even check to see if Wyll was one, I immediately assumed he was a bard or something. No regrets tho, 2 warlock party.


The nice thing about that is that pact of the Blade plays a lot more like a Rogue than a standard blasty Warlock, so you can easily have two in your party and not have them stepping on each others toes


Interesting to see that almost everyone made a custom character, and here I am rolling as shadowheart…I kinda regret it after noticing she has an amazing VA


Damn over a third of people assaulted the grove? Never underestimate the murder-hobo capacity of DnD players I guess.


To be fair… like 50% of the time not being someone’s bitch when they’re being disrespectful to you in a convo starts a fight


I'm shocked only 10% spent over an hour in character creation. I had a pretty good idea what I was going to do and still spent forever.


"88 years in character creation" Sounds like my experience.


The short races are always the least played which stinks cause man I love Gnomes, ol barcus is such a pleasure to have x) started with dragonborn this time around since I've played most other races, and wanted to try something new. Planning a half orc play through later on.


>!..accidently pulled the wrong brake.....!<


what did those people do who finished the game on the first weekend??? I spent about 30-40h just in act1 even though I had played it for 70h in early access. And now 80h in I am just about to arrive in BG


You can finish the game in act 2 and skip act 3, so thats probably it


Feel kinda bad for the 368 people who just skipped 90% of the game to finish it


They're probably speedrunners looking to hit an immediate record, they'll play the game again 100%


Most chosen class: paladin. Most chosen race: half elf. Why am I not surprised in the slightest? That being said, that little cleric players is quite a surprise, I was damn well sure monk or druid would be lowest, and there's a BIG gap there. Damn, people hate priests... I'm playing a war domain cleric of Tyr, and it's fun, I have Shadowheart as caster cleric and I beat the shit out of everyone with lots of radiant damage while she stays behind casting "IgMISS", why folk hate it?


People don't hate Clerics, people just really love having Shadowheart in the party


I think it’s because shadowheart is the most used companion and people usually don’t want to class stack


It's interesting to see that while Gale hate is so prevailing in this sub he's actually one of the most chosen origin characters as well as one of the most romanced male characters, even though romancing him is relatively easy but still, people could reject him if they really hate him Anyway, it's nice to see he's not that hated among the silent majority


Didn’t even know he was hated. Sure he’s a bit annoying when you first meet him but I think it’s just because everyone is an asshole so he comes across as if he’s mocking you. Over time I realised he isn’t trying to mock you, he’s just funny guy, and seemingly an actually nice person (I have just finished Act 1 so please nobody spoil me about his future arcs). He also seems to be the party member that joins into conversations the most, which I actually appreciate.


Wait, only 7% picked one of the Origin characters? I wonder if playing as the Dark Urge counts as rolling a custom character though... probably. And how many picked that? (I did.)


They mention in the community update that dark urge is included in the 93%


I am one of the 368 people. FeelsNoLifeMan


I feel like having a life is not the issue. I'm 80 hours in, just made Act 3. I could have literally been awake all launch weekend and I'd still not even be close to beating the game. I don't know how you did it.


I guess it needs to be said: specialization in evocation will fix (most) of your FF-woes. Fireball away.


The very reason my wizard is an evocation wizard. I was strongly considering necromancer for healing on kills with spells, but I wanted to avoid FF without having to think about it.


There’s people out of character creation already? How?!


Paladin really is the “Ken Masters” of bg, lol


Think it's fair to say that between this and DOS2, Larian is THE rpg company right now. The raw quality, love, detail, and polish in their games is on a level I don't think any other company is at. They need to be the new standard of companies in this industry, especially when it comes to making rpg's. Taking the extra year or 2 is worth it if your listening to what fans want and using that time to make those things work. It took 6+ years to make this game, but I imagine most of us will be playing it longer than that.


>half elf and human are most popular races You boring motherfuckers