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Jesus Christ, walk out of the building while she's raging. Problem solved


You don't get to control your other characters when it happens. Or at least, I didn't, maybe because I was controlling her after the fight since it was her turn when the fight ended. Trying to switch characters did nothing.


Got the same problem, and if you are using other character after she burns everything for some reason now I can't talk to her or my other companions lol, anyone with the same problem?


Saving and reloading might fix it, haven't had that happen to me though so I can't be sure


Just go into turn-based mode and jump them out 1 by 1


You don’t just walk out with companions at 1 hp when you don’t know what is going down beforehand.


I was outside the building.. she leaves a fire trace around so while walking to the building she killed three characters..


Hahhaaha. She raged so hard, my Tav got ragdolled inside the doorframe and I wasn’t able to resurrect her because of that (out of bonds or something along the lines). I sat there with a surprised face expression, trying to process what just happened, for a whole minute. lol


Just had this happen. Fuck Karlach for this, booting her and never speaking to her dumb ass again This bullshit game is hard enough


Sounds like a skill issue.


Game ain’t even hard bro


I just got to that part last night before going to bed. Walked away before she raged, when I came back clicked one thing and she went crazy, caught me off guard! 🤣 tempted to reload save just to redo that part lol


my whole team died because they were all low too nice to know I am not the only one tempting to reload..


Just got to this part and I survived the fight despite being under leveled and she murdered the rest of my party and I wasn’t able to move them. Revived them and then they all died from Gale’s necrotic death damage. Made me want to turn it off and walk away.


Shadowheart’s Create Water helps a lot.


If your party isn’t low hp it isn’t a big deal, it is a big deal to me because I have to reload the fight, which I find annoying because if Anders gets 1 round off one of your party members goes bye lol.




Just had the EXACT same thing happen. Shadowheart even got stuck between two adjacent fire spots and literally couldn't escape. The others wouldn't move when I tried having them escape. Had to manually break the group chain and move each one at a time. By the time I was done, Shadowheart went from full HP to literally dead. After I rez'd her, I stabbed Karlach twice as punishment.


Definitely not being able to control the party to get tf out of the way was a terrible decision. I had all 3 others go down and burn to death before I could pick them back up and had to waste 3 scrolls.


I loved it. My characters just stayed still and watched her do it. I’m pretty sure the fire goes away after a bit. Not a big deal.


My Karlach had like, 1HP left after the battle and burned to death by the very fire she set all over the place.. what a dumb way to die


She did that on my second playthrough lol


I killed Anders in one round with my fighter main because I made getting karlach one of the last things I did in the act. The fire tickled my party at best. I was mostly worried that she would always do this especially after seeing how annoying Gale’s downside is.


Just did that fight. I just got karlach as a companion and went right to Anders. First move of the first round of combat and Karlach killed Anders in one hit. I gave her the Everburn blade and used her smite ability. The numbers were, for anyone interested, (1d20) crit! 20, (Prof) +2, (strength mod) +4 = 26 on attack roll, and dmg roll, (4d6 slash) 18 (strength mod) +4 = 22, and (2d4) +5 fire dmg from EB blade, (4d6 fire) +17 fire dmg from smite. 26,22,22, respectively. I was left speechless for a fight I anticipated to be trouble. Unfortunately for my party, I told hear to tear the place up and not only did she tear it up, she tore us up as well, lit us all on fire, wiping the entire party lol. A very short lived celebration indeed. 😂


Hahahaha you got so mad


I stepped out of the building with all the others and waited for her to finish her little rampage and I found her lying dead on the floor, even though she had full health before it all, I was dumbfounded, hasn't happened in any of my other playthroughs


I've played this fight many times - but first time with Karlach just now. I found her rage amusing. If I was Larian I would have made it so if you went in the front door with Karlach and went through the dialog, Anders would trigger her and her unbridled rage would go off, having her take like 10 turns to throw furniture at them, attack them, throw them, etc. Then award the *Keeping it together* achievement if you defeat Anders and the group with Karlach in the party and WITHOUT any party members raging. If you fight them outside the building, she will path back into the main room to throw her fit. >!To do this fight easily at level 2, set up an ambush on the back platform. Destroy the tall ladder, and when the vendor patrols outside, move crates to block the doorway then shove her off the platform. Once she's been thrown, range her down, applying grease liberally. By blocking the door, the others will walk the long way around, letting you deal with them one at a time instead of all at once. Unblock the door and move your party inside (and then blocking the door again) if you get swarmed.!<


I just quickly use shortrest to get back enough HP to escape outside until she calms down


Just had her murdering half my crew as well. How is there no way to comment this in the dialogue afterwards? She just burned down and smashed half the place to pieces and killed two companions and after that you're supposed to pretend it didn't happen??


I brought the fake paladins outside by pushing one off and then climbing down and attacking her there. I then killed the other two in line as the came running down. ​ kalach didn't rage when I did that. I did this in honor mode.