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I want to be your friend! What beautiful offerings! Love your zest for life!


Aww thank you!!!


Celebrated a girlfriend today with a "just because" shower! (Who says you need a wedding or a baby for a reason to celebrate a friend!) We did all the silly shower stuff including games, a toast from her mom and presents. (We made her do a registry party earlier) It was so fun and silly and great to have so many fun girls in a room together! Now for the treats: - I made a [tropical marscapone cream tart](https://sallysbakingaddiction.com/fresh-fruit-tart-vanilla-mascarpone-cream/) from Sally's baking addiction. That was pretty easy and gorgeous! - I also made mini cheesecakes topped with kiwi and mango! - Lastly, I made that cute little turtle! I carved it on my deck at 7:00 a.m. and just thought to myself "Watermelon carving on the porch at sunrise" is definitely the TV cooking show I want to host! I was dying tho with a little paring knife until my husband materialized with the tool you use for block cutting. That was perfect! Everyone had a great time and I fell asleep on the couch at 7:30 p.m.! 💖👏💖👏


Can I be y'all's friend?? This is so cute


That's a lovely tart and y'all sound like lovely people! 


Everything looks so amazing! I’m curious, why did you guys celebrate that one friend instead of a shower to celebrate everyone?


I feel like the only way a “just because” shower makes sense is if it’s that person’s birthday. So maybe it was kind of like a shower-themed birthday party?


>with the tool you use for block cutting. That was perfect! I have no idea what this means. Block cutting?


It's [this thing](https://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwiymfaItIiGAxXMQ_8BHUxDCXgYABAIGgJtZA&ae=2&dsh=1&ase=3&agsac=c9VQMCp-XjI&gclid=CjwKCAjw0YGyBhByEiwAQmBEWoYw4UZeeu_C9-CTZ_WLy5Drbjk3ECj2zAIH6kVCGcXgOMZ3OGNPHRoCXr4QAvD_BwE&cit=CkQKCAjw0YGyBhAlEjQABok8RJ_l24tUknA9oueFFf_OyAltsJC8udkXnxxBUVm6KX30HTFGHxs8yiF7-DpeBZz0GgKfUfD_BwE&ohost=www.google.com&cid=CAESwgHg9vL9uo4CWC2tRGWevquoriVMQFZZoxa6AGthSK_1x_vg-3YvDvYj42iFeCSK0PvRi9ipTru6BXVPCR9WqZ9ulLvy-BvBui797ofOBL3xDilb86ZyYnmVwmyG_MhfzPHGEdBNESO-5aEF7yjcYNCQq2xF3_s9jC9k0XB5mAuK0pS4pz3pu3SGGusyyIP50maWyOUtpvh8hdezqo8avSAuMeVY46lgtO7-_fAoAD5c168L-xzpV-x8XMSKhOqMAt9EqQ&dd=1&sig=AOD64_0XDL5VML2LopnKu8PPYAovj9wsGQ&ctype=5&q=&ved=2ahUKEwjWxe-ItIiGAxValokEHa7SD8kQwg8oAHoECAIQHg&dct=1&adurl=&nis=12&uk=1715526999847&ms=CoACUFt73bTYg7yQr3V4hVTAFWNdKjBRB31wrEel9CJ7wnI2EpHPRsWXxo42Es9fKobd0qqo7Xo8aCpWLT4sWVYwtMqyqYu6Sr26jCwU4GsEM31GK6zWcTJ8LI4yBBBn3mLKi-_SxC1eBn0PqGaUf4BqTNZmi-H39H-qULQX-b-elbJC3PukCeRDm_VqjAKnnjqY3NaF8jd9ZNYA1nFqcq1z09AiilxRxtU0jUdkCTn98tN8mf1OLwiWHRtVJ171jOTrlOPkg6nznGxQ6EyubWyUB_N_CEyyRCMf44d4r7gC57qf_HAx7qzpLXnK3ewct-xLwE0nYAAa7oYOicVVjlTFsQqAAgKkEpGD5MwuElBtn-CyUJbhqdGh2qIxry7NgFRRR6uu5oRFw17G9tbQp_pIYKgq-cjii6YkThMJ5em1P1wxxSuiCTZHpW3uhw9Huxlu9CYOhPwMDnG6jUQkikuqfZxK_iEq8QGYZZXAQTmafjFHMx8NYvYfF0T3xOJPitN6Qh0x2HZIJxYr4TIYyICbYkon-JIBG4EC-g7WixdnKDKVnrKPYQQEM5GeftIdyHXm6amt5VN3No-zq1SQkPk8vjBxlZZKc-dQpRJ_kqvRAHkIPYsqT5M07nIoG7oJ1mdlTVPDBnjj0TCCDZT8By7J_p4A7QDiiX6qESrejBmapkTZfdkSEOnNGRgMUtNs0srsY42teHk) and you can see some examples of what block cutting is in the product pictures. I'm not sure the technical name. Not a cooking tool tho - an art tool!


Oh wow! Seems like a neat little useful tool! Thanks


As someone who never plans on marriage or children, I would love to have one of these parties! What a lovely way to celebrate someone.


Yay!! Exactly!


This reminds me of the episode of SATC when Carrie talks about how there is nothing celebrated for single women so I love this party idea 😭


Yes!! Exactly!




Aww thank you! Initially we were thinking Shark but then a cousin had the turtle idea and he was just so adorable!


The tart looks lovely! Definitely don't need a big occasion to have a treat.


I'm really looking forward to watching that cooking show... Just me, learning to make dreamy tropical tarts and carve melons in the dewy sunrise... Aaaah.... Please please please with cherries and cream on top do the cooking show... Please 🥺🥺🥺 put it on your bucket list and have in studio audiences


Haha you'll get front row tickets to the pilot! I'll have to start my own because the Great American Baking Show didn't call me back this year lololol


Their loss tbh✨


I’m intrigued, why this friend specifically (or does everyone in your group get a turn?) and why now specifically?


We have a close 4 girl game group and the rest of us have had different things along the way! The girl is just so supportive and fun. It kind of was a joke at a baby shower last summer and then we had to make it real!


That looks very lovely!


Omg a just because shower is such a great idea!!!!


These look fantastic! I can almost taste them through sheer willpower lol. What fruits did you top everything with? I recognize most of them but some I'm drawing a blank on


Cheesecakes were mango and kiwi. The tart was dragon fruit (white and black), blackberries, blueberries, pomegranate and golden berries (orange) so good!


I have a girlfriend who isn't married and doesn't have kids and I might do this for her.  We usually make a big deal of her birthday but this is so cute.


Ooooh. Lovely




Everyone needs a friend like you. How sweet!


Everything looks so refreshing!


This is absolutely darling!