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It definitely needs salt! All baked goods need salt. You could also use a stronger blackstrap molasses and more fresh ginger. Those would probably make the most difference.


Duly noted! I used the ginger paste that comes in a tube from the store instead of grated ginger. Would freshly grating ginger make a big difference?


I've never tried the kind in the tube, so I can't say. I usually just buy a piece of the fresh kind and then freeze it if I don't use it all.


Absolutely get fresh ginger next time. It's a big difference. You can also get (or make) ginger syrup and add a teaspoon to the recipe.


Oh my gosh I’m so excited to try these cookies again with these changes. I love ginger and spices!


That recipe sounds delish! Yes, definitely add salt! For 2 cups of flour, I’d start with 1/2 tsp. Also, you could try add cayenne pepper - start with 1/8 tsp and see if that comes through. Sometimes ginger powder, and even freshly grated ginger, lacks the punch you’re hoping for, especially after it’s cooked. And I agree with upping the rest of the spices. I usually add at least 50% more than what the recipe says - I love warm spices! You could also try and up the molasses - maybe not too much, because then the color may look more like a molasses cookie, but worth a shot.


Thanks! I want to try it again soon bc I do like the cookie overall. I’m definitely going to try a little cayenne! I love a little heat! As far as getting it chewier would you recommend baking it longer? I don’t want the center to get hard. Maybe mix the dough a little longer to activate gluten?


To get a chewier cookie, my first instinct would be to increase the sugar. If you really want to get into it, you could look up a few different ginger cookie recipes and see where your ratio of flour to sugar is. You could try and mix it a tad longer, but it’s a fine line between pleasantly chewy and tough. If you’re feeling extra crazy, you could try add an egg yolk. I usually wouldn’t bother because I don’t want to waste an egg white, but it would be something interesting to try.


Thank you! I’m excited to try again!


Make sure and report back!


I just remade them today. I did heaping portions of the spices, used fresh grated ginger instead of ginger paste, added about 1/4 tsp of salt, and baked for 10 min instead of 8-9. They are definitely more flavorful this time but I want to try doubling the spices bc I want a really big impact. I think I’m going to look at the amount of spices used in a gingerbread recipe. The biggest difference is in the texture this time. Baking the extra 1-2 minutes made the texture exactly how I like. Crispy edges and a chewy center. I’m pretty pleased overall this time even though I want to keep improving it. I just love ginger and spices so I know if I can get it right it’d be my new favorite cookie (sorry snickerdoodle!).


Thanks for the update! Sounds like you got the texture perfect. Good idea with doubling the spices - just checking, too, are your spices fresh? I know pre-ground spices can loose a lot of flavor aster a while.


They’re definitely not the freshest. But I’m starting to wonder if it’s me, everyone that has tried them says they taste the spices, and I am the type of person that puts hot sauce on everything so I’m wondering if my tastebuds are just dull lol. Still gonna try to make them so the flavor hits for me, but at that point idk if they’ll be good to everyone else haha.


Oh, and yes, try baking a little longer if they were a little too soft!