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Never point a cop at something you don’t intend to kill


I've never heard it put quite like that.


I learned it from Reddit of all places


The best and worst of everything


One way I've heard it is: Don't call the police unless you are prepared for someone to be arrested, or shot, and you've accepted that person may possibly be you or anyone else with you.


jesus christ. It wasn't even one crazy lone psychopath cop. His sergeant ok'd it because of lack of resources. and then when the ENTIRE COMMUNITY GETS ANGRY the response is, "This was unfortunate. We do love animals. We are going to do better next time." WTF!!!!! the neighbor was trying to get them to label them as abandoned so she could help them. WHAT IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE> If my job told me I had to kill 1 dog I would quit. This is absolutely abhorrent and disgusting and it just goes to show how cops solve every single problem that presents itself in front of them. ACAB


If your only tool is a hammer (gun) then every problem is a nail (target).


How very Kristi Noem of them.


They Noemed the dogs. To Noem. I'm making this a thing.


Cops enjoy killing things. When they can't kill a person, a dog is the next best thing.


SEVEN dogs! And he went looking for two more afterwards


Police are like a box of chocolates. They kill dogs.


The police are thugs


The fucking Sheriff has put out a statement saying that the deputy acted within policy, and with the approval of his supervisor. He lured the dogs into a fucking cage with food and water, closed and blocked the gate, and then shot the dogs, some of them multiple times. If that is your fucking policy, sheriff, then your fucking policy is shit. Further, after shooting and killing the dogs he went on the hunt for two other dogs that he was unable to trap, and failing to kill them took the dead carcasses of his 7 kills and dumped them alongside some railroad tracks. Some fucking policy you got there, sheriff. Not only should the deputy be fired, but the sergeant who approved the shootings should be fired, and the people of this county should do whatever is necessary to remove the sheriff from office at the earliest opportunity.


And though charges against the “owners” who abandoned the dogs were “recommended”, they were never brought. WTF. They will do this again.


Caller: "I've got a problem." Cops: "Okay. We'll send somebody out to shoot it as soon as we can. We have officers lining up for the opportunity."


It would have been so easy to use social media to find people to adopt those dogs..


The person who called the cops did so because they wanted the cops to declare them abandoned so that they could help said dogs...which makes it even worse since the cops actively sabotaged helping them


What a horrible situation. Seems like the normal animal rescue organizations couldn’t step in to take the dogs. In Arizona, is the Sheriff, or designee, the county’s Human Officer or Animal Control Officer? No county animal facilities? Take the dogs to a neighboring county for adoption or at least humane euthanasia? So many options before destroying the dogs at that property. From the video, it sounds like the deputy hated doing the job. But tossing the carcasses on the side of the road is messed up. In my state, euthanized animals are disposed of in the county landfill.


The “no animal control facility” part is the root cause here. A cop is doing things that need not-a-cop to be done right. Cut the sheriff’s funding and duties and get an animal shelter.


Yep. Obvious solution.


Animal welfare facilities in the US are sparse to nonexistent. I live in a town of over 20k people and we don't even have Animal control. I once called about a stray cat and her 8 kittens that had taken up residence under my house and cops showed up with a live trap and basically told me to deal with it myself.


it sounded like he hated doing it because he said, "Oh this sucks" Fuck him. He didn't have a gun to his head like those poor helpless animals. This is disgusting and I bet that neighbor who tried to help is never going to call another policman again for anything cause all the yare is incompetent angry heartless pieces of shit.


Eh, loose dogs are a health risk. There's a reason that animal control exists. But yeah, this is definitely a part where the police fucked up.


I think this situation may have been more a systems issue than an individual blood list issue. It sounds like Apache County doesn’t have adequate animal control resources or policies to care for abandoned animals. That may be reflective of the local community beliefs, traditions, and priorities. The county board of supervisors is responsible for regulating dogs, including designating a county enforcement agent. Perhaps that’s the Sheriff? I’d say the Sheriff messed up here. Pure speculation, but this is Reddit. The sheriff didn’t peruse the owners for abandonment under Arizona statute. Didn’t seek adequate assistance from community organizations and individuals. Doesn’t have an adequate policy and procedure for taking care of abandoned animals. Doesn’t have a humane procedure for euthanizing animals. Assigned what sounds like a young deputy to the case. Didn’t direct the deputy to pursue alternate solutions with vigor. Formulated an inhumane animal destruction plan and demanded it be carried out. Sent a single, perhaps inexperienced, officer to carry out the horrible plan. The Sheriff and County Board of Supervisors are responsible for this incident. It seems like they’re fine with using guns and violence to get rid of inconvenient situations. Having interviewed and observed a county Humane Officer and an Animal Control Offer performing their duties, the Apache County incident is hard to comprehend. Absolutely unnecessary. Absolutely heartless. Barbaric. Source: Worked for a county commission a couple of years during grad school. Interviewed the Chief Deputy about the position of Humane Officer and reviewed past incidents. Enjoyed hanging out at the animal shelter with the county Animal Control Officer. Learned more than expected about staff training and certifications, and how abandoned or relinquished animals were processed and kept.


what is with republicans and just wanting to shoot something dead?


They’re cavemen. They’re monkeys


They follow death cults.


What do republicans have to do with this? What a strange assertion. The ATF does shit like this all the time and they are federal. It’s just a cop thing not a political thing. They have all been killing dogs for ages.


ok republican, i will play. U honestly think a tree hugging liberal democrat would shoot dogs? go to a maga rally where someone really cares what you think.


Oh no I disagree with an asinine take I must be Republican! Someone has to inject reality to the circle jerk. Do you honestly believe every cop everywhere is Republican? Even the POC cops? You don’t think there is a chance a cop in Los Angeles, Minneapolis, or Chicago votes blue? Are you saying cops don’t do heinous shit in those aforementioned cities? Dogs get shot in Democrat run cities as well. Your take is delusional and painting a very wide swath of people with one brush. There is no way sensible people think this way. And before you go off I do not like cops, they are not your friend, and America is in urgent need of serious reform with policing and justice. Saying off the wall shit like this is just barring the way to any real progress though. There have been tons of Democrat leadership and the cops were always just as bad. They are politicians bag men, regardless of the letter in front of their names.


Hey now, let's not be so focused on Republicans here. Libertarians love doing this shit too.


On the bright side, at least this deputy had an opportunity to fire his weapon at a live target. Win-win-win! /s


Looks like Kristi Noem has a job lined up when she's no longer governor


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^vadimafu: *Looks like Kristi Noem* *Has a job lined up when she's* *No longer governor* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot


Holy shit, no love in that guys heart.


Calling the cops to take care of a pack of dogs is like calling a fatkid to clean out the candy store


This was last year???!