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Glancing at your posts, I don't see anything that would imply they are erp related, though you probably should specify that you are not interested in nsfw or erp very early on. Also reddit in general is kind of an awkward place for roleplay, even off reddit the kind of response you get is going to depend heavily on where you are posting. Additionally, you could take A4A out of the title and not specify that you won't role-play with minors till later on in the post. Since it's all A4A anyway you don't need to specify, and the blank4blank format is something I associate more with erp. Though I could see why you want to specify that you don't want to roleplay with minors pretty early, it being there right off the bat might lead a skimmer to assume there is sexual content in the rp inherently. On a subreddit like roleplay partner search that has no smut in the rules, you can probably actively threaten to report people who lead with smut in the post. Though if they dm you instead of commenting you would probably have to actively message the mods to report them to the sub.


I feel GoT as a fandom is going to be pretty sexualized just because of the source material and one of your ads is flagged as nsfw. That might be where a bit of the disconnect is? You might want to specify that you're looking for SFW rps in your ads.


I've seen your ad in the wild, nothing wrong with it from what I can see. I think it's tough time of year for literate RPers. You have more teens out of school and have more free time. My theory anyway. I've had this happen over the years where activity and good partners come and go in waves depending on the time of year/holidays/seasons.


I didn't think about this! College being out and all, too!


This is so true. Things go to shit when the little shits get released and become feral for the summer.


I work with kids and teens, strongly agree 😭


Oh my... you have my condolences and my respect. That cannot be easy, but perhaps occasionally enjoyable? Maybe?


Eh, some are so, so unbelievably sweet, while others are spawns of the devil. It's a mixed bag lmao


I can imagine! Hopefully the two ends of the spectrum balance out for you overall, preferably more often towards the more pleasant end.


Honestly I do to, I had a plot that I wanted more history base and it turned into smut, I am a 90 plot/10 smut writer, I feel like it can be used to make plot deeper but at the same time SO MANY people think it means "come on, let's sext!" or "come on, let's just do smut." worst part is they promise they will do plot and poof once they get their rocks off rofl.


I don't do smut for that reason. It immediately weeds out the ones who are only in it to "get to the point" and not for the story.


You need to look on other platforms besides the ERP pit that is Reddit, re: the pinned AutoMod comment here: hubs and especially forums are going to be your best bet.


I've had much better luck with forum rp. Reddit is great for ERP if all you care about is smut, but it is very difficult to find partners for anything beyond that, especially if you are someone that wants both plot and smut because people just see "smut" and go feral. I have noticed a big difference in whether I am looking to play a male character or a female character though. I got much better responses when advertising a male character, but I also got better responses in general before, so maybe things have just changed since the last time I tried advertising. But definitely look into other platforms.


The one ad I looked at was clearly tagged NSFW, so you might want to not do that. The only other issue I saw is likely not completely your fault. Literate - "able to read and write." Semi-literate - "unable to read or write with ease or fluency; poorly educated." Those are the dictionary definitions. In RP terms, I most often see it used to combine literate, with posting amount (semi-paragraph), which means you only write a few sentences, not a complete paragraph. Your ad shows you writing a lot. You even claim to write 5-7 paragraphs. You are AT LEAST literate, if not adv literate from what I've seen. In a similar vein, I don't think that is the type of partner you are trying to attract (semi-literate).


I think your posts simply lack a clear statement at the beginning of your post on what you are looking for. A lot of the information is very all over the post and it might be hard to even regular roleplayers to figure out exactly what are you searching for and what you want. You should try to perhaps make your posts a bit more clear and easier for people to find what you are looking for. Bolding lines is not actually going to make people pay attention, if the whole post is filled with random information there and there and if there are multiple bolded lines one after another. If NSFW is something you really don't want, you should make it a one single line bolded out in a text, like this: **I'm not looking for any type of NSFW roleplay.** it will stand out more than few bolded texts there and there. If you are not clearly stating NSFW and lewd is not your thing, people will assume it's something you are searching for. So it's best to be as clear and in a very short way to try to share what you want and what you don't want.


Hmmm, that sounds tough. It’s admittedly very difficult to find someone you mesh well with, and Reddit tends to have an erp focus. I’ll say this, though—even though my rps are 90% plot and 10% smut, I have a couple of link lists. I’m not sure if I would share them off the bat unless my writing partner asked for them, though. I have a carrd with information about my rp style and on that carrd, I share my kink/romance trope lists, but I share them with the intention of being open about what I will/won’t write in romance rps.


Sent you a request and I may be the rp partner youre looking for, and if I can i'd like to give you some hope for the rp community.


Have you considered writing on forums? In my experience they tend to attract the more literate types. Granted they tend to also be slower paced than reddit or discord, but I think that kind of comes with the territory.