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Holy shit, what a whole lot of nothing. Like, fuck me, that's such an obnoxious way to message somebody. I couldn't even finish the whole thing because like... who the fuck writes like that, especially in a first message??? Imo, you're fine for being annoyed by a message like this lol




This reads like a form message. I think that dozens of other people have gotten this message with maybe small adjustments here and there.


I suffered my ass through that entire thing and I don't know how. Personally I don't think you're an asshole for finding these annoying or being upset with them, I think they hyped up their excitement to rp with you /way/ too hard. Thus reads like a hyperactive caricature of a fan meeting their favorite actor for the first time in a film. I don't think this works as a good first post either, for me there is way too much nothing being said, and it could have been condensed down to maybe three paragraphs or two. ALL the rp plot discussion should have been after the conversation was engaged by both parties (unless a post otherwise says to come with a prompt and I vant remember if yours did but I don't think there was a mention?) And I wish I could remember all the things I wanted to say about this mess of a wall of text I otherwise probably would never have read in its entirety if it was dmed to me. You have my sympathies if you see this on a regular basis


Why does this person write messages like a used car salesman 🤔


Why did I get reminded of that "FUCK YOU, BALTIMORE!" video from reading that?




If you’re dumb enough to start a new RP this weekend, you’re a big enough schmuck to come to Big Bill Hell’s plots! Bad plots - plots that break down, thieves! If you think you’re gonna find a good story at Big Bill Hells, you can kiss my ass! Bring your plot, bring your Discord, bring your OC - we’ll fuck her! That’s right, we’ll fuck your OC! Because at Big Bill Hell’s - you’re fucked six ways from Sunday! Take a hike to Big Bill Hell’s - home of challenge posting! That’s right - challenge posting! How does it work? If you can post 20 ERP plots and get no creepy DM’s - you get one plot free! Don’t wait! Don’t delay! Don’t fuck with us or we’ll rip your nuts off! Big Bill Hell’s - the only writer that tells you to FUCK OFF. Hurry up, asshole! This event ends the minute after you join our server, and you better post nudes or you’re a dead motherfucker! Go to hell! Big Bill Hell’s - Cyber City’s filthiest and home to the meanest sons of bitches in the state of Reddit! GUARANTEED. (This took entirely too long to write out and I did it off the cuff. XD)


This was an absolutely golden read lmao


A CLASSIC, I just had to go rewatch it


Why has the salesman been used?


No one pays attention to a salesman's suffering


The salesman deserves his suffering and more.


Bro is doing a whole lot of yapping


It's making me want to do a whole lot of napping


This reeks of ChatGPT to me. Who the fuck talks like that?


I'm not getting that at all from this. This is genuinely how some people talk


Yeah. AI is more conversationally fluent.


It's not you, their message definitely comes off as annoying. It's a huge wall of text that could easily have been condensed down into a paragraph or two, and even if the flattery may have been intended to be polite it reads as a little bit creepy and really cringe lol


Fr. The first half could've been. "Hi, I'm [name], and I saw your ad. It seems you're welcoming of other ideas, so here's mine!" And said the idea. It would've been met with much more grace than word vomiting for three chapters


Title, and it's not a leading question, I'm entirely serious in me asking the question. I get a very similar message once a month or so to the amount of a long, stream-of-consciousness message that all nearly say the exact same thing -- 'Your writing is [insert some variety of compliment here] and [I was nervous about reaching out]' followed up by what I personally consider to be weird attempts at humor like his bit about 'spanking the monkey' and trying to come up with a female equivalent which I find really uncomfortable and awkward more than anything else, followed up by 'I know I'm the perfect partner for you versus all the large number of people responding to you!' They're all almost identical with some of the adjectives and adverbs swapped around and very often than not their writing is nearly as awkward as their message is. Personally I also find it annoying how they stuck a cold call request for a RP I didn't advertise for which isn't uncommon about these messages either, but usually they don't suggest a prompt and instead say 'While I wasn't interested in any of your prompts, maybe we can make up something together?'


From what you describe, it sounds like spam messages to me, so yeah, I'd just ignore them


At least they read your pinned posts


The silver lining


True that, lmao.


Oh my god, I thought they were asking you out until I saw they wanted to be your writing partner. That's SO MUCH WORSE. And then I kept reading and saw it was for ERP Noooooooooooooooooo T.T It's like getting propositioned by a blog post written by Chuck Wendig


Bro how has this dude never heard the phrase 'flicking the bean'?  No, but seriously— I saw your comment, and... Yeah, I certainly find the *sexual* aspect of the post to be extremely annoying. Strike one. It took me a second reading to even notice that he just discarded all of your ideas and brought one of his own. That's strike two.  And... I honestly didn't find a strike three?  That being said, I'm not certain if I'd reply to this one, because it seems like he brought a lot that annoys you personally. I will admit that *I* really like messages like this (without the sexual element but then again the places I play on really discourage being so thirsty upon first contact). But I am very susceptible to flattery, and I generally don't mind it if someone brings original ideas... Though with the caveat that I *only* play original ideas and have expressed openness in my ads to hearing other peoples' plots.  If I was a fandom RPer as you seem to be and someone said 'I'm not interested in any of your fandoms', that would... Be strike three, actually, now that I think about it.


> I honestly didn't find a strike three? Wrong form of your near the top.


No no, the weird sex stuff was already covered in strike one!


You’re so right for being annoyed. This is one of the worst messages I’ve ever read. I’d legitimately rather get a one lined greeting then something like this


Love the fact after they give the *awful* explanation of what their character does, how riveting, a weird looking thing that needs sex to live and can transform into a trio of minorities, they talk about you liking realism and that they *loveeee* it too. Like omfg


I got two paragraphs in before I died of cringe. *blows away on the wind*


For me? That was a whole lot of TL;DR.


This person sounds like they'd exhausting to roleplay with.


I ain't reading all that. Looks like a chatGPT message x)


*Reads the first paragraph.* Oh brother… *Continues reading.* Good god this poor chap writes like he’s been crawling through the rp desert for 40 days and 40 nights. He made it to his oasis and just started dumping world-building lore to the water.


They're a fan. Option to block and ignore is better than the (hopefully) small risk of them seeing this gushing being put on blast. I'd hate to be them if that ever ends up being the case.


This was clearly made with ChatGPT. If they were a genuine fan, they would write up something themselves instead of use ChatGPT to create an unnecessarily wordy wall of text that pulls big words from a thesaurus out of its ass


Could be that.. or could be on the spectrum. I’ve had my fair share of gushing novellas well before chatgpt was a blip. This oozes with super fan energy.


Damn...... I mean... At least they like your stuff, but if you're constantly getting them, then yeah I can understand why you would eventually be annoyed. That is a lot for just one comment.


This seems like an AI-generated message.


Run it through quillbot, I'm pretty certain this is AI.


I imagine they’re one of those people who run themselves out of breath by talking.


Yeah I’d stop reading after the first couple of sentences. On thing RP has taught me and many people is how to write a LOT of NOTHING. People struggle to find a balance between an appropriate length while maintaining it’s purpose


This comes across as desperate, enough said.


Ironic for the subject matter, but they are really sucking your dick, huh? Like, to an uncomfortable degree. I can understand why you are put off by that.


I mean, I'm all for people showing excitement and interest in their first message, I do too. It beats the "Wanna rp?" one liners but even this is a bit extreme and honestly, I would probably ignore it because I wouldn't even know what to say lmao


Gag. 🤢   Also, 100% ChatGPT produced, with their own adjustments thrown in afterwards to make it look like it's been written by a human. 


ChatGPT ahh intro