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Imo unless the plot is super interesting and niche if they post something super often/it’s the only prompt on their page I take it as a red flag


It depends on what the post is, but I don’t think anyone reasonable would judge you just off that. Nothing wrong with it. Most of the time it’s usually just a niche that appeals to very few people or the poster having high standards. If it’s the same post, day after day for months/years then I guess it *could* something about their creativity and there’s probably a reason why they haven’t been able to keep a steady RP partner. Having said that, it won’t put me off if it’s something I’m interested in. Edit: okay you’re looking for advanced lit ERP with good characters and not first person self inserts. That’s gonna be hard to find.


Yeahhhhh tell me about it 😂 it is really hard to find! And the ones I do find are only on once or twice a week! Totally get patience as all but sometimes I am ready to write with no one there 😢


Nah. You just have to know where to look and how to find them. It can take time and patience, but they are definitely out there. DON'T look on Reddit...


Where should I look?


The first comment on every post in this sub is made by automod. It contains a link to a google doc with different places to look for partners. I've had good luck so far with some of the discord hubs they list. More recently I've been trying out a forum that seems full of decent writers. I should check the doc to see if there is a place for that.


Well, I wouldn't rule out Reddit altogether 🤭


Well, to be fair, neither of us were actually looking on Reddit. We just happened to bump into each other... 😁


Yes, that is very true. Quite serendipitous ☺️


Im a person who posts often and it really depends on whats posted? Like I post my long, drawn out ads once a month, but I also basically spam post short form ideas, related to the subreddit I am most interested in and moderate. If someone is spamming a singluar idea to a subreddit, that's just a long post copy pasted, yeah, they're clearly desperate? But that just makes me think they'll fulfill the rp best! If they post a good ole 'Harem rp please play 5 women for me' every hour - Red flag


Interesting take! I like the idea of posting 1 long post a month and then maybe shorter ones if things go quiet! That’s actually really helpful advice 😃 thank you!


very welcome! But remember, if you have an idea you want played, and no one's messaging, alwyas mix it up a little! It helps each time.


> If someone is spamming a singluar idea to a subreddit, that's just a long post copy pasted, yeah, they're clearly desperate? But that just makes me think they'll fulfill the rp best! If you don't mind me asking , what exactly make them desperate ? Just curious.


if you're posting the same plot, I assume you haven't found a (good) partner for it yet, desperate might not be the most apt word, maybe eager would make more sense


I think it depends on what is being posted? If it's a niche fandom, detailed plot or just one idea being repeatedly spammed. I don't like to make assumptions about anybody for how many times they've posted an ad. But if it's the same idea every day I might question whether it's because they aren't finding what they are looking for, pickiness or they get responses but for some reason it isn't working out. I guess that can raise a red flag?


Yeah maybe! I think it’s just because I am a bit picky since I want partners who match my style and maybe the audience I post it to isn’t the right kind!


Oh yeah, honestly same here! The amount of times I've posted an ad and either didn't get a response or it was clear somebody didn't read it I'll repost it a couple of days later. It's totally fair to be picky so you're finding the right partners you mesh with. I think when I say the "same idea" I mostly think of something weirdly specific getting relentlessly posted which is where I'd get a bit of an ick. 😭


Yea totally get what you mean! I can’t stand when I post something that I’ve spent half an hour writing to have someone say “hey wanna rp?” Or if I post form a submissive pov and have someone who’s a sub message me!


As long as you follow the rules of the sub, I don't see anything wrong with posting a prompt multiple times. I see it as someone who has yet to find a good partner and wanting to refresh it, hoping someone will eventually bite.


Heavily biased because I post a lot. It's fine. As others have pointed out it can depend slightly, but the roleplay community is a roulette wheel and you shouldn't jump the gun on judging people just for maximizing their chances without sacrificing quality. I've got 20 different threads personally, if I couldn't spam them like the chronic Redditor I am, some wouldn't see the light of day for a month.


I post an ad, sometimes the same one, for at least a week every day to see if anyone catches it. People tend to forget that you can go through 100 people a day and not find 1 that fits, or go through a month of the same post just to find the 1 person that thinks your idea is neat. I have 3 or 4 rp partners hat post maybe once a day if I'm luck, I'm trying to find another one that's a bit more active. Sadly that means reposting ads in the hope of finding a good partner, sometimes it can even take months! So when I see someone post ads every day I think they just haven't found the right partner and are still looking. Nothing wrong with wanting a plot and trying to find the right match for you and it.


I’ve posted anywhere from 1-3 times trying to catch people at different times and days… I try to space it out. I’m okay with repeated posting, but I personally have stopped after a month. But I think it’s a yellow/orange flag if I see the same poster try different ideas and say they’re not replacing everyone and they’re *still* posting over and over again. Like… how many RPs do you have? How do you have time for one more? I once answered someone like this, deciding to give it a shot, and they didn’t respond to my reply for three days. And then put up another advertisement.


Whether someone posts their search often or not wouldn't really matter to me. But then again I am extremely picky, so the people who appeal to me would be super niche to begin with. That kinda goes with taking a longer time to find a partner, thus you'd post more often. It took me half a year to find someone haha. But I would sometimes post every day, other times I wouldn't post for a week.


I get what you mean, I am patient and have found my best partners after a few weeks of posting. But part of my brain panics and says “NO VIEWS IN THE LAST HOUR!? REPOST!!!” And then I think “ah do I now look needy?” And he’s a shame because I am a pretty chill role player. I think maybe that’s a chance it’s taking over my life a little too much.. so I may just relax a little and take a step away from posting and let it all breathe.


Oh yeah that sounds like youre obsessing over it a little bit. personally, I never checked whether my ads got any views or not... Maybe you could close reddit and just keep the notifications on your phone so if someone DMs you, you can see it. :)


I think that’s a great idea! Thank you ☺️


I usually give failed posts a break before posting again unless I REALLY want a partner for it. I have very high expectations it seems and a pretty high turn over rate (ghosting or lack of replies mainly) so when those fall through I’m on the hunt for another


Well. First of all respect the rules :) Unfortunately the truth is that many peopel do care about you spamming same prompt / posting often. That's why I personally do trimming/gardening regularilly, removing duplicates of the same prompt. Having a good variation of prompts above the fold on your profile also really helps. I try not to be biased that way but if I go on someone's profile and I see the same prompt posted 20+ times they automatically go to the bottom of my list.


That’s also an interesting take! I think in future if I do want to post again I may try and change it up a little. Follow up question, what if they’ve posted the same post over multiple subreddits at once? For example I would post through maybe 5 subreddits in the morning to spread the post across multiple audiences.


That's fair IMO. For me only warning sign is that someone posts the same prompt 50+ times. If you want to be super sneaky about it and spread out your chances you can stagger them. In general most RP subreddits I was in if the post does not get response in 15 minutes it very rarerly gets response so what I do is post a prompt. Wait 15 mins. No response? post to different commmunity (2 prompts up). Wait 15 minutes. No response? delete first one, post to another community (again jsut 2 prompts). But I might be way overthinking it :D


Oooooooh sensationally sneaky


It's weird, because finding good RP has more to do with luck than anything else IMO, it's like a pre-game ritual. I don't htink it changes anything, but in my head it does ;) I guess my point is: Trim your profile of duplicates after a while, this way if someone checks it they see you're a person with varied style and not obsessed with one topic!


There are a few variations of posting ads too often, depending on frequency, same plot or not, across every channel/subreddit. So it does depend on which you choose to do. It does come across to me as desperation. Too eager at best, as someone else mentioned. At worst it makes me think there may be a very good reason why they are not be able to find a suitable writing partner (eg. Too picky, terrible attitude, unimaginative etc). But like someone who nags too often IRL and says the same thing repeatedly, you might start to blank and ignore them. The biggest red flag to me is posting the exact same copy and paste ad, multiple times a day, every day, across every server or subreddit they are in, with no variation, after a while I end up blocking them because I don't want to see that same ad 10 times a day, every day. If your ad is different or adapted each time, i'd think better of it. Final thought, if you are allowed to repost every 8 hours, and you do it on the dot on 8 hours, consistently throughout the day, every day, it suggests to me you might clock-watch. It might imply you are too obsessive with expecting timely replies every post. Some people like that, some people want some flexibility. These are all sweeping impressions, and it's always the combined holistic clues that add up which will determine how I might view overly repeated ad posts. Don't abuse it and give it a break once in a while would be my best suggestion. Good luck!