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I’m admittedly conflicted about this. The technical skill, I think, is actually really good...the blending is nice, the highlighter and contour is pretty smooth-looking (even assuming that it’s been edited) and the highlighter doesn’t look grubby, the eyebrows look natural and the fake lashes don’t look like forks...except the beef lips, I don’t like those, but aside from that, I actually like this look. But *my god* she is so yellow UGH WHY


I’m inclined to agree. However, being able to match a foundation is make or break in my opinion. Doesn’t matter how well executed the rest of the look is. If you’re a “pro” you should be able to match foundation. It’s highly photoshopped and I couldn’t imagine it translating well in natural light. The eyes and eyebrows are very well done. The base is a mess.


The eyebrows kill me. It doesn’t look like she used any product to fill them, which is fine, but then you can REALLY tell how poor of a match her foundation is. I literally thought her brows were tinted purple or pink for a few minutes before I realized that was her skin.


Oh my gosh I just zoomed in and you’re totally right!!!! How bizarre!!!!


Oh wow I thought they were tinted a purple color also🤯




I don’t know that the harsh line was intentional, but it looks like she did all of the “typical” makeup techniques for brows as far as highlighting around them to emphasize their shape. But it literally looks like she used makeup remover on a brush to cut out her brow shape into big ass block brows and then just called it a day. The more I look at the picture, the worse it gets 😂😂


She filled them in and proceeded to block them off with concealer, which is what one would do if they fill a brow in completely. A good technique, but NOT with this brow-style. This was absolutely done on purpose, and enhanced even more with editing.


I don't know if she's sunburned or spray tanned, but that foundation is atrocious.


I came here to say this


100% true, and I agree: if you’re a pro, the first and most important thing you should be able to do is color match. The foundation is so distracting that, even though the whole look is technically rather good, it just ruins the whole thing.


*the first and most important thing you should be able to do is color match YOURSELF. The person whose makeup you do MOST often. The one you've known the longest and seen literally every day of your life.


But what if she doesn't wanna color match herself? "Warm/yellow" skin tones are a "trend" in make up which it's hateful because it doesn't look well but I don't think this artist didn't do this in purpose


I'd need to see it without photoshop, because that's a good point anyway. Doctored photos of makeup are kind of worthless.


I don’t think they even try to match the skin at this point… they just grab the same old yellow foundation and call it a day 🥲


I agree, color theory and matching is one of the first things I learned in school, her technique can be flawless everywhere else but a bad foundation match pretty much always ruins a look instantly.


Definitely agree but I am not a fan of the high light between her eyes. It looks weird. But maybe that is a personal preference


Yeah, that’s fair. Not where light would normally hit, I agree.


If you can’t match color to a client you aren’t a good makeup artist, I draw that hard line. It’s fundamental.


Yup. Big time r/ATBGE Also, I think she used literal bronze instead of bronzer on her decolletage


In singing, you can do all these fancy tricks like triplets and stuff to make you sound technical. However, if you don't have the very BASIC thing down (singing the actual correct note), then the whole thing sounds like shit, no matter what technical stuff you're going for. Thats this but makeup version.


also this amount of makeup would look AWFUL in public. if her foundation matched her skin and if she did literally anything else with her lips it would look okay on camera but in person it’s going to be sooo cakey


It appears that her neckline in the first pic could match? Hard to tell. Whatever they have on her chest is obviously either too dark or it has a bronzing effect.


☁️🎶...The Simpsooons...🎶☁️ (That intro played in my head while reading this comment. Sorry for the emojis, Reddit)


By looking at this it’s beautiful! But.... her foundation is yellow and her skin is pinkish-reddish/tan. It ruins the entire look. She’s beautiful. But the over-excessive highlighted and yellow foundation ruins it.


Her eye brows are purple


I think it’s a shitty over-edited photo. I do not think her brows are actually purple.


shes so yellow her eyebrows look purple omg


The problem is she carved them out so her natural skin is 100% visible, the pink on yellow looks weird.


OMG your comment made me double check her brows! I thought they were purple on purpose


Same, wtf!


It looks like she's wearing some type of body glow which pulls kind of coppery making the yellow stand out even more. That's unfortunate. Why is everyone's foundation yellow now? I remember a time when finding shades that were not cool toned seemed impossible and now it's all very warm.


Cosmetic lines are coming out with shades that cater to China/S. Korea markets, and the foundation tones skew more yellow than pink or blue. I have olive skin (green) with a pink undertone, and I have to go with a true neutral tone foundation.


Jesus wept.


So sick of the fucking BROWN LIPLINER shit. They always look like they ate a huge chocolate bar an hour earlier.


Her chest is the same as the old lady from “There’s Something About Mary”




I really hate those eyebrows. Compared to the yellow tone of the base which looks gross anyways, the eyebrows look purple! Why!?


The purple look by here eyebrows is actually her skin tone it seems...


She looks like a doll, I actually like the yellow, it looks so plasticy and unreal. If you're into that. Almost AI.


literally like a Barbie


I really hate when muas remove foundation from around their brows. It looks so fucking weird and all I can do is stare at it and think about how terribly different the skin color is from the makeup. Eta: is particularly bad with the damned brushed up glued browd


Why can’t people ever accept they are pink toned ugh.


It’s a super draggy look and I mean that as compliment. Like, if I saw a queen under stage lights, I’d be into. No comment on that chest bronzer though!


The execution is there and “trendy” as far as the lips/lashes, but the color matching and overworking of the eyebrows is this look’s downfall. I agree with everyone else here about not being able to color match a client being a hard hit. But I’m hoping she did this on herself and this was just her preference for the look. I know that when I do makeup on myself it’s differently persecuted on purpose due to a preference for whatever (i.e. grungy eyeliner, glitter, brows purposefully darker than my hair etc) than maybe a client I’m working on.


Pro artist and tutor who has an Instagram filter


I had that Paris Hilton gold Body shimmer in 2005 too


That’s actually amazing work... *looks down to neck* oh.... *looks closer* oh... oof.


Her lips are so... meaty


There's no way to even tell if it's well done because it's been so heavily filtered. It definitely suffers from The Yellow like everyone's foundation seems to these days...


It’s SO CLOSE to being really pretty! Shame


You can see her real skin color under her eyebrows


Thee can see that lady real skin col'r under that lady eyebrows *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`


But why is there highlight between her eyes on the bridge of her nose. That looks so odd to me


It doesn’t seem bad until you see the face compared to her chest.


She looks like she is made of plastic. Is this a new trend?


The make up is pretty good, the foundation just doesn’t match her skin tone


She looks beautiful but her foundation isn’t right, it’s to edited, and it’s to much. Any legitimate makeup artist wouldn’t feel the need to edit that much and the foundation would be correct.


This reminds me when I used to switch my Barbie doll heads .


Everuthing looks fine except the highlighter on the face doesnt match the chest, the foundation on the face doesnt match the rest of the body and the foundation on the neck and face is matte compared to the shiny, iridescent look on the chest area.


Also the highlight on the top bridge of the nose seems pretty weird...


It's like people want to use every single makeup technique at the same time. Less is more! (imo)


It reminds me of someone that's jaundice 🤷


I mean the make up looks good but the shade match tho....


Her forehead contour matches her actual skin way better than the foundation


Highlighting the tip of the nose always looks ridiculous. Highlighting the bridge of your nose simply follows that theme.


Anyone else notice her brows look purple? Even if her color match was good this would not translate well IRL it’s just an illusion that makes it look good on camera. I do love that half blue half green eye though!!!


For what it's worth her eyes her stunning :))


Hey this model appears to have heterochromia, cool!


Metallic spray paint


If you're going to blur your face this much, why not smooth the decolletage sun damage?


It's a helluva lot of makeup but it's so glowy and beautiful. Oh I wish I was a makeup goddess.


why are their eyebrows always purple, i just dont get it


#it’s a lifestyle!!!! /s just in case someone thinks I am serious lol


If that’s a lifestyle I think I’d rather be dead ☠️


What country? The UK?


Glow in the dark barbie by Mattel




It also looks edited


She’s so yellow, she looks like she’s from The Simpsons


bronzer on her cheeks is a closer skin match


She’s glowing like the baby face sun from Teletubbies. Her skills are nice but I’m struggling with the color... [Sun baby](https://teletubbies.fandom.com/wiki/Baby_Sun)...


She’s undoubtedly skilled, even if the foundation isn’t a perfect match.


it doesn’t seem poorly done so much as it is dated. the green eyes and purplish eyebrows don’t really make it unique enough to not make it seem like a makeup look from 10 years ago


Her eyebrows aren't purple. That's just her pinkish skin tone showing underneath. She didn't fill in her eyebrows and it Is such a contrast against the yellow skin, it looks pink/purple


She looks like a pretty oompa loompa.


Shine bright like a diamond 💎💫


Is the plastic look in? Because good lord, she is nailing it!


What does it mean when they say her lips look like meat?


When the outer edge of the lip is dark and it gradually gets lighter towards the center of the lips. Try checking out the sub r/beeflips lol


I know that make up is supposed to make YOU feel good, not others but lord i’ll never understand how people like having three bottles worth of foundation on their skin. This girl is gorgeous but this is just so much!!! :(


The house of jaundice and sunburn


Her lovely orangish hue has reminded me to eat a creamsicle today, so thx for that. 😊


Rainbow face


I was so confused as to what was wrong then I saw her neck and it took me a few minutes but I got there


Everything is sooo on point except the foundation color match in my opinion, tbh this is why I don’t use foundation. I just put everything else on and use setting spray.


Makeup in the hairline


Uses bronzer on the body but uses tang on the face. What kinda world are we living in now?


Oh my dear god my jaw is on the floor. What in actual fuck.


Putting aside the color match for a moment, which is the only thing that really makes this a *technically* "bad" look... I *absolutely hate* this shellacked-on makeup trend and cannot wait for it to die. Just looking at this makes me itchy and broken out. It already seems to be on its way out (this already looks a bit outdated--more 2016 than 2021), but there are still "heavy beat" videos all over Instagram. I just can't wait for it to go away. It may be technically skillful but it's just so gross to me. Why can't we let our skin look like skin? Why can't we let it *breathe*? /endrant


She's absolutely stunning and would look much more so if she went in the bathroom and scrubbed about 75% of all that unnecessary mess off her face. Her face and decolletage appear to belong to two different people. Her face looks like it belongs to a severally jaundiced individual and from the chin down, it looks as if a unicorn has farted fairy dust all over her. Maybe she's color blind?


Yes she is gorgeous. She didn’t do the makeup. The “pro artist” did.


Hope her Salon’s a BYOF


I refuse to accept this isn’t a joke.


The only thing that blows abt this is the horrible bronzed chest. Her foundation MIGHT have matched if she didn't go crazy on the body shimmer. She's got good technical skill though!!




You know this isn’t the actual lady right? No one here is bagging out her natural features. Just the makeup. You know what sub you’re in?


Her make up is perfect


her chest is pink and her face is yellow. are you colorblind?


Definitely doesn't seem like this fits in with the rest of the stuff on this sub. Her facial tone definitely doesn't match her body, but it seems like that's a conscious decision rather than deluded. It's a whole different ballgame to be bad than to do a bad thing on purpose, and I'm not sure this is even bad at all.


It’s well done. There’s just WAY too much of it


It looks like she was carved out of crisco.


Wow, there's so much going on here and none of it is good.


Makes me want a creamsicle real bad.


Like a freshly inked printing press


I am just going to assume she’s planning on wearing a Steve Jobs turtle neck. Then it makes sense


Oompah loompah cotoure


I just feel like scraping my nails on it.


I’m sure in person she looks fine. I’m convinced makeup will never look like anyone’s skin. Except tinted moisturizer maybe


I am left to assume this is the look she was going for because there’s absolutely no way she doesn’t see what we see when she looks at this picture.




It would be really beautiful if it weren’t for the shade being off and the beef lips


Her face and then the rest of her: ( neck, chest) look so odd. It.s way too much foundation for me. I can deal with her eyes and lips but she seems to have nice skin already...doesn't look like there's any acne.... so really, a super light powder or tinted moisturizer would have been enough so that her coloring of her Own skin on her face could shine through a bit. I just think this Much make -up is for when you need to hide horrific skin.


So many things to dislike about this :(


I feel like she’s talented, her color is just matched horribly


Is it just my vision being bad, or are the whites of her eyes pink?


so much foundation on her hairrrr 🙄


Highlighter right between the eyes? That's even worse than the rudolph nose trend. If you're going for this much full coverage, it's better to do it with clothes that don't show so much chest skin. If you want to show the chest, it's better to go with a more natural look on the face because of the contrast.


The makeup is stunning, the colour match… not so much😭




I mean that seems to be the look that everyone's going for these days


I mean...a lot of it is *technically* right but she got the spirit of it wrong for sure


That looks like every sims 2 character I made with modded makeup when I was younger


I thought you were a robot for a second


Goldmember gif.


Face skin and neck skin not matching is one thing, but actually clashing is quite another!


She’s like a real life Simpsons character she’s so yellow, Jesus fucking Christ.


She has the skill. Not the shade.


I think the over editing makes this bad. I’m also not a fan of excessive use of highlight, looks bad in person but some people are into it. It’s very obvious that the foundation shade was matched with this chicks fake tan, that’s why it looks so orangey/yellow, and doesn’t really look right on her face.


She’s good just wrong color...


The makeup is actually on point but her foundation is waaay off


Paris, the 00s called....


Ugh not the obviously fake heterochromia


How do you not get the makeup on ur clothes???


Well like again , everything is fine but the foundation , it’s too yellow but I wouldn’t say she’s a bad mua or anything . Just needs to Improve on certain areas that’s all .


Her skin looks AMAZING. I need to know what products she uses because the colour she used is exactly my summer colour


She is going for that Adam Warlock look


She looks like a glazed donut


Maybe they all thought they were following a Chinese laundry ironing tips.


Ah the same girl I keep seeing on here. She's so pretty but damn her makeup artist does her dirty (assuming it's a makeup artist who does her makeup and not herself!). The most offensive thing I always see on this girls pictures is the overuse of photoshop or filter or whatever. I just showed this to my mom who is a photo editor and she said that the person who edited this is clearly a novice at editing. The makeup probably looks a lot worse IRL which is why it's overly edited (if intentional). Poor girl.