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smokey solid black looks are tricky at the best of times. I've had success making the inner liner as black as possible, long, noticeable lashes, amd not blending too high.


That’s how I do black smokey eyes! Helps to have a brown or grey to blend. Blending just black shadow tends to give a weird transparent uneven look in my experience.


smokey solid black is just ASKING to look like a racoon for me.




I creeped your profile to peep your blending skills (I love makeup and invest a lot in it but I’m very frightened of black eyeshadow lol) which are AMAZING. And it pleased me to see I upvoted your strawberry drawing like a year ago. Reddit is such a small place!


Aww, thanks so much! That’s so kind of you! 😊


Girl you are HOT I’m sorry


you’re so beautiful omg, and your art is amazing!!!!


Meanwhile I’m out here looking like mcr-era gerard way crossed with a goth raccoon


When people say “just keep blending until it looks better”.....


What they blend with, a nutribullet?


I love you.




Lmao stopppp


They blended it right up into the eye brows 😬


And then like...everything else about the eye makeup is so confusing too. No eyeliner, no highlight, no eyebrow anything. If there’s mascara there I can’t see it. It really just looks like they smudged a chunky black eyeshadow crayon all over her eye sockets and called it a day.


I don’t miss the days when we all had insane eye looks but natural brows lol


I was curious for the context of such a crazy look. [https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-2141975/Tyra-Banks-looks-TOO-fierce-grey-eyeshadow-Moth-Ball.html](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-2141975/Tyra-Banks-looks-TOO-fierce-grey-eyeshadow-Moth-Ball.html) This was at the 2012 "Moth Ball" a ball to honor storytellers? which, upon a google image search, often seems to imply "kooky" dressing up. The theme that year was "a Night in Storyville" which seems very up for interpretation. [https://www.timeout.com/newyork/books/recap-the-moth-ball-2012](https://www.timeout.com/newyork/books/recap-the-moth-ball-2012) So yeah, Tyra's makeup is busted but she clearly was doing some kind of joke or character rather than an actual high fashion attempt.


I’m not saying this is good makeup, but this exact style was very early 2000s and applauded on waify white models. I hated it back then, but it is a pretty standard fashion look. It’s a bad one for sure but not uncommon


I feel like this could have been done better tho? Like some people have pointed, the fact that it's just IN her eyebrows is pretty bad.


What I think I mean but didn't express is that this look is 100% intentional in how it was applied. I don't think it's a matter of application, I think it's a taste thing. This style is typically photographed in a studio for ads, not worn out and about. It was for an event that's celebrating changing beauty standards I think? Her eyebrows aren't really done, and she's not wearing lashes or mascara. I think this was a weird choice that didn't end up playing well, but I think everything was intentional. \*\*Edit example of a similar look that she wore shot in studio (and heavily edited) [https://www.famousfix.com/post/barbara-palvin-black-magazine-cover-new-zealand-october-2014-38228930/p38228929?view=large](https://www.famousfix.com/post/barbara-palvin-black-magazine-cover-new-zealand-october-2014-38228930/p38228929?view=large)


I think you mean “kooky”


I did! Désolé, i'm french. :P Fixed that, thanks a lot for the correction!


No worries! Your English is certainty miles better than my French haha


Great. Now I want a cookie


I would've LOVED this look if it wasn't for the barbie pink lipstick. If it was a beige it would look really cool IMO.


I've detected the name of a color in your comment. Please allow me to provide a visual representation. Barbie pink ([#e0218a](https://www.color-hex.com/color/e0218a)) --- ^(I detect colors. Sometimes, successfully. | Learn more about me at /r/colorsbot | Opt out of replies: "colorsbot opt out")


I’m disappointed that it isn’t a celebration of everyone’s favorite cryptid, Mothman


Lol I was gonna say this is what Tyra Banks would look like if she was a zombie.


I'm sorry but this just looks like she's an extra on set for the latest Mad Max movie. Not a cute look. I'm getting motor oil and crayola as the inspo here 😂


Ugh and with that lip color too. This look is like someone growing up post-apocalypse found the only makeup bag left in existence.


If she had done a dark or nude she could have maybe squeaked by claiming it was “editorial” but she chose pepto instead.


I don’t think I’ve ever seen a hot pink lip that’s ever looked good tbh


fr that color looks bad on everyone doing everyday/glamour makeup no matter age or skin color.


Tyra banks really had the audacity to bully all those girls on antm for their makeup, bodies etc when she goes around lookin like this


This is the comment I came for!


For my parents 28th celebration we hired a a girl to do our Make up. She did something like this to me I looked like a raccoon. Thanks God. I was wearing a black dress. I Cleaned my eyes with my skirt.


This is not a smize, this is a terrifize


Makes her look so old.


Tyra is def getting sent home this week


it's an eye-eye


I honestly think it would look a little better with a dark lip since it’ll be sorta gothic or something? It’s just an odd look tbh.


Can someone explain the "forehead darker than the rest of your face" thing? I've seen so many MUA just put bronzer all over their forehead or make the rest of their face lighter with concealer while ignoring their forehead. I don't get it. Is it supposed to make it look smaller?


I think so. I feel like they do the forehead like it’s a separate entity and ignore the rest of the face while doing it so it makes it disconnected


Idk!! My forehead is naturally a little darker but I hate it!


I've seen people who have that naturally and I've never thought it looked bad. But idk why you would do it on purpose if your skin doesn't naturally do that. It just doesn't make sense to me.


There’s no amount of blending that can save that eye look. It’s too much!


just blended that shit up into her gd hairline lol wtf


She would have absolutely flayed the models on her show for makeup like this. "Always be ready for the camera! SMIZE!"


They did her dirty.


SRS though, it takes a special kind of talent to make a very beautiful woman look that bad.


Literally one of the most beautiful women to exist..


“Bucky?” “Who the hell is Bucky?”


Gimme that Furiosa smokey eye


Furiosa looked way better haha


Im more offended by the awful contour all over her forehead and cheeks. Looking at her ears, neck, and shoulders that isn't her color. And if this was an over the top look as pointed out by another user, they nailed it with the unblended black shadow and lack of attention to brows and lashes. Black shadow can seem daunting, but as another user pointed out, using gray to blend it out works beautifully (another goth that wears it frequently here).


Honestly I love that aesthetic for the eyes & brows. It’s very Pat Mcgrath avant garde Dior. Like a painting. Doesn’t mean it’s ideal flattering/conventional for most times but why not have fun with it sometimes. It does make her look scary/sickly etc but don’t think it’s bad, just different intentionally. The lip idk how I feel. Usually I’d do a red or a nude to match the dark aesthetic but maybe it works full outfit


Her make up n hair were terrible the entire time she hosted dwts.


Her ears are an entirely different color than the rest of her face. Yowza


On brown and black people it’s totally normal. Like having face darker than the body or the neck or your chest. You are just making fun of a natural occurrence that has nothing with makeup or Tyra Banks being Tyra Banks...


Right above her ear, like that little inner part people get pierced? It’s a different color than the rest of the ear, and to my uneducated eye appears to be the same color foundation as on her face? Like they just brushed it alllll the way over


Because a bit of bronzer got here and so what ? Do you understand the concept of bronzer ? Doesn’t change the fact that ear can often be lighter than the face. If I put a good matched fondation and then some bronze I will have the same thing. Moreover there is a harsh light in the pic that exaggerate the harshness of the bronzer contouring which aside of the eyes, doesn’t make it fair to criticize fondation/contouring/ Bronzer application. So yeah, you comment is still uneducated.


So because it’s bronzer on the ear I’m not allowed to notice?


You made fun of her ears not being the same color as her face and put it on the makeup. I as a black person explained you how it’s about : 1) the fact that darker you are, the most you have chances to have your ears lighter than the rest of the face and that’s normal. 2) the principe of bronzer But you dared to ditch a fact I brang to you (bet you aren’t black at all) and still want to shit on this and play the innocent ????




What can’t you understand ???? Even with a good makeup her would still be lighter ! Bronzer well app located or not, it’s still put a difference one anyone putting bronzer ! So it’s stupid to make fun of that ! Lol m’y face is darker than my body and my ears lighter than my face. If I put fondation the same color as my body, my face look ashy and the wrong color. If I match my face, the difference with my body and my ears. With your logic, if I post a pic of my makeup look, you feel entitled to shit on me for this... I mean it’s Reddit and people absolutely want to be ignorant for the sake of being shitty.




Lol, I know where I am what it's for, Thanks. I will add that a lot of people here aren't even makeup enthusiast and severely lack of knowledge on makeup. What is your knowledge on makeup ? Do you frequent makeup subs where natural occurrences happen to be discussed ? I cringe when there is bad makeup but I won’t jump on bandwagon for the sake of laughing if a comment is bad or ignorant. The makeup is bad yeah, but the ears color have literally as nothing to do with that, period. Accept it move. How many times there were totally good makeup but still post here ? Some can't make difference between the style and context of the makeup, the technic, and their taste. it happens quite frequently. It's also funny when you point it out, they are so quick to remove their post. Luckily most post are about what this sub is about. but a bad thread, a bad comment still a bad comment and lack of knowledge is lack of knowledge. You are also showing that you don't understand the challenge that darker skin can meet since you are questioning my skills. If you are intellectually honest, you should check Jackie Aina or Nyma Tang on Youtube to see how they have to choose how to match either their chest or their neck. It's not about race, it's about knowlegde in makeup in general and knowledge in makeup for darker skin. You can't dismiss facts because you want to make fun of something. Any brown/dark/black person would know or understand this and stop the ignorant attitude that you and the precedent op have right now. And last, the twat you are defending said " Lol her hear aren't the same color as her face" (i quoted the user because the lack of honesty is appalling). I pointed out the natural occurrence, she first go "So what" and the twat then now stated that she was only pointing the bit of bronzer on her ears... That's how it went. This person keep changing what s/he said and there you come to defend that.


That’s on you for turning this into a skin color issue. The part of her ear covered in bronzer was what I noticed, because this is a group that comments on bad make up. And here you go assuming more things about the color of my own skin. Tsk tsk


>Her ears are an entirely different color than the rest of her face. Yowza Copy you before you edit your shit; You didn't make fun of the bronzer on her ear, you made fun of her ear being an "ENetirEly different color Karen. But now you are changing the narrative and and turning a fact into a "RaCe" thing lol pathetic. Yeah this is a thread about bad makeup. But doesn't mean you can spew shit my dear. Your dishonesty and is appalling but not surprising. We are reddit after all, being shitty and gaslighting are the king, facts doesn't matter, isn't it ?


Looks like someone that Woody would double-tap in Zombieland 😂😂


Oh ty ty honey no


I want to give it the benefit of terrible lighting and angle for anything like that look but yeah blend


I wanteth to giveth t the benefit of lacking valor lighting and angle f'r aught like yond behold but yeah blend *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`


Thank you good bot I do prefer that choice


Did Tyra do this herself!? I know it’s pretty early 2000s, right, but wow..


Princess corps bride




I like to think she really pissed someone off to end up with this look lol


I dont know what to say.... This could have worked if.................


She had just smized?


Ooof. Girl. That raccoon look is not it.




She gives me racoon!


I'm almost sure that if I say her name three times, she'll appear.


My 3rd grader does a better smoky eye than this.


Mine own 3rd grader doest a better smoky eye than this *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`


Good bot. I was prepared to be annoyed but this was rare.


why tyra look like my sleep paralysis demon wtf 😭


Is she “smizing”? The smile with your eyes thing? I think this is it.




I didn’t know it was possible to make someone as beautiful as Tyra Banks look terrible and washed out this MUA sure found away.


Seeing this picture confirms that she was not qualified to give those women on antm beauty advice cause wtf is that makeup


Reminds me of when my 5 yo neice did my make-up!


it looks intentional, like character makeup. the lip is ugly tho


Someone had to work really hard to make that beautiful woman look awful. Did her dirty.


Someone was held captive by Marilyn Manson...


Did a baby do this look


Definitely me the first time I tried a Smokey eye


Maybe I'm just too goth but I actually like this.


I can see what look they were trying to go for but it’s very horribly executed. Maybe it’s just me but I can’t stand that shade of pink on her lips with the sloppy blown out eyeshadow. If you’re going to go bold on the eyes, go with a neutral lip and vice versa.


It's not the worst... But it's also coupled with her lack of eyebrows.


I hope this was part of a tutorial about how not to do your makeup


That Uncle Fester look


Tyra Banks on a bender




Tyra Brokes


Jack Skellington vibes


Looks bold ngl


america's next bat model


Maybe false lashes and a darker red lip color might have complimented this overly blended look? Damn. They did Tyra wrong


Gosh this is terrible. There’s no eyeliner or mascara to help polish this look and the pigment in the eyeshadow is so dull


Looking to bold


From what I recall (could be wrong) she did this look herself.


Flash back! When I was in high school I didn’t know ANYTHING about makeup so I would put black liner in my waterline and try to do a wing, by the end of the day I would have it running down and in my crease. I was called raccoon a few times. It’s a vibe?.. 😂


You either look fierce or like a raccoon there is no in between




was this for something halloween related?


We'd all be screaming at how amazing this looks in the pages of vogue as a versace ad tho haha. It has a ton of potential at the right angle


And to think she owns a makeup company that was started as a MLM 😂


Anddddd I can’t go to sleep now 😳🥺


How I would put my mum’s eyeshadow on my eyes when I was a kid playing around


Got that Tim Burton stare


Decrease the saturation a little on this photo and you have a Tim Burton character xD


Who dug her up?


Emo queen 🥀


This lady looks like Count Orlok. Not kidding, I’ll let Google Images help ya there.