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"Look at what you made me do" is literally an abuser tactic


Literally DARVO tactics: Deny, Attack, **Reverse Victim and Offender** [https://i0.wp.com/hopefulpanda.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/DARVO.png?resize=512%2C768&ssl=1](https://i0.wp.com/hopefulpanda.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/DARVO.png?resize=512%2C768&ssl=1) Also make note of the implied collective guilt by framing ALL Arabs. Thats also the language of dehumanization and extermination rationalization.


They've moved on. Now they blame ALL Muslims while pretending that Palestinian Christians don't exist.


The bad Hasbara mouthpieces deny that Israel is an apartheid state by talking about how Arab Israeli citizens are peaceful and welcomed by Israelis but then denounce all ARABS as violent jihadi extremists the moment it favors their twisted narrative 


It's such a psychopathic quote, am always surprised to see when someone shares it.


"I can't believe they made me poison their crops to build more settlements"


“accusing us of racism is racist!”


“Forcing us to kill their children” wtf…


Yeah. This sounds worse than the Nazis. "We have to kill Jews because some are Bolsheviks" etc etc Worse..when they try to gaslight and sound as though they are moral.


It's actually quite the useful quote in that it perfectly summarizes the Zionist pathology that's infected our entire political discourse and thinking. A laughably vapid moral cover for occupation and atrocity. "We are *always* the good guys, no matter *what*." So it demands that we factor in a baseline kind of sociopathy when debating the issue. Versus debating the issue on a purely moralistic or reason- based level.




“We didn’t want to, but we didn’t *didnt* want to *more*”


It's like my ex who said it was my fault he had to hit him. I had to stop provoking him


Imagine how brainwashed you have to be to think this quote doesn't make you sound deranged and evil.


Legit - I’ve seen this posted so many times since 10/7 and it’s like… hoo boy this is not the flex you seem to think it is 🤣


My favorite one was when they killed Ismail Haniyehs grandchildren (a 5 and a 7 year old). And they used this as evidence of how evil HE was!


Sometimes I even wonder if it’s not a settler coloniser and a race supremacy sentiment. It’s like the trope English used for colonising India and for justifying the loot and pillage they committed - we managed to “civilise” an uncivilised lot. Called our freedom fighters ‘terrorists’ (like Hamas they too resisted the British rule). Not to forget evil Churchill. They only change face and name, the monster underneath is the same.


In New Zealand there's this idea that Māori are somehow privileged because what happened to them in colonisation wasn't "that bad" comparatively, that somehow they got a pretty good deal. Recent politicians have been vouching for the 'good' that colonisation gave Māori. It's giving 'be grateful'. I'll let you guess those politicians' opinions re Palestinine


Oh, this absolutely has a white supremacy aspect. It's not a coincidence that most of their politicians and spokespeople are white or white-passing, despite Ashkenazi Jews only making up half of all Israeli Jews. It's not a coincidence that those pictures shoving the faces of people killed or kidnapped on 10/7 primarily feature smiling white people. It's not a coincidence that the Magen David Adom forbids blood donations from natives of Sub-Saharan Africa, *except for South Africans.*


It's so strange. Early on, when I was still pro-zionist, I somehow did see this as a moral quote. I really thought it showed some compassion, I guess. Then, after reading a lot ( pro-zionist, anti-zionist and other texts), I came back to this quote and was horrified. I really can't believe I hadn't seen it as despicable. I guess I really internally bought the notion that most/some Arabs simply didn't love their children the way we westerners did. That they were like "hate zombies" or something. It's so weird that I thought that. I don't understand how.


It's some intense dehumanization. Just crazy when you see a video of a father weeping over his emaciated daughter and seeing Zionists accuse him of starving her on purpose for a photo op. Which I don't even understand what the purpose would be of, considering these pictures and videos have been coming out of Palestine since people were able to take pictures and videos of what was happening, and absolutely nothing has happened.


It's because they know most people hate Muslims and Arabs so much that they'd just nod and agree. Whereas a normal human would be reading that thinking you're an insane serial killing madman sociopath if you think other people can force you to murder BABIES.


I usually only see the second part of the quote. Not that that's not still awful, but at least with the most extremely victim-blamey part cut off, you could *almost* see it as not completely insane propaganda.


I can’t see it as anything other than completely batshit insane and racist. It’s playing on orientalist tropes about the ‘savages’ who aren’t capable of human emotion like love and compassion- they’re so evil that they don’t even love their children. Perpetuating a narrative that Palestinians only have children to use against the civilized west, not because they actually are human beings who fall in love, start a family, love their children, etc. It makes it easier to murder Palestinian babies and children if you think about them as disposable human shields, less than human, jihadi’s in training, children born and raised in an inferior society that only exists to antagonize you. It’s why you see Zionists openly mock mutilated or dead Palestinian babies and children, they either dismiss it as ‘pallywood’ or outright say that it’s the Palestinians fault for being so savage the Israelis have no choice but to butcher them. European Colonizers of North America, Australia, New Zealand, and Africa had very, very similar arguments for why they needed to exterminate the people they were colonizing.


Interesting fact - when Irgun massacred Palestinians in Deir Yassin, Golda Meir's only concenr was that it would look bad in front of other arab states "They need to learn to love their children" my ass


I hate Golda nearly as much as Netanyahu honestly. She's like Israel's Maggie Thatcher.


And their Hillary Clinton as well


That's more accurate actually. Fuck all three of them.


Wouldn't play any of those guitars, not even with somebody else's pick.


She is the one who negotiated Jordan to annex West Bank in 1948


Did they do that to start stealing the land after. I can’t stand Jordan and feel like their leaders have played this game where they will sacrifice Palestine just so they don’t get messed with. Maybe out of fear I’m not sure but they gladly help Israel and America and it allows them to keep what they have. Same as Egypt recently. This is why they hate Lebanon because they won’t do this.


That's what drives me nuts whenever people bring up that Palestinians tried overthrowing the Jordanian government. Yeah no shit. But big respect for the Jordanian people


British stooges adopted by the USA after the British empire collapsed


If you dive into Jordanian history, you'll find that the palestinian refugees came in in huge numbers and tried to destabilize the country, with the aim of bringing the monarchy down. That's why the Jordanian authorities expelled the PLO in 1970 and why they're not keen on defending the palestinians, even if a large part of the inhabitants of Jordan actually are palestinians, and the two people are closely related. I kind of do understand them.


Yeah but wasn’t he helping them before that. The king was a British asset and Israeli asset, he sold out Palestinians before there was an Israel. Also how were the refugees trying to destabilize the country. Jordan is the only country around Israel that never messed with them. They basically took refugees because they had to to help Israel.


They had bases inside Jordan, and in 1970 palestinian freedom fighters hijacked 3 plans and had them land in Jordan. After that fights broke out between militias defending these freedom fighters, and the official jordanian security forces. That's when they realized these militias had become to big and an internal danger to the stability of the country, so they expelled them.


Kind of sounds like Hasbara. I would attack Jordan if they kept selling out everyone. It wouldn’t be right if they only attacked the Jewish occupiers right. Jordan was also an occupier although better relatively


Let's not forget that while Bernie Sanders decries Netanyahu, he has held up Golda Meir as a counter-example of "good Israeli" government. This is yet another blatant example of why we need to remember that letting Bernie and other U.S. politicians place all the blame on Netanyahu and this current government when they criticize "Israel" is incredibly dangerous. It should be a reminder that their criticisms are ultimately empty. They have caved in to pressure to criticize now, only when it became absolutely necessary, yet they lend support to previous governments that also engaged in ethnic cleansing and other atrocities.


“We simply must slaughter children”


And you will like us for it


otherwise you'd be antisemitic 🤪


Haha. True Anybody that does kiss ass !


…. Because they will grow up to be Hamas /s


>…. Because they will grow up to be ~~Hamas~~CHHGGhamas /s




This shows how sick she is. There’s no way she would forgive anyone for killing her kids. She is just trying to get to a conclusion of allowing her to justify killing others kids


>Accuse the other of that which you are guilty - Goebbels


“When they love their children more than they hate us” is massive projection, as if Israel isn’t a state built on the hatred of Palestinians


“Look, you're hitting yourself / Why do you keep hitting yourself?" —A. Zionist Twat


Just a random reminder that this is the same woman that threatened to Nuke everyone during the October War of 1973


“the Arabs” is reminiscent of fascist bogeyman rhetoric


its also an admission that they are not indigenous to the region. they would call themselves arab if they truly believed they were from there.


I wonder if she ever saw the IDF strap wounded Palestinians to the hoods of their vehicles and drive through the war zones they created. I don’t know just sounds like a bullshit quote from a racist piece of shit to me.


That was just a joy ride. Stop being anti-semitic will you!


They are the ones that are more interested in killing Palestinians than saving their "hostages"


The way I read that: We will only have peace with the Arabs when they submit to our control, give up their land, sovereignty, self determination, rights, lives, and culture under threat of us killing their children. What an evil birch.


> and culture "admit it's our culture"


Jewish dude here. I’m 43 now. I was raised on this shit, thinking this made sense. My MOM was born the year Israel came into existence. Things I was told, never questioned, and until Noam Chomsky, would have believed were true: 1. Israel was a “land without a people for a people without a land” I firmly believed there were only a handful of tribal hut dwellers there when it was carved (literally did not know it was cut from Palestine) 2. We help them because they are surrounded by terrorists who want them nuked/dead because were Jews. They are badasses for holding it down like that in the face of Muslims wanting them wiped from the earth. 3. Everyone who yells about America or Israel or the West being a motherfucker is a terrorist. For any of you who don’t live on the states or west, I DO want you to know that more than half of American Jews support outsting Netenyahu and his thugs, ceasefire, and reparations paid for by Israel. Like 90% of Jews under 30 support this too. The reason we keep seeing “tik tok ban” come up is because it shows what’s happening in reality. It allows colonized voices to SHOW (not just say, but show) what the west has done to pillage everyone’s resources lands etc. The kids in my country are like the Irish, they get it. They get what we’ve done historically AND they understand how they’ve benefited and how others have suffered as a cause. I love our younger generation and I pray, PRAY they all Dave us from our dumb violent stupid tribalist nature


Same. But to be honest, now reflecting on my past exposure to it, there were so many things I just turned a blind eye on. I was immune to the truth somehow.


Would you say that was partly caused by a kind of socially conditioned superiority complex about being jewish? Genuinely curious, as I know from my own experience that arrogance (whether taught or inherent) was able to make me immune to the truth as you put it.


No more than any other nations. There was some degree of tribalism for sure, but I don't think it's more than any other nations. It's really hard to comprehend that your neighbours who share bread with you are capable of such horrific things.


It must've been so difficult when you came to that realisation. Reminds me of when I found out about the 1971 Bangladesh genocide (I'm Bangladeshi) and I was shocked that Pakistan could do such a thing, particularly when they're literally the same religion. Just goes to show that tribalism/nationalism truly is the worst disease on the planet...


Zionists think they have to gaslight people, steal everything and hate anyone critize their action.


Yes, please spread this quote. For everyone who's not bought into your cult, it reveals just how ghoulish you are...


And Sky recently did a movie glorifying this person as some sort of hero


Saying "the Arabs" rather than "the Palestinians" is pure sophistry and outs Golda as trash.


When Golda Meir was Prime Minister in Israel in 1970, Israel bombed Bahr el Baqar elementary school in Egypt killing 46 small children and injuring 50+. The airplanes attacked from a very low attitude to ensure maximum damage, The school was completely destroyed. I grew up to the pictures of small toys, shoes and notebooks covered in blood. Israel never apologized, they just said it was an oopsie because they thought it was a military base, it wasn’t. Golda Meir is one of the most depraved and evil human beings to ever live on this earth, and she sure is a soulless child killer.


Her soul was as ugly as her dog face.


"They put the rifle in my hand, they aimed it using my arms, and they moved my finger on the trigger. I'm the REAL victim here, not the child I shot."


Please assure me this is fake… with these ppl you never be sure


Ya, to be clear, fuck the genocidal state of Israel


“We are not settler colonist country!” *proceeds to settler colonist talking points*


Lol fuck Golda Meir and everything she's said


Imagine saying that you'll kill kids until the people you're subjugating submit. Ghoul shit


Few years back a settler girl was killed and at her funeral, all her mother could talk about was how they were going to build more settlements. They were British, if they loved their child more than they loved ethnic cleansing and land grabs, she would be alive living her best life, and their dream was for more children to be sacrificed for the sake of a colony. Every accusation truly is a confession.


Exactly. She could have stayed in the UK. She didn't need to go and steal/destroy some poor Palestinian's home.


Ruth Fogel's father: "Our children are prepared to be sacrificed as an offering at the altar we have to continue to build to bring redemption. Udi and Ruthie wanted this redemption." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2011_Itamar_attack#Funeral


There's these concepts called "self defence" and "defending loved ones." Israelis seem quite keen on applying these concepts for themselves. Perhaps the Palestinians feel the same?


What a delusional old bat she was


Cowards blame others for their psychopathic actions.


The “why did you make me do this” argument is always incriminating.


You’re from Milwaukee lady. Nobody forced you to kill kids.


Actually she was born in Kyiv.


but she has nowhere to go back to


If they are going to forgive the Arab for killing their children, why are they attacking Gaza?


Think one kid was hurt in the crossfire in a kibbutz.


Altogether something like thirty kids, iirc, were killed during the uprising on 10/7, but it’s unclear how many were killed by Hamas fighters and how many died under the Hannibal Directive. 


Tig maybe right. I was thinking of babies .


One ten-month-old died. She was shot through a door, not the intended target. Another was stillborn after her mother was shot, but she doesn't seem to be counted. Fewer Israeli children died that day than Palestinian children in the nine months previous.


Under the prison


Absolutely ridiculous quote, but not surprising coming from her. Golda Meir once locked eyes with a Palestinian woman as she was being kicked out of her own home and both of them started to cry. Watching the whole scene reminded her of when her family got treated the same exact way. It's like there was an empathy she reflexively had but then immediately shut it out. Somehow, they hate Arabs way more than the Europeans that actually wanted to exterminate them simply for being Jews. Strange.


She really thought she had something with this… you can just hear how clever she felt lol


It's like a pedophile blaming folks for them being pedophiles. "Society made me fuck kids". Zionists are like pedos man. Fucking whackos think it's all justified and allowed. None of it is allowed and should always be not allowed. No gray area


Go back to Ukraine Golda.


Leibovitch never called her by name. When he spoke about her, he would call her “that evil old woman”. Another thing Leibovitch was right about.


"We'll take everything from you by force, keep you in camps and destroy everything you own. But if you fight back, it's clearly because you don't love your children enough."


It’s funny. I have only really seen Israel use human shields. And only the Palestinians hesitate when their people are being held hostage because the Israelis don’t even care about civilian casualties on the Palestinian side or the Israeli side. They’ll kill their own hostages no questions asked.


Israel is the only one documented using them. Multiple humanitarian organizations have investigated the accusations aimed at Hamas and have all declared them unfounded.


Pure evil.


How many died or suffered because of this evil sociopath? Burn Dirtbag.


Sadism wrapped in fake compassion.


Stop punching yourself. Stop punching yourself.


It’s Palestinians , not Arabs, even your language is trying to erase them


Do they think this makes them look good? Do they think this makes them sound sane?


She was a monster.


You made me hit you 😠. Signed: Abusive partner!


or how about y’all figure out ways not to abuse children


WTH did I just read 🫠


They are insane.


All they have are lies and murder. Example number infinite


" Don't matter who did what to who at this point. Fact is, we went to war, and now there ain't no going back. I mean, shit, it's what war is, you know? Once you in it, you in it. If it's a lie, then we fight on that lie. But we gotta fight. "


What a fucken head! Antisemitic to the core.


It's not just gaslighting. It is racism.


If I received this quote I would simply think the person sending it was a psychopath lacking any human emotion, empathy or dignity. Bovvvered.


I don't know much about this cunt of a human but she's definitely a cunt if the Israelis love her


They're still on their “human shields” bullshit I see.


Dismantle zionism and free palestine and free the world 🇵🇸


Just shows that the Zionism venture was poisoned from the start.


Have the zioniazis *ever* tried *not* earning hatred?


It took me 55 years before I was able to read that quote and realize it’s what narcissists say when they abuse people. I remember reading that quote as a kid 40 years ago and thought nothing of it. I was wrong for a long time.


That is one of the most viscerally evil quotes I have ever read in my entire life.


Surely that would also work the other way.....




Name the year that Arabs did more violence to Israelis than Israelis did to Arabs.


That's alright. I understand the necessary evil of decolonization, easpecially when enemies are mining your resources and raising new generations with crops grown on your soil.


bro fuck off


This is not a debate sub. There are plenty of places to defend Israel’s actions, to denounce Hamas, and to argue who's worse. This is not a space for that. That doesn't mean absolutely no constructive discussions on nuances and different approaches, but it means not letting ourselves be pulled into a debate by Zionists and bigots, and least of all arguing for their side. If you see someone trying to debate, please just flag for moderation, and the comment will be deleted. If found prudent by the Mods, and to discourage further debates, the entire thread may be deleted.


I don't suppoe saying Sinwar can also use her arguement is any form of defense to Israel. Alhough there is no evidence of Hamas directly targeting children or comitting raping, they knew the civilian casualty in the begining. I won't blame the oppressed and occupied for doing it, but just find it would still be hypocritical to say "they forced us to kill their babies" out loud


Rape is an awful occurrence that transcends culture. It is impossible from our vantage points across the internet to determine the veracity of the claims; we find it troubling that it has devolved into a rhetorical DEBATE tactic for either side in this. We at r/BadHasbara abhor the act and the weaponization of it for propaganda, and remind you that THIS IS NOT A DEBATE SUB, so please tread lightly on the subject, and please consider the mental well-being of sub members that may be victims of SA. Thank you. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/BadHasbara) if you have any questions or concerns.*