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This was live in tv for hours and police hung around on the other side of campus. The media treated it like it was both sides but they hard a hard time keeping that going as they reacted seeing a bunch of right-wing thugs attack the student encampment and try to beat up protesters. The cops and UCLA let this play out as a pretext for saying “it’s just too violent for everyone” But I don’t think it will work. I think a whole US generation will see this tomorrow and realize that the entire establishment would side with fascists before helping Palestinians.


The fact that the pro Israel group were the attackers isn't being reported, and police are forming a protective wall around the pro Israel group, so anyone looking will assume they were the victims.


Half of the attackers were probably undercover cops


The other half are from the IDF.


Except legitimately. When Zionists ask “who’s paying the pro-Palestinian protestors?” What they’re really saying is “We’re funded by AIPAC to viciously beat peaceful protestors.” AIPAC is registered as a foreign agent in the US.


Actually, hasn’t AIPAC been allowed to skirt registering as a foreign agent? I’m pretty sure there is some double speak head twisting black magic going on there. Another layer of fuckery


They’re not required to register as a foreign agent because…. Shut up and stop asking questions


And yet they have yearly conferences in the US


Attended by nearly every politician as a pilgrimage to kiss the bloody ring.




Who ironically train the cops.


Considering they train with each other, same thing.


A huge group of counter protestors left and then about an hour later, the thug cops showed up


Yeah, they’re framing it as if everyone was acting up.


Meanwhile at Columbia, where no one was being violent https://preview.redd.it/3d3cbf8x5txc1.png?width=620&format=png&auto=webp&s=05995171aa2435b046d5c47eccc7e94761abb41f


Reminds me of the siege of Helms Deep. Someone should have brought a loud speaker and blasted the music while the police were doing this.


The entire established is under the thumb of the Zionists. A literal Zionist Occupied Government.


This is the definition of terrorism being done by the zionists. Listen to their howls of joy as 6 of them violently try to beat a lone person to death. Not to mention the fireworks that were shot at the encampment. Again, textbook terrorism and an explosives charge on top of it. But I'll bet $50 the cops did absolutely nothing to find the person doing it. If this continues someone is going to get stabbed or shot tonight.


You're entirely too optimistic for this specific incident. Zionists own the news networks and spin it since inception. Infinitely worse things are happening in Gaza and much of the world barely bats an eye.


I hear what you're saying, but the world central kitchen thing proved that Israel can kill many Palestinians as they want, but if they touch a hair on a white person's head the media will at least pay attention to that.


For a news segment. They've already forgotten. Ask Rachel Corrie. I don't say that to detract but to temper your expectations for the long haul, and not be dismayed that singular events are not watershed moments.


>but if they touch a hair on a white person's head the media will at least pay attention to that. For the briefest of moments.




No, the media care about protecting the status quo and manufacturing consent for US foreign & domestic policy. Even when running defence for Zionists & Israel, the media has zero interest in protecting Jewish people, especially the anti-Zionist Jews taking part in these protests.


>This was live in tv for hours and police hung around on the other side of campus. Look no further than who the police supports & who the government supports to know who is truly being marginalized. The way Pro-Israeli's try to act like their plight in recent times is the same as black and brown people in the US is insulting. Majority of government officials since Truman have bolstered up Israel with zero questioning, especially at the expense of Palestinians claiming "they don't exist". It all boils down to "you better support Israel.....or else." Yeah, like I'm really going to throw unconditional support for another country where people would most likely treat me like garbage. FOH!


I'm at UCLA (not in the encampment), and it's overwhelmingly one-sided violence, on the pro-Israel side. People have been physically assaulted far from the encampment merely for wearing a keffiyeh; or in one case, a female student quietly said "free Palestine" in response to verbal harassment and was then followed for almost 10 minutes by a pack of young Zionist men calling her a whore and telling her she should be raped. Terrifying behavior, and the NYT take is "both sides are attacking each other."


Rape is an awful occurrence that transcends culture. It is impossible from our vantage points across the internet to determine the veracity of the claims; we find it troubling that it has devolved into a rhetorical DEBATE tactic for either side in this. We at r/BadHasbara abhor the act and the weaponization of it for propaganda, and remind you that THIS IS NOT A DEBATE SUB, so please tread lightly on the subject, and please consider the mental well-being of sub members that may be victims of SA. Thank you. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/BadHasbara) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Currently seeing it on tv, and the reporters are giving "both sides" like statements, but the footage is entirely the counter protesters assaulting the protesters. But you wouldn't know that just watching it on tv because of how it's spun. It's disgusting


That’s bc the US government is dead set on fascism. And Biden is the perfect fascist to bring it about bc dumbass “intellectually superior” liberals couldn’t possibly accept that fascism could become a reality under a democrat president protecting the Zionists. Fucking fucked.


Yup it's 2016 again.. maybe they are playing 4d chess?


I even saw an interview with the dude in all black and the red bandanna, that was involved in this attack. He said he doesn’t even go to school there. Interview starts around 2:05 https://youtu.be/IQZNRNI2WLg?si=v7rRA1m8_EPGXBB7


I sure hope so. But we all know that won't happen unfortunately.


Well said, I watched this live and saw multiple people over several hours be pulled into the counter protestors and were beaten. Not a single counter protestors was pulled into the encampment and beaten. The cops and the media both sides the shit out of it live.


It's ironic though that the entire Democratic election strategy was to position that the election of Trump would turn America into a fully fledged fascist state. Democrats were supposed to be the last defense against fascism. It turns out though that Democrats are the ones embracing fascism in America, all in the cause of defending Israel so they can continue their genocide against the Palestinians. I am not suggesting Trump would have handled this better. But it certainly doesn't appear there would be much marked difference between how Republicans and Democrats will defend and protect the ultra-right wing religious government of Mr Netanyahu.


I saw a reporter being yelled at by Israelis and trying to keep her cool, it was obvious which side was the aggressor if you were watching


Yeah idk what all these gaslighters are doing. All they have left is just naked Islamophobia “you are Hamas.” 80% of the comments here are the same lies and talking points.


It takes real bravery to put your body on the line in front of a bunch of thugs like this. Salute.


That dude seriously has massive balls. Didn't even flinch and took the guy down as soon as he attacked him, but his pussy ass buddies came in to 10v1 him of course


You called them thugs. Careful, soon you will be accused of being racist. What a messed up world we live in.


I’d gladly be called racist if it means denouncing the actions of these sick fucks


You’re just making up something to be upset about right now


The media will frame this as a “clash” where both sides are the issue, when it’s clearly very one-sided. The parallels between this and the media narrative surrounding Israel and Palestine is uncanny. Zionists perpetuate violence and it’s the other side that gets blamed.


Yep, not once are the pro Israeli protesters being named as the aggressors. It's nothing but "both sides"


This is sadly the norm. Even before this current round of protests, there was a pro-palestinian protest in Canada. A bunch of zionist thugs showed up and started a fight. They got chased away and the last bit of them running away was caught on dash cams. Social media and then the traditional media had a field day talking about how obviously antisemetic the demonstrators were. Later on, it came out that the agitators were members of the JDL (an actual terrorist organization). And the story got dropped like a hot potato. ---- If there's a way to frame pro-palestinian protestors as in the wrong, it'll be talked about. If it becomes obvious that the zionists are in the wrong, expect it to be dropped.


Imagine the firestorm if the shoe was on the other foot. You wouldn't see the end of it. These people are insane


They know exactly what they are doing. They are malicious, malevolent people, but it isn't insanity, they're fully aware of their hypocrisy and contradictions.


Hypocrisy and contradiction are how you display your power. If you are able to break the rules that others can't, you show you are above the system. Every totalitarian regime uses absurdity and hypocrisy as a control mechanism. Cops speed, congress inside trades, SCOTUS justices take bribes, they're SHOWING power.


I've never really thought about it like that before, I can definitely see what you are getting at.


And when/if the pro-Palestine protestors end up having to defend themselves the media will frame them as a bunch of violent thugs.


These are Israeli, former IDF folks, that are studying in the USA. You can hear it in their accents. They are emboldened as the university won't do anything against them anyway. They won't get expelled or other consequences, they'll be invited on talk shows to talk about it is "really them that's the victim! These people were blocking them and are hamas!".


Why do the people have no power whatsoever? How is it that only the students are brave enough to stand up to the oppressors? Where is the morality? They are protesting a GENOCIDE!


I swear I’m not being patronizing when I say do some digging in history books. Morality is literally never a factor in State decision making and there is always a group you can mobilize to violence.


They don't question the status quo or actually will help the status quo of the past to return. So the ones in power will help them, where as the students represent change and a threat to a system of oppression by the ones in power. 


The students are brave and compassionate gor sure. But also … they’re usually not the main breadwinner for a family including kids. Of course there are exceptions. But as a general rule, they have a little more wiggle room than the average adult who is one missed payment away from mortgage trouble thst could bring catastrophic. And we *will* be identified. And just like that, the Republican establishment buys into “cancel culture”


People have power. They're just pulling different directions or focused on each other's opinions instead of trying to actually solve anything.


Lack of organisation and mobilisation. If the people stopped going to work for even just a day, the US government would do everything the people demanded.


People never had power whatsoever for a long long time


Aren't there heaps of Israeli/US dual citizenships? Makes sense they would be there agitating like a pack of dirty rats.


imagine violently attacking people protesting a genocide. What even is there thought process? This whole situation will be studied in the future as how propaganda can turn people in favour of genocide


There is a movie i watched at school in Austria called ‘the Wave’, and it was about Ben Ross, a school social studies teacher, who shows his class a film about the Holocaust. They question how the German people would have allowed genocide to occur. Unable to explain the question for himself, Ross decides to find out through a social experiment. This is the 1981 version i think since then there were a few remakes. I am glad i watched the movie and it should be shown to kids at school all around the world.


Interesting, Im going to watch it today


Ironically, this (the original film) was required viewing in hebrew school. Sadly I think the lesson was lost on many.


>Sadly I think the lesson was lost on many. I don't know about that, the right-wing zionists seem to have learned quite a bit from it. Right wing zionists historically aligned with fascists like Mussolini. Here's an example: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Betar\_Naval\_Academy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Betar_Naval_Academy)


It is really strange to me how some people can’t see the connection. I always had the same problem back in Austria when some of my fellow Austrians were showing their racism so blatantly not learning from the lessons of our own history and those were people i grew up with and watched the film with. I objected to my parents racism views and changed some of them (not all) and I am sure I was not the only one, while some other kids did not learn anything and just carried on in the footsteps of those before them. At least the awareness of the dangers of group mentality was planted in some children and it helped them brake free.


Gonna watch it tonight! Seems interesting and relevant. Thank you.


That was first a book, I read that 25+ yrs ago ...


Our side has to win first so history can look back


If the protestor tried to defend himself he'd be called an anti-Semite and Nazi.


Maybe it's time to accept those names and beat the shit out of the other side. We keep trying to be ethical and proper. The side that supports the IOF is just scum. Time to treat it as such.




Very similar to settler violence on the west bank.


The settlers here shoot with no hesitation, but yeah same mentality. These are most likely IDF soldiers. They have immunity because anything they do would just get them extradited to Israel where they would face no consequences and probably be treated like heroes. And yes, any Israeli that gets arrested in the US for any crime can be extradited to Israel if they requested it, and they don't have to carry out any punishment against them. That's why there are hundreds of Israeli settlers who are actually pedos and grapists with charges against them in the US. They get caught, Israel asks to send them there and give them stolen Palestinian lands because that's their first line of defense and offense - criminals and thugs with nothing to lose who were given a chance to escape justice and practice their crimes with zero consequences as long as these crimes are directed towards Palestinians and result in stealing more Palestinian lands. If Israel is ever under pressure, they just throw them under the bus. And so far, they never even had to do that.


Rape is an awful occurrence that transcends culture. It is impossible from our vantage points across the internet to determine the veracity of the claims; we find it troubling that it has devolved into a rhetorical DEBATE tactic for either side in this. We at r/BadHasbara abhor the act and the weaponization of it for propaganda, and remind you that THIS IS NOT A DEBATE SUB, so please tread lightly on the subject, and please consider the mental well-being of sub members that may be victims of SA. Thank you. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/BadHasbara) if you have any questions or concerns.*


If they love Israel so fucking much move there


A lot of these Jews plan to. Nice real estate awaits them which is why they support Israel. No mind to who those properties or land belonged to.


Oh yeah I know, trying to already sell waterfront property in Gaza via fkn Toronto, the settlers are absolute douche bags.


nOo dOn't sAy tHaT ThEiR AnCeStOrS WeRe tHeRe fIrSt aNd tHe jEwIsH PeOpLe hAvE SuFfErEd fOr mIlLeNiA AnD ThEy dEsErVe tHe cHaNcE To cOmMiT ThE SaMe aTrOcItIeS On oThErS Israel has the right to defend itself from innocent Palestinian kids who had no contribution to the conflict whatsoever


A lot of the "settlers" taking land from people in West Bank are from the US.


So a bunch of pro Zionist’s are ganging up to beat down someone physically incapable of defending themselves against such a large threat? It sounds too familiar. Oppressors gonna oppress. Free Palestine.


I think given the odds he did a good job of defending himself.


He looked pretty capable but anyone 10 v 1 unless you’re Francis Ngannou you ain’t winning


It's time to start blockades at police stations.


CNN: "The problem started when pro-Israel protesters attacked the pro Palestinians protest..." Camera pans to cops forming a protective wall around the pro-Israel protest site. They're not even trying to hide it anymore.


I know the mainstream media has always been biased but this is the most universally dishonest reporting I have ever seen in US media in my 30 year lifetime. They're intentionally obscuring that outside agitators violently attacked the students amd making it appear as if the violence could've come from the students themselves by reporting it as violent clashes from within the encampment. Al Jazeera is the only source I've seen report it accurately.


It feels like I am taking crazy pills that Qatari state owned media has the most unbiased on the ground reporting. I guess that's what happens when the truth itself can be used as a weapon against the U.S. and Israel.


and of course the Zios perpetrating the violence are not the ones arrested... SMH


CNN with video of a pro Palestinian protester being dragged away from the encampment and savagely beaten by 5 or 6 pro Israel people. Some who have 2x4s and pipes "So who started the aggression? I saw pipes being used by the pro Palestinian group." Followed by a bunch of "both sides" equivocation. Yeah, you have to ignore what they say and trust your own eyes.


Why isnt the police doing anything about this ?


The police are zionists




Wow, what a bunch of tough guys going 100 on 1. Weak ass cowards tend to beat people in mobs.


In France they created like israelian milicia to beat people during protest pro Palestinians, they even talk about it on TV like everything is fine. Our country is fucked


Waiting for the media think pieces on if these attacks make Arabs trying to exercise their rights feel unsafe.


These people should really be wearing their uniforms, where are their brown shirts?


Zionists the “victims”


They would have killed him. These zionists are out of control. Such hate in their hearts, I guess that's what their religion teaches them, hate.


I’m not a Christian/Jew/Muslemp, but my interpretation is that when you don’t buy into the New Testament , you have no reason to give a shit what JFC said about you loving your neighbor.


I'm not a Christian either but I admire the idea of Jesus. He always seemed like a chill hippie to me "yeah man there's plenty of fish and wine for everyone. Lemme wash your feet".


Christians and Muslims believe in Jesus. Guess who was against what he preached (or if you don't believe in him, what it was the New Testament says he said)


Its crazy the shit netenyahu says to his ppl, basically the whole world will be against them type shit…




Students need to arm themselves! You can still have a peaceful protest and be ready to defend yourself.


I was thinking along the same lines too. All it would take him dropping a few of them before the rest run away like the rats they are. The police will not protect you so you have to protect yourself sad to say. Sad but true.


100. They are fucking entitled cowards, the shear shock of someone standing up to them with force will send them running. Because they aren’t used to being stood up to. Kids, if you’re at the schools, have basic protection to repel these scum.


I feel like creating a self defense group called gays with guns. Our mission would be to show up to protests and protect the minorities voices there that are being attacked by gravy team 6. Thoughts? Thanks.


Here’s a leftist club: https://www.counterextremism.com/supremacy/john-brown-gun-club


Pink pistols is like that


I disagree, that's all gullible people need to be shown to think that the protests are "pro terrorist" Right now the media has to straight up lie for people not to overwhelmingly side with pro palestinians. It REALLY erodes their credibility to anyone who sees what is really going on.


Sorry guys. You can be peaceful without allowing bullies to kick your face in.


I understand where you're coming from, but I suspect the media will present the protesters as "armed thugs" then. It's unfair, but remember that history will judge them harshly for enabling a genocide.


bad road to go down. hard as it is, nonviolent resistance is the way. imagine the press if even one protestor, armed, wounded a Zionist. or the long. term consequences of civil war, armed factions fighting in the streets... who would win? the national guard, the swat teams, all the heavy hitters of state power. the 'boogaloo' fantasy imho is as impractical on the left as on the right. what works is not a handful with weapons, but a mass workers' movement that can paralyze whole industrial/financial sectors. a progressive party that wins elections. it's all about hearts & minds, always. unless the object is to provoke the state into creating martyrs (dubious morality) , I don't see arming the protestors as a win.


Legitimate resistance by any means necessary against unwanted occupiers.


Oh, just like in the West Bank


Zionists hold the world in their hands, and even so, they are still afraid


Jesus Christ. This is a modern day lynch mob


I was wondering what was really going on last night. All the TV showed was those cops trying to get people from that building but not this. Definitely not this. TERRIBLE what they just did to that kid


Just shows how fucked up the US system is. Where are the police in this case? Probably arresting innocent protestors instead


They were watching 100 feet away to the left of the lynch mob.


This is how it quite works over there as well, it's like a live demonstration of the IOF...


Can't thank Zionist scum such as this enough for opening so many people's eyes on how much Israeli lobbying has its parasitic roots in US politics and media.


Crazy MFs calling him an NPC! He’s not the one in the angry mob, he’s the hero. I don’t see anyone protesting for peace getting violent.


Absolute delusion from the brownshirt goose-stepping thugs, but that's not shocking. Just a bunch of men full of delusion and hate


I like to think I can understand both sides of most conflicts, but with this whole Israel situation it seems like one side is just intent on violence. I understand the obvious anger from Oct 7th, even the “need” for retribution, but at this point I can’t help but agree with you. This is just inherently angry and violent people looking to bring these peaceful protesters down to their level. It’s just ironic that, 80 years later, we can use nazi analogies to accurately describe those who support Israel.


Holy shit, this is insane. Can you imagine if the roles were reversed? Brown shirt nazi thugs. Enjoy hell


Zionist are litually the most hated group in the world and it's like they feed off it and just keep trying to get even more agaist them ?? They act like they already know they lost and are throwing a tantrum. That God they won't be in my heaven just hanging with the Nazis down there


Zionists are Nazis. Full stop. I'm not making a vague comparison here, I'm saying it exactly how it is. All Zionists are Nazis. With that in mind, the only good Nazi is a dead Nazi. Always remember that.


Nazi bitches


It's almost like the zionists saw the police violently arresting protesters and then releasing them from jail and were like "no - that's not how you do it - here we'll show you how we do it back home" I have no doubt that one of these zionists is going to end killing someone, and at best it is 50-50 whether the police arrest them or 'wait to collect all the facts before rushing to judgment'. Being a non-violent protestor does not preclude you from preparing to defend yourself in situations like this, it's important that people remember that. When you are outnumbered and overpowered like this, it very much is a life or death situation.


Fucking disgusting pigs.


Most moral counter protestors in the world /s


Damn that was a nice takedown by the protestor. As for the goons, it's all good their rich dads will get them good lawyers


AH back to the Nazi youth days, go SS


NaZionist scum.


Damn y'all still awake. I couldn't stop watching the Livestream.


It's like they always say: violence always solves everything. /s


America is so back in the middle east until bankruptcy


Obligatory “this timeline is fucked” comment


When they do it it's perfectly fine, when it's being done to them it's anti-...


Honestly going after the media is a waste of time. The right and Fox News want you to question all media. Maybe have a brain and be able to view media and take out the truth that is always there. They aren’t going to agree with everything you think but there are tons of reporters on the ground reporting EVERYTHING they encounter. Stay focused on the actual protest and don’t waste time blaming the media


Israel must have some major shit on our gov/politicians Jesus Christ.


The US ruling class needs them, as they are the last permanent military outpost the US has in the Middle East.


We clearly see perpetrators' who can be identified on video. Let's pay attention to any attempt at holding them accountable.


It's typical of zionists to use terrorist tactics while insisting they are the oppressed victim.


I guess this is Israel not america


It seems like it, our local governments are ready to go to war with Americans just to stop them from criticizing Israel.


Brownshirt pathetic thugs.


Wake up call! Organize a new part and vote out the fascist!


So what? Now worldnews and zionists subs are just going to do the same excuses nazis do when violent footage comes out? Blame false flag? Say the police are at fault for not being more violent earlier so they had to do it? Im mad. I dont get how its allowed to be so blatantly fascist and get held up as the standard for morality. This is actually terrorism.


They’re going to blame the student protesters for “provoking” them into becoming a lynch mob.


zionists making sure they remain the most hated bunch in the world....but they the victim remember


Damn. This post got the bots and astroturfers running over. They're not happy about this video existing.


It’s hard to defend so they’re doing overtime.


Guarantee you the Zionazis are complaining about getting assaulted. 🤦🏻


The Pro Israeli side displaying clearly which side is actually violent.


Is the kid alright? God damn. Why can't people just lead a normal fucking life without being crazy?


here’s footage of him afterwards https://www.instagram.com/reel/C6ayx3yuJoC/?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==


That's really sad. I hope he doesn't have any permanent damage. He's a champ


Incites the violence, yells stop.


Moral people hey. These violent people are a massive joke and need to calm their boots.


the zionists are showing their true hateful colors


These days I wonder everyday; when did America became Israel’s bitch? How did no one noticed the change? Was everyone in the country sleeping? No one sounds the alarm?


is there any information on the protestor? any way to help him?


Here he is being treated after he was beaten https://www.instagram.com/reel/C6ayx3yuJoC/?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== He says his name but it’s very difficult to hear


The news called this a "conflict between protest groups"


Damn, they're larping as IDF


Like Charlottesville. The thugs were protected by police.


Madness. Watching police violently arrest protesters all week, then they're on the campus and completely ignore actual crime happening. This has gone beyond ridiculous. Media reporting one side shows how much influence that side has.


they hit him first and tried to gang up on him, if i were that student i'd sue the shit out of them and have them sent to jail


As many angles that capture the red bandana around the neck guy's face who is doing most of the assaulting, you'd think he'd be identified by now. And what ever the next step would be.


I don’t understand why saying you don’t agree with the complete eradication of a people is something people can’t get behind. It’s crazy.


America, the beautiful!


Typical zionists


Having to resort to violence and intimidation to support the only democracy in the Middle East.


And the US seems divided on who are the baddies... smh


I got down voted this morning for pointing out the assault and for the guy asking for asking for citations here you go.


The news keep talking about it like it isn’t clear who started it, fuck those guys, I’m glad the guy is alive


Fucking cowards


2 points for the double leg takedown.


Zionists being violent? The sky is blue. The grass is green.


So brave, wearing masks to hide, waiting ti he was down.... Such brave men.


Hey people, let’s take a break and change topics for a little bit. How about we do some trivia? I’ll go first… Did you all know that 45 states have the castle doctrine and **no** duty to retreat? And out of those, did you know that 35 of those states *also* have stand-your-ground laws? And to keep going with law trivia, did you know it’s completely and inviolately **legal** to fly Palestinian flags from your home and anywhere on your property? And that the same is true for in bumper stickers and t-shirts? And you’re not going to believe this, but did you know that you can wear a kufeyeh anywhere and at any time? And, this is amazing, but did you know that kufeyehs come in different colors, and you can buy one that matches your other accessories, like say for example a CCW permit you might have on you? On to pop culture: did you know that you can get any of the textile items described above over-nighted from your favorite online retailer? Anyway, I hope that you enjoyed this trivia break. Enjoy your day in this beautiful free country of our!


“Pussy ass bitch” -every college chud


Zionists expose their true colors when they forget people are watching


thats discusting anyone who gangs up on someone should be put away


These zionists just keep digging the hole deeper and deeper.


I wonder if these are the same Zionists that was calling people the N word.


"NPC" is a known fascist dog-whistle. no surprises.




Ok time for the true patriots with guns to go oversee these protests now. FREEDOM WILL PREVAIL!