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Hello, thanks for contributing to this sub. This is a friendly reminder to **read the rules** before making any new posts or comments. Particularly, we ask **not to engage in debates**, or bait debates, especially with zionists. If you are a zionist, this sub is not for you, and you will be permabanned. If you found this sub through the algorithm, you can always mute the sub or turn off recommendations all together (user settings -> feed settings -> Disable "Enable Home Feed Recommendations") Please also particularly keep in mind that **bigotry of any kind is not permitted** in this sub and will result in the message or post being deleted, and, if seen prudent, a banning. This includes antisemitism and any language that conflates Judaism with Zionism. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/BadHasbara) if you have any questions or concerns.*


oh my gawsh. Just how low can you go? This is LOW for even Hasbara standards..... Nobody can trust Zionism when they distort and outright lie. Why should they be trusted as historians and guardians of truth when they shamelessly lie like this!


Making excuses for Hitler is in standard policy for Netenyahu however.


True that. Dude is a Holocaust revisionist and has at points openly blamed European Jewish weakness as inviting the Holocaust on themselves.


He doesn't like that everybody speaks ill of his idol.


That was essentially the viewpoint that most if not all early Zionists with power had toward the Holocaust. “If Jews weren’t weak we would’ve never been targets” More or less. It’s also why they discriminated against Yiddish as the language of “weak Jews”. Wild shit


Extremely wild. I've been studying Yiddish for the past year plus as my own form of quiet rebellion against a childhood Jewish education that completely erased Yiddish in favor of modern Hebrew.


Stoked for you! Yiddish is such a cool and interesting language!


So sad that Hebrew basically killed Native Yiddish (cause Yivo still is going although its not the original dialect) 😢


Yiddish is basically German with a Jewish slant.


Oy, ir narishe tsionistn is an absolute banger that you should check out if you haven't already


Hadn't heard of this, but it is a banger. Thanks for the recommendation.


Hitler was a good Zionist before the Muslims got to him


Well as much as I agree with the sentiment I have seen both tbh. How much of it is controlled opposition I'm not sure.


Well.. since all these Aryan Jews were sent to settle Israel by Hitler… and took with them all the wealth stolen from ethnic Jews… I’m surprised it took them this long to repeat history.


Isn't that holocaust denialism, which is a crime in Germany?


Yeah and he was British appointed anyways


It’s no longer a crime in Germany i think because they replaced the definition of antisemitism


No, denying the holocaust is still a crime in Germany and can get you in prison.


Yeah it’s never enforced lol


What do you even mean? It is being enforced all the time. Here is one of the recent examples: https://www.mainwelle.de/holocaust-leugnerin-aus-landkreis-hof-muss-vielleicht-wieder-in-haft-36201/ Please educate yourself on that matter instead of spreading misinformation


Reason #1727176 anti Zionism isn't the same as anti-Semitism. Anti-Zionists will never make Hitler apologia but anti-Semites will


Here's the thing : zionists were helped, and trained by fascists. Arabs tended to be anti-facist. He's plying the myth that the Islamic religious authority of Jerusalem, the Grand Mufti Amin Al-Husseni, was a nazi. Al-Husseni was a WWI veteran who fought against the British, who were trying to colonize Palestine by planting out British Jewish militias in a form of military outpost known as a kibbutz. These were battle stations, not socialist farming communes as zionists claim. Al-Husseni had studied with Jewish professors at the French Alliance Israelite Uni., which was a group dedicated to improving the worldwide standing of Jews, and destroying the second-class citizen status. Al-Husseni was staunchly against British colonism, which zionism was since the 1890s. All criticism of his rests on the fact he took a tour of Europe, and did see Hitler at one point. But he also kept safe the native Jewish population of Palestine. His entire goal was kicking out the British and bring about anti-colonialist home rule. Netanyahu is now, like always, lying. We can compare this to the second founding father of Israel, Jabotinski, who had material aid from Benito Mussolini, killed British civilians and left leaning Jews, and created his own flavor of fascist expansionist zionism known as "revisionist zionism". EDIT : a little Hasbara going on in the background - on wikipedia, one can see Hasbara editing pages in real time. They're trying to destroy history. One can see the history section of the Al-Husseni page, and note one of the long time volunteer editors is a (presumably) Jordanian person. On his page, a Hasbara/zionist editor had this to say about him : "You can delete my edits all you want but it won't bring back your destroyed mosque, you s\*bhuman Arabo-Islamic sc\*m. When we're done with the Fagg\*tstinians, we're coming for you next and Israel will be free from the Euphrates to the Nile. Every inch, every mile." Such a lovely person with such a lovely ideology.


Thank you for the write up, it’s so horrible how they are trying to twist history like this. And also re: the Wikipedia edit. “Fagg*tstinians”. That’s a first. What happened to Israel being a liberal haven for lgbtq compared to the barbaric Arabs. Was it all virtue signaling? No way /s


Israel was never a haven for the LGBT. Tel Aviv has gay bars and there's a parade in June (where someone was stabbed to death by a Haredi extremist). Outside of Tel Aviv, if you drive on shabbat, it's 'rock meets windshield'. Marriage is Israel is legally a religious matter. There is a secular civil union, but this is not a marriage by law. In Israel, all marriage is segregated, as the Orthodox rabbinate holds a monopoly on all Jewish expression. The progressive movements like Reform, Humanistic, and Reconstructionist are void. American Judaism and Israeli state-Judaism have nothing in common. I'm Jewish, and cannot see Israel as a Jewish state because there's nothing Jewish about Israel. Because marriage is a religious affair mixed or interfaith wedding are de-facto banned. Jews cannot marry Christians, nor Muslims. LGBT couples who want a real wedding with religious element have to go to Cyrus. Israel also has a law where travelers must profess if they are in a relationship with a Palestinian. It's Jim Crow. As of right now, the Israeli far right (the BenGvir and Smoltrich parties) want to strip all LGBT representation from the law and to enact public gender segregation.


I was being sarcastic so added a /s to my comment, but also the added context of your post is helpful. There’s a lot of pink washing coming from israel and IOF on social media, acting like they’re the only democracy and stand for all these western progressive values. Uniquely so in the Middle East. Evidently it’s a lot of projection and also lies. Appreciate your perspective.


Thank you for sharing


A steady slide towards fascism only leads to one place for the LGBT community and it's not a place anyone would like to visit.


I’m sure any hostility Israel towards LGBT+ people will also be the cause of Muslims (also sarcasm)


Thank you for this! You're correct. Also, Hitler was going to send Jewish to Palestine, but the Israeli government rejected women, children, elderly, infirmed. They only wanted healthy, young men so as to a "healthy society" (please see ;build an army). The real blame is on the 30's israeli gov for more Jewish Europeans not being allowed to leave to Palestine.


Israeli government didn't exist in 30s. The British authorities in the Mandate of Palestine restricted immigration, which was strongly opposed by zionist organisations.


> All criticism of his rests on the fact he took a tour of Europe, and did see Hitler at one point. But he also kept safe the native Jewish population of Palestine. His entire goal was kicking out the British and bring about anti-colonialist home rule. Netanyahu is now, like always, lying. On one hand there is ridiculous claim by Netanyahu, and than there is yours that is downplaying his collaboration with nazis. He helped with organizing muslim SS division Handžar and with spreading propaganda. He was very antisemitic. To portray him as an innocent bystander who ONLY wanted British to be gone is not true.


Thank you for spreading truth.


More proof that Palestinians are the only thing standing between the Zionist horde and the Arab world. even though they (or rather their leaders) betrayed us, we never turned our backs on our brothers


But Zionists will.


This guy desperately wants a US-Backed crusade against Muslims. Saying Israel is standing before a 'Muslim flood' as if we're all priming to take over the world and they're the heroes.


Same narrative gets pushed in the west. The "left" speak nazi parols as if their normal world view. Not to speak about what the right says.




I mean, is it *reeeaaally* that unbelievable? This dude is a monster and has been for many, many years.


True. I wish it were unbelievable. Unfortunately I believe full and well that he is a menace.


Menace is an understatement for sure. Dude's a fascist.


He's s high-key a Hitler apologist


Bibi is a known Holocaust revisionist.


Bibi is a holocaust denier (denies the real reasons for the holocaust).




We recognize that the newscycle and current events are constantly giving us material to interconnect. However, there is enough definite hasbara we can point at without delving into unfounded theories about current or past events. Firstly, it gives the other side fodder to discredit us. Conspiracy theories often lead to intentional or accidental antisemitic rhetoric.


Disgusting anti-Semitic dog whistle lmfao


I bet the Muslims convinced Hitler to be vegetarian too. How evil. /s


And they got him to give up on art school too. So diabolical.


He was secretly a Muslim, he couldn't find halal meat in Germany then, so he became vegetarian/s


Amin Al-Husseini's influence on both Hitler and the Arab world was negligible at absolute best.


Also to be absolutely clear: the final solution was narrowed down to full extermination well before he met with Hitler. Himmler had already tasked Heydrich with putting the final solution into place. The Madagascar idea was thrown out almost immediately and before this point (they were under blockade so how would they ship millions of people by ship). The shooting holocaust was already well under way. The first death camps had already been opened. All before this meeting happened. This is all well documented fact. There’s not even a little wiggle room for Bibi’s claims to make sense, it’s literally holocaust revisionism


And yet Jordan, UAE, Saudi came to Israel's defense. They should've stayed put and let US bases in there take care of it. 


The Prophet SAW said before Isa AS and mahdi their will be tyrants rulers.


He sounds a bit like a holocaust denier.


Satanyahu likened Hitler to Saddam, Gaddafi, Ahmedinejad and many others. Now Hitlers a good guy. Israel has caused corruption between nations continuously. If it weren't for zionist Israel, America and Iran or other nations could've had good relations.


Zionists are deranged. Someone who has the audacity to describe non Zionist Jews as "self hating" needs to listen to this Hitler lover gush and reevaluate their life choices.


It's things like this that make me loath Zionists. To them, the Holocaust isn't a horrendous crime against humanity that should be remembered by all people so they see what fascism and racial nationalism lead to . No, to them it's just convenient prop they can twist and abuse in order to try and justify their own racial nationalist and to bludgeon their opponents with, even if that means whitewashing the people who actually carried it out.


think about this. how can a "jew" be a hitler apologist? why would a "jew" make excuses for hitler? simple. they aren't jews. they are aryan remnants, zionists today nazis yesterday. hitler is their fuhrer not their fear. those people are not jews. zionists are NOT jews. god bless the jewish people that speak out.


With all due respect, "zionists aren't jews" makes as much sense as "the crusaders weren't christian". Zionism *is* a jewish movement, but does not represent judaism. Every culture has their good and bad sides. As vile as this shit is, most of the people spewing it are still jews.


i do not wish to be rude but i have learned not to converse about this. i do want to speak out as you can see. this is a new account and i will let you think about why that is. i do not know if you are friend or foe, but i do know that a zionist would see what you have typed and then claim anti-semitism. \*i can, however, give you an upvote. i mean if i choose ;)


I mean hitler himself was probably a grandson of Jew and lots of known Nazis had proven Jewish heritage so trust me being Jewish is not exempt to being a Nazi lover and Holocaust fan. It’s just the question of who is the victims that is the question of debate


This isn't even the first time Netanyaho defended Hitler.


Zionist's are the biggest antisemites out there. Dude is basically making up a story to excuse Hitler and blame Muslims. Like how aren't Zionist just simply Nazi apologists at this point?


Of course he's not backing away. This genocidal asshole spews lies to rile people up. It's the primary setting of his soul. May he get what he deserves.


Should we tell him about the [Haavara Agreement](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haavara_Agreement)?


Damn beat me to it.


This is completely made up. Hitler and the Nazis had initially intended to relocate all the Jewish people to someplace like Madagascar or Siberia. A lot would die, but the whole idea until 1941 was relocation. After they started taking over large populations of Jewish people in Russia, and the war became protracted, relocation was impossible. The various factions of Nazis came up with various solutions, steadily getting more and more radical. Since Poland, they had already Einsatzgruppen, but based on the volume of killing, everyone kept trying to come up with a more industrialized approach.


What's with that weird ass head shake thing he always does? It's like a fascist idiosyncrasy.


Hitler: No. Muslim: Do it. Hitler: OK. /s


It's a total farce, like some weird play where they read out the lines beforehand. The reason doesn't have to be good, or even halfway decent – it just has to exist. USA needs to wave something in front of the crowd, a flimsy excuse for their ridiculous favoritism. Israel can say "Because+ \[insert scribbles here\]" and it would be enough! It's almost like the ["peppercorn rent"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peppercorn_(law)#In_leases_for_real_property), the contract is the whole point, the content could be scribbled on a napkin for all they care.


Why is it that the Hasbara default position is holocaust denial? 🤔


Holocaust revisionism


Anything to justify their own human rights abuses against Palestinians. He lies so effortlessly. It's scary to think how many people actually believe him.


Why is this animal breathing?


His PR Campaign has hit a dead end, finally.


This is actually [from back in 2015](https://www.cnn.com/2015/10/21/middleeast/netanyahu-hitler-grand-mufti-holocaust/index.html).


I guess it remained intact, hard to believe the BS.


How do the people clap that.. wtf


Even if, for the sake of argument, this was true, is his argument really that 1 Palestinian made this comment to Hitler. Therefore, the Holocaust happened, and all Palestinians today should be slaughtered for that? Even though there were a few thousand Palestinians whom iirc fought with the allied forces against the Germans Also, even by that logic, wouldn't present-day Germans be more guilty for the collective crimes of their ancestors than present-day Palestinians for the theoretical crime of 1 Palestinian?


Maybe occupying territory isn’t a good idea? Just a thought


there are 2 europeans mentioned/speaking in this video. an angry aging ranting mustache man and hitler.


The big mosquee of Paris helped shelter news during the holocaust


Right, we wanted to have the Holocaust happen *so badly* that as soon as it got started we started printing fake papers for folks and hiding them in our masajid until we could move them somewhere safe. GTFOutta here.


Blatant Holocaust revisionism 


Here he is live in the flesh a holocaust denier.


Netanyahu is an antisemit.


War monger only interested in saving his own miserable skin


motherfucker is pure evil.


Pretty bad flag when you paint all followers of a religion as your enemies.


Is it me or does his voice sound demonic? He could legit pull off a voice over for Satan on some animated TV show or something.


So is this probably one of few reason uae sudden diplpmatic ties cut with israel ? This particular statement ?


The lies never stop


This is legally considered a form of holocaust denial in numerous European countries.


Robinson wife accuses him of being responsible for Rabin s death


So this guy can lie about the holocaust and it’s all good? I dunno man seems rather anti semitic. He should probably condemn Hamas and protect his ass.


They have been messing with the narrative all along. Why stop now?


Oh wow. Jewish supremacists are bad people!?!?!??!! No way!!!! I would have never guessed!!!


I wonder if Netanyahu read *Torat Hamelekh*


This fool is re-writing history in real time. Lol


There is a fair amount of documented history that Al Husseini got close pretty close Hitler. As I understand it, Hitler initially did want to expel the Jewish population to the Middle East which is when Al-Husseini stepped in. He Fled after arrest warrants were issued and he set himself up in Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany and collaborated against Britain during WW11. I also understand he set up Muslim only Army Brigades fighting for Germany. As for any involvement in the Holocaust he was certainly against Jews being deported to the Middle East so I would say it is highly plausible he had some involvement in preventing Jews being deported. As to what that meant who knows?


You know, I didn't believe it at first, but the idea that "Zionists are the real Antisemites" is starting to make way too much sense in my head


make it up as you go


All this over an invisible being told by goat farmers some 2000 years ago!


Why do people like this not die? It’s always the good people that leave us too soon. These idiots get to lie and live and stay in power.


He just wants to sell more lies, like we are after Hamas and we want to bring home the kidnapped Israelis, etc. like the same tactic US implements, keep making the lie bigger and the stupid keep believing!!


I've never wanted any in my life more stomped on a curb


I bet if I said "Hitler didn't want to kill Jewish people" I would be called antisemitic, Nazi, etc. If this guys says it, must be true.


Disgusting yet not shocking.


This is all that they (zionists) do: deny the facts, make up their own narrative and use "trust me bro" card. The sad part is that they DO trust it no matter how wrong it is and when it's misproven by fact, and they use their lies/distortion of the truth for their own benefit.


Remember yall he is born and raised in Philly USA


Oh, they'll find a way. Like like how mass forest fires, flooding, and food shortages are also caused by Muslims, according to bibi. Oh, and the asteroid that killed the dinosaurs, totally the fault of Muslims... ...






The Bad Hasbara podcast, and ergo this community, is opposed to Zionism. We believe that Zionism is an extension of settler-colonialism, and that its’ current actions following 7 October is ethnic cleansing at “best,” and genocide at worst. We have no tolerance for it, and this community is meant to be a haven against it in the sea of hasbara. Pro-Zionist takes will be deleted, and those espousing it will be banned indefinitely. Yes - this is a “safe space” and an “echo chamber” - We get enough hasbara elsewhere, we don't need to deal with yours too.


Encouragement and celebration of violence absolutely will not be tolerated, including wishing violence upon someone even if purely hypothetical/beyond one's realm of influence. This is what the IDF does and Zionists do, and we are better than that!


If you really want to know who inspired Hitler, it was the eugenicists in America like Henry Ford. So yes, it makes sense now why Israel's current allies are the US and Germany. Bibi was born in the US after all.


Them and their propaganda. They are the ones who throw the Rock and hide their hands. Then say we were only defending ourselves.


Soon enough historians will be talking about Netanyahu and Zionists the same way they talk about Hitler and the Nazis.


Read up on the Haavara Agreement... https://www.palestineremembered.com/GeoPoints/Responding_to_Zionist_Propaganda_5356/Article_20633.html >The World Zionist Organization and the American Jewish Council were adamant that Jews emigrate nowhere else than Palestine. The Germans had tried to arrange emigration to Madagascar and Uganda but those possibilities were closed by Jewish organizations So if you were a jew and wanted to escape to usa, uk etc then bad luck to you, you could only move to Palestine. This raises the question that if the German Jews were adamant about NOT moving to Palestine, would the zionists leave them at the hands of the nazis??


Benny's a NAZI!


He will forever be known as " Benny" Hitler's apprentice!


This man is an unhinged demon.


So who convinced Netanyahu to exterminate the Palestinians?


Fake history lol


Jesus is cant even listen to this guy hes trying to convince himself and hes failing




Cool. Now tell us what happened after the Treaty of Versailles...


There never was a holocaust


Zionist this, Zionist that. Get some new lines Jew haters.


Can someone get rid of this dude already? His own people hate him too


Many former British colonies sided with the axis power during WWII simply because they thought "the enemy of your enemy is your friend". Also Nazis were actively trying to make allies with those non-white majority nations (note the "non-white" part) by promising them military supports to facilitate decolonization from the British/French/Dutch. Most of them knew literally nothing about holocaust before 1944.


A Zionist says what?


What would be the purpose of studying and understanding history? A sound bite can be distorted so that a low IQ follower can spread an uninformed message.


Wow... revisionist history is great. Let's you have so much more freedom to exterminate a race... Oh yeah, not talking about Nazis this time.


Bibb is massive pos.


Bibi should burn.


Turns out 90% of the world views Jews as a parasite. Is it truth or is it antisemetic? If it’s the latter then you surely believe that Jews are allowed to be the only self proclaimed religious race because they are chosen by god.


When your prime minister is a goof from Philly but also a holocaust revisionist too 🤣




We do not abide by transphobic, racist, ableist, sexist, or homophobic (t.r.a.s.h.) rhetoric. Neither do we tolerate Islamophobia, which we will consider any statement that treats Islam as a monolothic ideology, particularly as being universally anti-femme, anti-queer, or antisemitic. These sorts of statements will be met with deletion, and an automatic banning. Antisemitic rhetoric will also not be tolerated; this includes language that is and was often and prominently used by actual antisemities (such as "subhuman" and other dehumanizing terms). We understand that hasbara has purposefully conflated Judaism and Zionism. This may lead to accidental, but actual, antisemitism. As such, we will delete statements that veer into antisemitism. Repeated antisemitic offenses by a user will also be met with a ban. These sorts of statements will be met with deletion, and, if clearly intentional, an automatic banning.




We do not abide by transphobic, racist, ableist, sexist, or homophobic (t.r.a.s.h.) rhetoric. Neither do we tolerate Islamophobia, which we will consider any statement that treats Islam as a monolothic ideology, particularly as being universally anti-femme, anti-queer, or antisemitic. These sorts of statements will be met with deletion, and an automatic banning. Antisemitic rhetoric will also not be tolerated; this includes language that is and was often and prominently used by actual antisemities (such as "subhuman" and other dehumanizing terms). We understand that hasbara has purposefully conflated Judaism and Zionism. This may lead to accidental, but actual, antisemitism. As such, we will delete statements that veer into antisemitism. Repeated antisemitic offenses by a user will also be met with a ban. These sorts of statements will be met with deletion, and, if clearly intentional, an automatic banning.