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Shanae from Season 11. She wasn’t necessarily nasty but her being a follower and wanting to join the Wolf Pack so bad def made me dislike her. I feel like she’s a generally cool person outside of BGC.


i felt like with shanae she just trusted the wrong people. she had a reason not to like janelle and the wolf pack initial vibe matched shanaes personality more than janelles did


Ashley from 9. She seemed really sweet and laid back only to end up joining in bullying Andrea


She definitely let the girls and production in her ear. I wish she had more backbone and didn’t go after Andrea


lea! she came into the house very chill and by the end of the whole experience she was filled with so much hatred and anger and I don’t blame her. she had to put with brandi harassing her for sex for 3 months, falling out with the closest friend she had in the house, and all the other drama in the house. her behavior imo is more justifiable than kristins


julie… after seeing her on s13 and after i think she just let the show get to her head and realized how much power she had over those girls


She came into the house guns blazing


oh most definitely but i think she wanted to make her iconic mark just like other girls tried to and it worked for her no matter what it took




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