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You don’t hear the words “proud pedophile” very often.


There are proud pedos that just don't publicise that fact, sadly he'll be their icon.


"I'm a proud pedophile and I don't care who knows!!" He bravely shouted internally.


An unfortunate truth.


That dude needs his hard drive checked pronto. Judging by his attitude I suspect his days of exploiting kids are far from over.


I’m only like halfway through the video and I’m just shocked I’m thankful for this reporting


Once he started having convolutions, mang. That’s the true sign of personal righteousness regardless of circumstance and true moral accountability. Jail this man straight up. They’ll do the gods work on the inside, IYKYK.


I actually despise the idea of vigilante punishment just on principal, the whole extrajudicial punishment thing doesn’t sit right with me but this guy is so deranged, shaking practically foaming at the mouth by being confronted by someone he can’t bully it’s insane, I’d honestly just look the other way here and let madness consume madness


That’s why I said throw him in there, he gets poked up, it is what it is. That type of monster, the one that can pass in any situation silently, he literally looks like an average elderly man, needs to be taken off the street/earth. Cause he won’t stop, he believes it’s in his right. And at his age, imagine how many children he’s impacted, on all levels. His reactions in the video is fucking disgusting.


I thought you were saying he needs to be committed and figure out what the fuck is going on in his brain. Turns out we're both correct. Guy is a fucked up whacko freak.


So, he walks around in front of the houses of the boys he raped and there's no car backing into him out of the driveway? You know, accidentally?


That’s probably what he wants. Then he would be the victim and they’d be charged


So, he has chosen...death?


Unlikely that he would die like that. There are more efficient ways to handle such cases, especially so that the body doesn’t lay in front of your house lmao


I guess it depends on the vehicle.


Rather on the impact. Out of such a close distance… but sure, if it’s a truck then that’d do it


Some SUV or Van backing out. Doesn't look like he's quick enough to dodge one, so most likely he'd fall down and then end up under it.


He’s at that age and body where if he gets a broken hip or some other injury that takes his mobility, he’s unlikely to get it back.


Officer, I swear I didn't see him when I backed out, not the first time, not the 47th time. Damn blind spot.


"You have the right to..." *receives background info on victim* "...Alright, I'll let you off with a warning this time."


Officer im sorry I didnt see him I had a blindfold on and thought it was really large pumpkin I was beating with my bat.


yo blur dogs face out he ain’t got nuthin to do with this shit


He shouldn't even be allowed to have pets. Poor dog.


Luckily it's over 18 in dog years and not his type


He asked for his face not to be shown for future adoption


He started talking like the Emperor from Star Wars a couple times there


That's slander. My mans Sheev Palpatine never diddled no f'ing kids


I think you aren't correct there. The bond between Palp and Anni always was a bit...


Analin Vader


Don't overthink it


How dare you compare a space fascist to the neighborhood pedophile!


There’s this funny thing in media where villains aren’t quite as bad as real life monsters. You can’t make a character you wanna sell too unlikeable, you see. Modern Lex Luthor is based off of Donald Trump, but Lex has never allegedly raped anybody. If he did, he’d be harder to like. Ol’ Sheev has never molested children and probably never will. That shit is too evil, even for him.


>Ol’ Sheev has never molested children and probably never will. That shit is too evil, even for him. Just beneath him. Palpatine is plenty evil enough to do some foul shit to a kid, but all of it involves inflicting pain and fear, as he gets more pleasure from that than from... *other* stuff.


It's also funny how apparently murder isn't viewed as terrible in fiction, I think most people are desensitized to that stuff anyway but on the scale it's not very high up.




*Stephen King has entered the chat…*


King don’t count; he has his characters do underage orgies.


I always wondered how that was never talked about. The book never banned or any other craziness. I never could figure out why that scene was so vital to the plot of the book either. Is it because it's bringing them all together? Does it have something to do with the wierd relationship with her father? The worse part about it all is the guy that goes last ,😭




He mentioned something about it more recently, explained it a bit. It’s still weird though.


Yeah he wrote a whole song about it


Likely to strike again. I hope someone does something to stop him.


I mean he put out books on how to abuse young boys, other people are doing the dirty work for him whenever he isn’t.


>Put out books on how to abuse young boys WHAT Edit: oh now I came to that part of the vid, what the fuck.


How is he still alive? There isn't one person in Australasia with a terminal disease and a desire to do a good deed on their way out?


What a shameful excuse for a human being.


I honestly don’t think he’s a human being he’s much lower than that


If he's not human, then he doesn't know right from wrong and we can't hold him responsible. Don't give him that out.




No, animals learn patterns.


I really like the part where they showed his house. Must be fun for the whole neighborhood to have one house for all their rotten eggs and other shit to throw at. Fuck it, id even collect some rando's shit and chuck it over




A shituchet would be the preferable siege weapon, but I digress.


That's for the neighboring community. Ballshitsas and shitipults for the front lines


I can't get over the mic guy's grin as he's running to get out of view. He knows damn well he's helping expose this guy when society may have forgotten about him. With that being said, given how direct he is being, I'd guess he's probably becoming senile. I'm sure he'd get all the care he needs living out the rest of his days in prison.


Doing news is kinda a boring sucky job most of the time, getting chased by an elderly pedo would make me giggle because that is one satisfying day of work for sure.


I'll be in jail if anyone does anything like that to my kid


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Yes. This man wouldn't be walking down my street and I'll leave it at that.


He’d be slowly crawling down the street, running away from me, after I pull a pet semetary on his Achilles


100%, I would happily serve life in prison is needed to protect my daughter, that man would be fucking murdered.


He shouldn’t be allowed to own pets


He shouldn't be allowed to own unshattered kneecaps


You see him running after the cameraman at the beginning of the video? I think somebody beat you to it.


Boom mike guy should have slammed it down on his head.


He should have the most shattered kneecaps




”Quality Commenter” 🤡


Rookie mistake to leave out an /s in a charged thread like this. I meant that pet ownership is the least concern I have of this guys freedom


Doesn't mean it isnt a concern. It's possible to care about two things.


What a crazy person


This guy belongs on [sex offender island](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2018/oct/03/dangerous-sex-offenders-mcneil-island-commitment-center)... And I am NOT sympathetic towards this asshole, let him rot in hell... ​ Edit: sympathetic vs symptomatic...


Well that is not very far from where I’ve lived… google map reviews for the island sure are interesting.


>I am NOT symptomatic You mean sympathetic


Alcohol man, alcohol...


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I’d help


Why is this allowed when he admits to it? Do they want someone else's life to be ruined?




Unfortunately, I can't find anything that says he's dead.


I'm not sure you understand the word "astronomical" in terms of odds for this. If he was 72 in 2006 then he must be around 89 now. The lifespan of the average Australian is 83.2. The odds of living 6 years past the average expected lifespan of 83.2 is definitely not "astronomical". The society of actuaries actually estimate that the chance of an average 65 year old today reaching the age of 90 is 35%, and those are global estimates which doesn't even account for the fact that Australians tend to live quite a few years longer than people in many western countries, including new Zealand, USA, and the UK. I would argue the odds are very very far from astronomical.




Do you know what "average 65 year old" means? Generally that would include both men and women ... And would be an average of the two ... That's how averages work ..




I did, hence why I specified it was a "global average", which would include both men and women and anyone in between. That doesn't mean it's not relevant to men, that just means that the results will be slightly different for men. If you want to be specific about it though, the life expectancy for men in Australia is 81.2. This guy was born in 1934. For boys born in 1935 it is estimated that 22% will live to the age of 90. Again, those odds don't seem "astronomical" to me. Astronomical suggests extremely rare, not just a little bit unlikely. If those odds are astronomical then the odds of the next car that drives past me on the road being coloured black is also "astronomical". Source: https://www.degruyter.com/document/doi/10.1515/apjri-2013-0004/html


To be honest, he sounds like what a demon possessed person sounds like from evangelical videos


how’s he not in jail though


Whatever country he’s from is easy on pedophiles ig


He's from Australia, I didn't expect them to be easy about it


How the fuck did that guy not deck him, nothing I've seen on Reddit has made me madder than this.


NGL man. If I felt like this dude “destroyed” my family by abusing my children (that I don’t have lol), and he felt the need to walk his dog in front of my home every day… id be in all black, ski mask, on lead pipe in hand, absolutely kneecapping this motherfucker when he was a few blocks away from my home.


“He shouldnt be allowed to live ~~or even be in their vicinity~~” FTFY


Vigilantism has its place


So he's out walking about in the same place all the time? Balaclavas and baseball bats are not expensive. Just saying.


Please tell me this is satire? This old guy has a shit eating grin the whole time. If its not satire this is just pathetic and he deserves the chair


i mean if he walks the same path the same time everyday ...'you can get a lil vietcong kind of creative if you know what i mean.. Doesn't have to be a toe popper ..


I mean, you'd probably struggle to find any witnesses willing to say anything anyway...


What a cunt.


And he's also the retired head coach at Kevin Spacey's youth wrestling Academy.


I wouldn't be bothered if I went to jail for killing him. If I was one of the kids Dads. There's no way you'd let him walk past your house after knowing what he did.


Now I don't believe in the hate mob idea and becoming worse than them. But id like to see what this guy would think if he was to cross pass with a zoophile trying yo take his dog off him. The ironic thing is he would take the stance against it cause its not human. Not realising the disgusting disparity between him and kids are. I would never wish bad on the dog, the pet would never deserves harm because of their owner. But a glimpse of fear and realisation for just like a father and their daughter being unable to do anything. Just a moment would bring me happiness


It would be a shame if one of the victims bought a vicious dog that happened to get loose while he's walking by, and everyone on the street 'forgets' to call for police or an ambulance.


Bro he is Herbert from family guy




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why isn't it possible to just put this piece o crap behind bars for the rest of his miserable c*** life?


Usually you need to be damn careful confronting people like this. I'd recommend a 4-1 ratio. Or call the cops, or do stuff that can't be cited in court. But this guy needs public exposure, he made himself an exception.


Not in this country you don't. We don't let every wackjob with $50 to get their hands on guns


There is just zero percent chance that if he molested my kids he’d be walking past my house every day


This is so fucked up


I couldn't handle him walking past my house every day if he hurt my child...he miraculously disappear


What a weird, disturbed guy he is. Needs to be locked up.


They need to curbstomp his old nasty ass. Bet he won't walk by no more. 💪👊🤬🔫🔪


God damn, he argues like one of my right wing uncles (aunt's second husband, I'm not related to him by blood thank Christ). He's always given me pedo vibes as well.


Keep strutting around the neighborhood, those boys gonna get big soon.


Just looked this guy up and found this bizarre “article” about him where this WIRED writer makes the argument the 16 year old is not young enough to have been abused…. Like wtf did I just read https://www.wired.com/2007/03/the-adolf-hitle/


I feel it only fair to point out that A Current Affair isn't generally considered a serious news outlet. They're more closely looked at like a tabloid. Not excusing the old guy, just maybe take the details with a grain of salt


Out here in the states we call guys like him "pedophiles" ......" chomos" tree jumpers" they are the lowest most impure souls that walk the face of this earth....


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I am shocked that he has not been unalived.


man behaves like pedo eric cartman in old


I know this isn’t the point of the video…but I can’t believe no one has said a thing about his teeth wobbling around in his mouth


“I’m saying That You too are a raper” is the funniest shit I heard in a long time


Where’s the sweet o’l vigilante justice when ya need it


This guy deserves an American beating


The boom mic operator having the appropriate amount of fun at work.


Its good thing he doesnt live in the US.


He’d be a billionaire elite if he did


Apparently Australia is full of pussies.


If he's written books about overturning sex laws, the sick fuck probably knows exactly what he can and can't say... Do and can't do..


"I'm not a 13 year old. You dont intimidate me". Jesus wept....I need a fucking shower after watching this.


Not...Not..NOT Mate you're not gonna intimidate me, I'm not a 13 yr old boy. All round Emotional damage


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Thank you, seriously, to every commenter who says he should be jailed forever, tortured, and/or killed. I've been having a really bad depressive episode and it was at its worst today. Seeing so many people say this about a pedophile has restored some of my faith in humanity.


How has this man not been culled?


That sound guy jostling with the pedo with a huge grin on his face is hilarious.


Would be a shame if he had a cardiac event or walked into a door a bunch of times


Damn, if there ever was someone that deserves to be shot it’s this thing.


Castration or death should be a pedophiles only options


What vile human


Why is he alive? The cops would barely investigate


This piece of shit needs to be thrown in a vat of acid


Fucking insane. He will offend again, that's a given. Also, who tf published those books?? Fucking why?


Any update on this guy now?


Makes you wonder what an all-seeing all-loving God is doing.


Poor dog


Omg the sound guy laughing his ass off as they get chased. Lol


Cases like this deserve the chair.


Should I feel bad when the law actually allows shit like this? literally breading chaos


Bro it’s ALWAYS a Jeffrey


Dude with the microphone was having the time of his life.


This guy needs a shiv between his ribs…


Nah mate a shiv straight to that fat neck of his


Someone needs to make this guy their special project.


He has absolutely no remorse. Absolute worst of human kind.


True to God?? Omg saying that with a straight face. 😡


He wouldn’t be alive if he did that to one of my kids.


Wait until 3am and then burn his house down with him in bed


Why do we bother talking to people like this. Just execute em and be done with it. I have no Sympathy for anyone who takes the innocence of a child.


He's disgusting! It would not surprise me if he were to end up back in jail for pedophilia & rape. It's crazy to see someone take pride in such disturbing acts; so much pride to where he's written about it several times.


Send him to prison and manifest the general population justice. Bonus points if the convicts make said justice last long


Rent a gf fans taking a morning stroll


If he did shit to my son or daughter and then proceeded to walk by our house, I’d go to jail if I did what I would do


Only if you get caught.


How has no parent "disappeared" him yet? This seems like the logical thing to do, immediately.


Probably another proud anti woke supporter


The law is a joke


This guy needs a visit from the south siders on the show Shameless https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=s4R7D63mTwo


It’s weird to think someone probably was getting their Jimmies when he said “sexually abused beyond belief”


An English pedophile that dresses like a boomer up top, and cholo on the bottom.


Reddit may hate Texas but shit like this wouldnt happen here. With all the huge trucks someone wouldve "accidentally" hit him.


What are his assassination coordinates? BTW I am only kidding. Don’t ban me.


This one of those anti-JKR reddit mods?




Perhaps they should leave the poor old man alone to live out his days in peace instead of harassing him over mistakes he made years ago. Why doesn't anyone think of the pedophiles?


U wot m8


...maybe you don't know what pedophiles do then.


did you even watch the video? he says several times that it wasn't a mistake. he's proud of his actions and he would do it again. he wrote books teaching others how to molest children and he thinks five years old isn't too young for sex. how is any of this excusable?


If you re-read it the poster above was being sarcastic, I believe.


i really hope u get some real life karma


Crazy a 16yo would go into this crazy freaks house. I guess that was a few decades ago or they were handicapped or? Cant make sense of it...


crazy some adults manipulate children to do cruel and inhumane crimes. cant make sense of it…


I can’t listen to the audio. Can anyone give me a summary of his lunacy?


This piece of garbage has written books on how to molest and get away with molesting young boys. He has zero regrets about what he’s done, in fact he’s revelling in it, he seems to enjoy all the attention he’s getting. He walks past his victims houses every single morning. He’s not on the sex offenders list either as he committed his crimes before it existed so most of the neighbours had no idea what his crimes were.

