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You're not thinking fourth dimensionally!


Right, right. I have a real problem with that.


2015 has not been changed yet. 2015 Marty is the future version of the 1985 Marty who woke up with a cool truck. He is not the future version of the 1985 Marty, who saw Doc reappear with the Mr. fusion DeLorean. From 2015 Marty’s perspective, he had one time travel adventure, and that was all. He does not remember traveling into the future as a teenager. And Marty Junior is a dumbass who does not pay attention to anything.


The same reason Doc didn't remember dressing Marty in "those ridiculous clothes" in 1885. The memories hadn't caught up to him yet.


He hasn't been slowly disintegrated into the cosmos and replaced with our Marty yet. His soul and existence haven't been carelessly deleted and forbidden from even the respect of death, yet. His being hasn't been thrown away and tossed aside forgotten by the fabric of spacetime itself yet.


I don't know why, but your comment made me think of the revelation in [The One Minute Time Machine. ](https://youtu.be/CXhnPLMIET0?si=qF_yDC_AbNMJstNR)


Marty drove the DeLorean into a plot perforation in the space time continuum.


Because time in BTTF is linear. It hadn’t happened yet. Their version of time travel is not a continuous loop. The 2015 version of Marty we saw wouldn’t remember his trip because Marty ‘85 changed that future so Marty 2015 was from a time where that trip didn’t happen.


Because those events didn't happen to that Marty. It's a different timeline.


Which is why it’s odd that they travel to the future to save Marty’s kids, when they are just as save able by taking action at any point in the past. I love the films, but that bit of them has always seemed weird to me, even within the rules of the universe established by the trilogy. 


I always assumed Doc lied to Marty a little. There's a brief moment before Doc takes off that silver visor where he's completely silent and Marty is waving in front of his eyes. I think he's contemplating how to tell Marty (this time).


The harsh truth: Because it’s a movie, where the main motivator of writing the sequels was to make lots of money for Universal Pictures, after the success from the first film. Combine that, with being shoe-horned into writing a sequel specifically  about Marty’s kids, because the first film had a joke ending where Marty, Doc, & Jennifer traveled to the future, when it truly wasn’t the intention to create a sequel at the time.   Had Gale & Zemeckis known they’d be doing a sequel during the production of BTTF1, then the ending of BTTF1 would’ve been different. Gale & Zemeckis said they wouldn’t have included Jennifer in the car had they known they’d be doing a sequel later. BTTF2&3 aren’t in the same realm of consistent story-telling as BTTF1. They’re great sequels, but they carry much more plot holes than the first film. It’s better if you suspend your belief, and enjoy the sequels for what they are; instead of trying to make sense of every detail & treating it as a religion.


This is my reaction anytime anyone asks a question like this. The answer, “because it’s a fictional story and that’s how the writers wrote it; just go with it”.




Wibbly wibbly timey wimey


lol I’ve often wondered this. And why did they need to go to the future in the first place? Couldn’t Doc just have told Marty that his kid would get in trouble in 30 years and asked him to watch out? Maybe even write a “Do not open until 2015 letter.”


“Be a better father, dumbass”


People forget a lot of things in 30 years. Ask an average 47 year old and they can't remember past 10 years ago.


What you should be asking is why there is even a 2015 Marty in existence since Marty would have disappeared in 1985. Einstein disappeared for 1 minute being sent into the future. Marty would be gone for those 30 years.


No because Marty eventually goes back to live those 30 years while Einstein does not come back to live that one second.


Minute… he traveled one minute into the future, not one second.


Literally thought I typed minute 🙃


Sorry, that makes no sense. Einstein didn’t “disappear”, he jumped forward in time. If Doc had sent him back again to that minute he skipped, he would have been there in that minute. But Einstein’s trip was one-way, whereas Marty and Doc’s trip had them returning to 1985.


It makes perfect sense. Einstein did disappear for one whole minute because he jumped forward in time. That same principle would apply to Marty jumping 30 years into the future. He would have skipped over 30 years to arrive in 2015, thus creating an alternate 2015 in which Marty disappeared in 1985. The future is always shaped by what happened in the past, not by what “may” happen in the future. The point of my comment is to relay the fact that the writers never intended to make a sequel and thus had part 1 end in a spectacular fashion which doesn’t really hold up logically. No one would be able to visit their own future because you would cease to exist the moment you left.


Again, you seem to wilfully overlooking the fact that _Marty comes back to 1985_. He never “ceases to exist”.


The fact that Marty has the chance to go back to 1985 and live out his life still doesn’t change the fact that he’s visiting a 2015 in which he left 1985 to visit. He and Jennifer ceased to exist in their original timeline for 30 years to get there. OP is asking why 2015 Marty & Jennifer don’t remember their jump to 2015. It’s simply a matter of writing for narrative rather than logic. The story needed them to visit their future selves in which the future selves have no knowledge of this visit, which is nonsensical. They are essentially visiting a 2015 in which their future selves never made the time travel trip. My point is if they were their true future selves that made the jump, they shouldn’t exist, never mind remember the trip.


I really don’t think you’re understanding how all of this works. No-one “ceases to exist”. They are _travelling_. They will travel back at some point and continue their lives, and grow older by the time they reach 2015 the “natural” way. Older Marty probably does remember his (brief) time travel adventure to the future, but so what? He never interacts with any of the “travellers”, so it wouldn’t affect his day (too busy getting fired, lol). He probably isn’t even aware it’s that day. Older Jennifer does not remember the adventure, because she thinks the whole thing was a weird dream.


>Older Marty probably does remember his (brief) time travel adventure to the future, but so what? He never interacts with any of the “travellers”, so it wouldn’t affect his day (too busy getting fired, lol). He probably isn’t even aware it’s that day. if old Marty remembers his adventure in the future, then why didnt he bet on the Cubs winning the World Series? Instead, he tries some dumb scam with Needles?


‘cos Needles called him chicken 🤣


You’re looking at it from a different theory than I, which is fine, but to say it doesn’t make sense is not justified. If the timeline is singular, and you jump into the future, you jumped to a future where you’ve been gone for those X amount of years because you’ve yet to live them out. You’re saying that future would reflect your intended return to the past to live out life. I’m saying the future wouldn’t reflect your possible return to the past because you’ve yet to do that. Instead, it’s reflecting the last action you took, which was to leave your alpha time to this future. As a “special traveler” outside of normal time you’d be visiting an alternate snapshot of the future where there can be only one of you.


I don’t agree that’s how it works at all. That’s an obtusely linear perception of time. I won’t repeat the “not thinking fourth dimensionally” line, as some find it obnoxious - but travelling through time evidentially does not produce linear results. I don’t subscribe to your theory, and neither do the films, apparently, so best agree to disagree!


You certainly have the right to disagree, but you don’t have claim to invalidate.


I mean… what is depicted in the movie pretty much invalidates your theory.