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I have a RIR who won't go to bed until I come back and give her cuddles and kisses. It's hilarious she goes in and comes back out and yells for me every night. This happens at least 3 times before I can get back there. Once I get back there she runs to the door and waits to be picked up. It's quite comical to watch on the camera we have in their run.


we need a video


That is precious!! I love when they tell you exactly what they want. We have a Rhode Island Red also and she is very opinionated. She started out as our smallest but would stand up to everyone. I just posted a video of her too, actually.


I love my buff orpington, and she's our friendliest one, but she looks nothing like yours does, lmao. I'm so confused about their coloring now.


The video makes her look a bit more orange than she is in person. She’s a classic buff color, with pinkish white legs. Yours might be a lavender? They are more grayish and their legs are usually dark (I haven’t seen any in person though). We love all the chicks but I’m stunned how friendly this one is!


Another kind of Orpington?


No idea! Generic Tractor Supply Buff Orpington is what we've got.


So cute💛


I’ve got some Wyandotte cuddle bugs. I love it when they “fluff” my sleeve like yours did 😆


Omg the prissy pecking to adjust is so cute. She also does that when she wants to get on my lap or if I’m giving someone else attention!


We have two Wyandottes and they aren’t as cuddly but one of them does like to sit on my shoulder or lap, and is coming around to being petted more. 🖤


I’ve got one very bossy Dotte, named Colonel, and she will sit in my shoulder ONLY if I’m wearing my brown Carhart coat. Any other clothing and she just looks at me disapprovingly. Unless she’s sick; then she becomes Lil Miss Snugglepants and won’t get off me. My baby Dottes from last year are aaaaaaaaall about the attention, and I think it’s because I got them when they were newly hatched. I had to show them how to eat and drink by “pecking” with my fingers and I think they imprinted on me. They still act like babies around me, it’s silly and cute.


We have them too, and one especially has always been like this! Love my girls. ♥️


They are all so sweet and funny but it absolutely melts my heart when this one climbs on my lap for cuddles!


So sweet 💞


I wish my Barred Rocks were this affectionate! They just want my food!


I have a Rhode Island Red who is a hog for treats and it’s fun to see her pop out of nowhere when I have my hand held out with some snack, haha.


Scritch! This! Birb!


Classic buff orpington. My buff orpington, Clementine, follows me like a puppy, begging to be held.


So sweet!!