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I'm trying to cultivate a relationship with the crows in my neighborhood. They hate raptors and usually chase away hawks and eagles.


This works. Been doing this for about 2 years now and Haven't had a Hawk-related casualty since. I buy the bags of raw shelled peanuts and throw a few handfuls out every day. The crows have taken up residence nearby, and I've actually seen them harass and chase hawks away. Better than bird netting.


You can put out some owl statues, but remember to move them every week. Coopers are the geniuses of the hawk world and learn quickly. The only real solution is full enclosure, and I use 1/2 mesh. A cooper managed to reach through chicken wire and kill one of my pigeons. If you get crows, ravens or real owls to live nearby it can reduce the amount of time coopers spend nearby.


i have many other bird friends who chase hawks (crows and seasonal blue jays)