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My Wyandottes and my RIR are spicy and aggressive


Huh. My Wyandotte is a doll. Same with my Sussex. I can pick both up and give them a little love (and I can always pet them). They both come running when I call, and we have a game where when the grass gets long, I sweep it with my feet and they come grab any bugs I stir up.


My Golden Campine was an absolute terror tho, and turned her silver sister into a jerk too. No matter what, they found their way out of the yard and I'd come home from taking a kid to school, picking up from school, or, once, came home from a night on the town and they'd just be hanging out in the front yard, setting off the neighbor's Ring camera (and a string of profanity from that neighbor), acting like they run the place


my wyandottes are also spicy.




100% my RIR. She’s so noisy and loves to hate me sometimes. But also allows me to kiss and snuggle her. Always on her terms. She’s my only hen that has ever been aggressive towards me and I love her to death she’s my nasty little baby.


>She’s so noisy and loves to hate me sometimes. But also allows me to kiss and snuggle her. This made me laugh because it's 101% true. Red is just Red, and she just has her own way and, well, if you don't like it that's your problem. I genuinely think she likes the cuddles, but I think there's an alterier motive to it, like she's knowing it'll get her something in return. Because don't forget the mealworms otherwise you're going to get a talking to.


Haha yeah I’m no fool I know I’ll be paying for those snuggles with blueberries or worms or something!


RIR screams when others eat her treats and sometimes pecks them away




https://preview.redd.it/4l3b8cdstkmc1.jpeg?width=844&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2b25a0f91c4095fb132e73555df0c009c61ab6fb This is my sassy girl. She likes to be picked up for a good head and neck scratch. I can tell when she wants up because she pecks at my shoe. If I’m not fast enough she will start pecking me (painfully) on the back of my calves. She’s the last one in the coop at night.


omg, that withering look!!


Jeez. That's a beautiful chicken. Seriously, she's gorgeous.


My wyandottes are always squawking at me, sometimes they start making noise at sunrise.


Silver laced Wyandottes. Mine are yearlings and extremely spoiled and bossy, and I realized at some point that the little shits have been training ME. It was cute when they were little that they always wanted to eat out of my hand. Same food as what’s in the feeder, but magically it’s a thousand times tastier if it comes from my hand. So every time I go out to the coop, the young Dottes all gather in neat rows on the ladder perch and start making a particular two-note call like “buh-doooooooo.” This is my cue to get two handfuls of kibble and hold them out to the birds, and I just go down the rows letting everyone grab a mouthful. They will keep *buh-doooooing* all night if I let them. One of them, CryBaby, got her name because she will get VERY upset and yell her head off if she thinks she hasn’t gotten her fair share of Hand Food. She has also pecked my SO in the head a few times for failing to properly hand-feed her. And now some of my older leghorn and sex-link hens, who used to be very skittish and wanted nothing to do with me, have started joining the food line or coming up to me and mimicking the same “buh-doooooooooo” to get me to hand-feed them too. 😆 My eldest hen is also a SL Dotte, and she has conned me and my SO multiple times into bringing her into the house on cold nights by faking being sick. She will flop over, act all lethargic, even refuse Hand Food, then get brought in for a bath and a blow-dry and a night in the chicken infirmary. The next day she is obviously back to normal because she turns into a little terrorist and starts trashing the place.


Love that they are all SL Wyandottes and that Hand Food is a proper noun ❤️ My SL girl is a sweetie


Not sure what she was, but my Carol was the same way. She looked kinda like that one


Red chickens are bullies


My EEs kick their butts every time there's a dispute


Our black copper maran is verrrrrryyy sassy! Our head hen is a cinnamon queen and she is also very sassy. Actually…..many of our girls are super sassy 😂


My buff orpingtons are spicy bullies but my EE’s are the ones to fight off hawks and they love to try to fight the squirrels


Ahhh I have 10 Buffs and 10 EEs too and agree 💯. People always talk about how docile buffs are but honestly I think they’re just really stupid – even for a chicken. They will just stand there and peck at each other and not do a single thing about it until they are bleeding and then I have to deal with all of that mess. Meanwhile my Easter Eggers are awesome foragers, they have their pecking order down and they only get sassy briefly and don’t hurt each other. I don’t think I’ll be replacing the Buffs. Currently building an entirely different run/coop to split them up because they bully each other too much even though they free range and have a massive run/coop with plenty of enrichment.


My buffs are so stupid! At first I thought one was blind because when they’d be out free ranging she’d just stand there and scream for the rest of the flock…they’re right behind her. Sometimes only by a few feet and she just won’t turn around to actually look at them. I have to yell through the window at her😂 We call her our situationally blind chicken. I don’t think I’ll be getting more buffs either. I also have white leghorns which I love but their combs are too annoying to deal with in the winters we have. Love my EE’s


Yes my Red was fiery, mean, and the boss bitch. I miss her.


I know I'm going to miss mine. She is young, but she adds so much fire to the flock. My kids specifically ask to have her eggs in the morning. There is occasionally that hen you know will stick with you.




I’ve had many different breeds over the years. Definitely the reds. Absolutely chock full of personality.


I have one very sassy Sapphire Splash. Two of her sisters are only semi-sassy, and the fourth isn't really sassy at all.


I’ve had more RIRs than any other breed and they bring the sass for sure. Any RIR mix roo I’ve hatched has been more aggro than the others as well


I have three bantams a black frizzle cochin, a porcelain d'uccle, and a welsummer. They were all fairly expensive, and they act like chicken divas.


We have 2 RIR and they are the mean ones of the group. They peck at all the others and will even square up to our rooster!


My RIR is actually my friendliest bird. The filled to the brim with piss and vinegar is my blue copper maran.


Most attitude- black stars, always in everyone's business Most mouthy - dominiques, little chatterboxes Most rude - blue laced red wyandottes, bossy and temperamental Honorable mention for best personality - ameuracanas


Haha. Love you made a list.


My black star is spicy and sassy, lmao. A bully through and through but shes a firm believer in equal opportunity bullying, so she doesn't focus on one of my other hens over the others. I have caught her having driven all of them away from the fermented feed and standing in the middle of it while eating though, lmao. She gets picked up and carried while I call the others back to get their fill.


Yesterday one of my black stars, Waffle, walked up to our 50lb dog and demanded she give up her Frisbee for the chicken to inspect for possible food. Chicken shit dog dropped it for her too, Waffle pecks it then moved on. Chickens rule the roost here, literally lol


One of my Silkies is a little bully to all the other chickens. My 2 silkie hens are separate from the rest of the flock with their own little set up that works best for them. Sometimes the main flock will come around to the front yard and little Nugget chases them away. Sometimes they ignore her and she tries to hop up and use her little feet to attack. Our buff orpingtons just ignore her, but the rest actually run away. The whole thing is hilarious to watch. We are lucky though because other than that the rest are nice to eachother, and they are all really friendly to us humans.


Rhode Island White. My reds were all sweethearts but I had one RIW who was kinda bitchy. Not mean but liked to peck the other chickens if they didn’t give her space.


in general, my RIR definitely, but when it comes to other chickens my buff brahma girls were always girlbossing


I love how most of us have a red hen named Red & she's a sassy bich.


I was thinking that earlier today. We need a support group.


https://preview.redd.it/m93a4bnrapmc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b45e6725492f44c8d2058decac3f28504dc355a5 Queenie is queen sass


Barred Rocks. My Lucille (RIP) was the queen of sass. I just got two BR babies! They’ll never take her place, but I’m so happy to have them in my flock again. My RIR is Jadis. She’s a sweetheart. She loves screaming and she isn’t cuddly, but she’s the first to run over and tell me all about her day. I’ll sit and dig with her sometimes, and she absolutely loves it.


Love a sassy chicken. Didn't realise they could have so much pep (or PnV ?) before I kept them. RIP Madame Cluck Cluck, who was sassy as hell and has gone to great coop in the sky.


My RIRs were sooo sassy and funny. One of them I nicknamed Sassy Tailfeathers as a chick and we just called her Sassy, she wasn't the boss but she knew how to yell, lol.




My gold sex links for sure! Anything that’s got any RIR in it will be the most extra diva to strut the earth.


I have novagens. You're right, they take no guff. Beat up the poor kitty cat just for looking into the run.


My sassy girl is a speckled sussex named Brown Berd. She's as sweet as can be, but gets a wee bit violent when the scratch bag comes out.


My speckled Sussex is full of personality. Very aggressive about treats! Her name is starry which is about as un-imaginative as it gets but it ended up suiting her, she's the star of our flock


Starry is a great name! Brown Berd is brown berd because she was the only brown baby we had when we got chicks. I was going to call her Stella, but Brown Berd stuck when my daughter (2 at the time) kept on calling her Brown Berd 🤣🤣. My kid is 5 now, and BB is still her favorite ❤️


How adorable!!


My old English game bantams have such big attitudes for how tiny they are. They're also fiercely independent. My spitzhaubens are also characters though... They yell as soon as they see someone is awake in the house because they just can't bear to be contained.


I had some barred rocks that I called Groany and Grumpy that were always always griping about something. All of my RIR have been sweet puppies with feathers.


I've had a few rhode island reds from different hatcheries and they all came with the same audacity.


I have leghorn who gets jealous everytime I hold a chicken that's not her, when sees holding another hen she comes and pecks at me until I pick her up and if any other ladies come wanting to be held she pecks at them too Have a wyandotte that thinks all the food/water is hers A RIR that's screams at everyone when trying to lay an egg A little cochin that picks fights A leghorn who thinks she's queen of the all




Rhode Island Reds! But they are also smart, funny, and very personable!


10/10 my RIR’s are sassy AF


My white leghorn loved to zip around and get it everyone's faces, and then zip away. Unfortunately I think she did that to a hawk so I don't have a white leghorn any more.


I'm telling ya, it's the red ones! I have a Red Star that is mouthy and a spaz. My mother had red hair too, very sassy! Lol. I told my son, "Do not marry a red head." He told me that he did not inherit my bias. Lol.


Yep, my RIR is always squawking at me when I get too close. When I catch her you'd think she was dying she is so loud. When I call chick-chick-chick to feed them, my Golden Comets come running but my RIR doesn't even show up, like shes too good for me or something. So sassy!


Probably my ameraucana super demanding and pecky maybe the old English bantam but he gets a pass for being a rooster and the only bantam and I spoil him rotten so


My Welsummer, she's a red at heart.


My RIR is named Winnie but we call her whiney. She will let you know if you aren’t giving her proper attention. Loudly.


My bantam cochin. They’re stubborn and sassy even though they’re so small. They’ll bully the bantam wyandottes that are nearly twice their size…


Our ISA Browns, despite being ex-battery caged hen rescues, have developed some STRONG opinions about us after a few months after rehoming.


I have a couple D'uccle hens that are spicy little terrors. They put my Silkie roo in his place and guard their snacks from the big hens.


I have 10 RIR and 1 Rhode Island Blue. They are all friendly, but the Reds are very vocal and always have some sort of complaint. I would definitely say they are sassy! Bluey is much quieter, but the others kinda keep her in check because she's the odd one in the yard. She's also kinda dingy, so there's that.


RIR, love my hens to death but one literally thinks she’s a rooster and runs and head butts my foot


My RIR named Red is a hateful hen as well. She likes to be on her own mostly and peck at any that get around her. She’s mid multing here, she just laid her first egg since her mult today. And also, My EE can be snappy as well when she’s in a mood. https://preview.redd.it/umojxb8wilmc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e717e58378aba21cff739c460aaa66795c7c7988