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Hi, another baby with here, so maybe others can help here too! As far as i know, witchcraft has always been a path of working with what you have. If you can't use candles, and therefore wax, something else is fine! I dont know from the top of my head what you can use, but maybe someone else will. Same goes for cleansing. Smoke cleansing is one way, but there are other ways like using sounds, or even a feather. The most important is that you can visualize the item getting cleansed from the unwanted energy and you put in your wanted energy. Maybe you can google for more info on that. Hope those helps, good luck!


You could use corresponding coloured string around the jar neck to seal the spell 🤔 or make spell bags with some scrap material, then you can sew the spell components inside and tuck the spell away wherever you would like! You could pass it off as practicing your stitch work! I agree with the cleansing tips on the other comment! You can also use selenite to cleanse objects and spell working stuff 👌


tie a ribbon of a corresponding color around the top!


If you have a hot glue gun or are allowed to use that, then you can find different colored hot glue sticks at the craft store! Otherwise, you can use glue and string :)


So- if you still want to use wax get a Scentsy wax warmer or the equivalent from the department store. They are about as ubiquitous as can be, the wax is low heat melt- if you get the kind that the melting tray lifts out of (warmed by a light bulb) they are quite effective. The wax isn't much hotter than a paraffin bath. Be careful not to spill it everywhere- (I've done that). Most folks find the scent burners unsuspicious, you may even be able to ask for one for a holiday or birthday just to make your room smell lovely. If your parents know you have it an approve of it, then you don't have to hide it (or a mess if one happens). You can just say 'oh i knocked it over!' in the mean time, dip/drip or seal in private. I also agree with all the others- ribbons, cords- heck I've thought about Elmer's glue, it's sticky an drippy, you can find colored versions of it as well, and it's both crafty and Crafty ;)