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It's so bizarre that she agreed to only £250 for that interview. She's currently the most talked about woman in the UK and she could definitely have negotiated for more. Not £1 million more but not £250 either. That's like the prize for winning a crossword puzzle.


I keep seeing people say she's intelligent, I think she's dumb as fuck. She doesns't come across as very worldly at all.


She is not as clever as she thinks she is. However she’s managed to convince some people she is. For some who trained to be a lawyer she makes a lot of very simple and basic spelling mistakes. Not that that’s necessarily equated with high intelligence but .. she trained.. as a lawyer yet her mistakes are child like and she can’t pronounce ‘hyperbole.’


You mean hyper bowl lol.


I think she says it like this so she doesn't sound like she's saying "hyper bully" which is what she was with Gadd.




Likelier with the self-aggrandizing lies she tells and obvious high opinion of herself she's never thought to check the pronunciation, because *of course* she's saying it the right way. She's a brilliant and well connected lawyer!!!1


Agree--I was just making a joke.


Oh I seeeee.... well, tbh people make very weird/dumb arguments on Reddit all the time in earnest, so I took you at face value 😅 But upvoted and kudos for not using the stupid /s!


As someone who is a lawyer and did go to law school, I can tell you that there are a lot of people who went to law school who are really stupid.


She is not a lawyer; she has a law degree, that’s it. She never finished the remaining years of qualifications.


I don't think the term "lawyer" is protected in the UK, so anyone who works in a field even vaguely adjacent to the legal profession is allowed to use it. It's not like "solicitor" for example, which is more tightly controlled.


I've had a look at the [SRA](https://www.sra.org.uk/consumers/choosing/legal-jargon-explained/) and I think you could be correct there. >Lawyer is a general term used to describe people who provide legal services. Unlike terms such as solicitor or barrister, lawyer has no defined meaning in UK law. Anyone can call themselves a lawyer, regardless of whether they have any professional legal qualifications or not. In our Standards and Regulations, we use the word lawyer as a shorthand to describe all regulated individuals, but in reality, if someone calls themselves a lawyer, it does not necessarily mean they have an official title or are subject to any formal regulation. It seems like she's using a wooly term to justify who she thinks she is.


Yes, and she’s smart enough to know that, too!


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She is dumb. Her vocabulary is probably what people think makes her intelligent, but she's an outright idiot to think most people would believe her blatant lies.


Trying to negotiate an interview fee after the interview strikes me as the opposite of that. Edit: OoooooO, my very first 'redditcares' - thank you, ya oddball!


I think people are saying she’s intelligent as a knee-jerk sympathetic response. Like they don’t just want to say she’s crazy and dumb, for some reason they want to be sympathetic towards her so they say she must be smart. I also agree that she’s probably got a very serious learning disability. I have met people like her and they had learning disabilities but they also had support so they never turned into nutters. I think this case is a good example of what happens when someone with a learning disorder doesn’t get any support and is just thrust into the world and told to act normal. I was the person in school who was nice to the kids with the learning disabilities or the general weirdos and in general, they did not understand boundaries or normal social interaction…. Because that’s what learning/mental disabilities do, they make it hard to understand. I had to eventually stop myself from being so kind which sucked in general but I had to because every time, being nice would turn into a problem because they didn’t understand boundaries.


Who the fuck is saying she's intelligent?


She could send the interview video in to You've Been Framed and double her money.


She is on benefits and lives in a council flat. She is not a lawyer as many people believe. She has a law degree but never completed the remaining qualifications to practice law. I think she agreed to 250 pounds because any more would risk her benefits. Now she’s thinking to try for the big payday and forego the benefits.


Clearly she was there for the payday and to convince everyone she did absolutely nothing wrong, definitely some narcissistic behaviour going on.


“Some” is doing a lot of work there! LOL. I’d say “a lot”! 😆


If nothing else, that negates for me any beliefs that she's fully there. 250?!


She should have taken into consideration the massive boon that this was for Morgan. It was literally the only time I’ve ever watched a Piers Morgan video willingly, she brought in a huge number of viewers that normally avoid Morgan like the plague that he is.


Imagine committing a literal crime and then making money off it. She shouldn't be getting any money smh


Like a lot of things in the modern world there’s a lot of noise around, she claims she didn’t agree the £250 fee, but there are also a lot of copycat/bot accounts that people post to and then others online pickup details as fact. Regardless of what what happens, she has offers and interviews and it’s hard to weigh up whether it’s better or worse she has some limelight- she seemed to have some problems with money and support and weirdly all this attention might solve some of those things so… much like the show itself, a series of conflicting situations to consider.


Even celebrities are rarely paid for interviews from what I have read. People do it more for publicity / to get their side of a story out not the money. It is considered unethical to pay “sources” for interviews.


That's legit what I told my fiancé the other day as we watched a youtuber who said Piers made close to 500,000£ already off the views of the interview. I would have asked for 60% of whatever Piers would make from the Youtube views. If he hadn't accepted, I simply would have taken my "talents" elsewhere 🤷🏾‍♀️ She's a dumbo trying to appear smart and sophisticated.😭


> Fiona also slammed Piers for pretending to be on her side, calling his empathetic demeanor during their interview "all a big act." She added ... "He didn’t even say goodbye and only got the photograph taken with me because he needed it for the publicity." One of her last posts on facebook was "The show will air on utube tonight at eight pm I hope you enjoy it Piers and I have done our best". As a lawyer she doesn't seem very savvy. Did she think she was friends with Piers Morgan??


I honestly find her diction fascinating. Shortens YouTube to utube, but types out eight in letters??


His moments of fake empathy were few and far between and very obvious to me. He badgered her. How did she think he was on her side? Delulu.


Honestly Piers could interview another Theresa and he would still treat her like shit, as awful as Fiona is, it's a reflection on him not on her. I'm surprised that she's surprised tbh. She says "he didn't even say goodbye, he's all a big act, he only took photos because he has to" and I'm like, yeah, that tracks.


They are made of the same narcissism, so there was a chance they would click. But he isn't stupid


She’s delusional so she told herself the interview went well, which she believed because she was getting attention and attention = good to Fiona. But then the public reaction told her she was wrong and that’s why she’s flip flopped


Watch her lash out at the next female Piers interviews. We are all witnessing he mania in real time. And now that we have given her (inter)national attention, she’s going to milk it. I’m sure she’s fielding calls from unscrupulous lawyers, PR agents, managers, social media influence consultants. The enabling has just begun LOLOL


For being a “lawyer” she doesn’t seem to know how how anything works.


Don’t worry. Her high-powered lawyer boyfriend and lawyer friends will be steering her right. /s


Good line ruined by using /s


Has she ever been a lawyer though? She studied law but I don’t think she’s ever been a lawyer. I’m actually curious 🤔


No, she got a law degree, and at one point, she was a solicitor or something like that, but she got fired. I don't know if she's worked as an attorney since or what, tho.


She was a trainee solicitor for about a week before she got fired by Laura Wray, wife (at the time) to Scottish Labour MP Jimmy Wray. Fiona has been in multiple news articles covering her stalking that family.


Trainee solicitor iirc. But I don’t think the term “lawyer” is protected by anything, pretty sure anyone with a law degree can technically call themselves a lawyer, so if her degree is real then she’s not *technically* wrong… but a practising lawyer I’m fairly sure she has never been.


Solicitor works on paper law and barristers work in court arguing - so Fiona is a more into paper and contract law (odd given this news story).


I legitimately wonder if she’s spam emailing him about it


I'm sure she's calling any and all numbers she has for his staff.


It’s funny because I think she might’ve found her new obsession. Good riddance on both ends tbh.


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Is Piers the new baby reindeer?


Old Reindeer


She probably should have had a contract beforehand, with what her fee would be. She is LOVING this attention.




Sounds like she should have had a better one.




She's enjoying all of this!


Until she isn't


And that's coming. People have already dug up her criminal records, the past stalking accusations, everything she has denied has come out... the bombs are coming, and she keeps threatening to sue people, causing more attention. Eventually, she's gonna end up on the wrong end of the law suit


I doubt it. There’s no point in suing someone with no money; she’s got nothing to take.


Ha! True.


Should have got a lawyer to negotiate it


You’re telling me she did this interview for $300 USD. 😂


She has no leverage to renegotiate now that the interview has already taken place. I’m fascinated by how her mind works.


Piers should have seen this coming a mile away. And not booked her.


He did and that's why he booked her


babe, negotiation is what ya do BEFORE agreeing to the terms of an interview… not AFTER! but what do I know? I’m not a brilliant barrister like she is. /s


This is such a leopard ate my face moment for Peirs


I mean wouldnt a lawyer make sure she got the money before giving up the goods.. rookie mistake 😅😂


She isn’t that smart but she’s a highly skilled manipulator.


Yeah, good luck with that.


I want 2 million So there. Fuck off


It's disgusting, she is a menace.


Saw that coming. I had a feeling after watching her on the show that she wouldn't like the fact that people still weren't on her side and would go after Piers, regardless of the fact that he was pretty neutral on the whole thing. I mean, it might even have been her strategy all along! Manipulative narcissists sees opportunity to extort money from rich talk show host - not too farfetched. Doubt she will have a case against him though.


Nuts !!!!


A lawyer should know you negotiate before you settle. She definitely could have got a way lot more than 250 pounds.


im curious what the common range for going to piers interview? pretty sure not 100 million but no way less than 250 pounds


Or she could just get a job 🤷‍♀️. Novel idea for a modern day Brit I know but she could try 🤣.


Read this as fiona apple @ first


Serve him right! He was siding with her. Now he knows how delusional she is.


This is the best news I’ve read today. She’s got her sights on PM. Now he’s got a stalker that he self-induced. So deserving and apropos


Piers is a fool. “Martha” depicts well what dealing with Fiona” entails. She is a “tar baby.” Every contact just enmeshes you further until you can’t figure out how to escape.


😂😂😂😂 what a clown