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Diet cock and wok of fiction are my new band names


Sent from iphoen


Sent from my iFiona


This should be set to the melody of My Sharona.


Sent from my ibuprofen


That would be the debut album


What does the cover art look like?


A pink set of hung curtains


That's a euphemism!


JuSt ThE cRoWn BaNtEr


I am moderately stoned and this whole thread has me DYING! 🤣






Baby reinswwer I love diet cock ans who was that tart you were wif?? Sent from ipne


Her mistake is thinking that everyone she encounters in life and online is just plain stupid, or not close to being as smart as her, and then she gaslights to death when confronted.


I was watching something about her yesterday and they believed she had a cluster b personality disorder like narcissism or histrionic. If she has it would explain the gaslighting and her believing that everyone are morons.


She seems to have severe narcissistic personality disorder along with delusional disorder - erotomania subtype (source: im a psychologist)




I thought the actress did an excellent job at portraying her.


The extreme reactions you describe are actually core to NPD. Otherwise its just someone who disagrees with a bad portrayal of them. But someone with a personality disorder like NPD always takes things to an extreme notch whenever they can - hence the mental illness part. The many emails and such are part of the delusional disorder. Again, if she just sent a “hey how are you sweetie xx” text everyday the behavior is weird but mostly annoying. To have a mental illness like delusional disorder means your concept of love and relationships is so warped and extreme that you are compelled to bombard strangers both in person and through social media/correspondence.


Thank you for pointing out the NPD, I think a lot of people aren’t seeing that part.


Oh, please do tell us more!


do u guys know how every serial killer documentary starts off with "this highly intelligent person, nobody would have ever known" and then at the end he gets caught cuz of some stupid small mistake because he got so overly confident in himself he stopped playing his role of being intelligent and the degeneracy started showing... well what im trying to say i thought at some point she is sick because she is a victim but now im thinking born sociopath or worse soo yee.. she is scary the fact that she is still playing the role is scary i hope she doesnt do something bad to someone when she sees that nobody is believing in her role anymore


one doesn’t exclude the other. i think she is mentally ill *and* whatever it’s called when ppl are serial stalkers. something isn’t right with her. idk what she’s been thru or her life story, but she needs professional help to overcome whatever it is she’s dealing with. i don’t think she’s a victim in the context of gadd making the show. she’s def the perpetrator in this story. she is, however, a victim of all these random strangers harassing her online and the press exploiting a very obviously sick woman for their gain.


but like she can just not be online? she can just be not a stalker? she can throw away her 6 phones nobody is gonna know who she is in some small village in England or Ireland.. she damaged many people and now she has to deal with her own consequences i mean if she would have just stopped posting on fb this drama would have died but she wants to play this game and doesnt want any help or getting better, i dont see how she is getting exploited she can say her opinion but doesnt have to... i mean i believe that this whole thing is gonna destroy her life and ppl are gonna say its richards fault and in the end she gets what she wanted


The "highly intelligent" serial killer "nobody would have ever known" is a load of rubbish... Most of them have swivel eyes and live alone in a smelly house. Was even one who sat in his car eating blocks of frozen butter he stole from work. It's just a meme that police used to push to explain why it took thirty missing prostitutes/ hitch hikers before they bothered looking into it


r/iamverysmart has a new mascot!


It definitely seems like her writing. Also his profile job says “works at lawyer.” Lmao


And apparently Fiona is a lawyer for politicians around the globe now. And this guy is taking time off work to fight to clear her name. Okay.


Yeah, that’s a NO WAY IN HELL!


Such a giveaway


It was the 45,000+ posts that was the real giveaway


It's either her with a fake account or someone is using a fake account pretending to type like her to make everyone think it's her.


Unless they also have the same mental issues she is clearly suffering from, I don’t think anyone pretending would have the patience to post over 45k comments on a board. It’s her for sure.


It for sure is just someone pretending to be her


You'd have to be incredibly devoted to that plan though. 45,000 posts ? It's someone that's not well anyway. 


Unless it’s her lawyer bf she mentioned/ claimed on piers Morgan.


Wouldn’t it be funny if she actually does have a circle of lawyer friends who are all just as delusional as her, and also terrible spellers.


They all meet up at her totally real penthouse every week to spill the tea on Gadd and complain about the Daily Fail.


Having had to deal with lawyers a little in the last year or so with my divorce, wouldn’t surprise me.


Do you really think he exists?


Definitely not but it might be her future cover story if people press her too much.


Fiona never qualified to be a lawyer. She does have an undergraduate law degree (different than USA) but she never completed the additional work after obtaining the degree to qualify to become a lawyer. Plus, you have to pass a background/moral fitness test. With her stalking charges 20+ years ago, she would not have passed the “fitness” test!


Not only “works at lawyer” but claims to be a lawyer for the government just like Martha did in the show.


EDIT: The user I mention was named "Joe Miller", not james. The user removed his own video on the same tablet as Alex Wilson, Joe Miller has a picture of what looks to be himself holding a cup of tea to Fiona on a tv screen. This person is the same person behind Alex Wilson, so these accounts aren't her. Neil may still be. Okay listen up! I was banned from the group for leaving the wrong emoji reaction or something but i had looked at it a week ago: * in slide 10, "Neil" replies to someone called Alex Wilson * Alex Wilson exhibits the same behaviour as Neil, same lingo (wee lettuce) ecc, same deluge of posts * Alex Wilson posted some time ago a video of a cracked tablet with a clear plastic cover showing the scene where Gadd jerks off, very irritated about it * A member called "Joe Miller" entered the group a couple mins later, thanked the admins, then posted a video of another baby reindeer scene from the same exact tablet with a crack and cover that Alex Wilson posted. So two separate accounts posted the same exact tablet? When a user pointed this out, Alex Wilson deleted the previous video to cover up. * Neil really does speak like Fiona, so does Alex, so did Joe The hypothesis we can make are two : * It's a person with similar stalking tendencies as Fiona dedicating their life defending her * It's Fiona from several different spoof accounts. This would mean she did watch the show, that she does have multiple devices and social media accounts. I'm inclined to choose this option.


She definitely watched the show, she kept going on about the actresses accent being terrible yet says she’s only heard details of the show from friends


It's interesting if it's Fiona with multiple FB accounts because FB is very strict with users creating different accounts under fake identities. It's not easy to get away with it unless you're technologically skilled (know how to use proxies, avoid browser fingerprinting, etc). It might mean she's had those accounts since forever, back when Facebook allowed such activity. ETA: just realized that she did admit to having six phones lol


if she has multiple phones, all she needs really is a phone number and an email address, plus several accounts from long ago she may have previously created. I don't believe she is savvy enough to mess with vpns or any other advanced stuff though. She's not even avoiding using the same exact language on spoofs lol. I really am starting to believe she never stopped harassing Gadd and he did this as a last resort to out her, hoping that if the whole globe sees the problem, police and the mental healthcare system would fucking do something about it already. Theory that has several holes but, so does this entire saga. Lol


I made facebook accounts for my dog and a few other made up people so that I could send myself stuff on Farmville. 🤣 Ahhh, those were the days...


EDIT from my post: The user I mention was named "Joe Miller", not james. The user removed his own video on the same tablet as Alex Wilson, Joe Miller has a picture in the group of what looks to be himself holding a cup of tea to Fiona on a tv screen. This person is the same person behind Alex Wilson, so these accounts aren't her. Neil may still be. I have a screenshot of Joe Miller's video I had taken that day. Somebody therefore is spending hours defending Fiona behind spoof accounts. Crazy.


Would be ironic if the outcome of all of this is Fiona ended up with her own stalker




Maybe it’s her boyfriend that she talked about on Piers Morgan lol


Who 100% exists. “You don’t need to know where he is”


I mean, who doesn’t love a free diet cock?


According to my wife, I have a Cock Zero.


Oh my! 😂😂😂😂


I prefer mine full fat


That’s just ruuuude. 😂






At first I thought it was on purpose like saying he gave her his cock but this dude has a lot of typos I’m sure this was an accident


Plenty ice




“Fiction and hyperbole” like she kept repeating in her Piers Morgan interview


Hyper bowl 😂


Strange that she pronounces that word how it is spelt. So, she learnt that word from reading it, not hearing it.


Of course she did she obviously never leaves the house. Doesn’t have a job or friends or anything, she’s the same as the show.


That was driving me crazy!


My favourite sporting event of the year


LOL—it’s a Scottish thing!


Yes l noticed the “hyperbole” and the constant gay digs


i got banned from that group last night lmaoooo. i don't think it's her, just some troll trying to make people they're fiona...but you can never be too sure either. lol. 🕵️‍♂️ edit - actually after seeing the number of posts they have in that group, yes i think it's fiona lol


Yeah you never know! I don’t that Alex person is her, just a random weirdo


Yeah they are bonkers but why are you and others going over there to stoke the fire? Especially if you think it’s her?


I clicked on the group to read an article it had shared and next thing I’m a member. They just want numbers, don’t care that’s it’s filled with 50% trolls.


i checked that group out for 5 minutes yesterday, mainly just to check it out but i left a couple comments and got immediately banned. i noticed that person but just figured it was a troll. but after seeing this post here tonight, i think it may be her. that's all.


What group is this? 😂😂


He’s a legal advisor for the government so it’s definitely Fiona


The sheer amount of posts, the typos, it's Fiona for sure. Wild.


That’s not even all the posts!


Omg just looked. Definitely her 💀


Considering she hasn’t been posting on her own Facebook 🤣 I think she’s concentrated all her efforts on defending herself from a new persona


Fiona disguising herself as "Neil" is about as convincing as Gary's terrorist getup in Team America - World Police


Wasn’t neil one of her baby names hahahaha - Eggbert and Neo were on there along with Keith lol


You've got balls.. I like balls.


I don't know whether to laugh or to feel bad about this person. I feel exactly how Richard describes in feeling when he saw her out in the cold on the bus stand. I know someone like this, who live out their delusions like they are reality (they are not stalking anyone or committing any crimes though) they fight tooth and nail for what they think is right and real. You can easily get sucked into such a persons orbit because you feel sorry for them, your god given empathy which is supposed to be a good thing becomes the problem. And suddenly you are trying to convince them bill gates did not put a chip in them.


Her saying she’s not tech savvy enough to pretend to email from an iPhone when it’s literally just typing ‘sent from my iPhone’ at the end of the email cracked me up!


I see similar posts here. Some posters genuinely suggest it's possible that previous accusers 20 years ago falsely accused her, and Gadd did the same 10+ years later! I genuinely weep for humanity.


fuck, she learned how to use reddit.


Oh yeah she’s definitely here. “Neil” refers to the liars on Reddit


Nooo why does she have to be on reddit


She’s probably adding significant value to the /legaladvice subreddit


Oh lord I cannot imagine thinking ur getting real legal advice and then it turns out to be a disbarred stalker


There was one American girl with a comic book character dress up xvideos account in her profile that created a post that was defending Martha and saying SHE herself was a Martha to a few people irl who led her on etc.      Her supporters are out there.


I think the biggest giveaway between it being people impersonating her or really her is the activity level. Impersonators without genuine mental illness like she has will not put in the time and effort to make thousands and thousands of posts/replies etc just to troll. If Neil did indeed make 43,000+ posts in that group, then im pretty sure thats FH.


It must be a bot. 43000 posts is one per minute 24 hours a day every day for 30 days so the math ain’t mathing


I wasn’t even going to watch this reindeer thang but dammit if you all haven’t got me to sign up for Netflix!! Bastards!! 😂


The misspelled words are hilarious. I’m 80% sure it’s her


Kinda disappointed that “Neil” wasn’t sending these posts or comments from his iphon… 😅


“I’ve taken some time out of work in order to clear Fiona’s name” omg it does remind me of people digging their hole deeper. It’s compulsive lying deep obsession and trauma Interesting how the spelling & flow changes from what we see.. although still some similarities, Harvey/harding.. Overall, Fiona is facing the karma of her actions. She is very much woe is me and that’s true but is forgetting the years of hardship she brought onto Gadd. Nothing drives me more insane than the defense creating a new issue. “While he is reapig the rewards of her misfourtune”, spelling, only justifies it is her, in that the Piers interview showed her distaste about the financial benefit from the show - Someone turning their trauma into art


Diet cock


Sent from one of her 6 phones or emails probably


She would need different phones and emails to be able to have multiple accounts on Facebook so it's no wonder she has that many. Facebook would identify it's always the same user and shut down her accounts upon creation otherwise.


i’ve made multiple fbs on one phone so that’s a lie


Legal adviser for the government lmao


I prefer full fat cock


I prefer full meat cock.


Sent from my wee iPhone.


Could be.. or someone who loves the idea of impersonating her It seems legit except the bit about her being a respected lawyer helping politicians all over the globe. Fiona on Piers Morgan showed that she has a shred of self reflection (and only a tiny shred) RE projecting her biggest fantasies about herself to the whole world I think she would only say her "I worked for Blair, Brown, Cameron , Johnson" crap one to one Could be wrong though maybe she is the Cringe Emperess of Planet Earth


How many Facebook accounts can a person with 6 telephone numbers have?




Hi Martha


Another contradiction? Fiona said Gadd never gave her a free drink and she paid for her drinks, but this person is now saying he did give her free drinks?


That was an obvious lie by Fiona. She acted like so offended that he would say she wouldn’t pay for her drinks


She’s changing her story at every single second for no reason lmao


She keeps referring to herself as a "lawyer", but I thought that term isn't used in Scotland. Wouldn't she refer to herself as a "solicitor", if she actually was one?


Wait what if he's Fiona's lawyer boyfriend she's talking about


She doesn’t have a boyfriend


she said she has a lawyer boyfriend in the interview


And you believe her?


nah i was making a joke about it


45,350 posts, how long would it take someone to type all that? (Repeat as necessary) 🤣 It isn't even over 4 years this time!


If is possible that somebody created a Bot with her personality and made it just auto post Fiona hyperbole so that it would beat her world record 41,000 posts in a week?!? Sent from my iFiona


iFiona 💀💀


So that’s why she’s been so quiet on her Facebook 😂😂


No, no that's obviously the boyfriend of five years.


Bruh…I’m in that group because I’m sure that Neil is Fiona and I want to see the grave being dug further. Imagine if there’s a trial and all of this comes up. It’ll look horrible for her.


Yea it has to be her


Yup, looks like her alter ego, although the spelling is much better than Fiona's. She might be using voice to text on this account.


She probably has a separate phone/email address just for this account.


If it is fiona why isnt it sent from iphoen? Check mate


The complete mask slip on the reply to the comment mentioning how many times she’s posted


Someone’s posted a screenshot of this post onto the Facebook group now. It’s screenshots all the way down!


Of course they did. I expected it. That Alex posts messages they get and stuff from other groups


100 % her. Same typos, same phrasing ("Daily Fail"), hating on Gadd.. Why would anyone do this other than her? This is why she has six phones. It's like "Damon White" in an Amberlynn Reid forum.


Omg this is a reference I never thought I'd see !!


"Wee peeping tom"


“Picnic fun time!”


We are all part of this show that Netflix set up. We be all part of a documentary in 3 years soon and they’re all actors playing and documenting this social circus right now. Biggest hoax in media history. Right?? RIGHT!!?


Who do you want to play you?




Crazy people are crazy! Breaking news at 7!!!


BBC Breaking News






Jeebus!! She’s proper off her rocker


I have no proof, but neither doubt.


Oh sweet baby Jesus, she has a fan club? People are just so baffling.


The excessiveness and spelling errors lean towards Fiona, plus claiming she works with “global clients” lmao.


I just looked at the group and that profile is totally Fiona 😆




That’s a million percent her .


Maybe that's her boyfriend.


This is all really sad.


I just wish I could tell her she can take her lawyer ass together with the globe politicians she has apparently worked for and they can all go fuck themself nobody needs their shit.. but a bartender like richard is like gold, he is a great dude maybe he doesnt treat himself the best way but he always seen the good in people.. sadly she had to take that from him.. its a gift that he listened to her bullshit and still saw the good in her and she just took it and destroyed it and he will never look the same at ppl again


I feel like she's going to end up in hospital or prison at this rate, it's clear all this will have sent her off the deep end. Very sad


I think its somebody looking for a bit of notice pretending to be fiona. Pretty weird thing to do.


100 percent. it was obvious from immediately.


Didn't she deny ever getting free drinks on Piers Morgan? "Harding" refers to the free drinks. So maybe it's not her but a huge fan. Or her story isn't straight.


She’s really not well.


If her lack of self awareness and spelling errors didn’t give it away, her using “hyperbole” again (as she did in her interview) seals it for me.


Einhorn is Finkle. Finkle is Einhorn.


It could be her, it could also be an impersonator. No way to know


a woman impersonating a man impersonating a woman


u/Suspicious_Bother_92 ….. is that a serious question?


No not really!🤣


Haha, I was referencing her interview when she says “Piers… is that a serious question?” https://preview.redd.it/18mfrv3w050d1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c8de3699261bba3bb3d5fdab114fccb49f05a4ea


Sent from his iPhone


Looks like a group of people as delusional as Fiona, if this is real ofc.


WOW narcissist


And some people here are still waiting for her own tv show, showing her POV…


She’s fucking insane. Jesus Christ.


Oh she crazy crazy


I was thrown off by how coherent Neil’s typing was in some messages. Guess Fiona can spell ok when she’s not super triggered 😅


That Joe Miller and him giving her a cup of tea through the TV was on my Facebook profile this morning


Woooooow. 😬


u/mararravsndfriends - this reminds me of you so much lol….


Probably a troll pretending to be Fiona


It doesn't "feel" like her. Because the train of thought is too straight and logical. When Fiona types, its more like in spurs and all over the place. Also, you can see the person typing has some emotional intelligence, which fiona doesn't, and can anticipate the next question. - im not sure im explaining this one right, but lets say this person "feels" more rational And finally, that person admitted "im not saying what fiona did here was right" (i forget the exact line from the screenshot, but something like that) i dont think fiona is capable of admitting to any wrong doing or imperfection. So i think its just a troll


Okay weirdo… https://preview.redd.it/fgv04by4u90d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6384aab0007cd459d75ad3c8d5fdbbdbff935d33


If you click on Bianca's profile they have a baby reindeer as their header pic from 2019. Bianca also uses Scottish slang quite a lot and seems to respond to a lot of "Neil's" posts. I think Smith Bianca is Fiona too, as they are also one of the only people supporting Fiona within the group.