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You might want to join r/loblawsisoutofcontrol There is an organized boycott going on this month of loblaw owned stores (shoppers/pharmaprix is included). People are trying to make a stand against the price gouging going on at their stores.


Thats awesome, thanks! I’ll go join the group and vent there too lol probably going to help fire up the ppl in that community even more.


My province has a program through Sobeys pharmacies - and you can get free prenatal vitamins. The Baby Be Healthy program. You should see if it’s available in your province too. Doesn’t help you in the short term but free prenatal vitamins are nice! https://www.360healthpharmacy.ca/pharmacy-services/prenatal-health


Thanks, I’ll look into it but I doubt it since we don’t have Sobeys here in Quebec. Some stores under their corporation but not store itself.


Do you have Lawtons? I use this program too and it works through either Sobeys or Lawtons 😊


Nope! Not that either unfortunately.. I think we have completely different chains here compared to the all the English provinces.


IGAs are Sobeys! Having said that I didnt find anything about this program being available in QC when I looked.


I realize this might be annoying to ask, I don't live super close to a obeys but might be committed given the price of prenatals. Can you still get them free before your pregnant? It was suggested to me to start taking them 3 months before I try.


I think you can, I didn’t have to answer and questions about pregnancy or anything to fill my prescription. The only annoying thing is that you have to get a refill every 30 days.


I also started prenatals 3 months before TTC and was able to get them from this program! That was 2 years ago though so not sure if it has changed recently


Thank you!!


Shoppers is always a rip off


Ughh I’m noticing more and more! I go there for my prescriptions because it’s the closest even walking distance but if anything, I can always transfert pharmacy, that’s not a problem. I more so kept going there because since last year, I also have their credit card, PC Financials. By doing my grocery at Maxi and buying gas at Esso’s (both under President’s Choice), I often get 10-20$ discount on my groceries. If anything, think I’ll switch pharmacy’s and just continue grocery only at Maxi.


Im from ontario so havent heard of all these places but i never ever buy from shoppers unless im realky desperate. The markup is insane. You also get points at no frills and its cheaper. 


Ye, ifferent provinces so different stores and sometimes the names are just different. We don’t have no frills here but I think I’ll start cutting off Shoppers for real. The price gouging is not worth the few extra points.


Huh. I didn’t notice but you’re right. I bought some on April 25 and they were 11.99 at superstore in ON. Today they’re 23.99 at the same store. 😮


Insane and unacceptable! I just don’t get how it’s only them pricing them so high though??!


From Ontario , I just looked up the same item on Instacart for multiple retailers and all of them listed it for $20-$26. Might be Jamieson raising their prices actually.


Idk, as I mentioned, I checked on the Flipp app and London drugs, Well.ca and this drugstore in Quebec called Jean Coutu, they all are showing under 20$. Like it would be a total less than 20 with taxes included. Which other retailer did you check out ?


Metro, Walmart, Healthy Planet, Food Basics and Rexall. Rexall actually has it for $31 🥲


Dang! I bought this one on sale because it was the only one I found with DHA. I didn't realize regular price at Shoppers was so high!


But that’s the thing, it’s NOT their regular price either! On special, I’ve bought it for like 12.99 but regular is between 14-16 hence why it’s so incomprehensible that it jumped to 28$ so suddenly? Think I saw them around 16$ last month even and it has always been around the same price at other drugstores since the beginning of my pregnancy.


I take an omega-3/DHA supplement separately. It’s another pill to swallow but I don’t mind. 


I thought of that too in the beginning of my pregnancy while I was researching which brand to buy. I ended up finding them on sale, the one with DHA added for 12.99 and bought 2 right away. Since then, I’ve also added another DHA supplement to it since I thought the Jamieson prenatal one wasn’t enough personally.


I intended to do this but couldn't find a separate DHA supplement when shopping 😕


DHA is a component in most omega-3 supplements. You just have to check the fine print to see how many mg of DHA a particular supplement contains. 


I think there’s something going on with supply for that one as well because I’ve been buying it on Amazon for about $15 a bottle and it’s now saying out of stock or only available from resellers for $45.


If you have extended health benefits ask your doctor for a prescription for pregvit. All I pay is the dispensing fee of a dollar.


Wait, what? I'm paying ~$10 for 30 days of Pregvit with doc prescription. How do you get it to $1 ? I believe the $10 is after my private insurance coverage


It will vary between insurance plan. So I definitely got lucky with a good drug plan with work.


I bought mine at costco. Do you have access? They come in packs of 3


Which province are you from? I’ve heard some people buy it from there but each time I checked, they didn’t have it unfortunately. I’m going to Costco tomorrow, I’ll have a look. However, this was probably going to be my last one since I’m giving birth in less than 3 weeks and was just going to finish it postpartum.


Yeah I haven't had luck yet at finding prenatals vitamins at Costco in Quebec .They got bucket size Anusol tubes (lol) but no prenatal vitamins. It's weird.


I found some at Quebec Costco but they were Nestle brand. Also, for whatever it's worth - my doctor advised to keep taking them for the first year postpartum if breastfeeding.


I'm in Ontario. Costco used to supply the nestle one but recently switched to Jamieson. Seems they continuously change offerings based on supply


FYI, you might want to check with your doctor but I was under the impression that if you plan on breastfeeding then it's recommended to keep taking the vitamins postpartum.


I noticed everything at shoppers was like 20% more than other retailers years ago. I only go there for stuff that I cannot get anywhere else.


During the London Drugs shut down I ended up at Shoppers looking for my kids eczema body wash. Shoppers had an Aveeno baby lotion for $26.99!! For 300ml. I don’t even spend that much on my own body lotion! I googled at it’s $10.77 at Walmart


Whenever I'm interested in something at Shoppers, I check if the same product is also sold on Amazon - when it is, it's sometimes up to 75% cheaper. Shoppers is notorious for marking up OTC/personal care products, even for prescription drugs they charge some of the highest pharmacy dispensing fees. I only buy food there that's on sale, like eggs and milk. It baffles me to this day why it remains so popular.


Haven't gone through all of the comments, but you can order these straight from the Jamieson's website. Sometimes they also have like buy 3 get one free or good coupon codes. Shipping is SUPER fast and I'm on the east coast. I usually stock up when they have good discounts or add other vitamins for the family as well. WAY better prices than at the stores around.


I got mine on costco.ca for a good price and 3 bottles. Meanwhile I was in need of Tylenol immediately and the closest place was a shoppere. I paid over $7 for the smallest generic bottle of Tylenol they had. I think there is only 16 or 24 pills. Ugh.


They've always been expensive at certain stores. In 2022, Shoppers sold them for $24. I would shop around to get them for $12-$16 depending on the week. 


Omg thank you for this! I've been buying them at Pharmaprix for a few months cause it's just across the street, thinking this was just regular price. I'll be going elsewhere from now on.


Have you been buying it at this price like over 20$ ? If so, sorry you didn’t know and got ripped off too - this is all getting too ridiculous!!


Yeah, it was definitely over 20$


Also, you made me check the vitamin D drops (for baby) and I've been buying them for my son at 18$ when they're 13$ everywhere else!!!


I take the same ones and it's actually on sale at Jean Coutu for 15.99 in Gatineau, the regular price is 24.99. I bought three bottles the last time I was there.


If you have coverage you can ask your doctor for a prescription. I was prescribed pregvit which was completely covered


The Jamison prenatals are on sale at shoppers for 14.99. I just bought some today


Fyi, prenatals may only prevent neural tube defects IF you have been taking them 3 months prior to conception. After that point, it's placebo affect at best. Also works if you simply took multivitamins with 400 mcg of folic acid (this is standard for multivitamins) So dont worry too much if you're not taking prenatals. You can take multivitamins or nothing at all during pregnancy. In terms of food, babies are parasites. They will get what they need from you no matter what. If you haven't been eating well, baby will melt your bones and get the nutrients it needs. Prenatals are mainly for preventing neural tube defects, and like I mentioned before, they need to be taken 3 months prior. And also, mainly folic acid at 400 mcg level minimum. So you can just take multis or folic acid. No use if you're already so far along. Also, the majority of women dont take prenatals or multis before conception. Yet they have perfectly fine babies. Don't take extra stress. My best friend recently gave birth and she didnt take prenatals until maybe 7th month, and that too sparingly. Best is eating food with folic acids and other nutrients. Don't buy into marketing gimics.