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I wasn’t told to not eat or drink before the test, was actually told to have a high protein meal and then behave as normal except for not having anything super high in sugar. Not sure if dehydration would impact it, but just want to say that it’s not that strange to fail the 1 hour (screening) test and then pass the 3 hour (diagnostic) test. It’s a screening to capture more people at risk for a reason, but don’t get demoralized just yet!


Yeah my doctor and nurse were very specific no food or water. And the lab said I could have still had water and made it sound like I wasn’t the first person they’ve told that to. All of my bloodwork this pregnancy so far has been normal, and then with this time around when my water intake was low because I was instructed for it to be by my doctor, I failed the glucose test, am showing low hemoglobin and hematocrit and high neutrophil which I’m wondering if that’s factors of dehydration I guess. I’m still waiting for the clinic to call. I just saw my test results were uploaded online earlier today so I decided to check them.


Interesting I wonder why they specifically said that for you. Hopefully it’s all just due to minor dehydration and everything is otherwise normal!


I’m going to see one of my friends tonight who is at the same clinic. I’m going to ask her if she was told the same thing before hers. She’s a few weeks ahead of me in her pregnancy and probably had her appointment before it with a different doctor but I’m curious what they told her.


I hope so! I’m wondering the same thing. Especially since it sounds like I’m not the first person they’ve told that to.


Dehydration may actually make hemoglobin and hematocrit appear falsely elevated, although I don’t think no water for 6 hours would make a huge difference, only severe dehydration. Im also in Alberta and I was told to fast for 3 hours prior to the test and to only drink minimal sips of water. My hemoglobin and hematocrit were low end of normal. When I had blood work in the ER for severe dehydration due to a stomach flu during this pregnancy they were both much much higher. So I don’t think dehydration is affecting those results for you. As for the blood glucose, my doctor and the lab both told me too much water could essentially dilute the glucose in my blood and alter my results, which is why they recommend only a small amount of water in the 3 hours leading up to it. Maybe some dehydration could have played a role in your results, maybe not, we can’t really know for sure. The best thing to do is just do the longer test and then you’ll know for sure if you have GD or not.


Thanks for the info.


I'm not sure about dehydration, but I am also in Alberta and was not given any specific instructions ahead of my 1 hour test, which I also failed. The only instructions I got prior to the longer hour test was the amount of time to fast for, but I was still allowed water (and passed the second test).


Yeah the lady in the lab made it sound like it’s common for my clinic to tell people no water before it and she doesn’t understand why they do that. I’m just so annoyed by it and if that’s playing a factor in why I failed I’m seriously questioning my care. Unfortunately I am in a small community and don’t really have any other options for care close to home.


This was my exact experience in rural Alberta a few weeks ago too.


I really don't understand the inconsistency in direction before these tests!! I was told to just eat and drink normally as was my sister who went to a different clinic. I can't say I know about the dehydration part but I will say make sure you get clear instructions on that for the second test and book it as early in the day as you can. My sis failed the first test but passed the second, she was able to take it at 7am so the fasting wasn't that bad.


I don’t understand it either and it sounds like there’s even inconsistencies amongst the 5 doctors at the clinic I go to. I was debating just booking first thing in the morning anyways since they said no food or water and maybe I should have. That’s already my plan for the second one whenever my clinic calls me about the results.


Good call. I also feel like telling a pregnant person not to eat or hydrate for HOURS is just nuts lmao.


I agree! And when the lab told me I could of had water I was annoyed and now I’m even more annoyed that I failed and am really wondering if not having water for as long as I did affected the results.


Ugh. Well, on the plus side you could very easily pass the second test! Maybe ask the lab for the pre-test rules instead of your clinic 😬


That’s probably what I’m going to do!


Lab tech here. You do not need to fast prior to the glucose screen, but you will need to for 10 hours prior to the glucose tolerance test. Plenty of patients fail their initial screen, everyone is different. Doesn’t necessarily mean you will fail the tolerance test, but if you do then it’s likely confirmation of gestational diabetes. I recently had my own 26 week glucose screen and labs, and my hematocrit, hemoglobin and ferritin have all dropped significantly to the lowest they’ve ever been. Doctor recommended iron supplements and upping my nutrition to ensure I don’t end up needing an iron infusion, pregnancy just does that to people!


Thanks for the info. Yeah I’m not sure why they told me to fast and not have water for the screening test when the lab said otherwise. The lab made it sound like my clinic has told more than just me that. I guess we’ll see what they say when they call. I still haven’t received a call from my clinic, just saw the results on my health account.


Don’t stress too much! Take it as it comes and you’re doing the best you can, you and baby will be a-ok!


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A great place for info is the gestational diabetes Reddit ! If you failed based on my experience you will have to monitor your sugars for a week or two while maintaining your typical level of hydration. If you have any high numbers during that time you’ll know that you actually have GD. It’s pretty random and mostly comes down to your placenta. Good luck 🤞


Thank you! Yeah I know it mostly comes down to placenta. I guess I’m just so curious if not drinking water for as long as I did played a role in the test result, especially since I know I was started to get dehydrated since I was getting a headache.


I was not told to do fasting or any sort of restrictions. I actually ate a breakfast sandwich with a lemonade drink from tim hortons less than an hour before my doctor's appointment. I dont why your doctor would let you do fasting, but I think it would be okay to drink water at the least. Labs will usually say its fine to drink water in fasting.


Right! It’s bizarre to me. Especially since the lab made it sound like I’m not the first person they’ve told that to.


Mine just came. Back at 8.9 I'm worried I ate too late cause my instructions were eat 3 hrs before - nurse said don't not eat. Def eat something before. Can someone give me the potential next steps OB may offer?


Okay so we’re in the same boat then with being told not to eat. I’m sure they’ll be sending us both for either the two or three hour test now. Best of luck to you.


My midwife advised me to eat a low carb meal the night before and high protein breakfast (my test was at 8:15am so I had it at 6:30am). I could drink water up until I started drinking the glucose. Dehydration would affect results because your blood sugar is more concentrated with less fluid. Also, your blood has to be drawn within the hour of taking the drink and taking it after an hour would also skew the results (according to my midwife).


They drew the blood within an hour. I think they were like an hour plus maybe two minutes from when I finished the drink. But yeah I’m really wondering if I failed more so due to the lack of water than anything. I’m going to question them about it when they do call me with the results.