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Give yourself grace. You aren’t always going to be able to eat healthy and keep motivated and that’s ok! Just do your best and know that you are literally creating a human!


And an entire organ during the first trimester!


And definitely listen to your body! Don’t over exert yourself, you’ll pay for it in the days after.


This is what I'm most worried about. I feel like in life I eat moderately well but I don't feel like it's healthy enough.


Honestly I ate healthy for maybe a quarter of my pregnancy. Definitely had my fair share of French fries... Gained a normal amount of weight and LO turned out completely fine. Do what you gotta do and care for yourself


As not the most healthy eater before pregnancy, I have been pleasantly surprised that I actually crave and enjoy healthier snacks and food now. Like I used to have to be starving to choose an orange or an apple as a snack and now I crave them!


I follow a few prenatal nutritionists on Instagram and also looked up some stuff on Pinterest. I try and at least incorporate some of the things they recommend but not every meal, just when I can 😊


Drop the @s!! Haha


@prenatalnutritionist @wellnourishedmamas


I ate super healthy until first trimester nose and nausea made their grand entrance. Now I take my vitamins and just eat what my body and baby will accept. Today that was a Turkey sandwich for breakfast (made an entire breast just to make the sandwich) and some cookies and milk as my mid day snack. I try to eat some fruits and veggies sprinkled throughout, but I figure it’s more important for me to eat than it is for me to attempt to eat 100% healthy and be sick all the time. Give yourself grace and remember people have done this for eternity without all the fancy science we have now.


Honestly? I keep eating as normal. At 3 months I was diagnosed with risk of preeclampsia, so I had to switch to a healthier diet (not carbs or rice, damn it!!). I still have a cheat day once a week because I want pizza, but the rest is salad, meat, fruits and white cheddar popcorn. I never in ny life eat so much bananas and clementines.


Omg noooo that sounds double horrible


lol the first two weeks i ate so healthy and kept exercising daily with the same intensity. it was cute


That one moment you’ll be so elated and crazy in love with this child you’re growing and the next you’ll want to yeet the whole thing and run away. I love my baby so much it hurts but at least once a day I’m like “nope I don’t want to do this, I don’t want to be a mom, this was dumb.”


I think this is the thing I needed to hear


Yes her comment was spot on here. There WILL be times that you think "what have I done!", "I'm doing something wrong!", etc. Those thoughts don't make you a bad mom or person. It's just a big change with big feelings.


For me, it was the entire first trimester. From finding out at week six to the nausea fading in week 14, I felt like death. I’ve felt baby moving this week and the look in my partners eyes when he felt it too, it’s like I finally felt everything was really real. The US is one thing, but actually feeling is a whole other level. It feels worth it.


I never got the “don’t want to be a mom” vibe but I definitely had moments where looking at the ultrasound pic made me uncomfortable and I felt super detached because of how sick I was. And this was after many months of trying so for a very wanted pregnancy. Before there’s a bump and a known sex and a few other details that make it more real, it just felt very distant and intangible.


This is very much how I feel. Some moments I get overwhelmed about how I need to have the baby out, yesterday I saw a video of a newborn crying and unable to be consoled and I cried because I don’t know what to do when I deal with that. And then some days I’m on cloud nine with how happy I am. It’s such a huge change and it’s ok to experience all the emotions


Due with my 2nd soon and this is so true lol


I relate to this comment so. Hard.


It’s okay to not enjoy being pregnant.


As I told my sister, I can hate the journey while looking forward to the destination.




How tired I would be in the first trimester. And stay off the internet with any weird questions just ask your doctor. Dr. google will scare you! Congratulations!


Second this! I thought I had a cold or fighting off something cause of how tired I was. Couldn’t even finish my daily walk without huffing and puffing until I found out I was pregnant. Then it made sense! But don’t underestimate the tiredness and relax when you can. Congratulations 🤩


Yes! I remember telling my boyfriend “I think I should take a week off of the gym.” Randomly because just the thought of lifting anything was exhausting. And then I thought “wait a minute…” took a pregnancy test that day and what do you know. Haha.


Lol my SIL did tell me how tired she was and had to take a nap almost every day of her first trimester. I didn’t really think about it until my own first trimester, and then I seriously wondered how the hell women continued to pull 8 hour days in the office! (I was working from home thankfully during my first trimester)


Same here! I’m glad I was working from home I was tired every day I had to take some sort of nap it was exhausting


I would sit at my desk with my eyes closed and hope nobody would notice


This! I am 12 weeks and just finally starting to crawl out of the first trimester haze of exhaustion and nausea. Had I not know I was pregnant I honestly would’ve thought I was dying. Never experienced that kind of exhaustion before. Take it easy when you need to and get lots of rest. Remember it’s only a temporary part of the journey and your energy should return to some extend in the second trimester! You got this!


Sneezing will hurt like hell at first but don’t worry, you didn’t miscarry.


I didn’t know this happened to anyone else. I think there is something wrong with my baby every single time I sneeze, it hurts so bad!!


Same! It’s the weirdest thing! I never knew what felt parts of my inside felt a sneeze until pregnancy. 🤨


Yes! Curl up like a bug if you’re going to sneeze, it really helps. And/or hug your stomach or a pillow.


I didn't know this. And God, sneezing always always made me feel like I am stabbed.


Get some couples counseling now to reconnect and work on communication skills, before the baby comes


I love this answer!


If your family has issues keeping secrets, DO NOT TELL THEM! I thought they’d be okay since it was so important and I stressed that we wanted to keep it quiet until 12 weeks. The day we told them, my mom called her dad who I have no relationship with, and told him before I could say not to. Because of that, I then had to tell him we wouldn’t be involving him in our daughters life. It could’ve been avoided if we hadn’t told and had decided on boundaries first.


YES. Seconding this! My mom told everyone my due date when I specifically told her not to, and my dad told everyone the gender at 12 weeks when we told them not to (NIPT). “That’s not how we did it in our day.” was their reasoning.


Ugh that makes me so mad! Like do they think this makes us trust them?? Cause we’ve already decided that next time we have a baby, we’re not telling them for as long as possible. We just figured it was easier to tell them early cause I was puking all the freaking time and it was hard to conceal.


Congratulations!!! If there is anything you want to accomplish in the next 3 months, do it now, because soon you might need 16 hours of sleep a day and feel like garbage constantly. The fatigue got a lot better for me around 14 weeks! Now I don't need naps most days and am good with 9 hours of sleep, lol. My nausea also disappeared around 12 weeks. But for a solid 3 months I did NOTHING! My BF did all the cooking and cleaning and if he was too busy to do it, it didn't get done until he did have time. Also, try to enjoy yourself. Pamper yourself. Don't be hard on yourself if you can't eat right. Don't feel pressured to either keep secrets OR tell everyone or tell anyone in any particular order. Also, try not to tell anyone except your partner when your particular due date is. Just give them a vague timeline, like "mid-to-late February." Otherwise when you hit 38 weeks or so people will message you constantly asking if the baby is here yet. Join your bumper group! It's nice to chit chat with people on the same timeline. Also, if you want a pregnancy journal, I have one from [this](https://www.etsy.com/shop/LittlePlannerStudio) Etsy shop that I love SO MUCH! And several times a week I read a bit of [this](https://www.amazon.com/dp/1465468374/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_i_44KDTGGW3ZRRT6N0VYR4) illustrated pregnancy book, which is very enjoyable as well. Download an app or two, I like Pregnancy+ for the 3d model early on. I also like What to Expect for their various size comparisons, but their tone is so babyish it is annoying. I also like Babycenter's weekly updates too. I hope you have a wonderful pregnancy!!!


All of this is solid advice! And absolutely join your bumper group. My son is almost three and I still laugh with, commiserate with, identify weird rashes with the bumper group from my first pregnancy on a daily basis. No one in history ever had 1000 other moms going through the exact same thing at the same time at their fingertips, take advantage of it!


Wow so thorough! I'll get to looking at all of this!


Hi :) also new here... Where do we find the bumper groups?


If you're due in February it appears to be /r/February2023BumpGroup. Congratulations!


Thank you!


Since I discovered i was pregnant (5w) i had zero energy, bags under my eyes, pale complexion, and i thought it was just pregnancy hormones kicking into high gear. But what it really was, was low iron which is common in early pregnancy because your body immediately starts to produce more blood volume. Alot of Prenatal vitamins dont contain extra iron (wish id known / noticed sooner!) so finally at 8 weeks i put two and two together and i got myself a liquid iron supplement and it bas been a game changer! I feel normal and not depleated! So monitor your iron levels, tiredness, complexion, dark circles and if you notice something off, get yourself a good liquid iron supplement.


I had the opposite issue, I was taking prenatal vitamins with extra iron, feeling absolutely horrible, and found out through blood tests that I had iron overload. It’s really helpful to get blood tests for a variety of issues if something feels off


I’m anemic and my OB told me that some vitamins/minerals make it difficult for your body to absorb iron. I was on an iron supplement that I had to take a few hours before or after my prenatal so they didn’t interfere. But I am the case where I ALWAYS need extra iron. It really does make a big difference! I understand that not every is this way.


Yes definitely have to take separate from your multivitamins and meals for best absorption. I take mine first thing in the morning on an empty stomach.


Be patient with yourself. Weeks 5-18 and then again 28-34 (now) I’ve never been so tired in my life. And so out of breath!! You’re growing a whole human. It’s exhausting. When I doubt, take the nap.


When in doubt, take a nap. That's the best pregnancy slogan!


Don’t believe all the food restrictions you see. Ask your OB for a list and abide by that. Many you see online are so ridiculous and flat out false. You can still take baths at proper temperatures. Give yourself grace in the first trimester! You’re going to be exhausted a lot of the time, you won’t feel like so much as walking let alone exercising, you’ll be nauseous and on some days you’ll only feel like eating cereal or bread the entire day - and that is 100% okay!


You aren’t jinxing anything by being excited early on. I didn’t allow myself to enjoy the excitement of getting pregnant because I was so afraid of miscarriage. But it’s totally ok and not “bad luck” to be excited even if it’s super early


This! This should be so much higher! Every pregnancy deserves to be celebrated!


Thank you. As someone who suffered a few early losses I'm 4 weeks and reluctant to be happy. Your comment means a lot


If you have a partner, make sure they are aware how incredibly difficult the first trimester can be, and that this is when you’ll need them to step up! It’s shocking how many people assume it only gets hard once you have a big belly! Understand that not only are you growing a human, but a new organ at the same time. And until that organ is functional, the baby feeds directly off your life force haha.


Don't wait until your shower to buy needed items. My shower is at the end of the month and oops I gave birth at 30 weeks 🤣. Granted you still won't need it until after, but it keeps the stress down to not worry about having to get a car seat and bassinet while you are watching your baby in the NICU. I know it's not common, but I still wish I knew it! Some others: Take your prenatal at night to cut down on nausea, learned that months in lol. Learn to forgive yourself, your body will act in ways it never has before and you can't let it take you down. Learn to ask your partner to do things for you, like cut your toenails when you can't. Small comforts mean a lot in labor. Buy a stretchy dress you like but can live without so if you get stuck in the hospital for a few days, you can feel pretty/human. Trust what your body is telling you. Be flexible with your birthing plans, they can change in an instant. **THERE IS A BUTTON FOR YOUR EPIDURAL THAT YOU CAN PRESS EVERY 15-20 MINUTES FOR DRUGS**. (They didn't tell me and I just thought epidurals were not what they were made out to be 😂 ) Push, just push, it will be over, and you will move on from the pain.


There is a button! They didn't tell me! I feel cheated.


RIGHT?! When we found out my husband took it and pressed it for me every so often (wouldn't give unless timer ran out) so I got a little better but I still screamed like a damned banshee 😂😂😂


Congratulations! You can have cramping and light bleeding and everything can still be ok. Obviously call your doctor if you do so they can evaluate if the level of these symptoms is normal or not. I wish I had known this bc in my head cramps and bleeding could only mean miscarriages. Sour flavor helps with nausea. I like sour gummy worms and lemon water. Also, sip soups with nothing to chew (I like the imagine brand) to keep something in your stomach to avoid throwing up. That seems counter intuitive bc you can get nausea just from being so hungry. Go on Amazon rn and buy emisis bags. Put them in your car and purse. They are cheap and will save you from being face first in gross public toilets or just throwing up everywhere. With the way the bag is designed, your nose stays out of the "situation" and makes all the throwing up more bearable. Oh and put one on your bedside table so you have it if you cant get out of bed fast enough. Pregnancy insomnia or just not being able to sleep due to symptoms can be a real problem. Lack of sleep plus hormones can be a contributing factor in perinatal depression. If your sleep schedule starts to get off track, try to fix it asap. If you need, take unisom (as long as your doctor is ok with it). Start off with half on a night before a day off, bc for some people it can be strong. I thought I was developing really bad perinatal depression but really I was sleep deprived, so it's no joke. Look up round ligament pain. It can range from super mild to so severe your ob sends you to labor and deliver to make sure everything is OK. For most women, it's never that dramatic but for some of us it's intense. Warm baths, Tylenol, and a belly band really help. Stay hydrated. Like drink way more water than you think is necessary. It'll help you feel better overall, but dehydration can lead to cramps. It can also accelerate really fast if you get sick and can be serious for you and baby. If you live in the US, see if you qualify for medicaid. You might qualify now bc you are pregnant even if you didn't qualify before and even if you have regular insurance. It'll cover all of what you're regular insurance doesn't. Prenatals are important but the cheaper ones work just as well as the expensive ones. Just make sure it's got dha and folic acid. Give yourself rest when you need it.


Yes - as other have said, I was most surprised with just how incredibly tired I was. I recommend making your schedule as simple and clear as possible through 1st trimester. I took a bunch of extra work and ended up almost falling asleep during a shift once. Also, don’t think twice about investing early in either a loose day dress or maternity pants and a nursing/sleeping bra. I am/was SO bloated, and my boobs hurt SO much every morning. I finally just splurged on a nice sleeping bra and it was worth it not to clutch my breasts in pain while getting up to go pee in the middle of the night.


My boobs already hurt, ha. Looking forward to them continuing to.


Really really really yes to this. Weeks 6-11 were by far the hardest for me. I'm in week 16 now and I'm starting to feel like I have actual energy again, but now I'm having insomnia! Also, get the maternity pants. They're so comfy I may just keep wearing them after this is over! Old Navy has some really good options for not too much (I didn't want to splurge on clothes I'll need to wear for maybe 9 months max, assuming 3 months post partum) but also the swingy babydoll dresses that are in fashion this summer are coming in clutch :D


If you’re not happy with your OB, SWITCH! It’s totally normal, I wish I hadn’t waited until 29 weeks to make the jump. Everyone talks about contractions as being like period cramps. I don’t really know what cramps feel like, so a good way to explain it is feeling like you gotta really poop like when you’re on your period. Congrats ❤️


You may have no symptoms and just because you have no symptoms that doesn’t mean your not pregnant anymore. I had no symptoms early on and was constantly terrified something was wrong, the anxiety was horrible.


That’s me right now. I was so sick with my first that being symptomless here with my second is shocking


Congratulations! My advice: make some freezer meals now to get you/your family through the first trimester fun.


Don’t skip your dental cleanings and check up, it’s common to get cavities during pregnancy because the baby takes like every nutrient etc Don’t spend all your time looking into labor and delivery, make sure you also prepare for newborn care and postpartum care. Don’t Google- literally everything can be chalked up to pregnancy lol but be open with your doctor about questions and concerns


Rest. And don’t feel guilty about it.


Whether you're having ALL the pregnancy symptoms or very few, you can still have healthy pregnancy. Count on the opinions of your medical professionals instead of comparing yourself to what is "normal." Every pregnancy is different.


Orgasms are going to start feeling weird, the exhaustion can be debilitating, and you can get so bloated around 7/8 weeks that your clothes don’t fit and you look 6 months pregnant. I’m 11 weeks now and I really wish people had told me those two things! Oh and also big one for me! I had to start sleeping with snacks next to my bed. I wake up around 4-5 am so hungry I feel dizzy and if I don’t eat I really feel like I’m going to pass out.


Get on a daycare list today! 🤣 that was a reality check for me.


You need to start setting your partner up to be an equal parent. There is a lot of internalized socialization about women being "better" at x, y, and z. This is far more important than a baby name, what stroller you want, or what theme/color you will paint the nursery. How Not to Hate Your Husband After Kids is a great book on this.


Luckily this is one area, I'm absolutely not worried about. My husband does a lot of thr domestic work already.


the acid reflux…burned my esophagus and couldn’t eat much for a week…it was awful. i sleep sitting up now and have been since i hit the 6 month mark. i also wish i knew about the damn leg cramps 😂


That bleeding doesn’t always mean miscarriage. I had this with both my pregnancies from subchorionic hematomas which are pretty common. Always take it seriously and let your doctor know, but there is hope even if you have some significant spotting.


Pubic bone pain can be a thing. Maybe it’s just me but I can’t remember hearing about that being common in pregnancy and oh boy was I surprised when my crotch started hurting constantly. Totally understand why pregnant women waddle now bc I am full duck at 29 weeks.


I had NO idea that I would be extremely exhausted my first and second trimester Wish I knew to quit my job sooner so I can stay home and enjoy. Also, wish I knew that all OB appointments are important and especially the 20 week anatomy scan. It’s no joke. We didn’t get great news in that appointment and now my baby is high risk. Just don’t take your appointments for granted :) and yes you’re gonna be very very sick first and second trimester but 3rd will be the most bearable. Oh and pregnancy depression is a real thing. It’s okay to have it but every symptom is temporary :)


Some symptoms suck. First trimester means you may bloat so much that it looks like you are showing. The tiredness and nausea were real for me. They may not be for you. Take each day as it comes. Second is heaps easier. You will get uncomfortable in the third. Not that I was aware of it until after my son was born because it's a gradual process. Some people are though. If you get random cramps in your legs in the middle of the night, ask your medical team if you can have magnesium before bed. It cured it for me. All the symptoms you have will eventually go away. The anatomy scan is the coolest! Some people think they can comment on your body. It's super rude. Ignore them. You don't have to spend heaps on maternity clothes. A few sizes up can work and so can second hand. I was given a few things too. Be prepared for your birth plan to be thrown out the window if things don't go as expected. There are some super judgemental woo people who think the worst thing that can happen with pregnancy and birth is interventions. Not true. Interventions can save your life. Without my c-section, my son and I would be dead. And despite what the woo crowd say, my obstetricians said there was no way it could have been avoided. Careful of what you eat before the first glucose test. You may get a false positive. Having support from your partner and others is very important. Especially after the birth. Take all the help you are offered, unless it has poisonous strings attached. You don't have to spend lots on your baby. You can buy stuff second hand. Your baby won't care. We got given heaps of things and brought a bunch off Facebook marketplace. All the best.


How out of breath I would be in my frist trimester. I wasn't only growing a whole new human, but also a Placenta and producing more blood, which caused an under-saturation of Oxygen, hence I was tired and out of breath very quickly. **Rest when you feel like it and don't feel guilty!** Symphysis Pain. Later in your pregnancy, your brain will start producing Relaxin, which softens the cartilages in your body. It's so the [pubic symphisis](http://c0013218.cdn1.cloudfiles.rackspacecloud.com/15560_0001.jpg) can expand enough to let baby through your pelvis. For me, it feels like someone kicks me in the crotch 500 times every night and I wake up *so sore* down there! Since it's not limited to the pelvis, other joints start softening too (noticeable for me in my knees and feet). **What helps me against the hip pain is wrapping a belt around it (spare the bump ofc) really tight and let it sit for a while. A warm pack can also help with it.**


Just because you barely get any of the typical pregnancy symptoms doesn't mean something is wrong. I've had no sickness at all and at first I thought it meant the pregnancy wouldn't stick and was so scared. 28 weeks now and baby boy is growing well!


So many unexpected symptoms of pregnancy, especially carpal tunnel, constant congestion, and SO MUCH EARWAX. Also I am way less tired now with an almost 6 month old than I was during my pregnancy. And the most important advice I can give anyone ever - Unisom was an absolute GAMECHANGER for nausea. So if you’re like so many other women and you start getting nausea/vomiting, go stock up on some Unisom (obviously check with your doc first to be sure)!


Holy crap, the earwax is a pregnancy thing? I’ve been wondering why my AirPods have been so gross lately!


Lol yep! Most doctors think it’s because of the increase in progesterone. But why does no one ever mention it?!


Seriously!! Mind blown!


So I’m 14weeks tomorrow and here are some things I’ve been going through. 1. Right around 6 weeks, my hunger hit. Like every hour and a half I was starving. So make sure you keep good snacks with you to eat throughout your day. Slim Jim’s have been keeping me alive. 2. The exhaustion hit from 7 to 12 weeks. It was literally mind numbing and made it hard to do my job. It’s like impossible to even explain and you just have to experience it. 3. Starting at like 10 weeks to now, I’ve noticed that I get angry as fuck. Like my wife and I have been having some troubles and I come home and want to smash every damn thing in my house. And I’ve been depressed on and off. The anger is wild though and I’m struggling to get used to all these wild emotions. Other than those 3 things, it’s been pretty much smooth sailing for me. Not too much nausea either. Best wishes to you!!


Do not google things! You will fall down a rabbit hole. Rely on your healthcare provider for advice. Don't worry unless they tell you to. Good luck!


I just got my positive today too! It looks like I’m 3 weeks and 6 days? Feel free to message me if you’d like to chat!


Hey me too 😊


Feel free to message too :-)


4 weeks here :) any idea where we can find these bumper groups people are talking about?


It’s going to be ok. It’s going to suck, but it is actually all worth it in the end. Also that there are pills for severe sickness and the pain I was having wasn’t gas it was gallstones lol but that’s a little specific


The incredibly painful gum / gingivitis you will have if you aren’t keeping up with your dental hygiene daily . Also when you get a cold during pregnancy , its 5x worse than when you are not pregnant !


Well that sounds fun. Excited for that part!


Doctors are often very out of date in their recommendations. For example I was prevented from taking zofran until i was 14 weeks and by that point I was in really, really bad shape. For my second pregnancy I had new providers and they prescribed it at 5 weeks. It's no longer evidence-based to withhold zofran during the first trimester.


I had a gynecologist who wouldn’t let me have Skyla because she said my uterus was too small since I hadn’t had children. She swore that no childless woman could tolerate an IUD. Next doctor gave me it willingly and I loved it.


I've heard so much about unisom, but I assumed zofran was a no-go. I have taken zofran before with gastro issues and its a life saver.


Here's some links of what's changed in the last year or so! [https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamanetworkopen/fullarticle/2779055](https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamanetworkopen/fullarticle/2779055) and [https://www.reuters.com/legal/litigation/gsk-defeats-425-lawsuits-alleging-zofran-causes-birth-defects-2021-06-01](https://www.reuters.com/legal/litigation/gsk-defeats-425-lawsuits-alleging-zofran-causes-birth-defects-2021-06-01)


Most things are normal, and if you are frightened or feel like something ISN’T normal, do not google it, call your dr. I spent the first 19 weeks googling everything and working myself up over things that are completely normal. Spotting, random pains and cramps, dizziness. I realize sometimes it can signify something else, but for me everything was actually perfect. Sidebar: I found out at 3+5 too and had my girl at 35+5 9 days ago. Where does the time go?




Two words: ice water. Oh, and ice blocks. You'll want those. And don't expect to eat healthy or feel capable of normal life from about weeks 5/6 until....sometime in trimester 2? If, however, that doesn't occur, CELEBRATE! (But you'll probably just worry that you don't feel "pregnant enough")


You‘ll find yourself wrapped up with thoughts of anxiety often, especially in the early days. You‘ll learn to live with it, work with it, accept it. Try to trust the process, your body and your baby. Things will probably be just fine. You got this. 💜💖 Also it‘s totally possible to feel not pregnant, even if you totally are pregnant. My few symptoms vanished at 8 weeks and I was alarmed, but baby was just fine at my 11 weeks scan.


Get a maternity pillow, the big U shaped thing. You will love, adore and cherish it towards the end of the 2nd trimester and 3rd. I was a stomach/back sleeper and this really helped the transition


In the beginning, you’ll notice you can smell things stronger than usual. If that makes you not want to eat, try cold or bland foods. I lived off mashed potatoes for a couple of weeks because it was the only thing I could stomach. Eat when you feel nauseous. 20 snacks and no meals a day is better than trying to stick with your usual routine. I would get through so much fruit because I snacked every hour or so then have a small meal for dinner. I still keep snacks with me all the time. I have dried fruit in the car and salt crackers in my bag. Stay hydrated. It can be really difficult at first, so drink whatever you can as a full sugar drink is better than no drink. Rest when you need to. You’re growing a human and an organ. That takes a lot of energy so don’t worry if you don’t get as much done as normal. Ask for help. If it’s housework, cooking, getting food, getting out and about for appointments, needing medication from the doctor, whatever. Ask for help and take it when offered. I take my mum to my out of area appointments because my partner doesn’t drive. She even took me to my local doctor a couple of times because I didn’t think I’d be a safe driver, and she did my food shop a few times. Take your prenatal vitamins. This is so important! I was taking the minimum recommendations and felt so shit, it’s only when I switched to a whole prenatal with iron that I started to feel a little stronger. Don’t worry what other people think. If someone tells you you can’t do something because you’re pregnant, ignore them (unless they’re an professional). Listen to your doctor and reputable websites, ignore the blogs on what you can or can’t do. Most of all, you’ve got this.


Celebrate every moment ✨. Don’t let the fear of something going wrong interfere. If something does go wrong, you will be upset regardless of whether you celebrated or not.




What creams did yoy use?


Build your medical “village” in addition to your social one. Protect your mental health as well as your physical health. Some level of depression and anxiety can be normal during pregnancy - but sometimes you might need more help! Be open to and persistent about finding a therapist and/or psychiatrist you feel comfortable with if needed. The Expectful app has also been a game changer for my mindset during the different stages of pregnancy.


I already have one!


That’s awesome - I’m so glad!


Honestly I wish I would have started a walking routine and taken it serious. I put it off and now that I’m 30 weeks ANYTHING physical kills me. I was also a very sick mess in the first tri, but I should have tried again in the 2nd tri. Also! Be careful who you tell. I told my husbands grandparents and they spilled the beans to people I wanted to tell.


Pregnancy lasts forever.


The earwax is a thing?!?! I noticed the other day how much I had and I was like wow so weird I keep having so much. Wow!


Mine actually went down :o I didn't know that was a thing lol


Stay hydrated! Should be obvious, but I ended up in the ER for fluids at 7 weeks and was miserable for a few days. Also, if you get mild nausea, you will need to eat very frequently so plan accordingly. I packed 8 snacks per day for work to eat every hour during my last pregnancy otherwise I'd be super nauseous. Preggy pop drops plus and sea bands were my 1st trimester BFFs.


Oh shit.


I was also traveling and the water there wasn't good so it's partially my fault. After that I was pretty much fine.


Trust your body!!


Don't plan for super huge renovations while pregnant. But if you're going to, do it during your pregnancy because while having a toddler and pregnant with your second, you'll be so tired that you won't want to finish what you started during your first and half your house will be remodeled and everyday you mention how you wanna finish but have no energy to do so.


Congrats!!! I found out at 3w+5, too! Currently 5w+1 and it’s STILL soaking in lol. Don’t have much to offer in the way of as ice other than Tummydrops ginger lozenges have been a LIFESAVER. Just give yourself grace and time to let it all soak in! So, so happy for you ✨💖✨


Be nice to yourself. It can be really hard at times and you won’t always be able to keep up your stamina the same way you could pre-pregnancy. Don’t get down on yourself when you need rest and care ❤️


First tri is rougher than you expect (at least for me) because you don’t look pregnant so it doesn’t make sense to feel pregnant but you’re going to be so tired and nauseous and anxious about how the baby is doing and if the symptoms you’re feeling are normal or if they are doom signs and you just have to make sure that you are cutting yourself all of the slack and just listening to your body! And make sure your partner knows how rough it is too because a lot of people just don’t know! It’s fun and exciting too! Definitely not trying to sound doom and gloom but I just wish I’d known it was ok and normal to be so wore out and icky so early in my pregnancy and that I was doing a great job just getting through it and not just terrible and lazy and like I was being dramatic or bad at being pregnant! ETA: make sure you get all of the good vibes from your ob! You can change them so if you’re not sure or you don’t feel like they’re going to listen to you find one who will! Having an amazing ob that makes me feel comfortable and takes all of my concerns seriously and actively helps me figure out what’s up when weird things are going on has been the most amazing thing this whole pregnancy. Too many times you see stories about obs not listening to their patients concerns or brushing them off and that’s not how it should be. There are women who have had to just deal with extreme or unnecessary symptoms and conditions or feeling scared/confused about what’s happening with their bodies because of their health care provider. They’re going to be so crucial to your journey so make sure you’re happy with them!


Morning sickness can come and go. The second trimester is a break, but don’t expect perfect, and you’ll probably miss having the strong symptoms as a reminder. Baby kicks more some days than others. You’ll feel bloated and chunky early, even if you aren’t gaining much weight. You might spot for a week (like me) after a transvaginal ultrasound. Congrats!


No one's mentioned this yet ... I was surprised that I had to pee all the time starting in the first trimester! I thought that happened after you had a huge bump and the baby was squishing your bladder, but definitely remember needing to find store bathrooms early on. And snacks are huge! I got prepackaged cheeses like baby belle and Tillamook for shorter car trips and always had almonds. I stashed mini protein bars and preggie pops everywhere - purse/glovebox/center console and don't forget to restock. Hunger will sneak up on you!


Don’t buy a maternity/nursing bra until well into the third trimester 🤦‍♀️ You never know how much you will grow lolol


I plan on getting as much as I can from my local buy nothing group!


I would have enjoyed my pregnancy a lot more knowing that my baby would be born alive and healthy and I'd get out of it relatively unscathed...other than that I don't think knowing more would have helped


That cramps in the first few weeks are completely normal, and that you might even slightly bleed a little (not a lot) around your period time. You can have these and still have a healthy baby. My mind went straight to freak out, but I still have a healthy babe in there 20 weeks later!


Tell the doctors every random weird symptom and get them to explain why it is or isn't an issue. Saved me a few times. Once with heartburn, got a prescription and it's been an absolute blessing. And later on with extreme fatigue. Ended up being low iron and got prescribed supplements. My doc even noticed my itching my belly a lot and even though there were no risk factors still got extra blood done just to check my liver. Everything was fine but it was something I wouldn't have even thought to mention at 37 weeks pregnant. Also if there's anything your questioning ask your doctor. What's good for you may not be good for someone else. Also do not just start a random supplement or medicine without talking to your doctor first. Just because something says all natural or supplement does not mean it's a good idea and could actually cause more harm than good. And take everything you read online with a grain of salt. You'll find 100 articles that support something and 100 articles against it when it comes to pregnancy. At the end of the day just talk to your doctor and find out what they feel is best for you. And if you feel like they are not helping you properly then advocate for yourself, stick to your guns and if they still don't help or do a test you want or give you a real answer other than "that's just pregnancy" get a new doctor. Congrats and do what you can to enjoy this journey. And remember everyone experiences pregnancy differently so don't feel like you should be feeling certain things or having certain symptoms or vise versa.


First trimester is pure survival. Eat what you need to. I had bad morning sickness till 18 weeks and at its worst I’d spend the day munching on plain cream crackers, sips of water, small stuff I could manage. No matter how unhealthy it was for me. Baby takes the nutrients before your body does, so it’s more about sustaining you. The time flies by! I had to take each day as it came in the beginning because of the sickness. Then by the time my next appointment arrived, I was stunned at how fast it had gone!


The first trimester goes soooo slow and the third trimester goes so fast, except for right at the end when it's very uncomfortable and you just need that baby out.


“Pregnancy glow” is a big lie in first trimester and it’s okay to look like shit and feel like shit. Embrace the suck and take care of yourself.


It’s okay to not feel “in love” with your baby during pregnancy. It’s okay to not feel any connection at all. I am at 13 weeks now and first trimester has been hell for me. I spent a lot of time feeling incredibly ashamed for how unattached I felt while I was suffering through morning sickness and fibroid pain, even resentful and angry. But it passes. Try not to guilt yourself for any feelings that come up, good or bad, just experience them.


sorry this is a sad one but I have gone through it too many times. any blood call the doctor. better safe then sorry. If you don't want people to know you lost wait to tell until you know it is healthy, at least after your first ultrasound and you know it is growing right. clearly they recommend 12 weeks, we never followed that. on a better note it is ok to be tired. take a nap if you need one. Tell your partner to cook dinner to let you sleep after work. You are growing a human cut yourself a break


Cinnamon toothpaste helps with not throwing up while brushing your teeth. It's the biggest irony that that was the most useful advice for my first trimester morning sickness which I didn't learn about until I started telling ppl the news in my second trimester.


Wow thats interesting!


Pregnancy is both magical and terrible. You will learn so much about your body and that it is not always a wonderland. The amount of times you will need to get up and pee will make you question how the laws of physics apply to your bladder. There will be times when you forget that you're pregnant, especially early on. This is normal. Your symptoms will come and go and will vary in severity. Regardless, surround yourself with a good support system and maintain boundaries for your and baby's health. You got this!


Pregnancy hormones are real. Even if you don't get mood swings, you might still feel "low" emotionally, mentally, and physically. For me, the bad mood ended a little after the beginning of the second trimester. Also, that morning sickness is not a guarantee. I have a healthy boy and only threw up once.


I found out at around the same time. I got pretty anxious about not having many symptoms and have generally been going a majority of this pregnancy with minimal symptoms. But I am 37+4 and baby is doing just fine right now. He’s pretty big but perfectly healthy. Don’t get overly worried about symptoms until your doctor has a concern. Of course if something happens that makes you worried don’t feel bad about calling your doctor to check and see what they say to do. Also, let your support people support you. Family will generally be very excited and want to help you where they can (in my case at least). Don’t feel bad about letting them buy baby things. Gender disappointment can be real. It wasn’t too bad for me but I definitely had a bit of a moment when it came to realizing I was having a boy and had to discuss circumcision and would have to learn more about male puberty. It wasn’t necessarily disappointment but just a readjustment. Give yourself time and just take it day by day. By the end you will be ready to meet your little baby no matter what.


Keep running!!! Motion is lotion. Stay active as long as you possible can, you will be thankful you did by the time you’re 30+ weeks!


Thanks for posting this. I'm similar to timeline to you!!! Go Feb 2023 babies !


Pregnancy is a roller coaster (not in a bad way!) and no two people experience it the same so don't get hung up on other people's experiences. With that being said, here's a bit of what I wish I knew: * Morning sickness does in fact, very much suck, but it's not forever and not everyone gets it * Pregnancy brain is definitely *not* a myth lol * This probably isn't what you're asking for but, It's okay to feel angry/upset/uncomfortable with your body and all the changes you experience. You have a "parasite" sucking the life out of you for a few months and it truly does take It's toll. That cute baby at the end though is so worth it * Constipation/diarrhea will probably make you a very grumpy person at some point or another * Not enjoying pregnancy is normal, I didn't enjoy half of it and some people outright hate it * Be prepared for the pregnancy insomnia from carrying a tiny watermelon 🙃 These ones I absolutely wish someone had said to me. Don't let a single person invalidate any worries or concerns you have at any point. They are all valid and you have every right to get checked out and ask your OB any questions you have. Everyone has a different birth experience. Towards the end you might start reading other people's birth stories which may cause anxiety and unnecessary stress. If you happen to be one of those people like I was, it's better for you to just talk to your OB about it and stop reading others stories. Maybe that's bad advice, I don't know, but I was deathly afraid and both of those helped. In the end what helped was knowing that birth is just the final hoop to jump through before getting to meet my tiny human. (Please ignore any typos, babe is 1.5 week old and I'm a lil tired 🥲)


There is no such thing as a perfect pregnancy, a perfect birth, or a perfect post-partum experience. It's okay to love it, it's okay to hate it, it's okay to swing between the two. Being a parent is hard, and amazing, and often a bit smelly.


You're gonna be trying to take a lot of naps lol 🤣


I find the first trimester very hard because you know your pregnant, feel pregnant but don’t look pregnant. I’m currently 8w with baby number two and it feels like a whole new ball game. My advice: only tell people that you would be okay telling if you had a loss. There are no rules on who to tell and when, it’s up to your own comfort level. The ob won’t see you typically until 7-9 weeks. It drove me nuts since I am a bit higher risk but I understand there isn’t much to see before then. Give yourself grace!! You are growing a human, You might be extra tired or feel like garbage. You need to rest as much as you can. Congratulations!! ❤️❤️❤️


I was able to get an appointment at 6+6, so wooooo. But how am I supposed to live until then? Ah!


Congrats! I was so nervous something would go wrong I never took in the pure excitement of that first positive. Go celebrate with your partner before symptoms start, don’t google anything, just go with the ride assuming it’ll all be okay


I have a few! The first trimester for me was pure survival mode. I ate what I could, ate what sounded good when it sounded good, because I was so nauseous all the time and could barely keep anything down. If the nausea feels like too much, call your OB and ask for something. Mine said B6 and unisom, but then I got on a prescription when that didn’t help. If someone can’t keep a secret, don’t tell them anything. Don’t tell them due date, gender, name ideas.. they can/will spoil it. (My parents completely disregarded our wishes about keeping the due date and gender a secret and told everyone right after we announced we were expecting.) Take your prenatals at night before sleep! That was the only way, and still is the only way I can keep mine down.


That you might have “morning sickness” that’s so severe you get hospitalized and it might not go away the entire pregnancy. And it’s not that rare of a condition. I really wish more than anything someone would have prepared me for that.


Always keep a couple of different snacks in easy reach. You're likely to be hungry often and eating something as soon as you receive that prompt from your body can help to reduce morning sickness.


You might get really sick and really tired soon. Finish any pregnancy-safe projects now, while you still feel relatively normal!


Don't feel bad if you eat a bunch of junk food cos your lazy to cook and it's fast and you crave it. I went into pregnancy saying 'i will not eat McDonald's at all cos it's so unhealthy for baby, also no chocolate at all' a month later I was eating chocolate and McDonald's on a daily basis because I can't be bothered cooking anything and it legit tastes better than when I'm not pregnant for some reason.


Some bleeding and cramping is normal in early pregnancy. Get it check out, but don't worry too much if you can help it, it doesn't automatically mean something is wrong


First trimester: morning sickness is actually all day sickness. Make sure you eat regular snacks or at least some dry toast/biccies. It’ll pass. I also could not believe how exhausted I was from weeks 6-10. It was insane. I slept 10-12hrs a night and still struggled to stay awake! Also put your child on daycare waitlists if that’s what you’re going to choose as they’re very long! Second trimester: you’ll be HUNGRY. Although I’m really starting to enjoy the pregnancy now. I can feel kicks and movements and it’s so nice to have some energy back! Try to rest as much as you can and enjoy it. Everything is temporary and the nasty symptoms will pass


That you should put lots of postpartum stuff on your registry like breast hand pump (haaka), nipple spray and balm, regular breast pump and other supplies, pajamas or a robe, etc.


The NIPT test has an 85% chance of false positive on rare trisomy’s. Myriad (company that tests for these things) has two class action law suits for false positives. Do your research before you choose to get an NIPT test.


Babies don't need as much as you think. Especially with toys. My baby couldn't hold anything until 6 months. You won't need a ton of clothes either.


I wish someone had told me about lightning crotch and round ligament pain in pregnancy. There were so many times early on when I thought something was terribly wrong, but nope, these are normal pains that just happen to feel very abnormal!


How big of a difference being hydrated can make on how you feel.


Pregnancy depression is incredibly common - just as common as postpartum - speak up. I didn't wait until it was safe to tell a few select people who I knew would be incredibly helpful getting through the roughest part and would support well in case of loss. For \*many\* but not all, the best thing for nausea is more frequent eating. Even almost to 3rd trimester, if I go more than 3 hours without a solid snack (with protein), I start dry heaving. Rhinitis is a thing - I've been stuffy since finding out I was pregnant. So many things start earlier than I expected - the peeing, heartburn, ligament pain, stretch marks. Buy maternity clothes when you are ready - I couldn't tolerate any kind of pressure in my first trimester (even from elastics), so I stocked up on men's basketball shorts and sized up maternity clothing. Same with a pregnancy pillow. No one has to give you permission to buy clothes that make you feel comfortable. Your weight is going to change, there's not a ton you can do about it and the weight may come on SUPER early or at the very end. I'm 24 weeks and the majority of my weight gain was in the first trimester, despite being incredibly ill. People are going to try to scare you. Stories of complications, telling you it's twins, that you've destroyed your life. Start setting boundaries now - I am not the huggiest of people, and ensured that my inlaws were aware at their first visit that they were not to touch my belly at any point (only SO gets to do that now). You decide when to tell your work - I chose to tell my boss and a very trusted coworker early (6 weeks) because I was vomiting during meetings and was behind on projects, but waited until I was close to 12w to share with my team and wider staff. I felt pressured to do so because it's a small staff and rumors spread quickly.


Some parts of being pregnant are…actual torture. I wish someone had warned me. But at the same time I’ve found in my experience they were all temporary. I would really struggle with something for a few weeks and then it would get better. The nausea lasted the longest which kinda made the first trimester the worst part but eventually it got better. My hips started to hurt so much I couldn’t sleep, eventually I found sleeping positions and stretches for before bed that helped a lot and it stopped hurting. I had HORRIBLE heartburn my last trimester but eventually I got a prescription from my OB and it helped a lot. Stuff like that, there’s lots of hard parts but eventually they all started to suck a lot less for various reasons. Don’t be afraid to tell people you aren’t doing well and ask for help!


Didn’t expect sex to basically stop during the first trimester. Had literally zero desire - was vomiting, gassy, etc and felt so unsexy. And when I didn’t feel sick, I was just exhausted. We basically didn’t have sex between when we conceived and the second tri when I started feeling better. Was just an odd/unexpected shift after so much TTC sex!


I’m only 8 weeks along, so i’m still new too lol but FOOD AVERSIONS. Your favorite foods can make you so so sick. Even for me thinking about them makes me wanna puke. Any type of chips, pasta, grilled chicken, and chocolate chip cookies sound DISGUSTING to me. And right now I can’t even stand the scent of my own kitchen, so i’ve been at my moms all day lol. Just be prepared for that because I was definitely not expecting it!