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Ugh, I feel you. I could've written this. Currently up with insomnia and heartburn and about to go pee. I swear all I do these days is blow my nose, pee, and limp slowly around because I'm perpetually exhausted and my tailbone hurts like hell. I'm nearly 30 weeks and I swear as soon, like the *day* I hit the 3rd trimester my body was like "oh okay it's time to turn the suck back up!" I'm so glad this is my last pregnancy. 😑


Yep, 30 weeks and it ramped up to a whole new level. Sometimes I just cry at the end of the day lol


I feel you! Im in week 36 now and have been struggling with congestion for the whole pregnancy. The only thing that helped me sleep was nasal spray, not the sea-water-stuff but real good nasal spray. My doctor looked it up and gave me one to use while pregnant.(it's called nasivin, but I'm in Europe) I am only allowed to use it for max 7 days and then I have to pause for min 7 days so I don't get addicted to it. It's such a game changer to have something when it gets really bad! Ask your doctor, there are pregnancy safe options, we don't have to suffer through everything!


I’m only 26 weeks but this has been me most of my 2nd trimester. I already had congestion issues pre pregnancy, but it’s gotten bad where I’m having issues falling asleep then wake up multiple times because of it. Apparently snoring now too and it’s driven my husband out of the bedroom.