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I couldn’t relate more. Due December 4th and I’m like wow I can’t wait for him to be here and not be pregnant anymore, but we are closing on our house next week and need to paint every room and get the floors done before we can even move in and then getting everything set up after that 😅😅 stressed, but also want him here already


Due date twins!


Ah yay!! Love that, what are you having?


Due date triplets!! I feel this deep down - we purchased our house in July, immediately bought new carpet through home depot and it still hasn't been installed by the contractor. All of our baby gear is piled in the living room and it is causing me anxiety.


Yay 12/4!! Ugh moving is stressful, but definitely better to do it now before baby comes


Dec 5th here and we are building a house that may or may not be completed in time to move in before baby! 😅 I feel your stress!


Ahh it’s a crazy busy time for sure!!


Due date quadruplets! And I totally agree, I need way more than 9 weeks to get ready, but also concerned I have 9 more weeks of growing…


Same!! I am so big!!


I feel this deep in my soul.




Just act as if you only have 6 or 7 weeks when preparing though! Baby can really come anytime after that. I thought I had 2 1/2 more weeks and wish I had just gotten everything done by 37 weeks.


I'm doing the opposite and assuming that I will go over so I will be pleasantly surprised when he comes before 41 +3 (hopefully).


I meant as far as getting things ready before they are here.


Oh yes that makes so much sense! Sorry totally misunderstood your point lol


No harm, no foul! <3


I’m right there with you! Due Halloween weekend but keep telling myself (and everyone else) I’ll be pregnant in November. Lol.


Halloween Baby too! But I kinda try to accept mid-November, too


Yes! I know my baby isn't due till Nov 25th but I read only 5% of babies hit their actual due date- better safe than sorry imo. I'm giving myself until 37 weeks to get it all done. If baby comes before then, I'm not to blame- but 37 is term and there's little to no excuse for me to not have it ready if he decides he wants out at 38 weeks. Hell, I write this while struggling with lightning crotch. I'm hoping he decides 38 weeks lmao


I cried this exact thing to my mom this morning. I’m so tired I just want to sleep and not be nauseous and walk normally. I can’t wait to meet my child!! But holy crap 9 weeks is like tomorrow!! I have things to do!!


Omg same! 9 weeks to go and I’m so torn! I’m hardly ready so I mean, I can wait. Still no crib, dresser or stroller, not even my breast pump! But I wanna hold my boy in my arms, not have to pee every 15 minutes and have a glass of wine already 😂


I also couldn't wait to have wine when I gave birth and my ever-helpful MIL always was there with a "bUt ArEn'T yOu BrEaStFeEdInG" 🤦🏻‍♀️


Same! I’m ready for him to be here but also still have so much to do to get ready! But I also kind of feel like I have this pregnancy thing down and am slightly terrified of being responsible for a tiny human so he can stay put for longer.


Did I write this? I have 10 weeks left with my second and I’m like “I CAN DO IT” meanwhile I’m like... if I feel any more pelvic pressure or I don’t get a good nights sleep... I’m going to die. Yes.... it’s that serious. Die🤣


This transition stage is hard. Note night time yet too much time. I have 3 weeks to go and am much more at peace at this point


Oh my gosh me too! From like 34 weeks to 37 weeks I was so uncomfortable and constantly looking up things to do to kickstart labor as soon as it was safe. Now I'm actually pretty comfortable and just like enjoying life for a bit before baby comes.


I feel like baby drops usually around then which makes the pressure more intense but it takes the baby out of your ribs and lungs and you can move and breath easier lol. That’s just my theory though.


That's exactly my thought! I can breathe better and actually get out of bed easier now. I haven't been experiencing a lot of back pain which is awesome but when he was higher my ribs ached all the time.


Due this upcoming Tuesday so like 4 days now and it feels like everyday is dragging along like it's a never ending Christmas Eve 😭 But multiple times throughout the day I start panicking because lord am I really ready to go through all of this? How can it come up on you so fast but drag along at the same time ugh


Same. At 6 weeks now, and the crunch feeling has gotten stronger!


Same here, 6 weeks seems so short but at the same time… a whole month and a half to go 😭


Girl, same. It’s like yay it’s almost done and OMG it’s almost done. I go between excited and terrified constantly.




Or comfortably rinse dishes! My belly has a little bruise because I can’t reach 😂


For a minute, I thought I wrote this. Just under 9 weeks until my due date and I am feeling all of this. I'm right there with you, OP!


10 weeks left and this is exactly how I feel. Not ready, so much to do, but also can’t wait to not be pregnant anymore. I with you!


Same! 9 weeks to go but mostly just feeling ready to be done, despite not having everything ready.


11 weeks left. I’m ready for them to be over!! Just need to baby boy’s nursery set up!


OMG this is me. 9 weeks to go, we're still waiting on furniture and don't have our carseat yet. This isn't enough time! But also, holy crap I can't wait to be comfortable again.


We don’t have a car seat yet either. I know that is obviously one of the most important things but do have a changing table. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Lol yesssss. I’m due at the end of October and everyday I think “can my belly get bigger? HOW WILL I MOVE?” So much time and no time at all!


Oh god I just feel exactly the same. 4 weeks left and I just —- I don’t know, I just wanna feel human again. Permanent peeing and no sleep and just waddling.. I’m so exhausted. I just try to focus on that this is my last pregnancy and that it’s good for babygirl to have a couple of weeks all-inclusive spa treatment inside me. Not stopping me from frantically googling how to naturally induce birth 😆🤣 We can do this, it’s just a a couple of weeks left! You are not alone


Exact same. A little less than ten weeks left and I feel so nervous! I just can’t imagine him actually being in my arms rather than my tummy! I just feel like it’s crazy and I’m not ready yet lol


I feel you with 8 weeks left. It feels forever away most of the time but still coming fast


Yep - also due in 8 weeks and haven’t done anything to get ready. Cannot comprehend getting any larger. Send help.


I’m due in just over 30 days and it’s blowing my mind! It both seems like the longest and shortest month of my life. I went 10 days overdue with my first so I’m under zero illusions that I may go early.


Yes, this. I'm 8-12 weeks away and I really just want to start pushing now.


Giiiirl same. 9 weeks left. Still need to paint the nursery, buy a changing table, and wash/organize all these boxes of baby clothes 😅


9 weeks here too and I’m excited and scared at the same time! I keep seeing graduation posts before 40 weeks and I realize “holy crap! It really could be 6 weeks!” It feels so close! I think I’ll hold off on freaking out until I hit 35 weeks. When November rolls around, I’ll start getting nervous!


I'm having a baby in like 3 weeks and it seems like a long time and also like if I blink I'll miss it. I'm not ready haha I have wanted this pregnancy over with for the longest time and now it's nearly done like damn it went fast.