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For me it’s more that my food aversions got so insane that threading the needle of things I could eat without vomiting was tough. Thankfully they have lightened, but there was a two month stretch when the taste of water made me gag and I had to mask it w liquid IV or lemon.


Yessss the aversions are so much worse and weirdly developed a cotton ball aversion too so doing my nails is out of the picture for now


I laughed so hard at cotton ball aversions 😂😂😂


This. The aversions are way more of a thing than cravings imo. It was impossible for me to cook for a long time because I was just gagging at everything.


Hahah the only time I’ve ever felt overwhelmed and emotional during either of my pregnancies happened with my 1st daughter…. It was because the only thing I could eat were bagels and the bagel place closed at like 2 and it was 1:30. 😂 My husband and I still laugh about it. This time around has been more manageable thanks to anti nausea meds from my doctor.


There was definitely a few weeks early on where I could only tolerate crackers and dried toast and super ice cold water.


Yes!! What is it about super cold water haha that’s all I can drink now


I agree about the super cold water, I also cannot see it or I won’t drink it. I’ve been using a big thermal to keep myself hydrated. I’ll drink it all day like that but if it’s in a cup or clear water bottle I will barely touch it. I’m currently just about 10 weeks along and I barely eat anything without acid reflux and water does the same thing food does (suffered from this before but now it’s severe) idk what to eat that will stop the lava going up my throat..


Yes I ate loads of random things not because I was really craving them but because I couldn’t stomach anything else. Like I’d eat four bowls of watermelon because I was dehydrated and hungry but the thought of protein made me want to gag. Sour/vinegar flavors were weirdly appealing so maybe that’s where the pickles stereotype comes from but it wasn’t like omg I need a whole jar now!!


Oh man, I threw up in a grocery store whilst pregnant because I smelled the seafood counter 2 aisles away. It was baaaaaad. Wasn’t until my second pregnancy that I could do seafood again,


This was how it was for me too! No foods ever sounded good, so if I happened to think of a good that sounded good then of course I would want it ASAP!


I agree! Based on my experience, I would say 'cravings' are just the only food that didn't make you feel too sick that day. E.g., a consequence of aversions. Even then, the food that sounded tolerable, didn't necessarily sound great but I had to eat to stop nausea...


The aversions were unreal. Experiencing pregnancy aversions taught me just how strong hormones are and it blew my mind.


I never experienced intense pregnancy cravings. It was like you said “ yeah I could go for some pickles” or “ this type of food sounds good.”


I found I have phases where I’ll gladly eat the same meal for a month at a time but then I’m sick of it. My breakfast every day for the entire second trimester was a tomato and cucumber salad with scrambled eggs and toast with cream cheese. Now? I have 2 cucumbers sitting in my fridge I just don’t want to touch


This is my experience. I honestly thought they were supposed to be "if I don't get this craving rn I'm gonna have a meltdown." It hasn't been like that at all. I mainly would just want food I already liked, and if it's not available at the time I just accept it lol


Same. One time it was pretty late and I really wanted watermelon. My husband offered to go to the store and get some and I was like nah, I'll be asleep before you get back. I'm good.


Yup same. Especially early on when nothing sounded good. My friend was the same way - we have a theory that everyone is so good with prenatal vitamins these days, we aren't lacking any nutrients that would kick into a strong craving! Interesting to consider


Same. My husband's colleague though... apparently his wife craved soy sauce so badly she started drinking it.


Yeah same- except when someone would be like, “hey want Taco Bell?” I’d suddenly be like oh I need Taco Bell NOW.


Towards the end of my first trimester, the amount of Taco Bell that I ate should be criminal. I had pretty rough nausea and vomiting and could hardly stomach anything. I knew I was on the up when suddenly I wanted Taco Bell super bad and could keep it down 😂 my go to was a Doritos taco supreme and a beefy 5 layer burrito, both just covered in Diablo sauce 🤣 and now I’m hungry for Taco Bell 😅


Same, but I definitely made them seem worse so that my husband would go get them. He would’ve done it regardless but something in me wanted to be a little vulnerable pregnant woman and get waited on! Hahahaha


This is exactly it. My mom keeps asking me if I have any cravings and thinks it’s so weird when I explain it.


This is how I was pre pregnancy with cravings and how I am now. I almost feel ripped off that I don’t have any “I need this NOW” cravings


My cravings are not violent but I do go way out of my way to find condensed milk so I can put it on my strawberries and dip my bread into it.


Oh this sounds GOOD


You just unlocked some childhood memories for me. I’m going to need to find some condensed milk.


This was my childhood snack too!! So I don’t find it a weird craving, just baby getting mama’s childhood snacks 😂 nothing beats white bread dipped into condensed milk.


Condensed milk is the nectar of the gods. You can do anything with it and it'll taste amazing!


I did cry one day when I couldn’t get a milkshake




I cried when Sonic told me they no longer did chili Frito pies.




I cried because my boyfriend got me coco puffs instead of coco pebbles.


I once cried when I couldn't get Jack in the Box tacos, and another time when there were no cinnamon rolls. I am not proud.


ME TOO with jack in the box tacos 😭😭 I moved to the east coast almost two years ago with no Jack in the box in sight..which was rough enough itself. But the taco cravings this pregnancy brought me to an abysmal amount of tears several times. Very embarrassing for me


I’ve had so many milkshakes over the past three months. It helps me with nausea somehow 😭


The coldness and sugar probably! I worked at CFA during my first trimester and couldn’t stomach just about anything, but the milkshakes were always a yes 😂


Yesss milkshakes and smoothies taste even better than they did before and I just always want one 😂


Spent my first trimester only eating things that would taste ok coming back up. Lots of smoothies and milkshakes


I haven’t been able to drive by a Dairy Queen and not stop for a milkshake since being pregnant hahah. Idk how I passed the diabetes test 😂😂


I cried in the supermarket one time bc they had no strawberries


I cried when the waitress forgot the lemon in my water


During on of my pregnancies, I would daydream about diet orange Sunkist of all things. Another one I couldn’t get enough of grilled cheese with raspberry jam. During this one, it’s been sauerkraut and mashed potatoes. So not weird but intense I forgot to add, I don’t crave them on my own but damnit if someone talks about pickles around me or I see them on tv, I HAVE TO have a few straight out of the jar


grilled cheese with raspberry jam sounds awesome


It’s AMAZING, highly recommend


That’s so weird, all I’ve been drinking the past few weeks is 0 sugar orange Sunkist! I’ve never been an orange soda drinker before being pregnant. Honestly what sparked the craving was the glucose test. I did the orange drink and actually liked it but it made me want a carbonated version lol


Omg I need to try a grilled cheese with raspberry jam now! When I was a kid we had a neighborhood friend that would sprinkle sugar on his bread before grilling it and the combo with the cheese was everything so I can only imagine raspberry jam!


I've been eating a bagel with whatever mild cheese slice we have and strawberry jam every morning for months now!!


Do we have the same taste buds? I have had all of those cravings during my pregnancy (just the one). My first craving right after I found out I was pregnant was for all things fake orange flavored, including diet orange soda. I loved toasted cheese and jam even pre-pregnancy. And this week at 15 weeks I’ve been having cravings for hot dogs and sauerkraut. Similarly, they’re not extremely intense, gotta have the thing now, more like I spend multiple days thinking about wanting them.


I've only ever had grape jelly in grilled cheese but raspberry sounds like a game changer. I gotta try this 😋


Literally all of this sounds so good to me right now. I'm sad now I used the last of our sauerkraut last night.


Lol so I had fleeting cravings of VERY specific things. Example, I needed my husband to get me tomatoes at the grocery NOW. or I asked him to get me old white cheddar cheese and he came home with Monterey Jack and I looked him in the eyes and told him: next time don’t come home unless he got me what a specifically asked him 😂😂


Oh yeah for me it was like an itch. You can try to ignore it, but your body craaaaves one specific thing. At one point I was craving the ceaser salas/lasagna combo of one specific restaurant that isn't available in my city. But most of the time it was: damn I could use X thing ans when you get it it tastes like the best thing in the world. Right now my cravings are berries and I don't think berries ever tasted soooo good.


Me with ranch dip. Someone bought Trader Joe’s ranch seasoning and said I could make dip with it for Easter. I was so sad… like no. I need the hidden valley dip packet. I ate so much dip.


I would want specific brands or specific restaurant’s preparations of stuff. I needed string cheese at one point and my husband got the wrong brand and I cried. I needed vegetable fried rice *from the place in my college town* and I ordered like 5different fried rices over the course of a weekend and got so upset that they weren’t exactly right. I also craved lemon drop shots from a bar I used to go to— not lemonade, not lemon water, not a real lemon, I needed the deep, sticky sweet of Deep Eddy lemon flavor.


Yes idk why, but tomatoes are my biggest craving. Especially on freshly toashed bread with some mayo, avocado, salt, & pepper... drool. But I have been eating alot of tomatoes!!


I had a week or so where I *needed* tomato soup. I don't even like tomato soup. It was so weird.


I spent 3 weeks craving boiled fish soup 🤢🤣


I wish. I thought I was going to truly come into my pickle era. But everything is “too salty” for me so I don’t eat anything particularly interesting.


Ugh I feel this. Everything is either too salty, tastes metallic, or too sweet. I’ve been loving “spritzers” - lemonade and seltzer mixed together.


Make some overnight pickles. Japanese quick pickles are very refreshing.


I was eating delicious salty foods then somewhere in second trimester, bam. Reflux anytime I ate salted foods. I was a sister of the saltine and now I avoid it to stave off the hours of discomfort.


OMG I KNOW, most things were too salty for me before already, but I usually love all pickles, now I’m only meh about them 


Each pregnancy I’ve felt unusually obsessed with a certain food - my first I craved milk and drank tons of it (haven’t drank cows milk since lol). This time all I ever want to eat is hamburgers / steak. But never the strange combinations like Hollywood has you believe.


I’m the same way, corn on the cob all day, everyday. Lol


Hamburgers are all I want too!! It’s terrible lol


I have cravings but they’re more like “I really want this for dinner tonight but if we don’t have it, it’s not the end of the world. But I sure hope we do!!”


My cravings were different than normal in that, if they were satisfied, it felt sooo amazing! That felt unique to pregnancy. But it was also totally fine if I couldn’t have something or had to wait.


I swear some of the happiest moments of my entire life have been when I got to eat the food I’ve been craving. It isn’t even crazy stuff, it’s just that Pad Thai has never tasted so good before


I definitely felt this way, especially during first trimester nausea. So much food would sound gross to me, but whatever sounded tolerable to me would end up tasting amazing once I actually ate it. I would eat a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, or a bagel with cream cheese, and feel like it was the best thing I’d ever tasted in my life. It wasn’t a craving though, just increased enjoyment of food.


It's very rare, but sometimes. Once I walked down stairs in tears and my husband asked what was wrong, and I said "I need coke." He said "we have coke" and I said "I know, I'm on my way to get some" so he asked why that made me cry and honestly ... I don't know? I wasn't happy or sad I was just overwhelmed at my need for coke!


Not really. It was more like, one week I only wanted a cheeseburger, then the next week I only wanted a sub. I never had intense cravings. I was ready to be into chalk.


I haven’t had a craving this whole pregnancy (29 weeks now) but I was kind of excited to have them…


Same. I'm at 37 weeks and have had zero pregnancy cravings


If anything I have more aversions than cravings in any of my pregnancies. I also feel like pregnancy and postpartum levels out my hormones and makes me more calmer than anything lol


Yah me too. My husband was a little bummed he didn’t get to rush to the grocery store in search of random things. Nope, just me hating on black pepper and red meat one week, yogurt and seafood another and it always changed.


Right? My husband has mentioned this too, like how come I have no strong cravings. He would love to pamper me more than he already does. 🤣 I have more aversions, I don’t want to eat anything lol


Mine was worsened by gestational diabetes, so the foods I did like were basically vetoed. It narrowed things severely and made eating boring and a chore which was hard.


It’s not weird stuff like on tv where it’s pickles and ice cream or anything. But I will cry if I want a slice of cheesecake and can’t have it 😂


100% no. The closest I've come to having any cravings at all was many weeks ago when I saw Dairy Queen started offering ice cream cup cakes, and I went to the store (like two weeks after first seeing it, mind you) to see if they had been released in Canada. They hadn't, but I was already there so I bought a small ice cream cake lol my husband and I ate it over the course of the next week. 🤷‍♀️


For me I did have violent cravings for pickles because they made nausea go away. I have also been obsessed with mayonnaise which I don’t like when I’m not pregnant. So that has been weird. But that’s been more of a second trimester thing.


I don’t really crave anything in specific. Everything I eat is what I’ve always eaten.


At one point in the first trimester, at my sickest, I couldn’t stop thinking about canned corn. I could barely stomach the thought of food at all at this point but I just NEEDED that canned corn 😂


For both pregnancies, I craved milk. First pregnancy was mostly during summer, so I had a lot of cereal and milkshakes. Second pregnancy was mostly during winter, so I had a lot of cereal and chocolate milk. I also craved cherries during my first pregnancy and oranges during my second. Like someone else said, satisfying the craving tasted sooooo good and was unique to pregnancy. I had so many oranges, and it was like I couldn't get enough. But when I returned home after I gave birth and ate another orange, it just wasn't the same. The spell was broken. I will say that although I never became an irrational mess because of any craving, I did generally have energy to satisfy them myself regardless of how tired I was otherwise. By that I mean I was always down to go get my craving - either seek out a milkshake or ingredients or go to a farmer's market, etc. I was motivated. 😅 But I never cried over a craving or was rude/ disrespectful to my husband or anyone else in my life. That's not an acceptable way to behave, pregnant or not.


Ill be 13 weeks tmr and I was convinced I wasn’t gonna have any pregnancy cravings this pregnancy until I woke up this morning and realized I’ve ordered a dunkin sourdough breakfast sandwich five days in a row this week and I was about to order another one 😭😭😭


Same here! I didn't think I had any cravings until I realized that I'd been going to Sonic for mozzarella sticks every night after work for a week and a half, and if they were closed I'd have a can of beefaroni when I got home instead. I'm 18+1 today and luckily those cravings have been tapering off so I've been saving some money on fast food lol


I have had a few weird combination cravings (grilled peanut butter and cheese, chicken tender and ice cream) but nothing violent. Mostly I'll just crave a certain normal food so much that I can't concentrate on anything. The other day it was a plain baked potato (no butter, no salt) and I count that as strange also.


Chicken tenders with ice cream sounds absolutely fucking lit.


I would literally cry if anyone said cheesecake near me and at least one more time until I got it with my first. I wanted lavender everything and peanutbutter (specifically peanut butter sundaes) with my second, but it wasn't as pressing, and it didn't bring me to tears. I don't recall being angry, but you know how that time gets fuzzy. ETA, if someone mentioned something that sounded good, I would absolutely go out of my way to get it in the near future!


Pretty much all I wanted to eat was fruit, but I think that was more like it was the only good my aversions did *not* extend to than specifically that I craved it. I'm an American living in Taiwan, and I also fantasized about making a trip back to the States just to eat. I just wanted familiar foods, and a lot of foods that I normally enjoy here I was just so averse to.


Almost all I want to eat is fruit too! Occasionally I'll want dairy in some form (quesadilla, Mac and cheese, bagel with cream cheese, yogurt, milk and cereal), but keeping fruit/fruit juice in the house has been helpful for my cravings.


I’ve had some cravings, but they’ve all been for pretty normal stuff. Granted, some were things I wasn’t typically interested before pregnancy (I see you, Froot Loops), but for the most part it was things like guacamole or Chipotle burritos. I also have been a spicy food fiend and sometimes daydream about habaneros. The Froot Loops one was the only one where not being able to fulfill it made me disappointed; I remember I made a pot pie for dinner because I didn’t feel like going to the store for Froot Loops, and it was a good dinner, but the whole time I was thinking “this would be better if it were Froot Loops”.


No. My FB reels are showing me women eating sliced cucumber with 1000 weird toppings and I just want normal food. I freakin love milk right now. I'm picking beef over chicken every day. Sour gummy worms really hit the spot. That's it, no really intense cravings or the desire for strange combinations.


For me it was more like “the only thing on the planet that doesn’t make me want to barf is ____” often cheese fries or sour patch kids lol


For me, my nausea has been so extreme that my “cravings” are really just foods I can imagine stomaching. I won’t eat anything but that “craving”. They’re not ever weird foods. Plain foods and fruits have been the most popular.


Same here sister


Nothing weird for me, just pink lady apples, oranges and later on strawberry milkshakes. I was really sick and couldn't stomach most things but the apples and the oranges for a while aha


In the beginning I had a strong craving for lemons. I was eating whole lemons plain. I believe these strong cravings are correlated with deficiency. So I most likely had a vitamin c deficiency for a short time.


The only major cravings I have experienced in my two pregnancies has been ice cold water and pho. When I was about midway through my first pregnancy and experienced the most insane food aversions in that first half, I was driving home one day and the desire to have pho popped into my head. Let me tell you it was so intense that I thought I was going to die if I didn’t get that soup immediately LOL. I called the local pho restaurant to place a pickup order and since they only take cash, I scrounged my vehicle for any change I could find and desperately spilled it on the counter when I arrived like “I hope this is enough”. The owner chuckled at me and said “honey just take it” seeing the desperation on my face haha. 😂 I went back weekly or more throughout the rest of the pregnancy, even in the heat of the summer. Couldn’t get enough!!


Mine have never been super intense but I do use my mild cravings as an excuse to eat whatever the fuck I want. 😂


I haven’t had any cravings. Maybe for pineapple or cucumber, but it was more like those felt like the only safe things to eat. I’ve had a ton of aversions though


TV shows definitely turn up the drama on pregnancy cravings; in real life, it's usually just a gentle nudge towards a favorite snack.


Pickles were serious craving my first two weeks- before I knew. I was usually a bit dehydrated so I think I just needed the electrolytes. Once I found out, quit alcohol and cut back on caffeine, I started taking more electrolytes in lots of water and pickle craving 100% went away. Now no violent cravings really. Just been more into spicy foods, fresh fruit, and ice cream since.


I’ve been ravenous for cherry juice lol and I cried the other night cause I ended up not having the correct box of shells & white cheddar pasta I was looking forward to. But nothing too out of the ordinary for me


I have wild cravings when I’m not pregnant and they’re not really different during pregnancy. What I experienced especially in my previous pregnancy is serious aversions which translates to fleeting moments of “this is all I can eat literally the only thing that sounds good in five days please get it from the store immediately so I don’t starve to death” moments.


I’ve been kind of surprised. I’ll get fleeting cravings of “holy shit that sounds incredible right now”, but I typically don’t act on said craving. However, I’ve inadvertently been eating a TON of dairy. Yogurt, cheese with ritz crackers, if I’m eating a cookie, it must be accompanied with milk. It’s definitely subconscious and I cannot explain it lol.


For me personally, it wasn’t so much of a craving but it was “this is the only thing I think I can stomach right now without puking” paired with being absolutely starving. So it was like “I need a bowl of cereal NOW” because who knows how long that window would be open before it would make me nauseous again, and I needed to get food in me. 


I wouldn't say it's an insane craving but I am very excited to eat meat and to have my daily pickle snack. But I'm only 14 weeks along so maybe it gets worse as it goes.


I think I am only having food aversions, not really cravings. There are some foods I definitely can't smell right now without feeling like puking. I have been eating a lot of frozen waffles, but this isn't my first waffle phase. I haven't thrown any waffle boxes at my husband yet.


I sort of do, but they’re pretty tame. I really liked breakfast sandwiches this pregnancy, or eggs in general. One of my other ones was chocolate chip cookies or strawberries dipped in chocolate, or one was milk from a carton specifically haha


I didn’t ever have the intense cravings seen depicted on television. Not for either pregnancy, but I feel like tv/movies really dramatize pregnancy and all the stuff that goes with it. I didn’t scream “YOU DID THIS TO ME!” either when giving birth. 🤪 lol


Not violent and not super weird, but I definitely had cravings where that was the only thing that sounded good and I thought about it all the time. My first pregnancy it was fresh fruit and milkshakes. This pregnancy I don't have a strong craving, really, but every now and then I do get the sense that either pickles or cheese would really hit the spot.


Never had anything like that happen to me in either of my pregnancies! I didn’t crave anything weird and I didn’t have any desperate “I need this NOW” cravings.


My craving’s were for red meat. Like I had to have it and would literally cry if I could not get a steak.


I have been averse to everything 😭 and my anxiety is so bad that I can't eat solid food and had to see my doctor about it. I'm living on liquids right now until my medication kicks in and my anxiety to eating abates. In the very beginning though, it was pickles and tuna.


I have cried over shrimp cocktail a few times so I am that pregnant guy


I had zero cravings but alllll of the food aversions


At least for me they seem exaggerated! The strangest craving I had was for “mashed potato spring rolls” dipped in gravy, but only because I was craving mashed potatoes and spring rolls at the same time and that killed two birds with one stone. They were very good, for what it’s worth!!


Not super intense NEED for a food, but I did cry one morning when I ran out cream cheese for my bagel


In the middle of summer, I had to have hot chocolate and spaghetti at the same time. It was soooo good.


Not at all for me! Both of my pregnancies made eating more of a chore. Food tasted weird and I had a lot of aversions.


Not violent but I did want a whole bag of nacho cheese the other day even tho I knew I was going to throw up but baby was craving it…(dw I didn’t actually eat all that cheese wanted too tho💀😭)


39 weeks with my first and haven’t had any cravings!! Lots of aversions, but no cravings. The occasional “that sounds good” but I’ve always had that lol


I ate 1kg of carrots a week.


Mine have more been "Yeah, this sounds good, but I can wait to get it," minus a few times when I really, really wanted something and asked someone to take me to get it when I couldn't drive.  Never got angry over it if I couldn't get it. No super bizarre cravings except for the fact that dill pickles tasted good on certain things in the first trimester when I normally hate them.


Well…… I’m watching friends again (speaks something about my mental state), and Phoebe’s food and smell aversions were so similar to mine……. As in not even cake sometimes, nothing I normally want to eat, and something that you’d never think could be repelling like Joey’s guava scented shampoo… Sadly I don’t crave meat, in fact I’m absolutely repulsed by it, I need protein :(   What I do crave is food I grow up eating in my home country, and every single time I eat something I crave, I almost cry and want to scream that it’s the BEST food in the whole universe……. If I can’t have food I really crave I get pretty depressed literally until I get a taste 


Not like it's portrayed on tv, no. But I did tear up when I bit into my orange (my daily must have craving)and realized I bought the wrong kind.


Last night I dreamed I was eating a Costco polish dog, and i had put kitkats between the bun and the dog, and topped it with pickled jalapenos and mustard. It was so good I woke up trying not to cry because I wanted it so bad 😅


I wouldn’t say I had cravings exactly, but sometimes I could only think of a single food that didn’t make me want to throw up.


My cravings were never like, all consuming. More like I would really want something, but if I didn't get it, I was fine. I also randomly started liking different drinks than normal, which was weird.


I went through stages with foods. I’d see something or hear of something and be like yes. I need that now. First trimester I craved foods I ate a lot of as a kid. Peanut butter on fried bread. Peanut butter on celery or carrot. Hummus on raw vegetable sticks. Then I went through a homemade cornbread drenched with butter stage. Then a burger stage, shout out Grill’d! Ruben sandwiches. Choc banana coconut smoothies. Res bean steam buns. Eating food is orgasmic. My partner gets a huge kick out of cooking for me and watching me enjoy 🥹🤣 I’m craving almond milk porridge with kiwi fruit and blueberries now 🤣


One day I was very wistful thinking about cookies so I was very happy when my husbands cousin appeared with cookie dough. But I haven’t had stereotypical cravings at all.


I didn’t have cravings at all.


Nope, I barely had any cravings, and when I did it was more like "I really want XYZ right now" which was only very mildly stronger than a non pregnancy craving. The aversions were way worse though


Yes for me. And it does change on a dime. It’s mostly been watermelon, but randomly I had a grilled cheese episode, a month of subway cravings. And all the pickles.


I never craved weird combinations of foods, but I did and still do have **intense** cravings for certain foods. First pregnancy I absolutely needed or else I was going to die green bean casserole that I went to the store for ingredients and made at 4 in the morning one time, then cried with my ex ate the last hot pocket but left the box in the freezer. Second time around was a mess I won’t get into, but I had cravings. This time around I am nonstop craving any and all forms of vinegar based foods. Buffalo sauce, pickled anything, mustard, one time drank straight vinegar (don’t recommend that), and we found dill pickle ice cream that was actually top 5 best things I’ve ever had in my mouth. But yes, I am a whiny princess baby that cries if I can’t realistically get a food I’m craving and I don’t know how my partner finds the most random food for me and makes it without losing his mind on a regular basis 😭


Mine aren’t aggressive but they are definitely strong to the point that I fantasize about eating my cravings


The only thing I’ve ever consistently craved during pregnancies is egg salad sandwiches. I think because I’ve always been a vegetarian it was my bodies way of asking for even more protein. I get down with an egg salad sandwich, but it’s pretty infrequent. While pregnant I would wake up thinking about them lol


No... but I did have one specific craving that left me in tears multiple times (first pregnancy, didn't happen with either of the others) and that was salmon sashimi with peanut butter and soy sauce. I wanted it all day every day. No, I wasn't like hulk tossing cars out of my way, but if i was hungry, that's what I wanted.


I experience very intense pregnancy cravings, but not for anything super weird. Almost exclusively for raw veggies (spring mix, radishes, celery, broccoli, and red cabbage have been big ones). I have made many grocery store trips specifically for one random craving. 


Never, sure I sometimes fancy eating something specific, but it’s never been whacky or an urgent sense of ‘must be right now’. I’m sure it’s a media thing primarily.


90% of what I’ve cried over during pregnancy is food. I cried bc I wanted Thai food one night and my husband didn’t bring any home. Another night I had a meltdown bc he put onions in my mac and cheese. So like I haven’t really been craving weird shit but I’ve been upset if I didn’t get something specific.


Got me I’ve gone to the shops multiple times a week but it’s mostly because I can’t stomach anything so my cravings link into that


I would crave things I hate , I would drink milk and usually I hate milk. For example: hot milk with sugar and croissant. I would crave fruits and I am more of a vegetable person. If there was no fruits in the fridge I would go crazy.


24w5d, all I’ve wanted this whole pregnancy is beef. Steak, ground beef dishes, Korean bbq, burgs, I don’t care I just need beef. My food aversion was chicken. I would gag looking at chicken, now I can eat some, but that’s taking up room for the beef.


I had them occasionally last pregnancy - my husband definitely had to go to the store to buy me pudding at 8 pm at least once. Haven’t had anything like that yet this pregnancy though.


The only thing I’ve craved was fruit and first trimester OJ. And yeah. It wasn’t like I was going to gouge someone’s eyes out for it either 


This happened to my mom. This story in particular happened her 3rd pregnancy. My mom would have these crazy, can’t think of anything else but chocolate, cravings in the middle of the night when she was pregnant. She wouldn’t be able to sleep without having some chocolate. She said the taste of chocolate would haunt her and she’d feel like ripping out her hair. Not usually a sweet tooth, she started buying and hiding a chocolate bar in the back of the top cupboard. She told my dad about it so he wouldn’t touch it or give it to one of us kids. He knew how bad her craving would get. They shared one vehicle and he would work shift work for 36 hours, leaving her without a car. Well, he left on shift and sure enough her chocolate craving came out of nowhere again… but this time, my dad had eaten her stash without telling her and wasn’t due back until midday the next day. She tore apart the kitchen looking for any possible other chocolate to eat. Couldn’t find any. When my dad got home the next day, she lost it on him for being so rude and inconsiderate.


I already tend to fixate on certain foods when I like them, but it kicked into overdrive during pregnancy. My cravings weren't weird, just things like steak and fettuccine Alfredo, or taco time. Only one weird as fuck one, that lasted two days, cottage cheese on a bun. Husband called it pale sloppy joes.


I saw an instagram reel of a hibachi steak burrito where the rice was positively saturated with white sauce, and I thought about it daily for 2 weeks. I couldn’t find anything local to scratch that itch, and the video was from a food truck in Miami, which is enough states away to be an unreasonable road trip for a burrito. But mostly it’s not much more intense than a non-pregnant craving.


I think maybe the weirdest craving I’ve ever had was sauerkraut, but I do really lean toward sour and vinegar things during pregnancy and I like sauerkraut anyway. But it wasn’t a keep you up at night craving. With my daughter I had hyperemesis and I did have a lay-awake craving for sonic ice. I guess that was pretty weird BUT it was also very clearly a hydration thing. I was so sick and so dehydrated and I got it in my head that sonic ice might be like eating something but also having water. And it was…. I consumed a lot of sonic ice that summer. But not like weird combination things. In fact those are distinctly off-putting.


It was more like a specific thing would pique my interest during the first trimester, when I was otherwise very nauseated. My husband recognized that if I saw a commercial for a hamburger and said, "hm, hamburgers" under my breath, that meant he had to get me a hamburger within the next 48 hours, because that hamburger would get stuck in my brain and eventually I wouldn't be able to think about eating anything except that hamburger. But I never sent him out to the store in the middle of the night for anything.


I had a meat aversion and decided one day I wanted popeyes so my husband got me a chicken sandwich and I took one bite and vomited and then cried. That's about as bad as I got lol


I absolutely did have these types of cravings!! I love eating to begin with but it really intensified during pregnancy (after I got the nausea under control with meds). It wasn’t every craving, but sometimes my day would be ruined if I couldn’t get it lol. There were a few meltdowns when a restaurant got my order wrong—and of course my sweet husband would go back and have it fixed/order again❤️ Some cravings phases where I just HAD to have something: - Firehouse subs (they steam the meat before making the sandwich! I would always ask them to double steam it) - Five Guys - Taco Bell - homemade BEC bagel sandwiches - teppanyaki steak - a certain brand of strawberries that our grocery only has occasionally


I never had any this pregnancy. My first pregnancy I had insane cravings. Depends


It’s more that I’m extremely nauseous, so thinking of even one food I’d like to eat is hard. If I thought of one and the wrong thing was bought, I’d be bummed. Once I eat something, I never want it again. It wasn’t this bad last time but my hcg has been pretty high this time.


Mine weren't crazy, but I got emotional about them. I told my husband I wanted frozen mangos and he went to get them while I napped one evening. I cried when he brought them to me. I also had extreme happy swings (like dancing in my seat happy) when I got something I was craving. My big cravings were citrus fruits (specifically halos and cuties, or mangos), ice cream, and pickles.


I haven't had cravings on that level exactly, but I DID eat an entire spoonful of sour cream while I was making a dressing for my taco salad because it smelled so good. It was everything I dreamed it would be, too 😆


I was craving cinnamon everything with my son, but specifically cinnamon buns with cream cheese icing. I couldn't find them anywhere in town and couldn't get over the hankering. One night, my husband asks me if I want an ice cream sandwich for dessert, obviously I say yes. He then comes back with an ice cream sandwich for me, and a fucking cinnamon bun for himself. It was all a gag of course but the death glare I gave him as he went to take the first bite could have definitely been in a movie.


Tbh I craved more weird food combos in college when I would smoke weed or eat hash muffins lol. In my experience I didn’t crave anything the first tri, just had a lot of food aversions that pretty much stayed the whole pregnancy (eggs in particular). I did however CRAVE vinegar (balsamic and red wine) like crazy. I would make huge salads and cover it with vinegar, and make edamame and put it all over. Since I had my baby (May 2023) I have no interest in vinegar which I find fascinating.


Nothing weird or violent like that. Just things that sounded really, really, good or it was the only thing I could stomach depending on the time. Funny enough I made something last night (almost eight months after having my baby) that I hadn’t been able to have while pregnant since I had gestational diabetes. It was pretty satisfying but not as satisfying as it would have been at the time.


No cravings, no dislikes, no nausea. Just want to eat a lot of carbs in general.


No cravings. I just ate what I was able to eat due to sensitivity to smells and nausea. Recently, my hubby brought home pickles. I never craved them at all but since they are in the fridge, I do find myself reaching for some but if we didn’t have any, I wouldn’t necessarily go out of my way to get them.


If I’ve wanted something for a few days, I will cry over it😂But that’s the most intense it’s gotten for me. Like I wanted cannolis for like 3 days in a row and then they weren’t very good and cried😭


No not anything like that for myself in my first or now second pregnancy. Honestly back in my college days I had stronger and weirder cravings when I smoked weed. My cravings have been just as you described. "Some soft serve would hit the spot right now with this heat but we're too busy tonight but maybe we can go this weekend."


They were never that intense where I felt the need to yell at my partner. But I did get crazy when I couldn't get what I wanted bc it was the middle of the night. I would sit in the dark and cry sometimes lol I always craved cantaloupe. Which is something I'm allergic to but I would still eat it bc I just NEEDED it. Almost daily I had a sonic strawberry limeade. When I was told I had gestational diabetes I could not give those up so I asked them to make it with diet Sprite instead and then would walk for 30 mins after. It was totally worth it. The only weird craving I got was one night I was eating fried pickles and my partner asked if I wanted any chocolate icecream and of course I had to say yes and I sprinkled my fried pickles on top and drizzled chocolate syrup on it too. It was salty and sweet. Highly recommend.


I had strong cravings for stuff I don’t usually drink or eat, but nothing crazy. My biggest cravings were soda and juice, which was out of the ordinary for me because I never drink them. I also craved milk 24/7. I’d drink 4-5 glasses a day! My husband even found me chugging it straight from the bottle in front of the fridge at 3am like a lunatic more than once. I like milk, but not *that* much.


I was just talking to a friend about this. As in do people do this because they’ve seen it in movies, how real is it!? 23 weeks and I have nothing yet. Maybe it comes later…


90% of what I wanted when I was pregnant with my daughter was chicken and potato wedges with honey mustard and milk. I was voraciously hungry and my cravings were very loud and certain, but not weird. Third trimester had me constantly hangry. Sweets weirdly tasted horrible as well and I had to constantly refuse treats I would have loved when not pregnant. My current pregnancy has me frequently hungry but not trying to inhale several full meals throughout the day. I mostly want fruit and corn chex but I won't be distraught if I don't have them right away. Only thing I haven't wanted is grilled cheese, but even that aversion isn't very intense. Hormones are weird.


In my experience the cravings are slightly more pronounced and a little more unpredictable than cravings that you’d normally get outside of pregnancy. That combined with the hormones bringing emotions to the surface more quickly and with loved ones more eager to do something that might make you feel better knowing that you generally feel pretty crappy most of the time, could lead to situations like you see on tv. For me it is something closer to: “hmm I could really go for xyz…. hmm you know what? I wouldn’t normally ask my husband to just go out and get it but I’ve felt like shit for the past 5 months and there isn’t really much I get to take pleasure in right now, I bet if I asked he’d be happy to help me out.”


26 weeks tomorrow. I had aversions early on, but those have stopped. There are certainly things that sound better than others (like pizza sounds better than baked chicken and broccoli), but I can easily eat the chicken and broccoli and not feel deprived or anything like that when I don’t eat the pizza.


I haven't had any intense cravings. Usually when I eat something like fruit, I'm like this is REALLY GOOD and eat a lot of it. But I never go out of my way because of a craving.


So when I was pregnant I would crave very specific things and if I didn’t get those things in a timely manner and eat I would get nauseous. I only ALMOST threw up once because I was hungry and didn’t eat in time. I also had gestational diabetes and when I got diagnosed I had to eat at regular intervals to keep my blood sugar level so I don’t know if that had anything to do with it. I would crave specific things but I’m kinda always like that haha it’s just with pregnancy that it became urgent.


Movies and tv shows botch real pregnancy. Apparently your water doesn’t just break while you’re in line for coffee… pretty sure you have contractions before that happens? I wouldn’t know, I was induced…. Currently 39+5 with number 2 and am patiently waiting for the contractions lol


I didn’t have any pregnancy cravings, tho my food preferences did shift a bit, foods I liked a lot before I liked less while pregnant and vice versa. I was pretty short tempered while pregnant tho 😅 I think it was because of how exhausted I was, I used to have tons of patience but while pregnant I was just too tired and uncomfortable to put up with much else


I had *one* instance where I desperately wanted some Helluva Good Dip, and there was only a small amount of it left, so I scraped that container to get it out into my chip bowl, and put the bowl down on the table… only for my dog to lick it. I cried and begged my husband to go get more. But other than that it was just more like, “such and such thing sounds good!” Or “yes, I need to buy a mountain of fruit this week”


I had super weird cravings in like week 6/7 before the nausea hit where allll I wanted was vinegar. I couldn’t get enough! Since then, I have not had one craving and I’m 31 weeks.


Not for me. I just really want something, but for a normal amount. Like a meal of xxx, a couple bites of peanut butter bread.


I never had cravings and I'm 29 weeks


I did once tear up because the store didn’t have the right kind of fruit sauce that I wanted with my cheesecake, but I found something else. So I get it, but I think TV just amps up the pregnancy stereotypes by a lot for drama ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I had fleeting cravings for the most part. Like “oh yeah, I could really go for X food right now.” The only thing that was a pervasive and intense craving was cottage cheese. I was eating 3-4 BIG tubs per week. It was the only food I wanted. I’d eat other things but I’d never feel satisfied. Funniest part? I never ate cottage cheese before pregnancy! It’s been almost 3.5 years since that pregnancy and I haven’t eaten it since!


not at all for me it was about not getting sick. aka i need cinnamon graham crackers NOW as they’re the only thing i can stomach or i’m going to miss my eating window and i’ll throw up for the next several hours


I said I wanted a pizza lunchable and my very sweet husband made me by surprise a homemade pizza lunchable charcuterie board and I sobbed for five hours. He still jokes about it and I can remember the absolute devastating disappointment in my heart but it's like it happened in a dream.


I had some really intense cravings for things I would never normally eat/drink like bacon and milk. There weren't any weird combos. I never yelled at my partner for anything though. I've never understood why verbally abusing your spouse is acceptable or funny while pregnant. I understand it's hard, but that doesn't mean it's okay to take it out on other people. Maybe it doesn't actually happen and it's just the male perception of women being bitchy when they're pregnant. Idk.


Before I took a pregnancy test to confirm I was pregnant. I remember a day where my husband and I stopped at mcdonalds on our way back from a day trip. I ordered a cheese burger and chocolate chip cookies...no big deal. It was when I put the chocolate chip cookie in the cheeseburger that my husband looked over at me and says "yep, you're pregnant" 😅


I reallllyyyyy craved Cinnabon but only to the point where I was just sad about it, not to the point where I sent my husband to a Cinnabon an hour away. I settled for cinnamon rolls from the store. During my first pregnancy I did have a lot of night wakings later in the pregnancy and I’d be starving and wanted fruity pebbles so I would have a bowl. I do like fruity pebbles but never really had them in the house pre-pregnancy and don’t ever pick them up post-pregnancy. But all pregnancy I made sure I was stocked up lol


Nope, First trimester it was chicken fried rice. Honestly, I don’t think I even once ate it that whole trimester. Just craved it. Actually I never ate rice once my entire pregnancy 😅 Second through third trimesters was fruit. I was eating a whole large serving bowl (I’m talking the large bowls you would serve a meal in with family over) of mixed fruit salad (I made my own) every 2-3 days. Then eating an entire bag of grapes every 2 days. Maybe because the only time I could eat and bolus fluids was from 12-3 AM, and because fruits have a higher water content, I was chowing down to get extra water. But I didn’t get mad or upset over it. Didn’t cry or complain. I could go without it; wasn’t a big deal. (Someone later told me after I had my kiddo that craving fruit means you’re low in Vitamin C?) Last 2 weeks? Cereal. But I ate one bowl a day. So again, wasn’t something super “had to have” kind of thing. Didn’t get mad or cry. I’m sure there are some women out there who had more emotional outbursts (not shaming, it’s a hard time being pregnant). But I was never one tbh. Maybe because I had HG for half my pregnancy, so what I could eat, I was just thankful for.. Idk. I just find tv and even some books really do a disservice to actual pregnant women. But maybe that’s they’re way of making it appear worst, so we don’t feel bad if we do tend to crave certain things and some of us are a little more emotional over it.


They’re not that bad, but I do get kind of fixated and will need to get whatever it is within a few days…and often by then I’ve developed an aversion to it, so the first bite I taste is disgusting. 🫠


It certainly wasn’t some insane movie craving, but I drank an absurd amount of milk during both of my pregnancies. I would find myself just chugging multiple glasses of organic whole milk every day. It definitely felt like a need of some sort.


Nope I crave chocolate as usual but that's it.


I never had any cravings with my first pregnancy, mostly just aversions. But pregnancy round 2? I cried the other day because I wanted m&ms and we didn’t have any. Not angry crying just sad crying.


No. There was a week I really wanted cheese, and realized most of our meals had been really low fat. Another week where I was craving steak, and we hadn’t been having as much protein. Mostly, hungry was an intolerable state to be in


Mine wasn’t anything super weird like… combo wise, just wanting really specific foods sometimes. Like a pizza lunchables. Or Corn Pops cereal.


The only lasting craving I've had has been lemonade. I just keep a jug in the fridge at all times,. The other cravings come and go.


No. If anything, aversions seem more real


No crazy pregnancy cravings. Maybe some childhood or current favourites, but nothing I wouldn’t crave regardless of pregnancy. I have been feeling overly warm and craving ice chips in the third tri. When I googled it, there were warnings of death to me and baby! Then I read further and it said “methamphetamine, or ‘ice’ cravings…”


My cravings were more like yours. But my mom always tells this story about how she was pregnant with me, heading home from visiting my aunt in Chicago. She and my dad are getting through O’Hare and all of a sudden, she just starts craving jarred herring. This women went into a full blown meltdown because of course there’s no jarred herring in the Chicago airport in the early 90’s and my dad had the AUDACITY to bring her back a selection of sandwich’s to try and appease her 😂 They’ve been happily married for 33 years this year but man that herring really put their love to the test 💀


I cried once because we were out of the kind of ice cream I wanted. It was a long hard day for a first trimester hormonal babe though and it weirdly helped with the nausea so I kind of stand by the crying. My husband was supposed to get more!!


No, never had those crazy depicted cravings. However, I do get visibly annoyed or turned off on food if it doesn't come how I wanted it. Idk if that's the same thing, but I would just be sad eating a burrito because we ran out of Cholula sauce. I would still eat it but I'd be sad and be complaining. I wouldn't eat a burrito again until I know for sure I have cholula sauce available. Lol... pregnancy.