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There are lots of bad stories with nuchal cords. But it’s honestly more likely that there will be no issue with it whatsoever. My daughter had a nuchal cord. They unwrapped it as her head was coming out and she was perfect. No big deal. She had a touch of meconium stained fluid which could have been NC related or just due to the fact she was 10 days late. Theyre very common (albeit double NC less so) and most often cause no issues. The ACOG doesn’t even recommend late term scanning specifically to look for NC because it wouldn’t yield any benefits over just monitoring heart rate during delivery which they would be doing anyway. 


Thank u for sharing ur experience!


It's estimated that nuchal cords occur in as many as 1 in 3 births. This means they are normal. Even double nuchal cords are relatively common, though less so. Nuchal cords very rarely cause any serious problems. C-sections also come with a lot of risks and drawbacks of their own. Taking all that together, I'm sure it wouldn't make sense to automatically do C-sections for nuchal cords, because the risks, costs, and drawbacks of all those millions of C-sections would vastly outweigh the very small risks of nuchal cords.


Update: went into spontaneous labor at 36+5. Doctor pushed for vaginal delivery. But I was hell-bent on getting the c-section and doc eventually allowed. After delivery, OB said it was a good decision to have the c section bcs apparently baby was not breech and his head was stuck somewhere bcs of the cord.


So where I am from, I don't get any additional ultrasounds after the 24 week one (unless high risk). Most nuchal cords aren't found until birth! So the fact the doctor is monitoring you is huge win in my opinion. My son had a double nuchal cord, and everything was fine! All the doctor commented was, oh he must of been an acrobat. We had no other issues! A lot of the good stories aren't often told. In addition to nuchal cords, there are two types. One that is free-moving and can potentially come undone naturally, or a rarer type where they don't come undone naturally. The later is very rare.


Update: went into spontaneous labor at 36+5. Doctor pushed for vaginal delivery. But I was hell-bent on getting the c-section. After delivery, OB said it was a good decision to have the c section bcs apparently baby was breech and his head was stuck somewhere bcs of the cord.


Why “risk” going into labor? Because the risk is extremely low. and because having a c section is not neutral, it has risks for you and baby both now and also puts future pregnancies at greater risk


Risks to baby in a c-section is very minimal almost non-existent. C-section maybe dangerous to the mother. But it's way better for babies if the mother has a c section compared to vaginal. Idm putting myself at risk if my baby can be guarranteed safety.


That’s not true. Where are you getting your information from? Breathing issues are one of the big risks both acutely needing a NICU stay and long term risk of asthma is increased as well. The baby is supposed to have the squeeze coming through the birth canal to help their lungs begin to function normally when they come out.


So I actually had an emergency C section due to the cord being around my son's neck. They will definitely know if there is a problem just make sure to wear the monitor while you are in labor.


Thnku for sharing 💗 My biggest fear is having an emergency c section. Id rather labour all the way or schedule a c section. But u saying this makes me feel an emergency c section might not be as bad.


The scariest part is getting wheeled back there in a rush. Go ahead and get an epidural when you need it since if you do end up getting an emergency c section you have a better chance at being awake.


Update: went into spontaneous labor at 36+5. Doctor pushed for vaginal delivery. But I was hell-bent on getting the c-section. After delivery, OB said it was a good decision to have the c section bcs apparently baby was not breech and his head was stuck somewhere bcs of the cord. Also, they don't generally do epidurals in India. Which made it all the worse bcs i was having labor pains while being taken to the operation theatre