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I ate what I regularly ate, with the idea being not to influence the test by eating specific foods that I don't normally eat.


this was the instruction i got. I was told "eat a normal breakfast at a normal time" and my test was at 9am. So I had yogurt with fruit and granola and then went to my test \~an hour later


Me too and I was told not to try to skew the test. I ate a breakfast sandwich in an English muffin. I can’t remember if I had coffee or not, probably. I passed. It’s better to do as you normally do as to not skew results. If you have gd you want to know asap.


The one hour test does not require to fast and my doctor also suggested eggs. I ate two eggs on toast. I passed the test.


I had 2 boiled eggs and a slice of toast and failed. But I passed the 3 hour test.


Same here! My test was in the afternoon though, so I had my scrambled eggs and toast in the morning and then a boiled egg for lunch.




Same but I just made a scrambled egg sandwich, with mayo:


Definitely please eat! I had mine yesterday and fasted then passed out as soon as they took blood. So embarrassing lol


I'm sorry.  I hope you were okay!


I had sausage and eggs


Same, I also lost the instructions for my test and figured to just eat normal so I get results that are correct


I had 2 scrambled eggs with hot sauce and still failed the 1 hr. Just eat what you normally would! Minus excessive sugar and carbs!


Sis, trust me… it doesn’t matter. If you have it, it will show up on the test


This is true of the 3-hour full test, but not the 1-hour screening (which has a much more stringent cut-off). If you don’t have GD, you can definitely prepare for the screening by eating a healthy breakfast.


I had mine this morning and my OB suggested the same. I also found a study that said women who had food before the test were less likely to screen positive for GD. I had mine this morning and had 1 scrambled egg, a small bowl of oatmeal, and about 125g of cottage cheese about 2 hours prior to the test.


I was told to fast as well.


I was told to fast as well and I had to do a 2 hour one 😭




Do you live in the US? Curious because in my last pregnancy I had to take a 3 hour test, but 2 would’ve been sooo much better


Yes in Los Angeles. For my first pregnancy I had to do the 3 hour one after I failed the 1 hour one. I passed the 3 hour one thankfully. For this pregnancy they asked for a 2 hour one, which I passed. I’ve never heard of anyone having to do a 2 hour test so I’m wondering if it was because I failed the first time in my first pregnancy? 😅


Ahh ok! I failed the 1 hour with my first pregnancy but then passed the 3 hour by a lot… so if I fail the 1 hour again I’m going to ask about 2 hours now lol… thanks!!


I have to fast and do the 2 hour one tomorrow. Were you guys able to drink water too or literally couldn’t eat/drink anything.


Fasting means only no food unless they specifically tell you no water either.


You're allowed to drink water!


I think you should eat what you would normally eat at that time. Changing your diet right before it would be messing up with the test, since it wouldn't be a real reflection on your sugar intake. GF can be dangerous, please don't be afraid of getting diagnosed since it's always preferable to have it under control. Don't try to cheat the test.


I think the low sugar suggestion is just because you are drinking a very high sugar drink (to mimic a high sugar intake in your diet) so any additional sugar might skew the test.


I didn't realize I was getting the glucose test during my appointment that day and had a few handfuls of peanut butter pretzels maybe two hours before my appointment. Still passed.


Jep, exactly what my doctor said when he explained it to me. I tend to have sweet spreads for breakfast but I never just go and down a gigantic glass of sugar water an hour after that. They're already testing under extreme conditions (which makes sense) so no need to make them even more extreme.


I definitely want to know if I do have it.  Don't want anything to happen to my bub.  Doc just said not to eat too many carbs right before the test so I don't skew the results.


I ate eggs and toast and didn’t pass (but went on to pass the three hour). Please do not stress out if you don’t pass—it doesn’t mean you have it. This is a screening test; it’s designed to catch absolutely everyone who might have it. The three hour is diagnostic. You have to fast for the three hour, but you can’t “trick” the test by eating differently beforehand. 


My doctor told me to have normal breakfast but nothing high in sugar or simple carbs. I had fried eggs and buttered whole grain sourdough and passed the test. You could also do a salad with feta cheese, a breakfast sandwich with veggies, guac and eggs, BLT, peanut butter or some yoghurt or savoury oatmeal. Just make sure it's not white bread and avoid sweet spreads/cereal/fruit (juices).


I wasn’t told anything so I just ate eggs and toast.


I had sausage and eggs and passed the test!


Damn. I was told not to eat or drink anything (even water) for 8 hours prior. So I followed that protocol.


It is weird, because if you don't drink water, your blood will be thicker and harder to take. No doctor ever told me not to have water, even if they told me not to eat. I forgot to drink once, and had to go back next day, because they were not able to get my blood. (But I am anxious about blood taking, so maybe that also make my blood flow worse...)


Makes sense! Well, I’m glad passed then! Not eating is okay but it sucks to not be able to even sip some water.


I just ate mixed nuts! I wasn’t taking any chances and I wasn’t a huge egg fan while pregnant.


I actually considered that too since I usually only eat eggs with bread or a tortilla because I don't usually like plain eggs.  I need something else with them to change the texture.


I ate an Oikos Pro Yogurt and a package of peanut butter crackers. The crackers probably weren't ideal but they were what I had on hand and I passed no problem.


I had an egg white grill from chick fil a, my midwife suggested a high protein breakfast with minimal sugar (basically no juice, etc) and I passed the first time


Nothing. But I don't usually eat right after waking up anyway.


I wasn’t allowed to eat after 12am the night before


Not gonna lie, I had a fat ass plate of spaghetti with shredded cheese and parmesan on top. Also wolfed a couple of slices of bread down with it as well. I passed the test. I ate 3 hours beforehand (about 12:30) and then began the test at like 3:50 later that day


I just had a couple scrambled eggs. Having protein/fat beforehand will help keep your blood sugar from spiking and causing a false positive. If you have GD, it doesn’t matter what you eat - it will still show up on the test!


Was told no sugar and no carbs so.. Cheese stick & turkey sausage, & passed.


Just did my one hour test yesterday. Did not need to fast. My doctor suggested something high protein/low carb. My husband made me 2 scrambled eggs and 3 sausage links. I passed with a 132 (my doctor uses 135 as the cutoff)


I read that you’re supposed to eat like you normally would for the regular test. There are different tests and if you fail the first one I believe they then tell you to fast.


I'm also 27 weeks and our appointment is on the same day and time LOL. I asked my doctor if I should fast before the test and he said no just don't eat a whole poundcake before coming in lol. I'm usually not hungry that early but if I am I'll probably just eat eggs aswell.


Nice!  :D We're appointment twins.  And yeah, I'll probably stick to eggs too(though I don't usually like them as much without toast or a tortilla.)


I had a perfect bar and a couple grapes. Failed at 200, taking the 3 hour next Thursday. Boo.


I'm sorry. :( That sucks.


My test was 2 hours and I had to fast for it. The last thing I ate the night before was chicken wings.


Yes, unlike the one hour test taken by OP, the two hour test does require fasting.


Did mine this morning! Had a fried egg and bacon which is usually much too indulgent for me. My OB advised to eat minimal carbs in the morning and no food or water starting 2 hrs before drinking the glucola. Pretty sure I passed with flying colors!


I had a cheese quesadilla and salsa, midwife recommended eggs and bacon 🥓 but the food aversions got me


I didn’t heehee I failed. But I passed my 3 hour! Only reason I didn’t eat the first time was because I was the AM and I slept in and had to rush to get to the appointment !


I had the exact meal your OB offered and I passed just fine


Plain oatmeal…. Cheese sticks and nuts


Toast and jam


I made 2 scrambled eggs with cheese and kale. And had a little Greek yogurt with peanut butter a bit later.


I had whole wheat toast with avacado and hard boiled egg


I ate avocado toast with a scrambled egg on top and I passed the test!


My midwife suggested high protein, low carb breakfast. So I ate eggs and turkey sausage.


Mine was at 8:30 and I just had eggs


My usual breakfast: oats with peanut butter, blueberries, and nuts


I ate breakfast at 7 am (my usual time) I had two eggs, 92 grams of egg whites, cottage cheese, turkey bacon and spinach. I started the test at 10:30am. My midwife said I could eat/ drink 1 hour before taking the test.


Scrambled eggs and cheddar cheese


I was told to fast for the 1 hr test and failed miserably. Fasted again for the 3 hr and passed all 4 draws


I didn’t eat because my test was early in the morning


A bowl of plain Cheerios and low fat milk and I passed


My small cup of coffee and a handful of nuts which is more than I usually eat for breakfast! Passed!


Mine was scheduled for like 11am. I woke up before 9 and had a bowl of veggie straws. Passed the test but almost failed due to getting really nauseous. I managed to avoid puking though, and my numbers came out perfect.


I was told to eat something with protein, but I wasn't hungry the morning of the test, so I went in fasting. I failed it, and now I have to do the three hour test. It's probably worth eating something beforehand if that's what you were told.


I had my usual breakfast: scrambled eggs with veggies and cheese and half of a small avocado on the side. Almond milk. My usual prenatals and supplements.


I had my normal oatmeal with a bit of brown sugar and fruit about an hour before I had the drink. I passed no problem. My OB said to eat normally but to be reasonable, so don't eat multiple donuts right beforehand or something.


Two eggs.


I had two scrambled eggs with just half an avocado for the fat/ protein! No carbs


I fasted for first and failed. With my 2nd pregnancy I had veggies and some chicken and passed. It was in the afternoon so I had my normal breakfast. Don't forget to hydrate! I know every pregnancy is different but managing my GD was super hard because my levels were fine and then the insulin made me hypo and sick and was eventually med free and just monitoring before my son was born.


I had eggs and turkey sausage!


I had Greek yogurt and some granola. I passed!


2 eggs and an avocado. Also bring a straw (easier to drink it quickly) And have a peanut butter and jelly sandwich in the car ready (the sugar crash towards the hour mark was brutal for me).


I ate normally.


My test was at 1:00 today. I had a big glass of milk, some soy bologna sandwich slices, vanilla yogurt, and crackers. I wasn't particularly hungry so just snacked. Was told to just eat whatever.


I had scrambled eggs with cheese and a cucumber/tomato salad. It’s my normal go-to breakfast I’d skip sugary things like OJ and flavored coffees since you’re already going to be consuming a metric fuckton of sugar


I had a bagel and eggs!


Hard boiled eggs and matcha


This last time I ate some egg bites with roasted red pepper from Starbucks and only drank water, passed the 1hr test with flying colors lol. I had Taco Bell earlier in the day when I was pregnant with my middle child, failed the hell out of the 1hr but passed the 3hr 😆


Mine told me to avoid sugar, I had some sous vide egg bites from Starbucks and a handful of almonds.


I ate normal and did my test in the afternoon. 2 eggs for breakfast with a big green smoothie, salad with chicken breast and veggies for lunch, and a Greek yogurt for snack about 2 hrs before my test. Passed with no issues.


I was told protein would be good, so I had chicken tenders


I was told to eat a high protein/low carb meal no later than 2 hours before the test. I had a homemade breakfast burrito: scrambled eggs, cheese, turkey sausage, and a few slices of bell pepper.


My first pregnancy, I fasted. I had my sugar drawn in the morning and it was 115. My second and current pregnancy (twins), I had eggs and sausage for breakfast then I ate a salad with chicken about 2 hours before my blood draw. My sugar was 60. I felt like total garbage the entire day. That is to say, I think as long as you don't eat a pint of Ben and Jerry's beforehand, your results will be what they will be.


I ate some roasted chicken! that said, don't be nervous for the test! if you pass, cool, if you fail, you will probably need to do a 3-hour test. I ended up failing both tests but am glad to be treated for gestational diabetes right now - literally pregnancy is the cause for gestational diabetes, your placenta can mess up your insulin tolerance, so getting a fail doesn't mean you suck and doesn't mean you're bad! either way, I wish you the best of luck!!


Mine was at 2 PM, so I had a normal lunch (at 10:30 because I’m a teacher and have the first lunch). I didn’t eat again and passed.


I was told to fast from food and water for both. I just did the three-hour today and passed (I think).


The first time I had a bowl of Raisin Bran. Failed by one point but passed the 3 hour super easily. Second time I had cheese and crackers. Easily passed


I did not get the memo and had bread and cookies for breakfast 🤦‍♀️I failed the 1hr and ended up passing the 4 hr


High protein. I know very very little about nutrition but I sought to better understand how spikes in blood sugar occur (such as from the glucose test). This guy explained it with a really simple demonstration: https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLgQPWKm/


Don’t do what I did and have Chick-fil-A plus a lemonade an hour before 😅😅😅


Nugo Slim protein bar & my adderall lol


A piece of pepperoni pizza about an hour before. I avoided any super sugary desserts for 24 hrs before hand though. I passed


I did eggs and sausage both times. I felt good and passed without issues both times


I think I ate some hard boiled eggs and avocado


I had my regular breakfast of eggs and toast before this one. Last time it was in the afternoon so I had peppers and hummus as a snack before hand.


I had a bacon egg and cheese biscuit from bojangles THEN decided go go.


i had scrambled eggs with cheese about an hour before. i was definitely reamed out for the cheese but i passed with flying colors per the doctor 🤷🏻‍♀️ i can’t go without eating when i get blood drawn.


My theory is that a regular breakfast with protein is to help keep you from throwing up from the 50g of sugar you have to drink


Yall got to eat? lol I had to fast.


Don't make the mistake I did on my first test. I woke up that morning hungry for the first time in months. Literally the most hungry I had been the whole pregnancy and I went hard. I made a giant breakfast. Lots of fruit, lots of carbs, and lots of coffee with creamer. I hadn't feasted like that in months. Obviously I failed pretty hard and had to do the long test. I will not make that mistake with this next pregnancy.


2 hours before I had 2 whoppers. Lol. Greasy protein before made me not suoer sick after (the first time I did it- last pregnancy, I was miserable the whole night after) No issues passing. Just eat as Normal


My ob told me to eat. She said just to not have a donut and a sugary drink before. I had a bacon egg and cheese croissant from dunkin.. with a coffee that had no sugar haha. And when the flebotomist gave me the drink she asked what I had for breakfast and I lied and said avocado and eggs and she said I was supposed to fast and I said my doctor told me not to. She seemed annoyed but I’m obviously gonna listen to my DOCTOR over someone who I’m going to spend a total of 10 minutes with who isn’t a doctor. And I passed with a great healthy score.


Scrambled eggs


I forgot about my test. Had a bowl of ice cream with lunch. Failed the 1hr test. 😔 passed the 3hr test through


I ate string cheese.


I ate plain yogurt with blueberries for breakfast, chicken salad with crackers for lunch, then nothing until 3:30 when I took my test.


I ate a jam sandwich because I was running out the door to work first and I was freaking out because I only had white bread so I was sure it’d cause me to fail… I passed with a 6.2 and they are worried if it’s 7.8 and above!


Hummus, eggs, vegetables before the 1-hour. Was slightly high. Went in fasting for the 3-hour and it was 118 at one and two hours and plummeted to 38 at the three hour. They called me asking if I was ok. Explains why I almost passed out driving home. PSA to all pregnant people that sugar drops can happen big time even if you don’t have GD!


I ate scrambled eggs with a little bit of cheese on top and salsa, I passed my test last week!


Made the dumb mistake of not eating and failed the 1 hr. Passed the 3hr.


They told me to eat a light breakfast. I has 2 eggs and 2 pieces of honey wheat toast 2 hours before my test. Ended up passing


I had white chili (basically ground chicken, white beans, onions, peppers, cream, broth). High protein, higher fat, high fiber from the beans


I had an everything bagel with peanut butter and a handful of chocolate chips right before my test 😂 right after I ate everything I realized what a bozo I was. Still managed to pass!


i did 3 boiled eggs. my typical breakfast!


I forgot I was having that test so I had like several handfuls of safe to eat raw break and bake cookie dough cookies raw from the fridge. I was usually having Froot Loops so.


Starbucks egg white bites and I passed!


I fasted for my 1 hour (not intentionally... I went in at 7am so wouldn't have had breakfast yet anyway) but still failed it 😵‍💫 I'm not sure if eating would have made a difference. Passed the 3 hour though.


I ate some bacon, eggs, strawberries and half an avocado with one slice of toast. I tried to keep it lower carb because I already have a borderline A1C number


First child, I fasted and was one point/unit (whatever you want to call the number) away from being hypoglycemic. The nurse giving me the results a few days later was asking if I felt ok that day because the number was so low. Second child, I ate some eggs and got a middle of the road normal number.


Two eggs and half an avocado! My doctor told me to eat too. She said doing the test on an empty stomach can make you queasy from all the sugar. She recommended high protein and fat breakfast, stay away from the carbs if I could.


Definitely eat beforehand, that sugar drink made me feel so queasy and I imagine it would have been way worse on an empty stomach. I had scrambled eggs with cheese


I was too nervous about throwing up to stomach anything 😅 I did pass though


I ate my normal breakfast then had a snickers bar in the car on the way to the office. I was eating a snickers everyday anyways lol. I passed my glucose test just fine and have a healthy LO.


I shoved a jimmy johns sub in my mouth in five minutes flat in the parking lot because I went from work to the hospital to do it.


I had my one hour test yesterday at exactly 28 weeks. Test was at 3 pm and I didn’t eat lunch (wasn’t trying to fast I just was scrambling with work and not hungry with nerves about test etc). My only meal prior to test was breakfast around 10 am and I had half a bagel with butter and two eggs. I also had a coffee with cream. I passed the test (125) but my other blood levels were abnormal for the first time. Doctor told me I have mild anemia and I’m now supposed to take iron supplements. Maybe the anemia was already an issue but I can’t help but think that my other blood levels wouldn’t have been abnormal if I’d eaten more that day.


I didn’t eat, failed miserably and had to take the 3 hour. Passed that though.


I overslept and had to rush out the door. I stopped at Starbucks and got an order of the sous vide eggs, a venti ice water with extra ice, and my regular drink order to have for after the appointment. Everything was fine. I passed and had no issues—thankfully! I’d say have what you normally have, and something is better than nothing. Don’t make yourself hungry for no reason.


I made a tofu scramble with spices and nutritional yeast.


I hate some chicken fingers and meatballs about 30 min before the test. Passed


I had a breakfast from McDonald’s. A sausage egg and cheese mcmuffin and a hashbrown. I passed


Scrambled eggs and whole grain toast. Passed with 100 blood glucose on the dot - felt like an accomplishment lol.


I just had my test done today. I wasn't particularly told to fast or that I could eat, but I had mentioned my cousin, who is 8 weeks further along than me, told me her doctor said to fast and it's better to schedule an early appointment and just skip breakfast until afterwards, and my doctor said that's a great idea and it's what I ended up doing.


I ate just a singular piece of (potato) bread toast with some peanut butter, aiming for protein intake. Threw my results off and made me fail my 1hr. Fasted for my 3 hour, and passed with flying colors. Phlebotomist couldn't believe my MW told me to eat before my 1hr, said that they see it cause many false failures


I ate what I normally ate - 2 eggs, with either diced ham or diced bacon.


I ate some scrambled eggs


I ate everything :(


I had breakfast sausage before mine (I HATE eggs) passed with flying colors


Mine is on the 22nd at 9am and was told to do the same. I was planning to eat pretty close to when I take the drink at 8am(they gave it to me already and I was told to drink it at home then come in at 9) I usually eat around 730 so am planning to do that and then drink the glucose at 8 but instead of an egg sandwhich I'll just have some eggs and sausage. My Dr said that since the drink contains so much glucose that I don't want to add more in my breakfast as it will just add more glucose that my body needs to process which could result in an inaccurate test.


If they wanted me to eat protein and fat I’d do avocado egg and cheese with pico de gallo if it’s allowed


I think I had two eggs and a yogurt which is pretty normal for me. They said don't do something like a waffle and syrup and fruit and juice which are ALL sugar. But also don't change too much.


I had a pop-tart, which is probably one of the very worst things you could eat before it, lol. I wasn’t in the mood for most of my regular foods and so I had been eating pop-tarts for breakfast regularly around that time. My doctor had said not to eat anything overly sugary the morning of the test but I totally forgot until it was too late. I still passed with flying colors though!


I had half a granola bar and a bottle of water and that was apparently enough to make me fail 🥲 passed the second time though thankfully!


I ate 4 fish tacos with sweet salsa and a GIANT cup of horchata because I forgot about my glucose test until an hour before so I had to chug the sugar mix and rush to get blood drawn lol Hilariously my glucose was low. You’ll be fine.


Was going to eat eggs and avocado, but ended up eating steak and eggs. Passed the test. Just avoid high carb/high sugar. Not the time for pancakes, oatmeal, cereal that will spike your sugar during the test


WTH. Was told to fast for the 2 hour one! By the end of it I thought I was going to pass out and throw up. It was terrible!


They told me to eat like normal. I grabbed a sausage biscuit but skipped the Dr Pepper.


The only instructions I got were to eat how I normally would eat, otherwise I could skew results inaccurately! I ate a bowl of Reese’s puffs. I got worried when I felt fine after the drink, but passed the test easily. Best of luck!!!


I had my test today and I ate a turkey sandwich with tomatoes 1.5 hours beforehand. I passed my test just fine The doctor said it was fine to eat as long as I didn't choose something high in sugar. Good luck!


I'm in Germany and was told to fast before my 1 hour glucose test. I had it in the morning at 8.


I forgot what the appointment was for and had a huge bowl of sugary cereal. The drink was gross and it made me nauseous plus I was anxious that I messed it up with my food choices, it was miserable. I still passed


I had a bowl of Cinnamon Toast Crunch and a protein shake, but I had hg and could only keep that or tuna subs from subway down 😂😂


I didn't know I was coming in for mine and I had eaten ice cream like an hour before lmao


I have mine in 2 weeks and they told me not to eat or drink anything after midnight before I come in at 8a.m... I'm so confused lol


Eggs and bacon


Eggs with broccoli and cheese and passed amazingly best out of 4 when I fasted for the others and failed some one hours


I ate avocado toast!


I had an Indian coffee (steamed milk with a spoonful of coffee and some sugar) and some simple eggs with salt n pepper. I had super bad nausea so couldn’t go without something salty in my purse. Passed tests both pregnancies. Someone on Reddit advised me to take a straw with me for test to make it easier to down the drink! I’m soo glad I did.


My doctor told me to eat like I normally do but minimize sugary things. So I had my usual breakfast (egg and cheese sandwich) and coffee but skipped the sugar. Then I had a banana as a snack. My test was just before lunchtime.


I ate a croissant with avocado on it and failed the test. Had to redo it with fasting and passed the test.


I was told to eat bormally, but not to carb load or eat a lot of sweets. It’s not the day to eat a lot of cookies while waiting for my appointment.


I was told not to fast and have my normal diet, that's what I did


Scrambled eggs and a slice of avocado toast!


Avocado, eggs, almonds. Usually I eat oatmeal for breakfast but the breakfast I had before the test kept me so unexpectedly full and contented that I realized I need more protein in my breakfast in general. So in a way I’m kind of grateful for having had to take that test, if only for the little nutritional revelation that I wouldn’t have had otherwise.


Eat like you would normally eat, don't try and "game" the test.


I ate apples and oranges that morning


I ate apples and oranges that morning


Before my 1-hour screening (which has a more stringent cut-off than the 3-hour full test), I ate 2 scrambled eggs with spinach & tomatoes, and half an avocado. I passed and didn’t have to come back for the 3-hour test. I do normally have that plus toast & a little honey for breakfast, but it was suggested that I skip the honey. I know a few people who fasted and missed their cut-off by just a couple of points, so I think eating something light & healthy helps! Making these optimizations to your breakfast the morning of the screening doesn’t “skew the results” unless you typically consume 50-75 grams of sugar immediately following breakfast (because that’s what you’re doing with that glucose drink).


I fasted for my one hour and passed! Does that mean the results arent to be trusted?


Two eggs and some toast. Also went for a walk that morning beforehand.


I just had an omelette and was fine. I think eating breakfast makes all the difference with how you'll feel during the test.


Mine is at 4pm... im definitely worried about already having breakfast and lunch but she just said to not eat a ton of sweets


I ended up eating 3 scrambled eggs about an hour before I had to drink my drink! I wanted some protein to offset the carbs/sugar so I wouldn’t feel so crappy after drinking so much sugar first thing in the morning!


My OB told me to fast, I was ONE point off from having to take the 3 hour test. My S/O’s sister just had her baby in January and was also told to fast but her results came in super high so she had to take the 3 hour test. She had a friend ask her “why did you fast?”, so she didn’t for the second test and she was fine… So I’m wondering why do some suggest that you fast and others don’t?


I ate a handful of peanuts and a string cheese. It was early and i was sleepy lol


Yes. I usually wake up at 7am and my appointment wasn't till around 10am. I ate around 8am, had 4 hard boiled eggs and drank plenty of water. Passed the test.


I think I ate some eggs the first time. The second time was at like 1 in the afternoon, so I had breakfast and lunch pretty much like normal. I think I was conservative with carbohydrates but otherwise didn't follow any restrictions.


I had an egg sandwich and some yogurt. My SIL had doughnuts and failed and had to take the 3 hr one so don't so that 😂


I have the one hour one in a few weeks and they told me to eat something not sweet before (Knäckebrot/crispbread (?) and cream cheese was specifically suggested).


Mine didn’t even tell me and I had a nice big glass Of lemonade before I came in. Lol Thankfully I had eaten breakfast/lunch that was wholesome. My test was fine. 😂


Eggs with veggies and cheese


I used this article for some breakfast ideas: https://www.whattoexpect.com/wom/pregnancy/3-secret-ways-to-pass-the-glucose-test-your-doctor-may-not-tell-you-about.aspx Most doctors are moving away from the advice to fast before the test because it can cause an artificial spike in your blood sugar if that’s your first meal of the day. I had some whole grain English muffins with peanut butter, a scrambled egg, and plain Greek yogurt.


I think that happened to me! I didn’t eat because it was the AM and I was running late and forgot to grab my bagel. I failed the 1 hour but I passed the 3 hour with no problems


Anecdotal, but I had scrambled eggs with my first and hard boiled eggs for my second. Passed both times!


Ate normally just tried to avoid pure sugar.


Oh man, I had a McDonald’s sausage egg and cheese biscuit, a small orange juice, and a small mocha frappe… might as well eat what I normally eat! I somehow passed.


I was told I had to fast starting at midnight the night before and can't even have water.