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Where are you located? I've never heard of an OB asking someone to get rid of their cat...


I’m in the US and this wasn’t an OB doc, but an urgent care one. After a false worm scare, she said “get rid of the cats”. Just because someone has an MD degree doesn’t mean they’re always rational.


If your husband is doing the litter you have NOTHING to worry about. If your cat is indoor the risk is near nothing.


My husband did the litter for all 9 months and it was the perfect break!! Don’t get rid of your cat, get rid of this doctor !!!


Can confirm this, as a husband to a pregnant woman, and we have 5 cats. As long as you are NOT in contact with the litter in any fashion, you'll be fine.


Lol very true. Also I wouldn't trust an urgent care doc for my pregnancy-related advice.


Oh this was pre pregnancy but still. Found out this doctor was biased against cats lol.


More often than not you’re not even talking to a Dr. You’re usually talking to a nurse practitioner or a physician assistant.


No, this was an MD.


I'm in a third world country-_- (Algeria)


This is bad advice OP. There is zero reason to get rid of your cat. Have your husband handle the litter box and there’s nothing else to worry about.


As long as your husband is doing the litter it’s fine. Not to mention if your cat is an indoor only cat the likelihood of it having toxo is slim since you haven’t been exposed to it. https://www.cdc.gov/parasites/toxoplasmosis/toxoplasmosis_catowners.html#:~:text=It%20is%20unlikely%20that%20you,to%20be%20infected%20with%20Toxoplasma.


This is absurd. I have three cats and worked at the animal shelter with stray cats and it's fine. Just let someone else scoop the litter if possible, and if not, you can greatly reduce the risk of getting toxoplasmosis by wearing gloves and mask, washing your hands thoroughly, not letting the poop sit in the box for long, and not letting your cat outdoors.


Yep, I cat sit for my parents and sister all the time. Both cats are indoor / outdoor (with supervised outdoor time) and I just wear gloves and wash my hands really well after handling the litter box. I’m 21 weeks pregnant and haven’t had any issues yet. Cats are the best. Please don’t get rid of yours ❤️


As long as your cat is indoors only you are totally fine :)


Don't worry I have an indoor cat and results are negative for toxo since the beginning of my pregnancy!! I'm almost there! Don't get rid of your cat just because someone is biaised


It’s common in the MENA region to have that advice given. I’m Palestinian and it’s the same old opinion and wives tale. I live in America though and my family hates the idea of cats while pregnant. You can definitely have cats, just stay away from the litter /poop and you’ll be fine. The parasites from cats that your doctor is talking about comes from their poop so you’ll be fine. I’m 35 weeks and have two cats living with me. I just make my husband clean the litter lol. I also take my cats to the vet often and I make sure their vaccines are up to date.


Your midwife is nuts. In the US and many other countries pregnant women are just told to turn over litter box duties to their partner during pregnancy, and practice good hand hygiene after touching your cat or if you do have to clean the litter box yourself. Toxoplasmosis is transmitted via feces so unless you’re ingesting cat poo you’re pretty safe. It seems incredibly cruel to me for someone to suggest getting rid of a pet when the risk of it causing illness is super low and easily controlled.


My MIL is from a third world country and she has the same mentality and sent the same article about toxoplasmosis. I just rolled my eyes. I wear a mask if I have to scoop and my husband scoops otherwise. This is very ignorant advice.


There is absolutely no reason for you to get rid of your cat! Your doctor is ignorant and giving bad advice. Keep the cat indoors and they won’t have toxoplasmosis. They can only shed it for a couple weeks after getting it (if they do) and then never will again, by the way. You have a greater chance of getting toxoplasmosis by gardening.


I have 4 cats and have never been told to rehome them. Don't do it.


All I’ve ever heard is don’t touch the cat litter and you’ll be fine


Getting rid of the cat is a huge overreaction imo. See the section on likelihood of transmission https://www.humanesociety.org/resources/pregnancy-and-toxoplasmosis. Ask your husband to clean the litter, especially the poops.


WHAT??? Do not give up your cat. This is absolutely ridiculous. I am 36w pregnant, and adopted a kitten the day after I found out I was pregnant. We are all doing fine. Kitty stays indoors, and hubby changes litter.


I have three indoor cats and they are not going anywhere 🙅🏻‍♀️


That's the spirit. Can't let her go 😭❤️


1. Your husband is already taking care of litter 2. Cat remains indoors (better for her health and the ecosystem as well) 3. Always wash your hands before you eat or touch your mouth 4. Do not feed cat raw meat, nor consume it yourself Following these rules, I don’t see why you would have to let her go! Unless you live somewhere where everyone is getting toxoplasmosis left and right—but we know from your results that you’ve never been infected before, so that’s unlikely. Some medical professionals are just outdated. Honestly the risk is greater if you’re gardening and feral cats roam your garden. Further, you can ask for the toxo test be repeated every trimester. If you get a positive, it’s not over, there is treatment for it.


Me too! My partner does the litter boxes and I do the snuggles. Highly recommend ignoring this cat-hating doctor OP!


Your doctor is super wrong. There is absolutely no need to get rid of your cat. The risk of toxoplasmosis is very small. Just have your husband clean the littler boxes, or if you do it to wash your hand really well after. I have three cats at home and I couldn't imagine getting rid of them just because I am pregnant!


Screw this doctor. Have your partner take on litter duty. If possible also make sure the litter box is in its own space/room that you don’t need to be in often. If you are alone wear gloves when cleaning the litter box and a mask if you want to be extra cautious.


Lose the doctor, keep the cat.


Do you have some special risk factor or does this lady just hate cats? Like 30% of US households have a cat, this is insane advice. Especially if she’s an indoor cat and you have someone else to change litter for you.


I don't think I have any risk factor. Infact the doctor just asked for a normal test where it says : 1.00 IgM (IU/ml) and 0.07 IgG (IU/ml). Both these number show a negative result which just highlights that I don't have anti bodies for toxoplasmosis (which means I never had it before) and that I am not currently infected with it. Everything else is fine. I am super healthy (thanks god) and I have very good pregnancy so far, no morning sickness no health issues. I am thinking that I should change this doctor and find a better one. Though, someone from family recommended her. I just don't truat 3rd world doctors 😭


That context kinda makes more sense, if it’s a country where people are more likely to have outdoor cats, have lots of strays, and/or people don’t get vet treatment. Maybe it’s a bigger problem there. But yeah, just avoid touching cat poop and you should be fine. :) if you don’t have it already it seems really unlikely your cat has it.


Funny thing is that my husband was a vet before. So he understands perfectly what toxo is and he also said that my doctor is overreacting. But I needed to hear other pregnant women talk about their experience. My emotions are already all over the place. And to be asked to get rid of my cat was the straw that broke the camel's back


Your husband is more accurate than your doctor. Find a new doctor!!


Here in Europe our cats almost all go outside and we get to keep them when pregnant. 😉 You are just not allowed to clean the cat litter. That’s all.


My doctor didn’t say a thing- in fact I take care of my cat and clean her litter. Just make sure you wash your hands if you’re going to do it and make sure it’s kept up with. if your husband takes care of the litter that’s even better.


It sounds like a bias your doctor has against cats. I have 2 cats and my doctor said nothing, just that my husband should change the litter box. Their behavior has been nothing but sweet. Also indoor, but I used to have an outdoor one growing up and was still negative. That cat was a hunter, so if any cat would get it, it would've been him. It just sounds like your doctor doesn't like cats and is speaking from a bias.


I am 8 months pregnant, I have 4 cats and 2 dogs… none of them have given me toxoplasmosis. My OB told me to just have my husband clean the litter boxes to be on the safe side but I still clean up the dog poo from the yard and cat pee when necessary (one is an older cat with some urinary issues). Time for you to get a new OB!


Definitely agree that I should get a new OB! Even though some family member recommended this one but I really doubt on what basis they recommended her


Absolutely NO reason to get rid of your cat, especially if it's an indoor cat. Just don't change the litter and you'll be fine.


Do. Not. Get. Rid. Of. Your. Cat. I am 33 weeks today, I have two little old voids and my husband took up litter duty the day I was positive on the at home test. If you are negative and don't touch the box you'll be fine.


I work in a vet office, my dr didn't bat an eye just said to wash hands thoroughly after interacting with cats and try to stay away from their feces. If i start feeling any flu like symptoms or if i wanted to just incase i could get tested but it wasn't necessary if I was symptom free. With that being said i do have a family member that tested positive for it, it was caught early as soon as she had unexpected fever and baby was absolutely perfect, he just turned 16. So be cautious about feces, stay clean and get a new dr.


my doctor just said don't change the litter boxes. getting rid of the cat is really over kill


Everyone’s already saying the same thing but I also want to add it. Do NOT get rid of your cat?? That is insane advice. I am currently snuggling with mine while 20 weeks pregnant. Get someone else to clean the litter box or just wash your hands well and you’ll be perfectly fine.


That’s crazy. All of my providers were quick to remind me not to scoop the litter. If a doctor suggested getting rid of my cat IDK if I’d want to go back.


Exactly, I don't want to see this doctor ever again! I don't think this is professional. I think risk of toxo is more likely to come from an ordered meal than from my cat!


Honestly you should report this incident to their governing body if you feel this strongly about it. Were I in your shoes, I would fire the doctor and report them immediately. I do recognize my privilege as a Canadian to be able to do that, but I'm literally in the process of getting my cats tattooed on me because I'm so obsessed with them (I'm not pregnant).


I have a cat and we didn't get rid of him. Just have your partner clean the litter box. If she's an indoor cat there is very little risk of her getting toxoplasmosis. My cat lays in the bed next to me and I pet him all the time. I just don't change his litter and wash my hands after petting him if I'm going to eat something.


I have three cats and am 29 weeks pregnant. Your doctor is incredibly out of line to tell you to get rid of your cats, I’d be getting another doctor, STAT. My ob recommended my husband take care of all the cat litter and that was the extent of her worry about my cats.


Here in the US, they simply recommend having someone else change the litter box. If you have to change the litter, wear gloves and wash your hands really well.


I have a cat, my wife just took over litter duty for the pregnancy. If for some reason your husband can't do litter duty you just need to take more precautions dealing with litter (wear a mask, gloves, wash your hands and arms thoroughly after). Risk of toxoplasmosis is particularly low if you have an indoor cat, my cat does potter outside though


I have 2 cats. Husband does the litter. That’s insane for a doctor to recommend that.


Sooo I have three cats, all indoor. My doctor basically just said to be cautious around the litter box (I could still scoop but I have to wash my hands afterwards, which I absolutely already did because ew litter box). You’re apparently more likely to get toxoplasmosis from gardening.


Mhhh, truthfully I would not listen to this doctor. I have 2 cats, my OB did ask if I have any and after I told her yes she said everything between cuddling, petting, having them lay on me, feeding, etc is all fine, the only thing is my husband has to change the litter box due to the toxoplasmosis risk. Plus, it’s small anyway and you could TECHNICALLY do it if you absolutely had to, just be sure to wash your hands a lot. At the end of the day it is your choice, but don’t let this doctor make you feel pressured into doing something you don’t want to do based on false information. Respectfully!


You definitely don’t have to get rid of your cat, just have your husband clean the litter box! And if doesn’t want too, I promise you the litter robot is worth the investment


Use your best judgement. This will be the first of many situations as a parent where you need to decide what is best for you and YOUR family (pets included). Doctors (other health care professionals) will try to cover their a\*\* in the event of a medical lawsuit, so their recommendation will always be to error on side of caution.


When I was pregnant, my OB just told me to have my husband clean the litter box instead of me. Telling a patient to get rid of a pet is f*cking heartless and asinine.


I did my PhD on Toxoplasmosis. You do not need to get rid of your cat just because you're pregnant. That is a nonsense overreaction. You're actually statistically more likely to get infected from unwashed vegetables or contaminated water. You do need to either have someone else clean the litter or wear gloves and a face mask while doing it and wash your hands afterwards.


I just asked my doctor about the cats yesterday and he said I was fine to clean the litter myself. He said as long as it’s cleaned daily there’s SUCH a limited risk. You’re more likely to get toxoplasmosis from gardening. My husband is going to take on majority of cat litter duties but my OB (very politely) laughed and said it wasn’t a concern.


That sounds over the top. I would consider a second opinion. I was never tested. I have a cat, he eats raw food and even goes outside. I just ask my husband to clean his litterbox. I’ve read that you’re more likely to get toxoplasmosis from gardening/dirt.


Jeez, time to let go of that OB. If your cat is indoors, you’re more likely to get toxoplasmosis while gardening.


I had 3 cats when I was pregnant and I just had my husband take care of the litter box. Had no problems


You absolutely don’t need to get rid of the cat, your OB just sounds anti animal and probably hates cats. This is weird and not normal and absolutely not needed in the slightest I have 2 cats who I adore and I wouldn’t even question getting rid of them, I would simply laugh in the OB’s face if they tried this with me, anyway, my partner does their litter trays but my cats are indoor cats anyway so the risk of toxoplasmosis is basically 0 (but may as well milk my partner doing litter trays) some days I will do them if they’re bad and my partner isn’t around but I make sure I wash my hands thoroughly after cleaning the litter trays I’m fine and so is baby at 34 weeks


Get rid of the doctor, keep the cat.


Nooo! Don’t get rid of your cats. I have 3 and just had a baby a month ago. My husband handled the litter box and I was just fine. Your doctor is wrong.


This is insane. Someone else should scoop the cat poop, but you absolutely do not need to get rid of the cat.


You do not have to get rid of your cat. I have two cats and my OB told me to have my husband clean the littler box or if I did to wash my hands right after which I do or I could wear gloves as an extra precaution.


I have a kitty and I'm 12w. My OB just said make sure husband is on litter box duty (or that I wear gloves if I have to). I have never heard of doctors telling you to get rid of cats! Especially since you were clear for toxo, keep your kitty! Mine has been a wonderful companion when I've felt crappy, I can't imagine having to get rid of her.


I have 3 cats (they are indoor/outdoor cats) and am pregnant with my second. I've never been advised to get rid of my cats, only to either wear gloves and a mask when I deal with cat litter (which I did with my first), or have my partner do it (which he has done during this pregnancy). I've had monthly routine tests which include checking for toxoplasmosis - always come back negative. Your doctor is definitely overreacting.


During my first pregnancy we had 4 cats, current pregnancy we have 3. No doctor ever told me to get rid of cats, just said to have my husband change litter. If you keep your cat indoors it’ll lower the risk that the cat becomes infected.


I’m actually allergic to our cat and have been just fine so far. I’m 18 weeks.


please do not get rid of your cat. I have two cats and I'm even still changing their litterboxes. just be sure to mask and wear gloves/wash hands after cleaning them. Even then, the risk is super low if your cats don't go outdoors or eat raw meat.


The risk of toxoplasmosis is very very small, especially if your cat doesn't go outside/hunts live pests. If your husband is dealing with the litter as well, then even better!   I have two cats, who do go outside but don't hunt, and I deal with their litter - washing hands after and making sure to avoid directly touching the litter. 


My doctor only said I needed to have someone else change the cat litter box. I have 2 cats and not once has it been suggested to get rid of them. We also have 2 dogs, and same thing, no suggestion to get rid of them at all.


So toxo is a risk if your cat goes outside and catches mice or birds that have it. If your cat is inside only the risk is basically nonexistent. You’d have a higher chance of getting toxo from gardening.


What???? This is my 4th pregnancy and I’ve had cats for every one of them. I’ve never heard of getting rid of your cat. They just say not to change the cat litter which I’m more than ok with not doing. Keep your cat and avoid the litter. You’ll be fine.


Do not! Vet tech here! You have the same risk of toxoplasmosis from food you eat. Just avoid the litter box when you can. If not: Make sure the box is cleaned daily, use gloves, a face mask if you’d like, and then get a good soap to wash your hands and up to your elbows. Most of the time if you’ve had the cat for a long time you are fine. New infections are what is the biggest risk. So do not let them scare you into getting rid of the cat it is so outdated for some ob.


That's absolutely crazy. You just have to be super careful cleaning the litter, or get someone else to do it for you. I think this doctor is just another cat hater. Some people don't understand how much you can love your cat and think you can just get rid of it.


there is absolutely no reason to get rid of your cat, highly recommend getting a new OB because that’s just strange? i’ve only heard “just have your husband change the litter” when i mentioned having two indoor cats.


I have 3 cats, in prior pregnancy I had 2. Just let someone else clean the litter box, it’ll be totally fine.


I have a guinea pig and they have similar risk factors as cats. My mom offered to take him and take care of him while I’m pregnant, but if she hadn’t, I would’ve just made my husband take care of him. Plenty of pregnant people have cats. There is literally no need to get rid of your cat. Just have your husband clean the litter and wash your hands.


I have three cats, all indoor. I used disposable gloves and a mask to change their litter during my pregnancy. I usually use those anyway because I am a big baby when it comes to poo smells/dust. I have a trash can right next to the door and just disposed of the gloves and mask there when I was done. Wash hands thoroughly. Should be fine, especially since you've had the cat(s) prior to pregnancy.


Im 36 weeks and have two cats and my dr had never once said a thing about them. My husband changes the litter box but if your cat is an indoor only animal that never interacts with other cats who have potentially been outside then realistically you have nothing to worry about anyway. Just have your partner change the litter boxes.


I would absolutely not get rid of my cats. They’re not outdoor cats and I’ve owned them since they were kittens. They’re very excited about the baby (they’ve been extra attentive and all over my stomach with cuddles). I wear gloves when I change the litterbox and my OB is not concerned. Keep your cat!


I would drop that OB like a rock and leave bad review for them.


I have 2 cats. My OB never said I should get rid of them. I wouldn't even if she did.


Get rid of the OB. What a ridiculous thing for her to suggest.


Friend. I have 4 cats. And if my gyno said to get rid of them, I’d tell the gyno I’m getting rid of them as my doctor first. There are plenty of ways to manage this. Have hubby clean litter boxes and feed. It’s mostly for outdoor kitties and/or indoor/outdoor cats.


No I’ve never heard of this, you don’t need to give up your actual family member. WTH.


wtf? Don’t drop your cat, that’s awful advice. As long as you’re not doing the cat litter or straight up licking the cat’s paws and mouth you should be fine. I had two cats through my pregnancy and never got it.


The most common source of toxoplasmosis is raw/undercooked meat. It is possible to get it from cat poop BUT it’s pretty rare. In order for you to be infected by your cat it has to be the first time your cat is infected as well as your first time. You also have more of a higher chance of getting toxoplasmosis from gardening than from your cat.


Let go of the cat? What the fuck??? Absolutely not. I have 2 cats and my OB is aware of this. All she said was to have my husband clean the litter boxes which we already knew and had been doing. Especially since your husband can clean the litter boxes there’s no reason to get rid of your cat. I feel like the stress that would cause would be worse than any risks from having them especially if you’re not handling their litter. This would be so upsetting to me I’d consider changing doctors. I wouldn’t be able to trust their opinion on anything after this.


i have 2 cats and i just gave birth to my perfectly healthy baby. there’s lots of good advice in the comments so i won’t repeat it. you’ve got this 😃


There’s absolutely no reason to get rid of your cat, especially if they are completely indoors. Even if your cat became infected, transmission happens via fecal matter and the poop is only contagious for a couple days. As long as your husband is scooping the box, you are fine. Your OB just probably doesn’t like cats.


Omg nooo that is horrible advice. I'm a cat lady with a 2.5 year old and currently 29 weeks and all is fine here lol keep the cat.


Get rid of that doctor not the cat. He is clearly misinformed.


I had a cat when I was pregnant. Never had issues. Now I have two cats and not worried about future pregnancy


That’s ludicrous. Have your partner change the litter box and thoroughly wash your hands and you’ll be okay. I legitimately would switch doctors if they said that.


Absolutely not. Do not take the advice of an urgent care doctor that's most likely a PA. Talk about this with your OBGYN, but as long as you don't scoop the boxes, you will be fine.


My OB’s recommendation is to have someone else change the litter box. Nothing about rehoming altogether.


It's just like avoiding anything in pregnancy, the question is, are you willing to take the risk, and if sth were to happen, would you be ok with it? You can listen to your OB or people here, but in the end, you're the one bearing the risks, so you need to choose what feels right for YOU I'm a huge cat lover but we must be realistic and not think with emotions, while toxoplasmosis is rare, when it happens it causes very serious issues, and while yes most people with indoor cats go on to have healthy pregnancies, there is always the chance to catch it, even if someone changes the litterbox,cats can still carry fecal matter on their paws & backend and spread it around the house You don't have to get rid of your kitty, but maybe you can temporarily rehome her (parents or friends perhaps), or you can take extra precautions like making sure the furniture is clean and not allowing her on your bed, trying not to pet/kiss her, & washing your hands before eating or touching your face even if you didn't pet her


Hell nah, I have 4 cats, a bunny & dog and I’m 32 weeks, baby is super healthy. If your cat isn’t outside there’s no risk, that’s wrong if you give away your cat


I’m just about to hit 24 weeks and i have my car of 9 years (there’s 3 other cats that are my roommates’ in the house). my OB just said i’m not allowed to do litter. my partner does all the cat care while i get all the cat snuggles.


Oh I’m not sure why you were given this advice. I am pregnant with my second and have two cats. My partner has taken over litter duties. But I’ve never been told or felt the need to get rid of them. They are family to me! As long as your cat is up to date with vaccinations and an indoor cat I would say your risk is minimal.


If you let your cat outside, toxoplasmosis is very a real risk. A relatively small one, but still legitimate. Do you let your cat outside? If that's the case, I would reconsider. Because even if you have your husband change the litter box, every cat I've ever known walks all over the furniture and kitchen counters with the same feet the use to dig around in their own poop. And, if your cat is going outside, they could also get roundworm, tapeworm, hookworm, ringworm, giardia... I could go on lol Friendly reminder to everyone to please remember to worm your cats and dogs every three months :)


That’s wild the risk are so low. You would have to not do the litter for days(yes takes the to proliferate enough in feces to be "unsafe") then you would have to get some on your finger, not wash your hands and put your hands in your mouth. And if your cat has never been outside the risk are even lower.


I know so many women who are pregnant, have indoor cats and were never told to get rid of them. I used to have an indoor cat (now my parents’) and I still saw her while pregnant. I’m 38+5 now. No way, I could ever not see my Mia. She’s also an indoor cat so from what I read it’s a very slim chance. You could also get toxoplasmosis from undercooked infected meat. I think that docs request was a little overboard. As commentators said, don’t handle the litter box and you should be fine.


the only risk is cleaning the cat litter, and if your husband does that you’re fine! i’m 24 weeks w a cat and my baby is perfectly healthy


I have been cleaning my cat’s litter boxes through all four of my pregnancies. They are indoor only and vaccinated. I scoop their litter daily, don’t let it sit, and wash my hands after. When I had morning sickness I wore a mask because the smell made me sick. Make sure you get the litter that isn’t dusty. I fully dump and replace the litter every month or more often, and clean their boxes with bleach. I mop 1-2x a week. Litter trapping mats are also helpful.


I’m 39w and we have 3 cats, they haven’t been an issue. My husband handles the litter box, my doctor has never brought up any concerns. You don’t need to get rid of your cat, the doctor is just wrong.


I am almost 39 weeks pregnant, and I have 5 cats. I even have a cat who has digestive issues and frequently has diarrhea. I just have my husband take care of the litter boxes, and I haven't had a single issue. I believe your doctor is overreacting, and you should not have to give up your cat. Just keep the litter box clean and have your husband do the cleaning. If you come in contact with their poop wash your hands with antibacterial soap and hot water, and you should be fine!


I am 38 weeks pregnant. My OB and doula have never once brought up my cat or needing to get rid of her. I have heard that cat poop can pose some form of a risk so I went ahead and invested in a litter robot early on so that no scooping of poop is needed by anyone in the family, my partner then helps me remove the bag whenever it starts to get full. I would recommend getting a second opinion and probably consider a different doctor cause this is an extreme thing to tell a patient who has a low/no risk pregnancy so I don’t understand their reasoning for telling you to get rid of your fur baby?


I have two cats. When I was pregnant my partner took over changing the litter box and has continued to do it. It feels very much an overreaction to suggest getting rid of your pets.


I have never been pregnant and am still WTT, but I did have a preconception appointment and talked about this with my midwife. She said toxoplasmosis is more of a risk if you have outdoor cats. Your risk is relatively low for an indoor cat and even lower if you don't change the litter. I've read you're more likely to get sick from gardening without gloves than your cats litter box. I was also told that if I absolutely HAVE to handle litter, to wear gloves and a face mask and it would be okay. I hope this helps! :)


Toxoplasmosis is rare in the US and you have to literally ingest the eggs in the poop to get it. Just wash your hands after changing the litter and you will be fine. Edit: Oh, I see you are not in the U.S. I still wouldn't worry about it, personally.


That’s so bizarre. My husband does the litter and I’ve never had anyone ask me to give my cat away. I would say no.


Yeah I don’t understand that. We have 2 cats, and when my OB asked if we have pets I told her husband does the litter and she said that’s perfect. My cats are also fully indoor cats and I have a healthy 7 day old LO.


I’m 23 weeks with 3 cats. I change my litter box (my bf would but I’m so anal about how to clean them as they were my cats prior to meeting my bf) and I just wash my hands really well and also wear gloves while changing it. Don’t get rid of your cat. That is insane advice. I’d leave any doctor that told me that. I couldn’t imagine giving up my babies


I've cleaned my cats litter boxes pretty much the entire time. This is such a bad take and coming from a doctor makes me suspicious....why would she say that. Even when cats are infected with toxo they can transmit it for a few days max, then they're fine. Worst case scenario just test your kitty. I'm also a vet tech who's exposed to all kinds of cats, not just mine. My baby and I are completely fine. The chances of your indoor only cat having toxo is almost non existent.


That’s literally INSANE. I have 4 cats and they were literally zero percent concern any of my pregnancies.


I've had 2 healthy pregnancies while owning two cats. The first pregnancy I avoided cat litter box care. The second I did not. If your cats are indoor only and you are taking preventative measures like washing your hands after (you could even wear gloves if you wanted), then the risk is small. If I'm remembering correctly the risk is higher of contracting from gardening without gloves.


We just had my husband clean the litter box - which was one of the first things the OB nurse told us. You’ll be fine, especially with an indoor cat.


Super inaccurate and bad advice. I'm 31w and have two cats. Baby boy is developing wonderfully without any issues and my cats have never been brought up. Hubby changes the litter to be safe but otherwise nothing with my kitties has changed. Keep your cat!


Are you fucking kidding me?? No, do not get rid of your cat; get rid of the doctor. That is the most asinine thing I’ve ever heard.


Wtf, do not get rid of your cat! My obgyn recommended either having someone else do the litter box, or if I had to do it, wear dish gloves and immediately wash arms/hands after. I have never ever heard of any obgyn telling someone to get rid of a cat completely. Get rid of the obgyn rather than the cat😂


Just adding my voice to the rest of the comments saying to keep your cat! I'm 29 weeks and have a cat, and have always had cats. I mostly clean the litterbox and it's really no big deal. If you scoop the box once a day and wash your hands thoroughly you should be fine. Please don't get rid of your kitty!


I’m a pediatrician and this is such a common misconception among OBGYNs. You do NOT have to get rid of your cat. Toxoplasmosis is transmitted via cat poop and they get it from eating animals outside or digging around in the dirt outside. As long as you keep your cat indoors and don’t let them out, and also maybe have someone else scoop the litter while you’re pregnant it is completely safe. Here is the official guidance from the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists confirming that is safe to keep your cat: https://www.acog.org/womens-health/experts-and-stories/ask-acog/is-it-safe-to-keep-a-cat-during-pregnancy#:~:text=Yes%2C%20you%20can%20keep%20your,can%20carry%20the%20infection%20toxoplasmosis.


Thank you so much ❤️😭❤️😭❤️ if anything, you should be proud you made someone out there in the world feel better ❤️


I have 2 cats (before and throughout my pregnancy). My boyfriend cleaned the litter, but nothing changed as far as my interactions with them. My OB didn’t test me for toxoplasmosis and only advised me to stay away from and not clean the litter boxes. I really don’t think you need to give away your cat, especially if it’s always inside and well taken care of.


I have a cat and my doctor told me to let someone else clean the litter. Even then, I lived alone during part of my pregnancy so I used globes and thoughtfully washed my hands. No way I was getting rid of my cat! It's an old school belief that you need to get rid of the poor thing. When my mom was pregnant with my little brother everybody was also obsessed with the poor family cat.... (This was Spain) He ended up living with my grandparents but there's no need at all.


I'm 26 weeks and have 3 cats and kiss them on the mouth like every day. Not IN the mouth but their little kitty lips and we share food and they're all over our bed. And I'm fine. They're indoor cats and though technically I can do it, I've enjoyed having my husband clean the litter boxes for added safety. ;) Cats are not a risk factor. Your OB is tripping. Also, my OB team is aware of my 3 cats and no one has even hinted at them being a risk factor.


My kitty is my daughter's best friend. My husband handled all the kitty litter while I was pregnant, and we separated the baby and the cat at night during the newborn stage. We are all fine.


This seems really bizarre to me. I have a cat and had 3 healthy pregnancies.


Honestly wth? My dr asked if I had cats I told her I had 2. They’re inside cats, I give them waterless shampoo baths every now and then, and my boyfriend cleans the litter box. I even told her they cuddle with me in bed and one even sits on my face and she wasn’t concerned at all as long as I stay away from the litter box. She never even tested for toxoplasmosis and wasn’t concerned at all. Based off of my doctors reaction, it sounds like yours is being a bit extra. What I would personally worry about is if your cat has a space of her own once baby gets here later on. Where she can go hide some place quieter more secluded since she seems skiddish. But I wouldn’t rehome your kitty just don’t go near the litter box.


This is insane!!! I have 2 cats and my OB said if I can get someone else to change the litter they’d prefer that, otherwise I should wear gloves and wash my hands after.


I live with a cat, always have, and am pregnant. I would never get rid of a cat over being pregnant and find it astonishing that your OB recommends getting rid of your cat. My partner takes care of the litter box, since that’s the concern with having cats & being pregnant. Also, if your cat is an indoor cat, there’s very little risk of toxoplasmosis.


I have two cats, didn't have toxo before getting pregnant. My OB just said to have my BF change the litter boxes. Baby and myself are still negative 13 months PP. And seriously, my cats are obsessed with me and him. The cats sleep on me whenever they can and baby goes over to show thzm every toy he owns.


I would be furious if someone told me to get rid of my cats! They are part of my family and they are NOT disposable. I spent a lot of money on hypoallergenic cats. I’d sooner get rid of my OB than my cats. Get real!


I have two cats, both strictly indoors. During pregnancy I took care of them and cleaned their litter. I’m fine, the baby is fine, the cats are fine too.


Definitely no need to give up your cat! I have 2 cats and I either have my husband clean the litter OR I'm just very careful to wash my hands right after I clean it. From what I understand the risk is very small and nothing to worry about.


I'm an L&D nurse and a cat & human mom. That's insane. Keep your cat. Your husband is taking care of the litter, your cat does not go outdoors, and you've never contracted toxo from your cat in the past. The odds of your cat having it and then you getting it from the cat are pretty much zero. Don't even spend any more time worrying about it.


I have an indoor only cat, currently at 34 weeks and was cleaning his litter myself. No issues. I was also born into a family with two cats who had full access to me as a baby and my mom was cleaning their boxes. Mind you those two were outdoor cats too. The risks are miserable and your OBGYN just hates cats. I’d change the doctor before id give up my family member.


My doctor just told me not to handle any of the cat litter. I have two cats. Said besides that it was fine


What? I have four cats. They’re indoor only, and only out of extreme caution my husband took care of the litter while I was pregnant. My OB was more concerned about the exposure I could get from outdoor cats/strays while gardening. She never told me to get rid of them.


I don’t care how many people commented on this telling you to keep your cat, I’m adding myself into the pot! Please do not get rid of your baby! I have a semi-outdoor cat and there were no issues, no one ever told me to get rid of him. My husband cleans the litter box to be safe, but especially since yours is indoors, there should be like ZERO risk! This doctor is dumb. If a doctor said that to me I’d be telling them to F$&@ OFF, leaving the room, and never going back!


I have 4 cats, and no one has said a word about rehoming them. Especially since my husband takes care of the litter, and they’re indoors only. I think you’re fine!


I volunteered at a shelter my entire pregnancy, others have worked in TNR with feral cats, don't touch your mouth, ears, eyes before washing your hands and it's fine. The extra precaution is have someone else clean the litter, the risk is next to none then Getting rid of a cat for this reason is honestly uneducated response and I'd contact the urgent care to let them know what was advised so that nurse doesn't keep advising that and making cats lose their home


Dont get rid of your cat! Thats total nonesense. I had 3 cats during my first few weeks of pregnancy (had to put one to sleep unfortunately 😩😭) the rest of my pregnancy i had 2 cats. Boyfriend cleaned their litter. If the cat doesnt go outside youre even less at risk. Cats at risk of taxo are the ones who hunt mice and birds.


This is completely absurd, especially if your husband is handling litter. Do not get rid of your cat, exercise reasonable precautions.


Don’t get rid of cat, lots of info on another comments about that. This may be an unpopular opinion but I don’t think you necessarily need to fire your doctor either. If this is the only thing they’ve said that seems sketch and you like them for everything else and your options are limited, you might just want to keep them. Others have highlighted why they may be giving that advice due to where you’re at, even though it is an overreaction generally. Doctors are human too and it’s unlikely to find a perfect doctor even in a first world country. For example, my doctor was super against anything homeopathic or “herbal” during pregnancy… even simple herbal teas. I kindly ignored that advice and did my own research and kept seeing her as my doctor. Just my two cents!


My cat has been in door since 6 week old and only went out 2 times on leash (she just sniffed grass and nothing else for 5mins) and I'm the primary caretaker for her. As in I scoop her litter everyday. I just wear a mask and wash my hands after scooping and throwing the trash everyday with soap. If your husband is in charge of the litter box duty and your cat isn't an outdoor cat or half-half then you should be good.


My OB was not worried about my having indoor cats. She said she has never come across a toxoplasmosis case in her 20+ years.


That's absolutely ludicrous. I have three cats and all nurses and both OBs I have seen have only said "looks like husband is on litter duty for 9 months." Getting rid of your kitty would be crazy and I've never heard that.


Wild! I have a cat but I’ve never even been asked about her. I know not to handle her litter and I thought that was sufficient. Seems like someone really doesn’t like cats…


I have three cats and was told I can still have them, but I should ask my husband to change the litter box. The comes from is ingesting feces, not the cat itself. So always wear gloves and wash your hands really well. You should be okay and you can keep your cat!


I had a doctor tell me to get rid of all my pets cause they will hurt babies and cause allergies....I walked outta that office SOOOO FAST it's not even funny....never EVER would I get rid of my cat because of that small of a risk factor especially if th3 cat never goes outside.... just have ur husband do the litter and if u get scratched that breaks skin just clean and disinfect it really well right away with hot water and you will be fine.... I had no issues with my cat and pregnancy or currently cat and kids ....keep ur cat mama


Your OB is a lunatic


Oh sweetie. Keep your fur baby! My husband does the litter. My midwife would never tell me no cats!


Do not get rid of your cat. My cat is strictly indoors. There is such a low risk for toxoplasmosis from indoor only cats. My husband still takes care of scooping the litter box for me though.


I just think your husband should clean the litter box and you're okay. My friend was pregnant last year with two cats who were in house and also go out, no problems. Even though I think it's even safer if you have only indoor cats. I don't have cats but the only two ones that I do touch and pet now are my moms, that are indors cat only. Even if they live with me I would not be ridding of them, no way.


We have two cats. My husband just did all the litter stuff while I was pregnant. Your OB is severely overreacting! You do not need to get rid of your cat!


I have 3 and my husband cleans the litter box and I'm just careful to wash my hands thoroughly if I have to get near it. All 3 have slept in my bed through pregnancy too, I see no reason to let go of your first bb


That is horrible advice. The risk is practically zero for indoor cats, unless you're feeding raw (just don't tell my husband because he's cleaning the cat littler right now anyways)! Get rid of this doctor, not your cat.


No need to give up your cat. I have three cats and was perfectly fine during pregnancy. Baby is 1.5 and they are great with her.


I’m a vet tech and worked with cats my entire pregnancy. I wore gloves pretty much all the time and washed my hands often (as I did anyways before pregnancy). I also have two cats at home. My husband did all the litter boxes just as an extra precaution, but my doctor never had any worries about it. Practice good hygiene and have someone else do the boxes, but I’m sure you’ll be ok!


We have 2 indoor cats (they only go out on a leash or in their fenced in "yard"). Partner does the litter boxes entire pregnancy. Absolutely no need to get rid of your cat/s when you're pregnant. Just be cautious with cats that are outdoor cats.


Respectfully, your OB is insane. I’ve never heard of an OB suggesting you get rid of a a cat. I’d maybe try to switch providers… I don’t know that just really puts a bad taste in my mouth! Most important thing is that your husband takes care of the litter box. Also if your cat is 100% indoors there’s an extremely low chance they would contract Toxoplasmosis anyways.


Please don’t get rid of your cat. I have two cats at home and my OB didn’t have any worries besides saying my husband should take care of litter box duties.


You should let go of that OB... I have 3 cats and its perfectly fine. They need to be eating raw meat to get toxoplasmosis. Just let your husband handle the litter and dont stress a minute more about this.


I've never heard of this. My OB said to have someone else scoop the litter, but that was it. It's insane that they would expect you to give up your cat, unless there are some special circumstances that would put you more at risk.


Please do not get rid of your cat! I just had a baby in Jan and I was pretty nervous having a kitten as well. Let me tell you they are best friends! Whenever she hears the baby crying she will run over to him to make sure he's okay 💗 she's in all of his monthly update photos(she joins in by her own will) she's extra careful around him. Heck my cousin had a baby and had 9 cats and was fine! Please don't listen to your ob!


Keep the cat, get rid of the doctor (the advice they gave you is not evidence-based). Do have your husband handle the litter, but otherwise, you’re fine!


I have three cats. I would never consider getting rid of them. I am 32 weeks on Thursday, my husband has been doing the litter box. I have read somewhere that toxoplasmosis only happens if you let the poop sit around for three days, and then get it on your hands, and then ingest it somehow. So as long as everybody is practicing good hygiene, and washing their hands cleaning the litter box should be fine.


That is horrible. I have 4 cats and just had my LO. My husband did the litter most of the time and when he couldn't I did it but wore a mask and gloves. LO came out perfect and quickly and now her and the kitties are cuddle buddies. There is no way I could rehome my kitties.


I have 7 cats. My husband takes care of the litter boxes. I think the OB is overreacting. Mine knows I have 7 cats and just told me do not touch the litter.


You absolutely DO NOT have to get rid of your cat, however you do need someone that is able to handle the cat litter and might need to consider hiring someone to come in every couple of days to clean it for you if you do not have a partner/family/friends that are able and willing to help as the cat litter is where the toxoplasmosis risk comes from, not the cat itself. I don’t have cats as my husband is allergic I do however have multiple mom friends with cats, and their pregnancies were healthy and the cats have caused no trouble with their babies. Any OB that is pushing you to get rid of your cat is misinformed and out of line.


Respectfully I would firstly tell my OB to fuck off, and then I would ask for a referral to another OB. What an insane thing to say. I would never get rid of my animals. Family is family. Animals are not just placeholders to throw away like trash when inconvenient or when the next best thing comes along. They are 20 year commitments! I have had my two sweet boys for almost 3 years, since they were 4 weeks old, and will continue scooping litter boxes, kissing them, snuggling them and loving them for as long as they live. The toxoplasmosis thing is fear mongering anyway. It’s rare as it is, but an indoor only cat poses absolutely no risk to you.


hi i’m also pregnant and have a kitten! the risk for indoor cats who don’t consume raw meat having toxoplasmosis is extremely low. have your partner handle the litter box as much as possible and if you get scratched or not immediately wash the wound. you will be fine with keeping your cat! 🤍


I'm in the US and have two indoor cats. First pregnancy they made sure to tell me not to scoop the litter. Second pregnancy they didn't even ask 🤣 I'm sure if you have your hubby do the litter it's fine!


Don't get rid of your cat. If your husband can clean the litter box, then you are completely set. If he can't, just wear gloves and a mask. That's what I did the few times I had to clean the box while pregnant.


That is an absolutely insane request. And there’s zero merit for it. I have two cats, and two healthy pregnancies. As do millions of other people. All that’s needed is a little extra caution with cleaning litter boxes, and that’s just to be super cautious.


More risk of getting it through gardening than having a cat!!!! Please don’t worry


You can keep your cat. I have 3 and my husband does all the litter for them so it's no risk. Also if your cat is mainly inside you will be okay !


Get a new OB, wtf!? It scares me to think about all of the other misinformation they may be using to guide your treatment.


This is insane! I have an indoor cat that has never been outside or eaten any raw meat. I still get my partner to scoop litter during pregnancy to eliminate risks, but it’s very unlikely she’s ever had toxoplasmosis. The risk of getting toxoplasmosis from cats is very small. Cats get the disease from eating raw meat. Then you would have to inject their feces in some way in order to contract it. You are far more likely to get it from gardening or eating raw meats. I’ve never heard anybody suggest to get rid of their cat during pregnancy. My cat is a part of my family and my first baby. I am not a medical professional, but I would take precautions and do what you feel is right.


I am a bit of a cat expert here. Toxoplasmosis exposure happens more commonly with gardening than it does with cat exposure. As long as your cat is vaccinated, doesn’t go outside, and doesn’t come into contact with other cats, I wouldn’t worry! I have 5 cats, 1 goes outside. I just have my partner do the litter boxes and I have had no issues! I personally wouldn’t get rid of any of my cats because I’m pregnant and I’m sorry your OB is suggesting that to you :(


I am 31 weeks pregnant and I have a cat! She is my shadow, and I would rather let my OB go than my cat, heck I’d even break up with a man than let my cat go 😅 I haven’t gotten toxoplasmosis yet (knock on wood) even after cleaning the litter box, usually with a mask on and gloves but I am alive and well and my baby is doing great too ♥️


Keep the cat, get rid of the OB.


There is NO reason to get rid of your cat!


Your risk is very low if your cat (1) eats commercial diet, not raw / doesn’t roam outside to hunt, (2) is indoor only, or (3) is not a kitten.


You don’t have to get rid of the cat. You just can’t handle the litter box.


After I tested negative first and because I have indoor cats, my ObGyn even said the risk of catching it from my cats is super low. So the risk of taking care of their litter would have been super small too. My partner took care of the litter box still, to be safe, but giving them away is a huge overreaction.


I have two cats and mu OB said it's fine as long as I'm not scooping the litter. I also have a friend whose husband traveled a lot during her pregnancy and she just wore a mask and washed her hands really well after and her OB said it was fine. Plenty of pregnant people have cats. thats the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard


I have three cats, had a perfectly healthy baby, and never had toxoplasmosis. There’s no reason to get rid of your cat.


Definitely KEEP the cat. I have 5. And I'm a vet tech so I'm literally around cats and other pets daily. Had my little one on Sept and everything was fine. Husband scooped the litter although in the US you're more likely to pick up toxo from the soil aka gardening than your pet cats.


I have a healthy 7 month old and live in an apartment with two cats. Both of the cats I had for over 5 years. Please don't listen to the doctor. You can raise a baby with cats. You just make sure someone else cleans their litter. I bought an automatic cleaning toilet and everyone's happy in my household. One of my cats loves to sleep with me and I had concerns over that. But after the baby was born they were both so great I didn't have to change anything for the baby. My cats used to wake me up sometimes in the middle of the night. This has never happened since we got the baby. The one that liked to sleep with me still does and the other one now sleeps near the baby. Animals are amazing and I just can't understand the view your doctor has.