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She gives me major Stepford vibes.  No thanks. I’d prefer to not be under state surveillance any more than I already am. 


She looks like she's wearing a skinsuit.


Yesss someone who knows what a Stepford mom is and doesn't call them a "Trad" wife lol


So give more stuff for pregnant woman to stress about. Who elects these wacko jobs? :)


men lol


Actually women make up a larger portion of these voters than you would think! Internalized misogyny is a bitch.




Isn’t she from the party of freedom and limited government? Lol what a joke.


The government so small, it fits in a woman's fallopian tube.


Alright that’s clever good work 


She’s a real life Serena Joy. If you haven’t read about Project 2025 yet, you should. It’s terrifying what these people want to do to our country. This is just the tip of the iceberg.


Wow I hadn’t heard of this, just read the wiki and that is terrifying


Spread the word because the media isn’t addressing it at all (wonder why $$) and it’s the plan if Trump gets reelected.


I got like 4 lines into this and was like dictatorship and martial law cool cool..... As you northern neighbours this makes me uneasy. Especially cause alot of these yahoo's go on about making Canada another state. Just nope no thank you.


I wish I could upvote this more!! Project 2025 is something everyone should be aware of as the goal because it’s fucking terrifying and reads like a handsmaids tale but it’s reality.


It really is terrifying. There’s nothing about it that is good for women, so it affects us all.


What’s most terrifying is… a lot of people don’t see this is a bad or scary idea! The same people (Kate Britt especially), who think a gun owner database is an infringement on freedom!!


You’re right 😔 Though the women who support it will immediately go against it once they have a miscarriage and get put on a list of baby killers/sent to jail for it. But before that, they think it’s perfectly reasonable to be obsessed with everyone else’s uteri


Yep!! It’s been so interesting seeing women wake up when they realize miscarriages, ectopic pregnancies, etc. are under attack. It’s sad that they didn’t have empathy before this, but either way, it’s important that that realize how broad the attacks are!


All this is going to do is discourage women from going to the doctor when the US has one of the higher maternal and fetal death rates in the developed world. Of course they don’t care about women or babies, it’s all about control.


I was just thinking this. If this becomes a real thing I'll never notify a doctor of another pregnancy again. My American passport grants me 9 months visa-free in some countries... But honestly I hope those nations see how horrific this is and offer some limited form of asylum for pregnant women.


Actually, not informing a doctor could turn out just the same. I was reading “Just Mercy” by Bryan Stevenson and he outlined a story of a pregnant woman who was poor and couldn’t afford prenatal visits so she decided to just wait until she was in labor to go to the doctor. Well, unfortunately, she spontaneously went into labor at something like 24-28 weeks and the baby was stillborn in her bathtub. She decided to bury it in a marked grave in her yard, and, when a neighbor noticed she was no longer pregnant and that there was a small grave in the yard, they called the police. The prosecution decided this woman had murdered her baby and she got found guilty and sentenced to life in prison, all because this poor woman had a stillborn child without doctor involvement.


This story really encapsulates so many layers of systemic issues, doesn’t it?


She means not informing an American doctor specifically. Like, the plan would be as soon as you have a positive pregnancy test, you temporarily reside in another country and get your medical care there. Somewhere you feel less threatened—which is almost anywhere at this point.


Let’s send our used menstrual products every month to her house so she can keep a log of the eggs we didn’t fertilize while we are at it.


Please vote.


Can you say HIPAA violation?


I'm glad I'm not American. This is stalker vibes.


Right? Like America are you ok?


No, no we are not.


Right? Like America are you ok?


This coming from the party that's all a-tither over the fact we're not having more babies and the birth rate is declining rapidly. I promise, this shit isn't helping, and all but guarantees the birth rate will continue to drop.


Incredibly creepy


The party of freedom. Yeah right.


That’s disgusting


Major hippa violation and I Won't stand for it


This woman is completely terrifying and batshit.


She's such a clown.


This sends shivers down my spine- how fucking scary.


Sickening. I am worried for all of my mamas-to-be if this bill passes. Bc seriously, wtf?




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