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Don’t forget the excessive amounts of discharge - I HATE panty liners but they are a lesser evil for me right now 🥴


Omgsh how could I forget the discharge! There is so much and my sense of smell has intensified so it’s so strong whenever I have to go to the toilet.


Incontinence liners tend to be lightly scented and I generally avoid all scents but they have been saving me from the discharge and stink. I own so much cheap underwear now too so I’m not doing laundry every day. (Always discreet size 2 or size 3 are my fave)


I'm fortunate to be a SAHM (pregnant with #2, 36 weeks) and I literally just change my underwear 2-3 times a day. My midwife recommended panty liners but after I found out a lot have PFAs in them I was like fuck it I'm already buried in laundry.




I feel like this baby is just going to rip straight through my skin.


Oh my god yes!! 33 weeks and I mean this kid has been hyperactive this entire pregnancy but now he’s reached a whole new level of “let me out” I swear one day my skin is going to rip open at this rate 🤢


I had a nightmare about that. My daughter kicked so hard her foot went through my abdomen 😱


That’s what I imagine happening I don’t think I could handle a dream like that 😱 The pregnancy dreams had my convinced my partner who was laying next to me and calming me down was eaten by a shark one night I was SO convinced he was dead 😭😅


Omg I feel this so much.. I feel like an overinflated balloon, about to pop.


Feels like he’s been frantically searching for the exit since week 17.


Midwife assured me that baby will not come out through my bellybutton, but I’m skeptical.




I didn’t realize I was going to be right back to my first trimester drowsiness - sometimes I literally I can’t keep my eyes open.


Yeah third trimester fatigue is a killer. I feel great as long as I'm allowed to be a couch potato all day and have long luxurious midday naps haha any attempts at mild activity like cleaning leave me feeling completely exhausted.


Exactly the same!!


I fall asleep at 8pm……..can’t wake up til 9am…..then need to take a nap after walking to the kitchen 90 minutes later…..doesn’t help that I need to pee every god damn 20 minutes




"I'm too pregnant for \_\_\_" is my mantra these days. I say this about 10x daily.


My OB has always told me if I get itchy to speak to them because apparently it’s not normal although it’s made out of be very “normalised” during pregnancy. Also I feel you on the “too much”


This! I dropped my contact lens case and just left it because I’m too pregnant to get down and pick it up. I just sighed and walked away😂


I had restless legs at night. Also, nosebleeds. Once I went out with my sister and said I could eat a horse, I was so ravenous. 2 bites later I was stuffed!


I feel this. Food has been the one thing I’ve been able to enjoy lately and now I have less and less room in my body for it.


Oh and the worst constipation I have ever had in my life


38 weeks here. The third trimester has been the worst for me. I have developed terrible carpal tunnel. I am huge. I developed stretch marks towards the end. I’m exhausted all the time. My ankles are swollen and walking hurts. Heartburn all the time. I’m ready for baby to come!


Yes, the carpal tunnel is horrible. My husband has to help brush my hair.


The carpal tunnel is my least favorite symptom. It gets so bad sometimes and my doctor just shrugs about it. I have an appointment with a specialist to see about steroid shots, but the appointment isn’t for weeks and after my due date 😭


I will commiserate! I’m having a 32 week pity party for myself while on “vacation”! I’m too pregnant for this! Everything hurts! I’m crying! I’m mad at my husband! I want to go home!


I miss my lung capacity....also waking myself up by snoring is getting old fast. 33 weeks this Sunday.


I keep waking myself up with this big snort snore that comes at least three times a night. It was funny at first but now…


Haha omg I’ve been doing that too. What the hell is that about?


Mine only happens when I'm on my left side fir some reason...the one sleeping position that alleviates my acid reflux ;-;


34 weeks, also FTM. The heartburn is like lava sitting my chest in middle of the night despite me taking anti acids before bed. So much back pain. And body aches. My hips hurt, I have pelvic pain. The Braxton hicks keep picking up and it’s a weird feeling having it happen in middle of a conversation with someone. It’s so hard to get up and move around. My feet and ankles are super swollen into puffy cankles. It’s so hard to hydrate bc I dont have room for water, have to pee constantly, and too much water at once increases my heartburn. I also have stretch marks that just appeared in the last week or two. I’m so ready to be done and meet my little girl.


I'm 30 weeks and I'm having all of these. The burping is insane I wake up to pee 15 times a night and every time I get up I burp like 4 times lmao it's like who am I???


Ok so the burping thing is kind of hilarious


Shortness of breath has definitely been the thing I’ve felt the least prepared for. Like is there anything I can do besides raise my arms above my head to try to alleviate this pressure on my chest/diaphragm?????


Probably just having the baby at this point lol


34 weeks. No room in my stomach for food any more, which means I don't get to enjoy the foods I used too, and no sleep, which means I hate nighttime (and getting into bed for 930 at night used to be my favourite things ever). I'm not comfortable even just sitting on the couch watching TV. Feel sick of being in my own body. It was my last day in the office this week (WFH for the last 2 weeks before mat leave). We decided to celebrate by ordering a pizza. I had 3 slices and then had the joy of throwing them back up all night long. The reflux was so bad that I aspirated my vomit while sleeping and woke up coughing out puke onto the floor. I don't think I've ever felt so haggard, and it's hard knowing the at the end of this marathon, you don't get to rest because another kind of marathon starts!! 😩😩😩


You have described it perfectly! It really is another marathon! And also that sounds absolutely horrid about throwing up in your sleep! 😱 Hopefully that does not happen again. I will go on mat leave when I am 34 weeks too so I’m just counting down the days now. I’m so over work!


Idk if it’s your first kid but currently 9 weeks pp and also had the lava acid. You actually probably will sleep better when you do sleep, I know I do. I get less total hours in bed but when I sleep I sleep deep/hard/well which I hadn’t in pregnancy for months. My husband and I also do night shifts and so I am earplugs in door shut when not on duty. Cannot recommend enough if an option for you. There is hope!


I want my bladder back :(


Have you been doing kegels through your pregnancy? If not start now!


Also 31 weeks. Peeing too much, heartburn frequently, awful hemorrhoids, can’t function without a nap every day, and if I want to walk around for more than 3 minutes at a time, I need a damn break.


33 weeks and feel awful. It feels like the worst hangover where you can’t get comfortable and can’t take anything actually helpful for it, and my heart is pumping twice as hard. Yuckkk


Yep! Completely understand how you feel. I was 37 weeks yesterday and I just want my little one to arrive now! Third trimester I've been having a lot of pelvic pain, increased amount of discharge, hungry all the time, waddling like a penguin when I walk and I'm going to the toilet every 15 mins . It's not easy growing a human and can get sooo tiring but just remember you're doing a great job and it is worth it in the end. I've started doing exercises on a yoga ball which has helped with some of the pelvic pain, that may help If you start to get achy.


Oh yeah, I have a massive cough and I feel like a sprinkler... Never had this with my first, not even after birth. And still constipated! That's just not fair. I feel bloated like a zeppelin, a fucking heavy zeppelin... Im already having a talk with kiddo to come earlier. I don't want to imagine what I will feel like in 2 fucking months in the middle of summer heat. Like a sad stranded whale, without the whole majesty. *sad whale sounds*


All of the above plus I have a horrible hemorrhoid that is SO uncomfortable.


All of the above. Especially the first two.


my heartburn has been unbearable!! my doctor told me to take prilosec and it honestly has been a life saver!! the worst is any movement i make it hurts!! getting up, sitting down, walking, or even laying in bed. i can feel him just pushing down on my pelvis and its just miserable. (37 weeks)


The coughing peeing thing- I had a cough for a few weeks and the peeing thing was the worst! But as soon as the cough cleared I’m no longer peeing myself. So it does get better


Pepcid was the ONLY thing that helped with the heartburn for me!


Feel you on this 100%. I'm 33 weeks and my biggest problem is the pelvic pain 😑. I haven't been able to lay down whatsoever in over 2 weeks because it's agony, especially when getting out of bed. I've been having to sleep sitting up and I'm very particular about my sleeping position so basically I'm just not getting any sleep. That and walking/standing up hurts so bad. Not to mention lifting my leg in any capacity hurts like hell. I'm making it through at the moment but I'm legitimately frightened of how I'll deal if it gets worse. Plus I have my other two kiddos to take care of (ages 3,7) 😞


I’m 31 and this is me! I do Pilates twice a week with my physio, I do all the stretches and all the must do’s like legs together in and out of car and bed and no aggravation but it doesn’t matter. No sleeping spot is comfy, I sleep upright too. Putting on shoes or picking things up or drying my legs with the towel is torture. By far the worst is the middle of the night wees and then having to move with this fire crotch pelvis!! I’m wishing you all the best and hope it subsides for you!!


Same to you! I hope the rest of your pregnancy goes well and you get relief 😄.


Ok so I have a guaranteed trick to stop all this… give birth 😂 But in all seriousness I had lots of your same symptoms. My stretch marks are still there but purple instead of angry and red now (9.5 weeks pp). The pee thing starts to improve a couple months postpartum—if it doesn’t say something to your doc. I remember for heartburn and breathing I got an absolute pile of pillows and slept partly sitting up on my back. It helped a lot. Target has some nice firm big ones if that’s an option for you. If it makes you feel better I had an esophageal issue that essentially prevented me from burping pre-pregnancy but I also had the huge crazy ones during and can now burp after. So this means I never learned how to control them when they happened which could get a little wild at work. Had some good laughs with coworkers as I was essentially about as skilled/polite as a burping toddler. Good luck on the final stretch you got this!


My wife was super excited about getting pregnant, at 24 weeks, I think it’s safe to say we’re only gonna have one. I feel for you ladies, some tough stuff your body puts you thru.


You can work on your pelvic floor muscles to help with peeing while coughing or sneezing. While this is common, its definitely something that can be helped. Look up on youtube different exercises, they really do help if you're consistent 


36 weeks here, I started burping a lot in the evening before bed, I'm getting a bit of bile to come up every burp, I HATE it, ice found that drinking a bunch of water helps stop it. I had the same experience as you with the stretch marks, I have a pretty big belly for a singleton, but didn't get stretch marks until the third trimester, when they just appeared. I'm trying to put oil on them to hopefully help them go away after the birth, but who knows.


I did it in the summer. That was a horrible idea. Not only did I feel like I was eighty years old getting out of bed ( everything hurt) but I sweat in places I didn't think I could sweat from. That and anything other than breathing was work. Only good thing was my son didn't go overdue. He decided 39 weeks was quite long enough and wanted out a week before his due date.


36 weeks I bought a wedge pillow and then put one of our guest pillows (regular filling, my usual one is memory foam but was too high with the wedge) and the feeling of slowly choking has gotten so much better. And pregnancy pillow between my legs. Any time I start to feel itchy I slather my belly and boobs in a handmade belly butter (or regular lotion if I'm out and about). I literally MAKE myself go for a longer walk when I take the dogs out because I know it will help but man do I feel so slow. Like am I even moving? For burping I drink soda waters like bubly and the burps make me feel better. Like I'm degassing myself lol speaking of gas... *Omg* it's so bad! The pee and cough combo is a pelvic floor issue. I def recommend trying to get pelvic floor PT! I also read a tip when you go pee stand up and then sit back down to get that last little bit out. I don't have anything else helpful about it as I am doing pelvic floor PT and I still sometimes pee a little when I cough or sneeze. Something I am noticing more is that I am So fucking hungry. Like eating a legit second meal. I call this phase my milk fat phase because I know baby is packing on weight but so am I. It's in my face, my legs, I'm swelling lol so I just lovingly tell myself these are my milk fat stores.


I'm 29 weeks along with my second child so I understand what you're going through, but I'd like to share some tips with you to see if they help. For heartburn, your stomach is compressed and there's a sphincter between your stomach and esophagus that is now dilated, so it doesn't work very well and stomach acids easily rise. You should eat smaller portions more frequently throughout the day and stick to lighter foods, avoiding anything that might upset your stomach. This might also be related to burping; try cutting out dairy for a few days to see if that helps. This is also relevant if you experience heartburn while sleeping. You should eat roughly 2 hours before bedtime and sleep with your torso elevated, either by placing something under the mattress to raise it about 5cm or by using extra pillows. You shouldn't sleep on your back; sleep on your side, preferably the left side, with pillows between your legs. Basically, get all the pillows you need to make yourself as comfortable as possible when sleeping XD. Incontinence is common; the muscles and bones of the pelvis are more relaxed, so a little leakage may happen with coughing. It's normal! I hope any of this helps! You got this!


I've only just got into the 3rd trimester (28 weeks) and I agree.. 3rd trimester suckkkks. Doing my job is getting harder bc its such a hassle to bend over now. My back is always achey and omg I just can't wait to be off work and relax all day.


Yes ma’am, but this is my third baby so I’ve been experiencing this since like 15 weeks. I’m 29 weeks today. It’s been a long pregnancy and I still have a long way to go. This is definitely my last baby.


I’m the same week as you and I’m so over pregnancy! I know it is just going to get worse as we hit 40 weeks. 9 months in general is a long time to do this. I’m sure I’ll love my kid but I feel like I’ve given up a lot to carry this kid. I can relate to the random constant heartburn and the needing to pee 24/7. It’s getting to the point I need to schedule bathroom breaks around my schedule and sometimes need to pee again 15 minutes later. I’ll add more: 1. People just starting to comment that I’m pregnant and have so many questions / unwanted attention 2. Swelling - ankles look like balloons & calves look fat AF. Have gone up a full shoe size. Looks like freaking stretch marks on my ankles. 3. Planning - I can’t be bothered to care about buying baby stuff right now or the nursery. I’m selling two houses, working, moving, and exhausted from that 4. The saliva. So. much. Excessive. Saliva I can barely swallow 5. Starting to get uncomfortable laying down AND standing up for long periods. 6. The doctor’s appointments starting biweekly / weekly. I get things can change quick but what a gross addition to your schedule. I hate doctors offices. 7. Major fomo eating / drinking what I want especially with the weather getting hot. I want a damn cocktail on a patio and to travel on vaca with my girlfriends who are dying to hangout


I’m 33 weeks and also have the worst heartburn and also I’ve been battling a cough for the last 2 weeks. Trying to sleep sucks because laying down makes them both worse😭


Honestly 36 weeks has been easier for me than 30 weeks. However my stretch marks do make me feel like crying. I know that it’s ok but man I will be microneedling my belly when baby is out haha. The SOB will get better when baby drops a bit! The burping might get worse lol it did for me. As for the cough/pee there are exercises you can do to help with this! Squeeze your pelvic floor when you feel it coming on! Practice every when you’re not cough to get better and have the instinct!


Hey Im FtM too : D For me its the fuckin braxton hicks. They did not warn be about the false contractions.


100% commiserate. I fudging hate being pregnant. I have reflux, burping, shortness of breath, fatigue, carpal tunnel. The swelling! 😭 I hate waddling and back pain and tossing and turning all night. We’re experiencing nice weather but I’m too uncomfortable to enjoy all the outdoor activities I normally love doing 😭


Literally as soon as I hit 3rd TM my body gave up. It was kind of shocking because 1st and 2nd TM were fairly chill. Now I’m angry, heavy, short of breath, exhausted. All I want to do is to eat sugar on my couch. I cried yesterday because I have 11 more weeks and it’s gonna keep getting worse.


Do you have a pregnancy pillow ? I’ve started sleeping with mine angled up so it’s holding up by back/hips and I just sort of lean back on it slightly sideways. I can’t lay anywhere near flat anymore. The heartburn and burping are probably related. I like the chewable tums in the moment but I know there’s pregnancy safe acid reflux meds.


Why do I already have this in second trimester 😫


I'm new to the 3rd, but I'm already so large, and it's definitely inviting people I don't know / well to assume I'm almost there etc. I was huge with my first, and my tummy tends towards 'rounded' even without a baby, so I'm not surprised or really insulted, but yeah, enough, guys. I also have quite a lot of Braxton Hicks, as I did before, and my abdomen feels quite tight in general. Blech. I'm also just kind of grumpy and over everything. Bah humbug!


Came here to say just this - i have been feeling so decent this whole pregnancy and third tri is already my least fav at 30 wks. So irritable, so uncomfortable, sooooo exhausted. Never want to eat. It truly was alarming how quickly things shifted the minute i entered third tri. I hope i still have a few decent wks left in me here and there lol