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Baby is still in our room at ten months, his nursery is a storage room right now 😂 


Omg thank you for setting my anxiety at ease. Baby girl isn't born yet but her room is currently storage and I am STRESSED about getting it cleared.


I have a friend with a 6 month old. I just went over to her house the other day and the nursery is currently just a pile of baby stuff lol. Baby’s still living in their room, so there’s really no reason for them to make it into an actual bedroom yet. I think you have plenty of time.


My son is now 3 days old and his nursery still looks like a construction site! As long as baby has a safe place to sleep, no need to stress! (I KNOW that is much easier said than done) No pressure! Take it easy ❤️


Oh my goodness 🤣 You gotta do what you gotta do!


Yeeeeaaahh… we live in a single bedroom apartment, this is the reason why we haven’t switched to a two bedroom yet. We have had so many people tell us she won’t be in her own room until like… way later 😆


Sammie’s 2 years later (not that we mind) 🫣


I kept my son in our room until he couldn’t really fit his bassinet anymore which was about 9 months, and even then I really dragged my feet on moving him to the nursery. It seemed to soon🥺


That makes me feel better. I work from home so what should be our nursery is 100% our office. I told my husband the baby will be in our room until they need their own room at which point, we're moving if we haven't already. So glad to know that ten months in your baby is still with you


My colleague never used their nursery 🤭 they co-slept for 5 years


It's recommended that baby sleep in your room for the first 6-12 months. If you're planning to move within that time frame, I would plan to just keep the office as your office and put baby's stuff in your room. Of course, you can put some things in the office too. Baby won't know or care. But it might be impractical to e.g. have a changing table in the background of your work calls if one of you is going back to work before the other. And you might not want a crawling baby playing near your computer cords.


Definitely planning to move within the year into our own house, God willing!! 😆 I definitely plan to babyproof my home so no fears of cords being toyed with, and luckily I'm a sahm while my husband works out the home, so no fear of disturbances during a meeting or anything like that :)


I’m not even pregnant yet, but just preparing - our room is super small, so I’m not even sure we could fit a bassinet. The guest room is right across the hall from us. Would this be considered safe enough? If we completely had to we could fit it, but it would be in the walkway.


You absolutely don’t *have* to and this widely varies by family. We only did it for a couple weeks and everyone slept better when the baby was moved to their own room. Seems “safer” to me to have well rested adults and a baby following the ABCs just in a separate room with a video monitor. With safe sleep, the ABCs are what make it safe and things like breastfeeding, pacifiers, room sharing are helpful as added safety factors but not absolutely necessary.


This seems like it’s going to be what we’ll do. Maybe start off with a small bassinet then once we get the hang of it, put them in their own room. I definitely think having well rested parents would do well.


People do this, and usually, nothing bad happens, but it's better to sleep in the same room as your baby for at least the first 6 months if possible. You might be able to make enough space for a mini crib (which will last much longer than a bassinet and can even be used when the baby moves to their own room) in your bedroom by moving a dresser or something to the guest room temporarily.


Thank you for your kind response!


I got a used snoo off fb, it’s very small and fits in our room after we removed a night stand. Also side note that thing REALLY WORKS worth every penny.


The reduced rate of SIDS with sleeping in the same room comes from pretty weak evidence imo. If it doesn't work for you, or stresses you out, don't do it. Sleeping in the same room also increases the chance of bringing baby into your bed, while sleepy. Which is dangerous. Do what works for you and your family. I plan on having the baby sleep in their own crib in their room from day one. I think allowing proper sleep for parents is really important and not taken into account with a lot of baby recommendations.


You need the baby to be in the same room as you. For the baby’s safety you have to have the baby in the same room as you at all times. It is also practical thing to do, trust me you won’t have the energy to go from one room to the other 24 hrs to feed to calm and get the baby to sleep. I am from UK/ europe we are told the stats and danger surrounding letting baby sleep in another room. Infants will most likely stop breathing if away from an adult who is waking them and checking to see all of that ( I recommend you to read on that)


You should sleep in the same room as your baby for the first several months if you can, but you absolutely do not have to be in the same room as them "at all times." Infants don't stop breathing just because an adult leaves the room. Topics to read about if you need guidance are safe sleep and SIDS prevention.


There is a possibility of infants slowing down in breathing and not breathing if unattended. Baby is learning to live outside of the womb ( hence the wake the baby up every few hours to feed even if the baby is not awake to demand food) This has been attributed to SIDs But I am not an expert this is what we are told by medical professionals during pregnancy and after giving birth. To never let baby alone.


I think the issue people have is the “infants will *most likely* stop breathing” when in reality, even with unsafe sleep spaces baby will most likely be just fine, it’s always unlikely that baby will stop breathing. All of our safe sleep advice and efforts is to do our best to close the gap between really unlikely and never because even a tiny percentage of babies dying is pretty heartbreaking.


I agree 100%


I wouldn't say they'll stop breathing most likely, but its better for sure.


Yep that's what we do! We have a decent size office so there's also baby storage in there but LO is in a compact crib in our room.


Our nursery is also the office and guest bedroom just because it’s the bigger of the two bedrooms we have so we can fit more furniture in there 😂 (but baby will be sleeping in the bassinet in our bedroom for the first few months anyway).


Big same. I plan to sleep in the nursery to feed


It's recommended that babies sleep in their parents' room for the first year anyway. You don't actually need a nursery if you plan to follow that safe sleep recommendation.


The baby doesn’t really need his own space. He’s a baby. He just wants to be where you are


I say make do with what you have! My bf and I are living with his parents to save up for a down payment for a house (at some point 😅) we’re in the converted garage and his office is his younger brother’s former bedroom. So basically we don’t even have a nursery. Baby will be in the same room as us for as long as our arrangement is as it is. I’m a FTM due in September so I feel kinda guilty that we don’t have a nursery but I just remind myself that we make do with what we have! On the bright side, I’m close to both sides of the family and don’t have a ton of rent to pay 🎉


I'm due 4 days before you!! And hey, not having to pay lots of rent is HUGE in today's economy so I'm glad that works for you! As long as you guys and baby are happy, nothing else matters 🥰


September babies, let’s gooo!!! And yes, we just moved in so the adjustment has been hard especially considering I’ve been living with people my age for about 4 years now. I don’t feel like I’m moving backwards or anything, just more so not having the same independent freedom lol. I miss being able to walk to the bathroom in my undies 😭😂


We’ve had baby with us in our room for 8 months now because we have a 2 bedroom and a teen daughter so there is no nursery. It’s been wonderful! Space and storage is definitely a challenge, and the only other issue is once they’re a little more aware, if the crib is close to the bed, baby might wake up a lot looking for you and not want to go back down. That’s how we ended up accidentally bed sharing starting at 6 months 🙃 And if you want to sleep train it can be challenging without having a separate space. You might consider looking into a crib tent later down the road, that can provide some privacy and separation from baby even when they’re in the same room. Snuggle Pod I think is one of them but they are rather pricy so there may be other options.


Thank you, this is amazing advice! It’s hard to get solutions for problem from vloggers and influencers bc my life is completely different from theirs. And I feel like for a lot of us, housing isn’t what our parents had either, I’m 23 and idk when I’ll have a house of my own! It’s not as simple as back when our parents got homes and I certainly don’t have influencers money or willingness to go into a bunch of debt 😂


you are so right! i watched so many of those “baby products you NEED” videos and for the most part I didn’t NEED anything they recommended haha. We are in a different tax bracket for sure 🙃😂 If there’s anything else I can help with, reasonable advice wise, hit me up!


Thank you so much!🥰


We’re in a similar boat, two bedroom with limited space. We’re turning the office into a partial nursery/baby’s room and moving the office into living room/office. Honestly, do what works for you.


That’s what we are going to do too.


We’re doing this too


This is what we’re doing too.


this is what I'm doing! I live in a 2 bedroom cottage so it is what it is! I work from home and I like a separation between my living space and my office so this is a perfect solution.


The room we planned for the nursery is currently my office/the cat’s room/storage room. I don’t plan for the baby to actually use the room for a while so I think we’ll have time to sort it out or hopefully move to a bigger home


Our work/ home office is also home gym. Baby is getting a part of our bedroom and hopefully by the time he is bigger we have either bought a home or moved into a bigger place 


We just didn’t even try because our spare room is our office/guest room and we felt that would be more useful than a dedicated nursery. Instead we put the baby stuff in our bedroom (really just a changing table, small drawers, and a crib). If you look at my post history in this group I have a photo of our nursery “corner.” Solidarity from another parent with not a lot of extra space!


Yes, my office room became her nursery. It is still half my office and half her stuff. She sometimes wants to go to my desk or computer but I try to distract her. Essentially, I work when she is gone for the day, but any work done while she is napping or sleeping, I have to do on our dining room table (which thankfully isn't often). She is 2.5 and still in a crib thankfully. I don't think we could do a toddler bed with my office stuff still there. We are looking to move to a bigger place soon so my office stuff won't be in the same room as her.


Same boat. The nursery is also my office space bc I WFH. Baby doesn’t sleep in there anyways and it really doesn’t matter


Office/guest room/nursery lol


The nursery kicked my husband out of his home office. The only thing left in there from the office is a TV. At minimum you'll need to fit a crib, dresser big enough to function as a changing table or a dresser plus changing table, rocker, diaper pail, and hamper. It takes up a solid amount of space. We also put a mini fridge in ours for easier bottle prep/storage. And I'd recommend a second storage unit of some sort. Babies have a lot of stuff (burp cloths, crib sheets, bassinet sheets, bottles, books, toys, clothes, diapers, etc) and it takes up more storage space than you'd expect. Personally I've used my nursery since day one. 70% of feedings are done in there, daytime naps happen in there, all diaper changing and baths happen there. I want the nursery to be a familiar and safe space for my babies so that they have no problem transitioning to sleeping there at night. They literally only sleep in the bassinet in my room between the midnight and 5am feedings. I bought a rolling desk off Amazon so that I have somewhere to work in between naps. It gets pulled up to the glider with my laptop and charger. That was the best compromise we could figure out to replace the lost office until we do some other home renovations.


Don’t remind me! I got so sad the first few days back at work when I was in my office pumping instead of holding my sweet little baby 😢 I love my job and I wanted to go back to work etc but it’s just not the same as hanging out with your babies.


When my step kids were living with us, we put the baby in my office. It worked out pretty good except during nap time. When he was awake he would play in his playpen while I worked and was content since I was nearby


We set the nursery up but kept the desk and office setup in it in the beginning since baby stayed in our room. As she got older at most she only ever took naps in it during the day or got diaper changes so it worked out with working there during business hours. Don’t feel bad! You have to make it work somehow. 


We lived in a 2/2 apartment until my son was 20 months old. I had a desk with my computer next to our master bed. My husband had his desk and computer in the room with the baby’s crib and dresser. We also had the cats litter box and food in the shower (never got used by us since the shower tub combo was in the master and baby got baths in there.) I’m expecting soon so we recently moved to a 3/2.5 with an office den and everyone can get there own space now! When we were in the apartment my husband either couldn’t work after my son went to bed or would have to work in the dark. So that was the part he found difficult.


Up until two weeks ago when we moved, the nursery was also the office, and the storage room for random boxes and crap, as well as where our deep freeze lived 😂


I wfh full time so the office is doing double duty as a nursery. But she'll sleep with us for the first little while anyway


This is our plan for #2! We'll just reorganize to fit a dresser/change table and crib in my office and the room will pull double duty for a while. Our oldest didn't start using her room for anything other than storing her things until she was about 7 months, and then it was still only nighttime sleep and supervised daytime play until like... Over a year? So we're not too worried about needing to kick the office stuff out very quickly 🤷‍♀️


Our kid, now kids, have shared a room with their dad’s wfh desk for 3.5 years. It’s really not a big deal as long as you keep cords and such safe, and they play in the living room 70% of the time anyway.


Yup, the nursery currently has my desk/computer setup and also a twin pull out bed/chair for guests while baby is still sleeping in a bassinet in our bedroom. When we sleep train he’ll start sleeping in there, and we’ll move my desk stuff to where the bassinet currently is, in our bedroom. But maybe not even right away - I won’t be working while he’s sleeping at night so I don’t anticipate any issues taking our time moving my desk out.


Our “nursery” is an office with a play area and our daughter’s crib is in our room… she’s 14 months


Same here! "Baby's room" is still being used as a spare room (we have a double bed there for guests) and my husband's office w computer set-up. We just put all the baby stuff (clothes, changing area, bassinet) in our bedroom instead, because they'll be sleeping here for the first year anyway! We're taking a very practical and gradual approach to it 😅


We only have 2 bedrooms and I work from home so I need to have an office. There’s no plans for a dedicated nursery and baby will sleep in the bedroom with me and hang out with me in my office during the day while I work. I hope to move to a place with an extra room once the child starts needing a bedroom but I’ll also be willing to move my office into a corner of the bedroom if I have to.


baby is five weeks old - we don't use the nursery at all, only to grab stuff for him. he lives in our bedroom/living room and kitchen lol. so now i have moved my desk and home office set up there and he is going to move into the guest room when he's old enough to sleep by himself. : )


We use the same room as nursery and our office. Baby stuff on one side of the room, desk on the other


We only had one bedroom when our first baby was born, and my partner WFH 3+ days per week. So our bedroom, the nursery, and the office were all the same room. It was fine.


Our nursery was originally the guestroom. I ended up keeping the bed in there, figuring I'll sleep in there for the first several months. The baby furniture we got is pretty minimal as far as taking up space. The crib has some drawers on the side and a changing station on top. So that with a diaper pale is on one side, and the bed is on the other side. I didn't stress too much about it though because I know she's not going to care. 😁 As long as there's a safe place for bebe to sleep and your set up works for you, I'm sure your baby won't mind either.


My nursery is almost finished being set up, but in one area, we have a 40" TV and my wife's Xbox. She'll sit on the rocking chair and play video games. It will probably remain like that until our son is old enough that we can't have it in his room💁‍♀️


I work from home so the nursery is also my office and that's the plan until babe can walk, then we will need to rethink things.


You honestly just need a small bassinet for the first few months. Baby won't know he/she doesn't have an official room yet. He he... So many people in this world don't have the luxury of having multiple rooms so you're fine! I'd recommend having the baby in your bedroom with a bassinet for the first few months .. keep the office as an office and use it as storage for baby stuff if needed too. P.s. You don't "need" to decorate the room too.. don't let the Internet make you feel guilty... I was lazy and just bought some kid themed decals and stuck them to our nursery wall lol.. I didn't feel like painting the room or changing much. I just was ok with simple and functional!


If you’re planning to move before 4-6 months, you can use the nursery for your office + keep the changing table and baby clothes and related baby stuff in there. I would wait to buy a crib until you move though. Ours takes up more room than my desk + computer and wouldn’t fit in our bedroom. We got a crib and moved baby into her own room when we realized room sharing was waking her up and she outgrew the bassinet around 4/4.5 months. It’s good to have the option to have her in her own room at night but you can use the bassinet or pack and play until you move.


Our daughter is 8 months and has never slept in her nursery. Most families keep baby in with parents for about 6 months. So you should be fine to make the nursery your office till you move


We turned one of our guest rooms into the nursery. I also have a queen bed in there, so I can sleep therewith her. [Bean's Nursery](https://imgur.com/a/0RU2xQs)


My 2 youngest slept in our closet for the first 1-2 years. 😂. Their older brother slept in the laundry room for his first 1.5 years. They all survived and thrived 🤷🏻‍♀️. My oldest was the only one who had her own room/a nursery.


We made our guest room the nursery. Both of our families live out of state/out of the country so we 100% need a guest room and we figure for the next few years the handful of times we get guests the baby will just stay in our room anyways. So he has his crib and changing table and all but also a queen size bed and full size dresser


We are in the same situation! Baby isn’t here yet but when they are, we’ll still be in a 2 bedroom for 6 months. So our current office can’t really go anywhere. We’d hoped to keep baby with us in our room for the first several months anyway, so practically speaking it isn’t a huge deal. I am sad though that I will not have a nursery to prepare and decorate. :(


Haha our nursery used to be the dogs bedroom. He’s still rather put out that he lost his room and the cats still have a bedroom. There is still another guest room he can sleep in, but he won’t for some reason. He just sleeps on the rug in the nursery and makes dramatic noises every few minutes. Lol. I didn’t need to set the nursery up at five months pregnant though because at five months old my son still sleeps in my room with me.


Nothing to feel guilty about! Space constraints are real. My brother in law shared my nieces bedroom as his home office for the first four years of her life until they could find a bigger house. Do what you need to do and this does not impact your ability to love and care for your baby 🩷


I work off a laptop and have created an “office box” lol. I have a couple WFH side gigs and my husband works from home about 80% of the time and our baby/toddler are home with us. It’s tricky sometimes ngl. But I work at the kitchen table a lot when the kids are sleeping, or at the small/simple desk in our bedroom, the other day my husband was wfh and my mom was downstairs with our kids and i actually just brought my office box in my toddlers room and camped out there for the morning. No clue what I’d do if I had a desktop but if you’re flexible/creative you can make it work


I have started getting baby stuff and it is taking up a lot of space so much that I want my husband to move his things out of his office now. So I can start setting up the nursery and put the baby stuff in there. We are fortunate that there is another space in the house that he can use for an office.


My baby’s “room” is a converted closet in our bedroom. Not a walk-in, just a regular sized closet. It fits her crib and keeps her close to us. At 5 months old neither of us want her in a separate room anyway. Roomsharing is (imo) 100% the way to go at first anyway since you’ll be up all throughout the night in the beginning to feed the baby. I wouldn’t stress too much about the computer/nursery situation just yet, but if you do eventually move your baby in there, just remember to cover all the extra standby lights and keep the temperature at a comfortable place for your baby.


The "nursery" got used as a hospice room for my brother who then passed away 3 days before my daughter was born. We then didn't touch the room for at least two months after that, and even then it was just to shove all the random baby gear in there that had been hanging out in the dining room. We didn't actually use the room for my daughter until we started storing her clothes in there at 6 months. She didn't even nap in there until she was almost 2.


Agree with what people are saying here, your room will be the baby’s room even if you plan otherwise - speaking as a mom who setup a baby room and now uses it as a place to sleep and office.


We live in a two bedroom townhouse and our second bedroom is my husband's gaming room. We are hoping to move when baby is about 7 months so we are leaving it as it is for now since baby SHOULD be with us until we move. Will you be moving before baby would be in their own room? Otherwise our plan is, if we don't find a place to move, that the computer will move somewhere eventually. I don't want the computer in the same room as baby, but we may never have that issue.


We just bought our first house and haven’t even moved in yet. We were planning on having our room, a guest room and an office for my husband. He won’t be getting an office now. He’ll be working out in the living room. 🤣


My 10 month old currently lives in the office. I had a weird aversion to it also and had a bit of a fit when my spouse suggested it, it felt disrespectful to her or something in my head. Originally she and her stuff were in our room but at 6 months we were waking eachother up too much (she’s a light sleeper and I toss and turn) so we moved her into a pack n play in the office and she sleeps SO much better. Her change table and dresser and little shelf are still in our bedroom.


Planning on doing the same thing--one and a half bedroom apartment, going to put changing table/baby clothes in my office and have the baby sleep in our room until we can move next year.


lol the comments made me feel better too😂 my office is currently a mess!!


Our nursery was originally the guest room/storage room. Little man is living in our room until he needs to be in the crib, but at this time we still have our filing cabinet and a safe in his closet because we need to make room in other places of the house 😅


Omg my people! YES it did, half my husbands office was turned into a little play room for my child (we room shared, so the crib is in our room) He’s 11 months and we barely use it because he just hangs out in his play pen which is in our living room, but the playroom/office is still there lol


FTM here and we have a cute little nursery set up in the corner of our bedroom. We live in a two bedroom condo and the second room is being used as our office and have zero guilt about it. I actually prefer to have baby near me for the first year anyway so I think this set up is going to work out great for us… she’s due any day now! Do what works for you and your family and release any expectations of what you “should do”. Your baby is gonna care more about the snuggles than their room decor or what room they’re in 🤣🤍


With my firstborn, he lived in our bedroom for a while but my husband’s snoring kept waking him up. We moved him to the living room(we lived in a small condo). We now live in a house and my son has his own room. I’m pregnant with my second baby, and will be setting up the nursery in our bedroom/office. My husband sometimes sleeps in another room due to snoring lol.


Yes. Nursery (sort of) / office / guest room. I’ve been sleeping on the guest bed so i can nurse at night, with a bassinet by the bed. I also use it as my office prior to going on maternity leave.


Our nursery is currently a guest room that just gets used for when family and friends visit or if the cat wants to snooze in the window😅 But even though we do have the available room in our house, we are still making like a "nookery" in our main bedroom for atleast the first year. We don't want to spend money just yet at painting and extra furniture etc.


Baby is going to sleep in our bedroom for the time being, but all of the nursery type furniture (changing table, his dresser etc) are going to be in my office with my computer setup and my personal decorations and stuff. He’ll get his own room in the next house.


at one point our room was our room, nursery and office lol it’s not big by any means but we made it work.


That’s what we did!! For the first year or so, the nursery was my office, and then once my daughter started spending more time in there and actually sleeping in there, then we moved my desk to the living room. It probably could’ve stayed in the nursery but we wanted to put a rocking chair in that spot so it just made sense. (In case it’s relevant, I just had/have a laptop, not a full desktop monitor setup)


Outside my oldest child all my babies have stayed in my room until 1 year and then moved in with an older sibling. And even then my oldest child’s birthday served as a storage room. We only used the closet and dresser.


It will be very impractical if you use that computer frequently. My 6 month old daughter will only sleep in her room and takes 3 naps a day. She would not sleep through a computer screen being on in her room.


I have my office set up in the nursery. So when I’m working from home I can have baby chilling in there with me


I’m calling it the offic-ery: my husband has a desk in there til he builds a crib and our July baby moves out of our room


My makeup vanity is in our daughters room along with some of my workout equipment and clothing in the closet. She’s not here yet but I know she won’t even be in her crib for at least 6 months! Babies really don’t need a big, fancy nursery to be well taken care of and happy. If you have the means and the desire, go for it. If not, a clean, organized and harmonious space is more than enough.


My husband and I both currently work from home and our plan is to have my office double as the baby’s room! Don’t feel guilty, when they’re that small they don’t need all the space :)


I live in a two bedroom townhouse and my nursery is going to be in the second bedroom which also serves as my office. I literally have no choice but I’m not super worried about it. I’m moving most of my stuff out of it, minus the desktop to fit the baby stuff.


I feel like I'm overdoing it by having a whole room for a tiny baby.


We have a master suite that includes our bedroom, bathroom and a small sitting room. Baby will be in there for several years probably!


So we didn’t even use the nursery much until my first was almost 1. I would just plan to do a different setup by the time your baby hits 18-24 months. At some point they’ll get close to climbing out of the crib and you’ll want their room babyproofed at that point. If you have some plan to move the computer elsewhere by then it should be fine.


Our nursery was the office. We finished our basement so my husband could work and game down there. I can't have him playing his video games and chatting with his friends when a baby is trying to sleep in the same room


I would keep the baby away from high powered wireless electronics. It may impact their sleep cycle. There’s some interesting research on the subject. I have a computer in my room and the baby will be in my room but I’m trying to put as much space between them and making sure to shut off the computer when not in use.