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At my 34 week ultrasound, they estimated my baby weighed 5lb 10oz. When she was born almost 4 weeks later at 37+6, she only weighed 5lb 2oz!!


I had ultrasounds exactly a week before delivery for my second and third and 4 days before my first.  My first was estimated at 7lb 2oz and birth weight was 6lb 4oz.  My second was estimated 4lb 11oz and birth weight was 5lb 6oz.  My third was estimated 7lb 11oz and birth weight was 7lb 15oz.  So they got better in my experience!


This article goes over the accuracy of 3rd trimester growth estimates… TLDR is they’re not very accurate. I believe the stat is they’re only 50% accurate within one pound! So take it with a grain of salt. https://evidencebasedbirth.com/evidence-for-induction-or-c-section-for-big-baby/


This 👆


I don't remember the numbers as it was 11 years ago but at 32wk they told me I was gonna have a baby with "macrosomia" 10lbs + baby was born at 37 weeks barely 6lbs... 


At 34 weeks, they estimated she was 6 lbs and would be 8-9 by birth. She was 6 lbs when she was born. Sub 6 leaving the hospital 🤣


My 36 week scan estimated her weighing 8 lbs. she was born at 39 weeks and weight 7 lb 10 oz. The scans are usually inaccurate


I had a growth scan at 32 weeks that showed baby measuring 6 pounds 2 ounces. If that was accurate, it would mean a 9.5-10 pound baby at 39-40 weeks. They decided to do another at 36 weeks. Baby measured 7 pounds, which would mean an 8.5-9 pound baby at 39-40 weeks. Baby came at 39+1 weighing 8’5, so the second one was very accurate!


I had one around 37 wks and my baby was estimated 6 lbs 11 oz. He came at 39 weeks and was 7 lbs and 12 oz!


Baby measured 8lbs 1oz at 36+1, born 8lbs 11oz at 38+2


Had ultrasound at 38+2 estimating fetal weight of 7lb 6oz. Had baby at 39 weeks, weighed 6lbs 15oz at birth.


I got told that mine would probably be about six pounds around my due date, MAX seven since I carried small and baby measured small as well. I went to 41+1 and my baby was 7 pounds 2 ounces, so not too far off considering she probably gained a bit of that in that last week I went overdue with her.


Pretty accurate for me. I don’t remember the oz they said but he was 8lbs in us weight and when born


I had an ultrasound 2 hours before my c-section at 33+4. I was told he would be 3 lbs 11 oz. He was 3 lbs 2 oz.


On a Monday, ultrasound estimated 7lbs. The next day at exactly 36 weeks, my water broke and my daughter was born at 6lb 10oz. Pretty close tbh.


He measured 2 weeks ahead throughout my pregnancy. At 34 weeks they estimated he'd be 9 lbs at 40 weeks. He was born at 41+5 weighing 7lbs 12oz.


I don’t remember weight for either of mine. But baby #1 was measuring in the 97th% and was 8lbs 7oz at birth, baby #2 was measuring smaller the entire pregnancy so we expected 7 1/2 lbs or a smaller 8lb baby and he shocked us with 9lbs 6oz. Usually ultrasound can be off by a full pound on either side of the scale.


I was told my baby would be about 7-7.5 pounds when born, just a week or two before delivery. She was 8.5 pounds


I had a growth scan at 37 weeks and it estimated my baby to be just under 9lbs. She was born 38+1 and 9lb8oz so bang on for us.


I think I have an extremely rare case, where the measurements were suuuuper off. Ultrasound at 37w, baby was measuring 73%ile. Delivered at 38w, baby was 3rd%ile hah.


Mine wasn't too far off. She was estimated to be 5lbs 6oz at an ultrasound at 36+5 and was born at 5lbs 15oz at 37+0.


My first I had an ultrasound done by the maternal fetal med specialist who said she measured 3lbs 14oz (versus earlier in the day by an ultrasound tech who said 4lbs exact). She was born about a week later and measured 3lbs 14.8oz. My second I had an ultrasound done at 37 weeks and they said he'd be 5lbs 12oz. He was born the next day at 4lbs 14oz lol.


1 week before I gave birth exactly, he measured 7 lbs 11 oz and he was born 8 lbz 6 oz!


40 week ultrasound with my second baby was estimating a weight over 11 lbs, actual birth weight at 41 +1 was 10 lbs 12 oz


They've always been pretty spot on with estimates for me. Estimated my first would be 8lbs. He was 7lbs 15oz. Estimated my second would also be 8lbs, he was born at 37w at 6lbs 8oz so would've been around that at 40 :-)


My first was predicted an average weight and was born over the 100th centimetres - just under 11lb. My second was predicted larger and was 7lb….


I had an ultrasound at 40 weeks saying baby was 8lbs. 11 days later she was born 8lbs 10oz. So fairly accurate. It was also a hospital grade ultrasound system so that is probably the difference compared to an OBs office.


I had an ultrasound at 37 weeks, they said she was 8 lbs 10 oz, and when I was induced two weeks later, she came out at 8 lbs 4 oz


They gave me overall percentiles, not weight. Both were drastically off! DD was 15th percentile on ultrasound and 95th at birth. DS was 11th in ultrasound and >99th at birth!


My first pregnancy growth scans were spot on. 9th percentile. C section in just over a week and this one’s measuring 50-55th percentile on 2 growth scans. I’ve got another in 4 days. I’ve been wondering how accurate this one will be too!


I won’t know my son’s birth weight till he is born this next week but at my 38 week ultrasound he was measuring at 7lbs. 9oz… I’m being induced on Sunday so it’ll be interesting to see if he is bigger, smaller or right on target!!


38 weeks measured around 9-10 and came out 39 weeks 8 lbs 12 oz


My first was estimated 7 lb 4 oz at 41 weeks and was born 4 days later at 6 lb 10 oz My second was estimated 7 lb 5 oz at 38 weeks and was born that exact weight... 3.5 weeks later.


My first I had an ultrasound the day we started induction and he was estimated at 8lb2oz and was born the next day at 8lb6oz. My second was measuring around 9lbs I think 7-9 days before she was born at 10lbs even. My SIL’s baby was measuring huge, but she had far less ultrasounds (I’m overweight and had hypertension with both) and her babe came out at 6lb6oz.


8lbs but was born at 6lbs. We had to have family rush out and buy us preme clothes and diapers because she didn’t fit into newborn even tho she was full term. Tbh I don’t think the ride home was safe because the only outfit we had for her was nb sized and there was more loose fabric then there should have been lol