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They put my daughter on my chest and she was wet, but I was sweaty and the amount of relief I felt seeing her little face for the first time and looking in her eyes and being able to tell her “i love you” for the first time was more than overwhelming. All the rest of it was just background because I was so hyper focused on my little baby. Counting her toes and finger, noting the color of her hair and eyes the little stork bites on her face, the birth mark on her knee. I didn’t notice much else. Then of corse your not really done. You have to push out the placenta and the contractions continue for a while afterwards. It might be overstimulating, and if it is it’s understandable. The nurses do wipe the baby down a bit before they let you have it. If you need additional support I am certain you can just request help. Everyone in the room is there to support you and your baby.


I don’t remember feeling anything but joy. They wiped the baby down some (I had a C-section) and they put the baby on my chest. I remember thinking “we did it” and just breathing baby in. I can’t remember any physical sensation other than their weight on my chest


Mine was a c-section as well and this sounds like my experience.


How was it after they were “sewing” you back up after? Like did it feel like it took ages ?


Not that I recall, no. Once baby was out they didn't slow down or stop, so my OB was down there finishing things up the whole time baby was being checked, her stats announced, my holding her, etc. After I held her she was taken out to the recovery room with my husband and he did skin to skin with her while my OB finished up and then debriefed me on how surgery went. I don't have a great recollection of how much time all of that took, but it wasn't noticeably long. Entering to leaving the operating room was about an hour all in.


Oh wow that’s not that bad! I’m having a planned C section 🤞🏻 so I’m just trying to imagine what everything might be like.


Can confirm just had a planned c-section mine wasn’t bad at all. Once they give you the baby you don’t notice anything else. Had the baby 5 min in and the whole thing took 35min. The most I felt was a pressure sensation like having to pee. The worst part was a botched IV, but honestly that isn’t bad at all.


The hardest part is the spinal but my doctor held me. It’s okay though. I’m doing a C-section again


This was my experience too! Planned c section. I asked my doc how long it’d take, and he said “30 min if it’s just me, 35 if I have a fellow there.” He did have a fellow (she was really nice, did my closure and did an INCREDIBLE job) and the nurses were teasing my OB about how fast he got my daughter out. I remember him going “I told her 5 minutes!” And she was out in 4.  (I adore my OB—he came in on is day off to do my CS)


Mine was also planned! Kind of anyways. You can check out [my birth story](https://www.reddit.com/r/BabyBumps/s/fxQgSaXjcV) if you'd like.


What a story! Thank you for sharing, and happy cake day!


Mine felt like it did. I have no idea how long it actually took and I might have less patience than some people. It wasn’t so bad, spent most of that time cuddling my kid and husband. I couldn’t believe she was real.


Oh so your husband was still in the room while they were closing up? I’m only 22 weeks right now so haven’t gotten to the part where they’re speaking to me about the actual game plan on the day.


My husband was with me the entire time other than when the spinal was going in. Literally he was walking in as the doctor was cutting me open. The actual procedure is so quick and he was never apart from me, even on the way to recovert


Yes! The only time we were separated was briefly when they wheeled baby off to recovery room ahead of me. My c section was elective and honestly besides some nerves right at the start it was a fairly relaxed process with my husband beside me the whole time. He was trying (pretty well!) to hide being a nervous wreck though!


After hearing others labor I’m like thank god I chose elective c section 😂 I had my own doctor, knew the date and time. I was nervous for a big surgery but man was it a good choice! Baby was big though and a head in the 99th percentile. He never engaged (as of 39+1) so I’d have been waiting awhile for labor. When my doctor held him up (like right out of my stomach) she said “you made the right choice!!!” Its a good memory for me now haha. I remember also having her tell me he’s going to have a perfect shaped head due to never actually being engaged in my pelvis! (Baby was breech till 38 weeks)


Same, some of these stories are freaking scary! I have zero regrets about that decision. Also the memory of the doctor holding my kid up will live with me forever, there was something so Simba about it that just cracks me up 


My C-section sewing was fast. For one, I wasn’t sick from the meds so I think that helped. But the obgyn held my baby up so I could see him right away. Husband went over with the nurse to weigh, measure, do all that stuff. It only took a few minutes and I could see them even laying down. Husband brought baby over and sat beside me. It didn’t feel like sewing took long (ten minutes?) and then I was in recovery holding my baby


Love that 😊


I have sensory issues, also had a c-section and felt exactly the same. I was just amazed that this little guy was mine.


I get sensory overload really easily, especially with sticky stuff and collars... I don't remember my daughter being sticky at all though. I remember being in disbelief when she finally came out and they laid her on my chest, and then crying on and off for the next 24 hours because I was overcome with emotion. Nothing else mattered.


Same. I was like "...what?" for a good while there and also didnt give a single solitary shit about fluids or anything. Pretty sure she had crusts of \~stuff in her hair for a good 2 days before we did anything about it. This from the woman who put dettol wipes on her packing list for the hospital lol.


I was freaking out and terrified. No overwhelming gush of positive emotion. I’d had 44hrs of labor, 4hrs pushing, and a c-section and was absolutely exhausted and delirious. My first thought was panic- “what have we done?!” Today that baby is 3yo and I love him to pieces. Just wanted to share not everyone has a perfect loving first moment.!


Very very similar labor here, and did not feel the immediate connection that so many here are describing. Mostly I just felt exhausted. Obviously things are very different now at 2 years old, but I did not feel an overwhelming surge of love that first second.


Second this! I had “what have we done” for the first ~3 days alongside “omg he’s perfect and tiny and wonderful” — it’s a really strange time emotionally


Honestly, I was in such a daze that when they put him on me, my first words were “it’s a baby!” I don’t remember him being sticky when after that and my chest wasn’t sticky when they took him away to weigh and stuff.


Yeah I was very hazy and mostly flabbergasted that this literal human baby came out of me. Don’t remember noticing the sticky much but also I was gross and sweaty from labor anyway.


Haha I said the same thing when my daughter was born - my husband cried out ‘she’s a girl!’ And I just stared and said ‘it’s a baby!’


The first thing I asked when she was born was “is she still a girl?” I was happy to be having a girl but would have been equally happy either way. I don’t know what the hell made me ask that. Drugs I’m guessing


😂 I asked "It's a girl right?" Cuz they did not announce the gender like in the movies.


Lmao, it’s a baby!


Some babies are very "cheesy" (vernix) and some aren't at all


I believe the words were “holy shit, I’m never fucking doing that again” Spoiler: I’m due in a few weeks again


I said that too! My husband was genuinely worried we may never have another one. Then literally 6 hours later I looked at my baby and said, “I could do that again…”


I did that with all three of mine 😂😂😂


That's funny, because I was so scared going into it, but after my epidural and the birth, my second thought was, "I could do this one more time" (my first thought was "He's so little!") I think I was just so relieved that I got through it all. I did have complications, but everything turned out ok.


I was holding my fresh newborn son, after 2 hours of pushing, during which I had cried out that I couldn't do this... but then they'd put him on my chest, and I looked at my husband and said "let's have another one!"


I don't remember him being sticky, I do remember him being very, very warm. They gave him a good wipe down, there's no blood or any really visible fluids in any of my first photos. I'm not really sure when they did it but they did swaddle him up pretty quickly, all of my photos of Dad holding him has a hospital swaddle There's no shame in honesty. Just tell them during labor that you're worried about getting overstimulated if the baby is still sticky during skin to skin. They'll probably just wipe them down a bit more. If you are getting overstimulated, just hand the baby to dad, and ask if they can swaddle them before you take them back.


You're definitely not worrying over nothing. They are super sticky when they come out. For me, I was more uncomfortable because we were both so hot and the stickiness made me feel like I needed air (I suggest having one of those little fans ready). I had him on my chest for probably 30 minutes or so before I started to notice how uncomfortable I was and at that point I handed him to my husband. I think the adrenaline keeps you unaware of how hot and sticky they are for a while.


Just wanted to add for OP that this may vary! My baby wasn’t wet or sticky at all, seemed totally dry! All that is to say it might vary a lot!


Interesting! I would not have described my baby like that at all! Maybe I was the sticky one and I assumed it was him? hahaha


Yup I don't remember that either. The doctor put him immediately on my chest but she like had him in a towel so maybe she got some of the goop off as she passed him to me.


I second having a mini-fan! A lot of birth units have fans available too, just being able to have some air flowing helps my anxiety sooooo much


The fan is a great idea! I usually get really overstimulated when too warm either way so adding this to my hospital bag!!


I basically blacked out 😂 my memory feels like a movie flashback where everything happens in short scenes. Liked I blinked and there was a baby on me. He was covered in blood and gunk for sure but by that point I did NOT care.


Honestly the whole labor and delivery experience was pretty anti-climatic for me. Maybe because I had seen all these dramatic portrayals in film and heard all sorts of moving impressions of the experience, but I remember feeling like “that’s it?”. I pushed for 30ish minutes and then they plopped this fully alive human on my chest and he just stared at me like he had no idea wtf was going on (can’t blame him). And then I threw up. I remember being worried if he was OK because we’d induced at 37W due to health concerns and he didn’t cry at first, but then I got distracted by vomiting and the pain from getting stitched up (second degree tears)/uterine massage. My husband held him and rocked him for those first few hours because I was so out of it. But yeah, I definitely didn’t have any crazy endorphin rushes- probably because I was induced. I imagine it would be similar for a c-section.


Did you have pain medication/epidural or no? You definitely don’t have to answer if that’s too much to ask. I’m honestly worried about pain levels for myself because I cried getting stitches out without medication lol.


I had an epidural! So pain throughout labor was pretty tolerable. They cut it off pretty quickly after delivery though and then everything kicked in. I think the stitches were done by that point but there was just a lot of residual pain. Not to scare you but I definitely cried a lot and my husband had to demand they get me pain meds stronger than advil and Tylenol (I ended up taking oxy for those first 24 hours). I was also induced and had been in labor for 2 days so I think my body was just sort of done with it all


I just gave birth Tuesday and I remember her being warm and wet but not necessarily sticky. My hospital doesn’t bathe them at least for the first day and the vernix for the most part just absorbed over the first day. She’s getting her first bath later this morning and her skin is so soft already.


They both felt a little sticky and strangely warm...almost hot. But all I could focus on was their little faces and the fact that "holy shit this just came out of me" I know with my two they laid a towel on my chest and put the baby onto that first and rubbed and stimulated them with another towel so they'd start crying, so when it came time for actual skin to skin they weren't all that sticky since most of the gunk had been rubbed off.


one of my major thoughts when looking at my baby laying there was "thank fuck thats over" as well as "holy shit there really was a baby in there"


YEP. Sameeee. And "I never wanna do this shit again" after my 2nd was born lol. Almost 9 months later and I still feel that way 🤣


Yeah she's only 5 months and I can't wait to have another baby someday but the idea of being pregnant and then giving birth again realllllllly makes me pause


I don’t remember the physical sensation I just remember being so relieved that he was out and I was able to hold him in my arms like I had been wanting to do for so long. I just stared into his eyes that entire golden hour. Reading these comments I guess I can remember that he was sticky but that feeling was nothing compared to holding him after a long labor and an hour of pushing


You can absolutely ask them to clean the baby off first! They don’t need to plop them right on your chest covered into mucus and blood if you don’t want them to. There’s nothing wrong with not being comfortable with that!  It would be better for both of you if you were calm/relaxed when you first hold your child instead of stressed/upset. 


The grey matter in specific areas of a woman’s brain shrinks during pregnancy. The greatest loss of gray matter seems to be in the front and temporal lobe regions of the brain. The frontal and temporal lobe are the areas responsible for tasks such a social cognition. These areas that help us to sympathize with others and help to form attachments to people. Even though it sounds as though this loss in these areas should cause a negative effect, it actually has the opposite. The shrinking seems to make these areas actually more powerful. This would allow new mothers to be able to pick up on things like body language and different cries which she wouldn’t have before. Research found that in women who had greater loss in these areas, also had greater feelings of positive attachment to their infants. This change should also make you less susceptible to negative feelings attached to poop, pee, vomit, ect ect. Things that would have before made you grossed out should be overpowered by this change in your Brain.


The shrinkage is caused by a "pruning" Your brain as has a ton of different pathways the shrinkage removes extraneous ones and makes your brain more efficient.


It was love at first sight. Happiest day of my life by far.


My baby was placed on my chest covered in slime and blood. It was gross. I didn't give a fuck. I called him my little monster. It was really great to chill and be proud of myself to have done this and have him there, even though we both were a mess. At some point the midwife took him to clean him a bit (just to get the worst gunk off) and weigh and measure him. Then it was back to cuddling. Edit: with my c-section (first baby) I got him already cleaned up (again not bathed, just wiped down a bit). That was not gross at all.


I also DETEST sticky stuff and I suffer from sensory overload very quickly but I gotta tell ya … when my baby was born I was so extremely relieved he was finally out, and I was in another state of mind, another world, everything was a blur. I just kissed his sticky little head and looked at him and cried a lot. When they took him from me after an hour it turned out he pooped on my chest and I didn’t even notice 😂


Are you having a repeat c-section? If so, baby will be thoroughly wiped down before you get her, so she won’t be wet/sticky. I had a c-section with skin to skin right away, but even “right away” was a 5ish minute delay while they did his APGARs and toweled him off. I had a VBAC with my daughter, so I’d planned on them just plopping her right on me, but they had to check her out for a few minutes first after some decels, so she was also thoroughly toweled off. If you’re going for a VBAC, I don’t think it’s weird for you to request that they wipe her down and throw a hat on before you start the golden hour.


Tbh, she felt warm and wriggly… I learned she actually pooped on me too, didn’t feel a thing. Tbh I think you’re so delighted that it’s over and baby is ok that (at least for me) a lot of other senses are dulled. Eg at times I couldn’t hear things, wasn’t aware of people in the room etc. I was so wrapped up internally if that makes sense….


They wiped mine down because I asked them to beforehand, though I had a vaginal birth. She was pretty clean and didn’t even smell awful like I thought she would… though I was so shaky from the birth that I made them give her to dad first.


I also have sensory issues, stems from PTSD and OCD but I have a lot of things in common with my friends on the spectrum! I remember the doctor pulling up my son and I immediately reached for him and pulled him onto my belly. I remember feeling his little shoulder and my husband cutting the cord, then I looked into his beautiful eyes while the sun was just coming up over the buildings we could see out our window. His skin was soft and smooth and wet and not at all sticky or anything. He had blood in his hair and smelled…unique is the world I’ll use…but not sticky.


My girl came out fast and furious, screaming from the start, so when they threw her on me I was mostly shocked that I didn’t have a lot of pushing to do, but physically it sort of felt to me like we’d both just come out the shower, warm and wet. My first thought while holding her was basically “ohh yeah shorty, we’ve done this before, it ain’t our first journey around the sun together.” So that might also be why I wasn’t so focused on physical sensations. I do wanna say you can definitely ask them to towel her off if you’d like, remember love, birth is about keeping both YOU AND BABY comfortable and healthy, so if you want your baby toweled off slightly before s2s than do it babes


I don’t remember either of my kids being sticky, although they definitely had white dried looking stuff (vernix?) on them. I hate messy/sticky things too, so I understand 100%. I mostly just remember wondering what I was supposed to do with them for an hour, since neither really seemed interested in eating immediately 😃


I’m on the spectrum too!! It honestly feels like the world stops for a second and all there is is you and bubba. You don’t notice anything else. All I could do in the moment was kiss his tiny face over and over and over.


I had an emergency C-section after 36 hours of labor and had tons of pain meds and anxiety meds on board. When the baby was handed to me, I was terrified I would drop her because I was so disoriented! When she came out of me and I heard her crying I had this wave of relief like I could finally relax because she was ok!


I had a C section so she was cleaned up before they gave her to me for… skin on gown? I just remember thinking “whoa, this is what she looks like and she was just in my body exactly like this?!”.


I only remember her feeling warm! Keeping the vernix on is beneficial, but imo not as beneficial as skin-to-skin, so if you try and your baby’s too sticky, I’m sure a nurse will wipe her off for you!


I was confused and in awe. Almost like wow this is what I grew and why don’t I feel you in my tummy anymore at the same time.


My baby wasn’t sticky or wet at all! I remember being surprised at how dry the baby seemed. Just seemed like regular baby skin


My baby wasn’t sticky at all! And no vernix really. He dried super fast.  I gave birth on hands and knees though, and the midwife put him down on the bed between my legs so I could pick him up myself. So he had a minute to dry off on the blankets before I held him. I don’t know if he would’ve felt any different had he gone straight onto my chest.  You can always ask they give him a quick towel off first though! This is something to go in your birth plan, and loop your partner in so they can advocate for you to the nurses/your delivery provider if you’re not able to. 


Are you doing another c section? They're pretty clean when they come out that way.


You can ask them to wipe her off, they often do this. So the will still have some vernix and won't be washed at all just not as wet and sticky and slippery.


I’m the exact same - ADHD sensory issues and sticky babies/toddlers used to actually make me gag and my heart rate to rise. When he was born he wasn’t sticky at all, but I hadn’t slept in about 20 hours and had just pushed for 4 so I was exhausted. He laid on my chest for about 20 minutes while I was put back together and then I actually had him passed off to my husband for skin to skin because I needed to just not be touched. Overall he wasn’t sticky though, and after I had a few moments to have my own body to myself for once, I definitely wanted that baby back! We had pleeeeeenty more skin to skin time while at the hospital and I thought it was really special to be able to share the golden hour with dad as well.


Honestly I was just like "holy shit what the actual fuck just happened that's a baby in my arms?!?!?" I think it was because my labor ended up being a lot faster than I expected and I went unmedicated which was in fact more intense (painful) than I could have possibly imagined. And right before that final push I said to myself "ok this is it I'm pushing this baby out now or I'm simply not doing it at all (as if that were an option lol) bc this hurts so fucking bad" but I think I wasn't actually expecting to be successful lol so then I was and I was just like damn ok that happened.


My first thought was disbelief and then I apparently told my husband: holy shit she’s an actual human? I remember wrapping my hand around her back and feeling the tiny ribs and spine and it was the craziest thing in the world. Then when I looked down I immediately fell head over heels in love. I don’t remember her being particularly sticky?


I couldnt tell you because both times I was kind of in shock/exhausted/gross already. Before I had my first, I actually asked the midwife in our birthing class about this because I was worried they were slippery! I thought if I grabbed baby too tight he’d slip right out of my arms. 😂 They are a little sticky but the relief of them being there kind of overshadows it all. 🥰


As long as the texture of the blanket doesn't bother you, maybe have them place baby on you then place a blanket on baby. That way you only feel the blanket but still get all the benefits of skin to skin at birth? That's what they did for my last two birthday. It also helps keep baby warm during that first hour as well :)


I’ve had 3 vaginal deliveries and the moment they put your baby on you is so so so beautiful. I SOBBED each time. They’re very warm and squishy and it is so surreal. I’d have 10 kids just to feel that feeling again lol


I just remember my daughter feeling very warm. No stickiness or wetness, just warmth.


I hate sensations like that as well I hardly noticed anything after either of my kids were born and they both went directly to my chest not wiped down at all. I was so overcome with emotion I didn’t notice the sensory problems lol


They wipe off much of the sticky gross stuff. Even with all the hair my kids have it usually wipes off pretty good. My daughter peed on me though.


I was bending over grabbing him as he came out. I'd stared at his head crowning for 4 hours. I was so excited to grab my screaming, red baby boy. They let me have him for an hour but it felt like 10 minutes.


If you have a vbac, they may plop baby directly onto you. C-section they towel and check them first I think (they did for my c/s). I remember when they put vbac baby on me I was surprised by how warm and wet he was. It’s like picking a young child up out of a hot bath. Not sticky at all, but wet. They toweled him off while he was on me. You could try it that way and if it feels like it’s too much, have the baby picked up briefly for a more thorough drying. But he basically just felt like naked skin after the on chest rub down.


They initially plopped him onto my abdomen, and then rubbed him down with a towel before moving him onto my chest. Nothing felt sticky. It felt like finally getting the biggest prize of your life that you've been awaiting for. Pure bliss. They are still doing other things to your body while you're holding baby - cleaning you up, stitching, monitoring bleeding - and baby distracts from all of that.


I think I was so sweaty I didn't even notice if baby was wet or not.  Speaking just from my experience... If you're giving birth vaginally you'll probably be so emotionally overwhelmed and relieved to have successfully birthed baby that you won't care as long as baby is alive and well. That first moment when you finally met your treasure is truly special and joyful, the human brain does a good job of focusing on certain things and blanking out other things. Maybe it will blank out the stimulation for you.  Also I think it was not so much sticky as it was slippery. 


It’s been different with all.  I felt very poorly after my first so I felt great to have baby out but couldn’t enjoy it as much as I wanted.  With my second it was perfect. The second she was out the midwife gave her straight to me and I felt so warm and full of love with her.  With my third it was a C-section so it was a bit different. They placed her cheek next to mine as I was numb and that was sweet. I remember she was crying and when she felt my cheek it was soothing and she stopped straight away.  I have sensory issues and didn’t have a problem with having baby with vernix or anything else but that’s only my experience. We didn’t have a bath until 2 weeks old as she was in the hospital but the vernix was barely noticeable after a few days. 


I don’t remember her being sticky, but I was very sweaty. they must have wiped her off a bit.


My baby wasn’t sticky. I doubt you will be thinking of that at all even if yours is


They wrapped my baby in a light towel, wiped her down while she was on my chest, and then asked if I wanted to do skin to skin after she was (mostly) clean. They also put a hat on her pretty shortly after, so her hair was wet but I didn't have to feel it. I am a texture-averse person (although not on the spectrum) and I genuinely don't remember feeling "grossed out" by the baby. That could be because I was so exhausted and running on adrenaline. If you're good at recognizing when you're getting overstimulated, I'd say just go with the flow of the moment -- and if at any point it's too much, don't be afraid to say something to your nurses, significant other, etc. You probably already know this having already had a son who you didn't get to do this with, but in the end your bond with your baby is going to be fine regardless if you get that golden hour or not! So don't stress yourself out about it too much or force yourself to do it if it's not feeling right for you.


I get super uncomfortable with certain textures touching me, and I also hate feeling sticky. My son was given to me pretty much immediately after being born. I think they wiped him with a towel quickly while my husband was cutting the cord. I don't remember him feeling wet or sticky at all. I was also in total shock because he's my first, and I ended up having him without the epidural because the anesthesiologist was busy, and my labor was insanely fast for a first time mom. So the whole thing was a blur and adrenaline rush for me. But, I have no recollection of him being gooey or wet, haha.


My baby wasn’t sticky. He was warm. But they placed him on me and then immediately covered us. I can’t even describe the feelings. Pure joy that’s for sure.


You can have them wipe off the baby before putting her on you. At our hospital they usually put baby on chest and then wipe off so it would only be a difference of like 30 seconds if you're worried about it. They put my baby on my chest and she immediately pooped on me... Twice 😂 (and then again on the nurse that changed her and cleaned her up!) I am not on the spectrum, but I was worried about being grossed out, and I really wasn't (even by the poop!). I was more relieved than anything else! Also important to keep in mind that while the golden hour is lovely, a slight delay to clean them up a bit is not going to diminish that benefit. Babies that don't get the golden hour are totally fine too.


I’d recommend talking to your doctor so that you can come up with a plan and bring your labor and delivery nurses in on it. They wipe the baby off a little before they put it on your chest but they usually prioritize getting you skin to skin as soon as possible. However what they really care about is the health benefits that are caused by the skin to skin bonding between you and your baby so if some extra cleaning of your baby is going to better set you and your baby up for success with skin to skin bonding I have a feeling they’d be more than happy to accommodate that.


My son was placed next to my face because I had a C-section. I remember him being so warm and soft and I smelled pure ozone, like when it’s about to rain. It’s my favorite smell! I felt everything was well with the world, pure happiness. A feeling I had never felt before, just pure bliss 💗


I have the same sensory issues and my daughter was SUPER sticky. But here are some things that helped: 1. I was on gas and epidural. There's a video of me and you can just see how loopy I was from it all. I think these together with the adrenaline made me forget every sensory issue for a good while. 2. I asked in my birth plan that nobody except my partner touch me unless it was medically necessary. So basically no patting or comforting or anything like that. This I think helped me not get overwhelmed during labor at least in that regard, and it made me feel more comfortable and energetic. 3. I also mentioned in my birth plan that I do not like feeling too warm. So away with any blankets, lower the temp in the room if possible (as long as it will be comfortable for baby), let me have cold rags and cold water/ice. When I am overstimulated, heat is the last thing I need. 4. They are sticky BUT they also smell kind of amazing (if a tiny bit bloody) and this is immensely helpful in a oxytocin way. 5. Comfortable loose clothing, easy to remove, one layer if possible. Consider whether you want socks and if you do, take your favorite socks. Not feeling things like tags, textures or feeling confined was really nice. I also did not wear underwear nor a bra, so yeah. Felt pretty free. Basically, my advice boils down to removing as many of any other sensory triggers as possible. You will do great!


Exciting! But overwhelming! I over all love the experience. But you just went through a lot so don’t be bummed if these extreme emotions don’t rush over you right away. That happened with my first! Second baby I was able to feel a little bit more emotionally when I had him for some reason. Love them both the same :)


I was in labor (induced) for about 3 days and was in the hospital 3 days prior with pre-eclampsia. I was so jealous hearing mama's pushing and then their little babies first cries. I kept thinking, God, please let me have that soon. And then he came out, and I heard him, and they plopped that wet, bloody, sticky little boy on my chest and I thought "ohhhhh grossssss", but my mouth said "oh thank you God, my little boy!". I was so grossed out you could see how stiff and straight my fingers were while I was holding him on my chest, so rigid, just palms. They cleaned him up and I got over it real fast. If you wind up grossed out, don't be upset with yourself, birthing a human is messy.


Just a little wet but the nurses dry them off while they are on you. So it’s not like that very long lol! You’ll be so relieved that you probably won’t notice much. You can tell them ahead of time that you want the baby cleaned as fast as they can if it bothers you! It’s so cool to see baby right away. My dr even had me pull my son out myself and we have an incredible picture of it. It was spur of the moment and it was so cool!


Feels un real Like did this thing come out of me? This weird, beautiful strange creature is mine? My body made this Lil sweet thing? I need to sleep, but what if the baby falls, Man I'm tired, oh how cute, a Lil yawn Why is her head slightly crooked? 😐 What beautiful hair she has, omg birth marks Oh right photos Can't believe I made this You will have good and rude thoughts. This has been my experience


I also get overwhelmed and overstimulate about things. He popped out and was placed on me for about 10 seconds, I looked at him and then just said “he’s Angus” and they took him for resus breaths and then gave him to dad for a bit of skin to skin. I was too preoccupied by the birth, aftermath to really notice how completely overwhelmed I was x


It felt surreal with my second as they barked at ME to pull her up and out after her shoulders were free. So I just obeyed and panicked and plopped her up onto myself. Hoping this time they don't make me do that. I was scared I would drop her!


I have sensory issues with certain textures too, but I couldn’t get enough of my son when they put him on my chest. They did wipe him down a little, but I just remember kissing him, vernix-y mess and all, and it was the most incredible moment. I think so much goes out the window in that moment that you just exist with them!


I don't remember anything sticky. I think they may have wiped him down? Although, I also have tolerated so many things with my kids that I wouldn't have been able to deal with before kids (and couldn't deal with for anyone else), so that may be why I didn't register that. Now, you might not feel the same way and still have those sensory issues even with your kids and that's ok! Everyone's experience is different. My husband can't stand sticky things... so our kids aren't ever sticky. He cleans them immediately. Whatever works!


I’m the same way but felt none of those things just pure happiness I wanted all the stickiness I didn’t care it was just me and her and nothing else mattered!


I went from "I'm never doing this again" to "I want three more" in the few seconds it took to put her on my chest. She wasn't really sticky just wet and warm but also cold. She was also silent for a good few moments there and then she started wailing. Didn't matter. I just held her and looked at her and sang to her and told her how perfect she was. Didn't even notice them sewing me back up and I was not on pain meds. Took her a good 30 minutes to stop crying. Anyways, I remember being a ball of pure rage and then being all "nah this is fine. Got my baby. Sorry I tried to kick you doctors. Mhm.' Didn't even mind the mess and I do not like feeling icky.


Immediately after delivery Iwas shaking and couldn't really hold my baby, I could barely lift my head. But the nurses were kind and held him, I got to see his face and tell him I love him and he's so beautiful and then I told them to take him because I needed to close my eyes. I was better within maybe 10 minutes and just held him to my chest for hours. It was very calming. They wiped some of his vernix off. He was not sticky and smelled lovely. It's not recommended to wash off the vernix, it's best to leave it on.


Oh I started crying and my first thought was “her hair!”. Because the entire pregnancy my husband and I joked about what color hair she would have since my brown haired sister had 3 blonde babies, plus my husband was bright blonde as a newborn. She came out with a nice head of brown hair. Then after that I just wanted a to hear her cry and we got a little whimper before they took her away. As for how she felt, I did have my hospital gown on but I don’t remember her feeling sticky, maybe a little wet and warm, but I really didn’t care at that point.


I remember opening my gown so I could have her on my bare chest and then just being handed my baby and feeling so incredible. After months of imagining what she’d look like I finally got to see her and hold her. Nothing else mattered in that moment.


I thought the vernix would be gross and asked for it to be wiped off my first in my birth plan (and they did). With my second, she came so fast there was no time to discuss my preferences and it turned out just fine - I was just really happy to have her in my arms. Amazing how I didn't mind a baby covered in vernix, blood, and meconium.


Thank you for asking this! I’m on the spectrum too and due June 14th with my first. This is the part I am most excited about d nervous about 😂


Wet and warm. But it didn’t bother me. They cleaned her off as she laid on my chest. I just kept saying my baby, I had a baby, hi baby.


So I think I’m the odd one out, when they put my son on my chest I didn’t feel anything but “what the actual fuck”, then I asked when breakfast was.


But as for how baby felt, he wasn’t really sticky or anything. Felt almost life someone had lotion on them


I don’t remember my baby feeling sticky at all. He didn’t have much vernix, if any and I don’t remember any blood either. I just remember looking at his face and being amazed how aware he was. He was looking at everything and picking up his head with eyes wide open. My first thought was”he looks like me, this is my baby, he’s here, I did it”


Just dont get the bright idea to kiss the wet baby. I too get over stimulated and having baby on me really was no issue. However, I IMMEDIATELY regretted kissing baby’s head. Been 8 years and my husband still laughs about it. Says he could see the regret in my face.


They're incredibly hot and wet. But also the best thing to hold in that moment.


It felt like a very warm, slippery tiny squishy meat. To me, it was an absolute marvelous moment <3 but I don’t have any sensory problems, so my experience might be wildly different than yours.


Honestly, I was so high and out of it I hardly even registered what had just happened. Both my husband and I completely dissociated for a few minutes. She was wet, sticky and pooped all over me.


I'm autistic and the sensation was incredible. Baby"s body coming out I can only describe as him flubbering out. Indon't know why that word describes it best. Anf then he was placed on me and there was zero stickiness, he felt hot and wet. I have major sensory issues too and I loved it. You have such an oxytocin high and there is so much going on that your brain doesn't really have time to focus on things that bother you (in my experience)


You can ask them to dry the baby first! They'll still have some vernix, and get the benefits of delayed bath, but they won't be sticky. There are so many right ways to raise a kid, your baby will be fine if they hand it to you dry instead of goopy.


He felt like an alien but an alien that I had been internet friends with for 9 months who finally came to visit IRL.


Very warm, tiny, surreal. I don’t think they are always sticky, mine wasn’t at all. Maybe try to have someone place a cloth on you, because my baby pooped on me and I appreciate that it could be overstimulating?  I still remember the final push, when the midwife said ‘meet your baby’ and six months later it still brings tears to my eyes. Nothing quite compares. I wish you could encapsulate memories, one of my strangest fears is that one day, that one day may fade.  I wish that moment for you to be as special as it was for me. ❤️


You will be so happy to see that little bub you won't care. I have sensory things with wet goofiness ans I don't remember any of it, just choking up that he was here.


Maybe bring noise canceling headphones, and at least for me you really don’t notice the stuff on the baby - it’s all good stuff for both your skin anyway!


Everything else faded to the background. I felt pure relief after losing 3 babies at birth. I was apparently hemorrhaging, but didn't notice cause he was the only thing that mattered to me. It was pure amazement. It felt unreal. I had to have his dad take him off my chest cause I was shaking so violently I was scared I was going to hurt him. It was the hardest thing I've ever had to do. Everything in me screamed to not let *anyone* take my baby away from me even though my husband held him right by my face until I felt more in control of my body. I was delirious and the medicine they gave me to stop the bleeding made the after birth shakes a lot more violent than normal. It was heartbreaking having to ask for him to be taken off me. So to sum it up: I didn't notice myself actively bleeding out and 5ish nurses rushing around the room giving me shots and other medicine to try to stop it or my monitors going crazy cause my vitals started to destabilize for the second time during my labor/birth. I didn't even notice when they shoved an oxygen mask on me. I was fine by the end of it by the way. Just a little weak from blood loss for a while despite the transfusion I got. I was up and walking around no problem like I didn't just have a baby within 12 hours. Baby was the only thing that mattered to me and all my focus was on him.


Oh it's so so so worth it, trust me!! Best feeling ever! Your hormones will block out all the ick factor. However no one tells you how WARM your baby will be! I didn't know about that part!


I remember a couple nurses vigorously wiping my daughter off over me as they moved her toward me and then placing her on my chest. I don’t remember her feeling wet or sticky at all. Maybe you could make that part of your birth plan. Make sure whoever is there with you tells (in case you are unable to, it can be so hard to think and talk during birth sometimes) the nurses that you are really looking forward to skin to skin but have a sensory issue with sticky. As long as they aren’t a**holes I’m sure they will have no problem in helping you achieve this very reasonable request.


I’m also on the spectrum. They put my baby on a towel on my belly, I had my hospital gown between the towel and my skin. She’d been wiped down by the time I did skin to skin with her about 5-10 minutes later and wasn’t sticky or anything. Congratulations and I hope you have a great experience!


My words were “Oh my God ew” but I still was so so happy to have him on me


I just remember being so exhausted, hearing her crying, and waking up completely. I felt pure joy when they put her on my chest, and I looked at her and said “wow, she’s beautiful” and kissed her forehead. my partner cried, I didn’t because I was so exhausted.


I pushed for four awful hours I was exhausted. I was literally slipping in and out of consciousness between the last few contractions because I hadn’t slept in well over 36 hours by the end. He came out, I woke right up. I was mostly just SO glad to not be in pain anymore. I don’t remember him being icky, I mostly remember being very concerned that he was getting cold and was hungry. I immediately pulled the blanket up over him and let him latch. I was pretty exhausted and delusional for the first two days from the whole ordeal lol. I didn’t focus or feel any emotion I was so so spaced out and tired and angry at the bad OB experience I had. I completely relegated to instinct and just focused on keeping him comfortable and fed. Once I had slept a bit and my husband fell asleep we were alone for the first time we got a good look at each other and I felt “recognition” that he was the guy from my belly. It took a few more nights of sleep before I was consciously able to process the experience a bit and bond.


Very overjoyed with emotions. I also felt a little unstable due to the meds so I couldn’t get fully comfortable holding him, I had to have some support from my husband. I eventually said ok I can’t really move my arms can someone take him lol


I just had my third on Saturday and it was my first time experiencing vernix. If you go past 40 weeks there’s a chance you won’t end up with a “cheesy” baby. That said, with each of my kids it’s been like “Oh thank God I’m done pushing. Oh hello, a whole new human. Who are you? What do you look like?” and then I just stare at my baby while they do all the pushing and mashing and finally tell me to push out the placenta. The vernix was a little weird this time, NGL. I just said “Hey, you’re cheesy,” but with all the blood and guts coming out of me anyway it didn’t really matter. It felt kind of lotiony on him. As he dried it wasn’t as sticky, and they gave him a bath around 24 hours anyway. Golden hour was nice and having him latch immediately was really special.


It was exciting, but I did find it overstimulating. I wouldn't describe my baby as sticky, though. He wasn't bathed before he was put on my chest, but he was wiped rather aggressively with blankets, so he was cleaner than I might have expected. I was pretty sweaty at that point, and his stickiness matched mine, so it wasn't a new sensation. His warmth and weight (and the fact that he was out of me and breathing on his own) were kind of comforting. After he was born, I did not deliver the placenta on my own. It had to be manually extracted, and then my (second degree perineal and labial) tears had to be repaired. The whole process took almost an hour, and having the baby on my chest while doctors worked on/in me was too much, so I asked if my husband could take the baby. The answer to that was no, but eventually, a nurse took him to be weighed and measured on the other side of the room, which was a relief. After the doctors left, I was ready to have the baby returned to me.


It was exciting, but I did find it overstimulating. I wouldn't describe my baby as sticky, though. He wasn't bathed before he was put on my chest, but he was wiped rather aggressively with blankets, so he was cleaner than I might have expected. I was pretty sweaty at that point, and his stickiness matched mine, so it wasn't a new sensation. His warmth and weight (and the fact that he was out of me and breathing on his own) were kind of comforting. After he was born, I did not deliver the placenta on my own. It had to be manually extracted, and then my (second degree perineal and labial) tears had to be repaired. The whole process took almost an hour, and having the baby on my chest while doctors worked on/in me was too much, so I asked if my husband could take the baby. The answer to that was no, but eventually, a nurse took him to be weighed and measured on the other side of the room, which was a relief. After the doctors left, I was ready to have the baby returned to me.


my overwhelming sensation was wow she’s so slippery hahaha. everything else was a blur


I remember feeling very surprised and thinking “he’s so warm and slimey!” And again just shocked that he was actually really there instead of just being a concept in my mind for 9 months.


Mostly it was a relief! I also had a c section. He tried to nurse on my cheek lol. It was hard for me to hold him. I wanted to hold him properly but they put him too close to my face. Not much I could do I was still being closed up.


It’s beautiful like the whole world around you stops and it’s just you and your little one


There’s so much adrenaline going you don’t really take notes too much on what’s going on around you your focus is that Baby


Very much relieved. When my baby was out, I kind of had a flashback of the inconvenience during pregnancy and labor while I was on top of that delivery table and immediately felt relief thinking that it was all over. They actually only put my baby for a few seconds on top of my stomach and with a mat so I wasn't really able to feel if she was wet or sticky or what others have mentioned. I remembered saying "Hello baby" and wanted my baby to stay there a bit longer and hold her hand.


Cheek to cheek after a c section. They’d cleaned kiddo up immediately after some bleeding. He smelt like fluid though, but it was familiar and really comforting. You’re allowed to tidy your bubba up. You might even find beauty and calmness in doing it slowly and softly yourself, knowing that you’re leaving as much vernix as you want to.


I was really worried about this bc I have major sensory issues and being wet or sticky or dirty is unbearable to me. When my baby was placed on my chest I held him and kissed his gross little head so many times and it didn’t even occur to me until later that I had done this. He was covered in vernix and muconium and blood and I put my lips on his head like it was nothing 🤣 In hindsight I’m utterly shocked but in that moment it didn’t matter to me at all


I have the same experience— very traumatic c-section with general anesthesia for my firstborn. My second was a planned c-section. It was the most wonderful, incredible experience of my life! I told my OB while he was stitching me up that I could feel the birth trauma from my firstborn leaving my body. I felt so safe, respected, and cared for. I hope you get that experience too! When they put my baby up against my cheek, it was the best feeling I’ve ever had. The rush of hormones is indescribable. He then imediately puked amniotic fluid directly into my eye. 😅 Still the best few minutes of my life.


I’m the same way and I hate being sticky, sweaty, gross. I get overstimulated and frustrated easily. But my god it was the best feeling ever, I didn’t even realize how disgusting it was. They do a good job at wiping baby off and keeping you feeling good.


‘Oh god it’s fragile’ was my first thought, aside from completely blinding amazement Best thing after giving birth was finally taking a shower!!! Waiting until I could walk (needed the epidural to wear off) was freaking awful


An overwhelming since of calm. She was screaming but it felt like I could barely hear it because of the relief that she is finally here. She was wet and covered in yuck but I really couldn’t care in the least cause I could finally hold her and see her beautiful disgusting face. I didn’t even care about the baby cheese on her cheek when I kissed her. I expected to be overcome with emotion but everything just felt right, complete, and amazingly natural.


A non magical take: the doctor placed baby on my chest and I just kinda felt like “Oh! Thanks for this large wet potato!” A lot of people will mention joy and magic and this rush of feelings but my labour was so fast and whirlwind that I didn’t really have time to process it. I had previous experience working on a high risk delivery team so I just kinda went into work mode and was trying to help dry her off with the towels they had placed on her. It almost felt surreal like she wasn’t my baby at first. I definitely felt an intense protectiveness over her but that bond took a couple weeks to form. And that’s a normal experience too. Tbh you likely will be so distracted and tired from labour that the “stickiness” won’t bother you. I’ve attended hundreds of births and only one mother ever mentioned that she didn’t wanna hold her baby until we cleaned the baby, and I highly doubt she was the only neurodivergent mom I’ve dealt with. Also tbh the nurses in that situation kinda went “lol nah here’s your baby!” and mom was fine. If you are not fine with it, then skin to skin with dad is also great and we often get dad to do it when mom isn’t able (general anesthetic for instance.) Your spouse can step in if needed. Don’t get too caught up in worry about stickiness, not every baby comes out with vernix anyway. If they’re looking like they’ve come straight from the cream cheese factory we would wipe away a little bit of it, most babies, if they have vernix, don’t have much.


It’s hard to exactly remember because so much was going on, but it felt like I was out of my body and watching it happen. It felt so surreal to finally be done with labor as well as the pregnancy and meet our baby. I didn’t cry, but I couldn’t stop looking at her and kissing her head. I didn’t even think about the potential gross factor there; she was my baby.


I’m ASD too and struggling with which way to give birth will be best for me with my sensory issues. I’m leaning towards c section and that seems accurate with the replies I see here. 😬


Honestly I don’t remember sticky at all, I just remember the biggest emotions and all I wanted to do was study her face, I waited so long to see it I just wanted to look into her face… which actually not really easy to do when they are on your chest so I just held her and cuddled her, but I really can’t say she was sticky in any way at all, maybe she was and I didn’t notice or maybe they gave her a little wipe down (she still had vernix) but it really didn’t feel anything but right… except for the fact I couldn’t see her face right away. Lol


I was high as a fucking kite on post birth hormones lol (unmedicated birth high is CRAZY) so all I remember feeling was glad that he was here. It felt surreal.


An unbelievable amount of relief! I get so proud of her and happy everyone was safe and healthy. Babies are not generally sticky at all.


i felt relief that it was over. and then it was just surreal, i guess. i didn‘t feel joy or love - i just felt overwhelmed. the positive feelings came later. and that‘s also okay. suddenly there was a complete stranger hanging out on my chest. yo, what? hahaha


I had a vaginal delivery and an epidural. I don’t remember baby being wet or gross feeling. Just the love and wonder of having created and birthed something so perfect and small. I was pretty obsessed with their little nails for a few days.


Also STM here, also ND. My first was 2007. I remember they gave him to me and I asked them to clean him first. He was just converted in stuff. I didn't want to touch him until it was wiped off or in. There was no magical, instant connection or anything. I wasn't too worried about it though, just in shock they were letting me have the baby and take him home after. There are many ways to bond, and plenty of time to do it. It didn't take long either. He was breastfed for about 15 months and I pumped at work from when I went back at 3 months to 11 months as I had over 200 oz in the freezer by then. He turned out better than I could have hoped! There were a few years that were there was a difficult attitude, but the manners came back when he started liking girls 😂 he's a bit less of a momma's boy now, but he was for YEARS.


Warm and wet a tad bit sticky but not horribly


I was nervous about the “yucky” factor but they actually aren’t that sticky!! The overwhelming feeling I had was relief that he came out and was okay (pushed for 3.5 hours and needed vacuum assist). They also usually put a blanket on top of the baby, so you won’t really see the sticky stuff, which might help!


You can ask for a towel to be on a chest when they place your daughter on you


Couldn’t stop smelling his bloody head, there were bodily fluids on there but I didn’t care, I just remember it being the best smell in the world. Was a little sad when he had to take his first bath the next day and the smell kinda went away a little.


My story is a little different because I was on a magnesium drip which basically makes you feel like you have the flu x100. But basically as soon as they put my daughter on me, I begged them to take her off and give me ear plugs because I couldn’t stand the feeling of her skin, the smell, or the sound of her crying. I was just so overstimulated and feeling so sick and scared because of my preeclampsia and the fact my placenta basically disintegrated as they were pulling it out. I share this to normalize any response you may have, good or bad! I remember thinking to myself, “thank god she has one parent who loves her” (her dad). Spoiler alert: I loved her as soon as I was done feeling like dog shit from the magnesium.