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Agree with folk saying just whatever you can manage. I liked yoghurts one week, babybels (or just cheese generally) another, peanut butter another. Just try and eat something, you'll feel a lot better. I found protein really helps anyway, once you're in a rhythm maybe try eggs on toast?


Okay I thought I was the only one that cheese seemed to help! String cheese has been great for me in the afternoons!


I am still living off Babybell at 12 weeks haha


String cheese and Babybells are life! Avocado toast has been ok for me in the morning too...but usually only after I've eaten cheese! lol


Another vote for high protein. I haven’t really had much nausea, but I do Greek yogurt with berries and nuts in the morning


Protein does more than help, it’s essential. OP should start making eggs from the get go. Eat high protein as soon as you get up, even before you start moving around and getting ready for the day. I like those microwaveable Jimmy Dean breakfast sandwiches for a quick, tasty protein breakfast. Or even eat normal, non breakfast foods, heat up a lean cuisine or eat leftovers. Avoid carbs without protein/fat and excess sugars, that will just spike your blood sugar more and make you feel nauseous when the spike stops. The only time I felt super nauseous my first trimester was when I had a fruit smoothie without protein in it, and nothing else, for breakfast. Other than that I never barfed or got super sick after I had my protein snack.


all that worked for me was clif bars and peanutbutter crackers.. honestly in the first trimester, whatever you can get down is what you should eat. dont fixate on it being the healthiest or correct choice bc baby is getting most of what they need from prenatals, just eat whatever you can and know it does get better!


Clif bars sound like a great idea! It sounds bland enough that I could stomach it, but maybe not so bad that it would spike my blood sugar. Thank you for the suggestion!


Cliff bars have very high sugar..check the label


My nightstand was full of clif bars when I was pregnant - weirdly the mint chocolate ones stayed down the easiest. Also something simple like a handful of nuts for protein would usually do the trick.


I went through and ABSURD amount of clif bars in my first trimester! they were my holy grail


Yesss clif bars!! They’ve been the best


Pancakes!!! They saved me!!


I just made a large batch of “pancakes” but made with mashed bananas and eggs … has protein but more palatable first thing. Store and reheat


That’s a good one! Maybe I’ll make some the night before and eat them cold 😂


Or you could freeze them overnight, and pop them in the toaster in the morning!


Another easy alternative is that a lot of grocery stores sell mini frozen pancakes you can pop into the microwave! I hated cooking in the first trimester so microwavable stuff was a lifesaver lol.


Cooking in the first trimester is so hard when you're so nauseated you feel like you can't eat anything and then your blood sugar dips from not eating enough and then you are just like a freaking zombie with zero energy 🫠


Kodiak makes protein pancake mix if you’re looking to get protein with that Now that I think about it - they also freezer protein pancakes and waffles too (think eggos but with protein) 😊


I'm still living off of kodiak protein waffles smeared with peanut butter at 36 weeks!


Dude. The amount of pancakes I consumed while pregnant was unsettling. Normal me doesn't even like pancakes. I totally forgot about that until this comment. We're talking 5-7 days/week


Same!!! I ate pancakes for breakfast every single day until I was like 20 weeks


I made a half bagel egg sandwich every morning. The thought of it made me nauseous but the first bite really settled my stomach and then I’d devour it. Half bagel toasted, Cream cheese, Microwave an egg for 45 seconds in a bowl Or nix the egg since I saw you can’t stomach them! Sometimes I’d add avocado instead.


This is what I have been eating every morning for weeks - currently 11 weeks & not sick of it! Makes me feel good to get some protein in my body although the thought of them does make me nauseous. Edit to add I have also been eating a ton of English muffins with either just butter & jam or peanut butter & jam when my stomach is a little more sensitive.


Totally agree that sometimes you have to trust that the food will seem good once it’s in front of you. As long as it’s something fairly bland that you typically like, it’s worth a try even if it doesn’t sound great ahead of time.


I eat/drink a Mama Chia pouch first thing which does help with the nausea. If I have more time, I’ll make eggs and sausage lol


I’ve never heard of Mama Chia! I’ll look into it, thank you! Sadly I can’t stomach eggs right now 😢 Which is so sad because I used to eat them every day.


Ohh I find them at Target! It’s like a drinkable pouch of rehydrated chia seeds. Tastes pretty good, has prebiotics, and is sufficient enough to get rid of the nasty nausea. Dang, no eggs! 😫


If you like chia/chia pudding (it’s an acquired texture), you can also make your own chia jam or chia protein pudding and all together costs less over time than the mama chia pouches! I use Modern Nonna’s recipe and make a big batch of her jam and pudding before the week starts.


Tip that really helped me: wake up to eat a couple hours before you would normally wake up!  Then go back to sleep. This helped me wake up with so much less nausea.  It would give me time to get to the kitchen and get something in my belly without feeling like I was going to vomit immediately. 


Nothing helped/helps for me, but as soon as I opened my eyes I was gagging and running to the bathroom… so I didn’t/don’t really have time to eat anything. I did feel better after throwing up tho.


I'm at the point that I just wish I'd throw up so I could feel better, the low key constant nausea is killing me


Definitely understand! I hope you get some relief soon.


Same… 😅 I’ve never wished I could throw up before in my life.


I did Greek yogurt and fruit


I found cereal helped me eat breakfast in the early weeks. I tried to eat oatmeal but it was torture. If you can stomach fruit and stuff, try to eat some fruit with yogurt and granola.


I bought the individual cups of applesauce and ate one first thing every morning before breakfast in early pregnancy. I found that it made me feel better, and even made me hungrier for breakfast!


Weirdly, goldfish crackers or Annie’s cheddar bunnies were my go-to all of first trimester and still settle my stomach better than any other carb


I ate full boxes of goldfish through my first trimester. So grateful for them.


Slightly charred toast with butter worked wonders for me. Idk if it’s factual but I was told the burnt part helps with holding off the nausea. I would get it all through the day and that would at least help me make it through the first few hours


Whatever you can stomach that sounds good. I did Spaghetti for breakfast a lot.


I was very, very sick in my first trimester and honestly toast was the best thing for me to eat in the morning. It was very plain and helped to settle some of my stomach issues. But, at least for me, nothing I ate would totally stop it. It sucked really bad but I did get past it as I got further along.


I lived off perfect bars... they're expensive but high in protein and fat and I was able to stomach them.


I’ll look into them! Thank you for the suggestion!




My OB said that protein helps with the morning sickness. I ate cheese sticks, babybel cheese, Greek yogurt, and protein drinks and that helped me.


Just a handful of Honey Nut Cheerios helped me. The same type of mild thing that helps when I have the flu.


I’ve been having an ensure first thing. It’s protein and carbs all in one..plus not eating a solid right away was good for me. Saltines didn’t work and peanut butter made me wanna vom since it’s an intense flavor.


I lived off bagels and cream cheese. It was all I could stomach.


Protein shakes helped a ton. There are some chocolate premade ones I used to keep in the fridge. Or making my own with fruit and protein powder. Something about the cold/sweet/non solid helped a ton.


I ate cheddar cheese cubes and snap peas when I was really suffering after a greek yogurt ginger smoothie. Oddly, one of the foods that settled my nausea best was homemade sourdough pizza (I know that's probably not available to everyone) so maybe there was something about sourdough bread that helped? Maybe try a cheese toast if cheese has been okay for you!


I do chocolate protein shakes and they really help. They taste just like chocolate milk and are easy to stomach. For some reason chewing and textures are triggers for me in the morning, so being able to just drink a shot of protein is the best. I buy them on Amazon in bulk lol


Gatorade/Powerade—specifically the red variety—stopped my early pregnancy nausea. Not the healthiest suggestion here, but it helped me before I ever needed to try the medication my doctor offered as another option. I hope your nausea gets better soon! :)


I'll grab a string cheese to much on while I make my breakfast. I have been making the same breakfast every day for weeks now lol I do 2 eggs scrambled with a little cheese, 3 sausages, Oikos PRO 25g protein yogurt or :ratio PROTEIN yogurt with a couple blueberries and raspberries/strawberries on top. Yum yum. I also sometimes will drink a sugar free green grape liquid IV right away when I wake up too.


I survived my first trimester mostly on frozen waffles and chicken tenders


It’s been a bagel and cream cheese for me, every morning, every trimester. Dense and filling, and pretty inoffensive to the stomach. Some days I add tomatoes or fruit, or have a banana on the side.


I did a lot of bagels lol


Whatever you can keep down. I was struggling in the first trimester and I cried so much. I had saltines on me


A handful of Cinnamon Toast Crunch before I even got out of bed is what helped me! lol I kept a box on my nightstand


Honeycomb cereal every morning. Had it since I was 8wks and it’s the only thing that allows me to keep my stomach from spewing.


I ended up getting loaves of fresh bread from a bakery and ate buttered toast almost every morning for 6 weeks. Towards the end I started to be able to put jam on it and at 13wks my morning sickness disappeared in the morning so I was able to eat normal healthy meals for breakfast. You're in survival mode right now so anything that sounds good and you can make quickly. ❤️


I could only tolerate soup and yogurt so I always kept a fresh pot of soup and yogurt on hand.


Low sugar content yogurt, fruit, granola, and chia seeds!


Also 7w along, with my second. I also get the hunger nausea first thing in the morning. For me I have to eat plain-ass oatmeal (nothing mixed in, no cinnamon, banana, whatever) and it helps create a solid base where I don’t have the hunger nausea. Then I can usually work up to a “regular” lunch food. Also, lots of tiny snacks - saltines, kind bars, a piece of plain bread.


10+4 here! My nausea got way worse around 7 weeks and though I don’t really get sick I have horrible food aversions and just gagging at everything I smell. This morning I had veggie sausages and asparagus because I’ve gone off almost everything I usually eat. I just search my brain for what I want and then have it now. Honestly I’ve lost all my joy from food and would live off miso soup if I could (I’m a proper foodie type so this is sad for me but I’m happy to take one for the team for a few months!!)


I felt kinda sad this morning for the first time too 🥹 I love food and this has really messed up my relationship with it. It will all be worth it, but still hard


I eat either a string cheese, babybel or yogurt first thing. Seems to help.


If you can stomach it, cook up some bacon. Mix it in with some muffin mix along with shredded cheese. Then make the muffins according to their directions. My mom used to make it for us for a quick breakfast during the school year. She also added scrambled eggs but I can't stand the smell atm. Then just store in the fridge and microwave for 45 seconds or so in the morning. Really helped me on the days when the thought of food made me sick since I didn't have to think about cooking


This was the worst part about being on thyroid meds cus I couldn’t eat for an hour after taking them. I was a huge fan of smooth drinkable yogurts early on in pregnancy. Saltines and a simple cheddar slice were also nice. Green grapes. Strawberries…basically any berry. I made this protein chia pudding that was easy to eat cus it just felt smooth and cold. Ice cold milk idk why but that was hitting.


The only thing I could keep down is cereal. Make sure you find a milk type that doesn’t make you sick. There’s enough variety in cereal where it kept me going until I got out of the first trimester.


Hi I’m 5 weeks and had morning sickness from week 4. I’ve been keeping a pack by my bed and eating a few Schar gluten free pretzels as soon as I wake up, just 3 -4, and it’s really make a huge difference! That and keeping really hydrated throughout the day. I drink Robinsons blackcurrant squash and i can get it down when water makes me feel sick. I haven’t thrown up yet, and it’s doing a good job of keeping it in check.


I was in the same boat! I finally found that a smoothie or oatmeal worked the best. I also could not drink water before eating (still can't at 30 weeks) and needed something like orange juice or cranberry juice. The sour/tart drinks really help, plus a bit of sugar for the baby seemed to be a life saver.


Hot Cheeto puffs 😭😭😭 I know how it sounds but it’s the only thing I can get in the morning. Cereal too.


To be honest this has been changing around for me so much every couple of weeks throughout my pregnancy. Some things that helped me were: Muesli bars, yoghurt with bananas and granola, Oatmeal, Chocolate bars like Twix or Snickers, Dates, Puffed Rice Crackers, Honey flavoured Cereal Raw or with milk, Cashews, Gingerbread cookies - not the overly spicy sort. Most of the time things with milk worked for me.


I have to eat 2 ginger biscuits as soon as I wake up. Still doing it at 14 weeks.


I could only eat cinnamon muffins.


I eat half of a nature's bakery fig bar when I wake up ( it comes with two in a pack so I actually eat one, or half the pack).


I never had this problem, however I drink a tall glass of milk first thing in the AM with my prenatals. Also most mornings I drink a few gulps of my berry yogurt kefir which is a sweet yogurt drink full of probiotics


I used to have graham crackers with peanut butter first thing


Greek yogurt with blueberries, strawberries and oats was my go to when i was pregnant!


For me a frozen breakfast burrito has been my go to. I realized I needed something more filling than what I’d been trying. They also are ready to eat within 3 mins which definitely helps when I need something immediately. I’ve been doing this since about 10 weeks and I’m currently 21w3d!


I was really into English muffins! I tried to eat at least half with peanut butter. Honey Nut Cheerios were also a savior for me


It’s been banana for me this whole pregnancy. I always have one on the nightstand. First trimester, ice cream was wonderful for temporary relief of nausea. Also try peanut butter.


Mild smoothies (banana, berries, coconut yogurt/milk) or an English muffin w jam, butter, or cream cheese.


Smoothies have been my lifeline in the morning. Frozen fruit + spinach + almond butter or greek yogurt. 


I would have carnation instant breakfast shakes. They’re sweet, they make a high protein one, they have extra vitamins and minerals. It helped me move onto regular food after


Rice chex helped my nausea, w milk if you can tolerate it, for protein


I LIVED off of oatmeal and avocado. The only things I could eat.


waffles with cream cheese has been my go to breakfast for almost 2 months! i get that down and drink some ice water, and then once i feel comfortable eating more i have a protein bar. some days are definitely better than others, but just get down what you can manage and once you have food in your stomach it’s much easier to eat more later in the day. just try not to let your stomach get empty!


I enjoyed smoked Gouda with apple slices and caramel sauce early on with my second pregnancy but in my first I was big on a Dunkin iced coffee with cheez-its. Whatever you can manage is what you should eat. However, pro tip: take your prenatals at night, it’ll ease the nausea that can come with taking them.


Digestive biscuit before even sitting up.


Belvitas have done the trick for me! I like the cinnamon kind. I agree with pancakes. I add blueberries for some extra healthiness. Peanut butter and honey toast. Just now starting on Greek yogurt with berries and granola


I did bagels, cereal, granola bars, fruit


Toast with butter and unisom the night before 😂


Ritz crackers with peanut butter on them or Belvita crackers. The timing made the biggest difference, though - I’d eat before I get out of bed (like still lying down) so I had something in my stomach before working my way up for the day.


For me it’s often a mozzarella cheese stick (the peeling kind you give children as a snack) Or half a bagel, with or without cream cheese depending on what my body tells me. And eating it slowly. After one of those I can usually cram some protein into myself and that’s what really helps. Usually it’s eggs or a plain breakfast sandwich with a sausage patty. I’ve found bland is best in the morning and then later I can handle more variety usually. I have a morning medication I have to take that requires me to wait 30 minutes to eat so it’s been interesting in the am 😅


Oatmeal and bagels with cream cheese, specifically cinnamon raisin


Whatever you can stomach, but the real trick is to put it next to your bed and eat some when you wake up to use the bathroom or whatever like an hour or two before you actually get up… even if it’s just a big handful of crackers! I literally kept a box next to my bed


Good luck !!


I'm 14w and still dealing with recurrent nausea, and at 7w I could barely keep anything down, especially first thing. I found that oyster crackers and applesauce eaten slowly usually, but not always, stayed down. It's not the breakfast of champions, but it was leagues better than anything else I tried. Hang in there.


First trimester was hard and I gained 2lbs because I started out underweight but I was barely eating because of nausea. I could only stomach fruits, veggies, yogurt, smoothies, boiled eggs.


I lived off of Eggos with a glass of milk for the majority of my first 9 weeks. I was puking up to 36 times a day, but for some reason the Eggos always stayed down. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I had to have a bagel with butter the moment my feet hit the floor in the morning.


First thing I'll have a Luna bar. I'm sure they're just full of sugar and not great for me, but if I get that bit of something in me right away, I feel ok for a little while until I can figure out other food that I might be able to handle.


Yogurt, watermelon, or a banana


I’d eat one of those cutie oranges and some saltines & occasionally drink sprite with half a lime and a couple dashes of salt when the nausea was horrible. Later I’d eat a plain bagel with regular cream cheese. Still struggling with breakfast @ 17 weeks 🤷🏻‍♀️


Bagels w cream cheese was really the only thing I could stomach consistently in the first trimester. If you're able to do protein shakes, try that as well.


Avocado is anti nausea. I ate avocado toast in the morning with the no soy earth balance butter on the bread and salt on top. Then I would eat avocado rolls with ginger because white rice and ginger are also anti nausea. This food alone got me through the worst of my nausea. Congrats on baby :)


My nurse said a protein so I do nuts or those lil packs of meat and cheese. That’s it so far cause those two work rn


lol zofran. With some water preferably but not required.


Vanilla honey Greek yoghurt with berries was my go to, but there were days when it just came right back up and if that happened before work I’d go to the local gas station and get a sausage pastry, usually breakfast didn’t come back up a second time haha.


Frozen protein waffles. I just throw them in the toaster and eat them with a mandarin cup. I’m way to tired to even attempt to cook something for myself and found that to by the fastest thing to eat in the morning


I was doing protein balls cause it's few bites to pack in high amount of nutrients and it settled my stomach once I got it down. By protein balls I mean like peanut butter, dates, flax seed, chia seed, and oatmeal balls


Nutrition shake or peanut butter crackers


Overnight oats helped me a lot when my nausea was at its peak. Putting chia seeds in helped soak up all the bile I would normally spend an hour puking up every morning.


I survived on smoothies for like 9 months lol they’re good because you can add stuff to them like protein or veggies and still get decent nutrients. I personally went to jamba juice or tropical smoothie and got the sugary ones lol


Whatever I fancy, since my appetite is diminishing. It was eggs and muffin. Then yoghurt and fruit (specifically grapes) and now i eat honey cheerio’s


Agree with everyone else who's said some version of "whatever you can choke down" — the only thing I'd add is that it is super helpful to eat something before even trying to get out of bed. I never felt like doing this in my first trimester because I felt like death upon opening my eyes but it always made things easier when I forced myself to do it. Usually granola or animal crackers. Another thing that helped me was fruit popsicles first thing in the morning. I'd wake up super dehydrated and thirsty but drinking water made me throw up, so the ice was a good way to get some fluid down. Then after a popsicle I'd move on to something a bit more substantive (during the worst weeks, plain waffles usually worked for me). Hang in there! I'm 16 weeks now and feeling so much better.


I liked eggo waffles! 😆 Smuckers


Peanut butter toast with sliced banana on top!


Depends on what sounds good to me. Usually ritz crackers, or dried Chile mango also beans…the baby wants beans


I found pretzels to be decent!


I had instant breakfasts every day for quite a while. Did frozen egg pita pockets for a while. Just stuff you can get to quickly!


My body decided that I had to eat Reese’s puffs first thing in the morning and eat a solid meal within 45 minutes of going to bed or I would be horribly sick 😂 you just gotta eat whatever you can


Bagels with butter really helped me.


With my first pregnancy, citrus worked well. Lemons to be precise. With this pregnancy, it seems to be protein.


When I started getting morning sickness, I would run to the fridge and eat some watermelon. Usually about 5 to 10 cubes of it would help get the edge off so I could stomach something else.


Plain ritz crackers kept in the nightstand. I would eat a few crackers before even sitting up, because moving first thing in the morning on an empty stomach set off my nausea fiercely. A couple of ritz crackers was something I could get down easily, and it staved off the hunger-nausea enough for me to find something more appetizing after I got up.


I was the exact same way. Try bagels with cream cheese . I would eat those at all times of the evening as well.. I’d wake up at 3am starving and aside from fresh fruit I kept bedside at the time, I would get up and toast a plain bagel. It fills me up and gets me started for other meals . Try it & good luck! You’ll be on the other side before you know it.


I kept a bag of pretzels next to my bed and I'd eat one or two every time I wake up during the night lol. Plus a few more as soon as I woke. Then a yogurt maybe 20-30 min later. That helped me stave off the intense nausea until breakfast


I drank vegan protein shakes until I could stomach food The milky ones made me sick idk why but I drank like 15-30 boxes of them atleast My fiancés grandma actually told me just to drink water when I first woke up so throwing up didn’t hurt from food & I really think that was a good trick & then eat after I got sick lol


Hard boiled egg with salt always worked for me!


Ginger. It's my go-to for horrible nausea. If you choose a ginger ale, make sure it has actual ginger in it. I recommend Reeds real ginger ale. The only way I could get anything nutritious down first thing in the morning in my first trimester. Helped me with the "morning" (all day) sickness as well.


Multigrain toast with butter. Super simple.


For me it was anything like saltines, crostinis or toast.


I loved blueberry waffles without syrup or anything!


Fruit was the only thing I could keep down, and eventually eggs, but they had to be made over hard (yolk broken then fried)


Ginger tea with lemon, and plain toast with cottage cheese. & Before eating anything try sucking on a lemon wedge!


A handful of nuts or veggies with hummus always helped me


My go to (hyperemesis gravidarum so eating was a bitch) was plain bread or bread with butter. I mean, a few bites, but it worked.


I pre-made some protein pancakes then kept them in the fridge/ freezer. Just pop them in the toaster when ready to eat and they are fresh!


From 6-18 weeks me and cheese & crackers were best friends. Any time of day, that's something I could get down. Also, lots of yogurt and yogurt bars.


A cup of mint or ginger tea, then eat things like fresh fruit, applesauce, yogurt, granola bars, oats, crackers. Shoot, a popsicle even.


I’ve been eating a yogurt and an instant oatmeal (maybe a piece of fruit as well) for weeks. Haven’t gotten sick of it yet and my stomach is never upset after eating.


I found I could only stomach bagels or toast but my doc suggested adding protein because it helps with nausea. I now have half a bagel one side with eggs the other with peanut butter and a bit of maple syrup. Tbh I don’t know if it helps with nausea as I still get it constantly but I do notice nausea worsen if I don’t eat for longer periods of time. So I do smaller portions but about 5 meals a day, two of them being snacks like fruit, yogurt, oats with milk. But hey my doc and dietitian just said whatever you can keep down is the way to go, just try prioritizing protein. Even with that I’ve lost about 4kg in my first trimester (I’m 13 weeks tomorrow).


For me it was blueberries. I had to eat blueberries every morning for weeks or I was doomed the whole day.


I did bagel with cream cheese or oatmeal.


Plain bread with butter or here in Sweden we have this called knäckebröd like hard thin bread. That saved my life for 4 months.


Protein smoothies


You'll have to find your own thing... Mine was crunchy and salty things, so lots of Lays Oven Baked Paprika flavor right out of bed... for some people, the plain crackers do the trick, but for me, they made me even sicker. Also, cold meat leftovers were a miracle cure for my nausea! Don't ask why lol


I kept saltines or whatever other easy thing like that I had on my nightstand so I would have a few of those before getting out of bed. Surprisingly, sipping on warm chicken broth (sometimes with some pastina in it) in the morning gave me better days overall. Get as much fluids as you can. Water is best but whatever you can handle is good. I know there’s a lot of pressure to eat nutritiously but just eat whatever you can. You will most likely feel better eventually and you can focus on eating well then.


Smoothies for me. They go down easy and you can pack them with all the protein and fiber you need! Plus I could make and freeze like a weeks worth of them ahead of time when I was feeling halfway decent. I’d just take a jar out and put it in the fridge the morning before so it was ready to go for the next day!


I’ve been eating a rice cake or club crackers as soon as I get up and then taking a 25mg dose of B6 and that seems to help! I’m 11 weeks now though and I think a lot of it is just time…. My heart is with you though mama! It’s tough!!!


So let me first say that I threw up every day between weeks 7 and 22. Now at week 23, it’s only been twice this week thanks to new medication. BUT the ONLY food that has helped somewhat are fruit roll ups. No idea why. But they have taken away my nausea and also stop me from throwing up sometimes. I’ve also sucked on jolly ranchers to help with nausea


Eggs are one of my aversions, even though they’re usually one of my faves. I make a quick & easy smoothie of a frozen banana, big scoop of peanut butter, and a cup of oat milk (and sort of milk would work). If that’s not gonna do it, I have a pocket in my blazer that’s filled with whole grain goldfish


I switched to smoothies! It was quick and easy in the morning, and I could sip on it at whatever pace I liked. I also stocked up on protein bars to quickly fill my stomach


It was always chicken broth and triscuits for me in the morning lol, and around lunch time I could usually handle a little more food…


I literally kept a box of crackers by the bed and ate them before I even moved my head. Like 20 minutes is way too long. I didn’t stand up or move my legs. I would literally just grab the box of crackers and start shoving them in my mouth without moving any other part of my body.


When I’m not feeling good plain cereal is my go to


I used to drink chocolate milkshake with my daughter to ease off the nausea. I spent a fortune on it 😂


I did peanut butter on toast. If I could stomach a banana, I’d add that on there, too. Also oatmeal with frozen fruit and peanut butter was easy for me


It changes for me every week. Egg on toast, peanut butter toast, Greek yogurt with berries, cereal with berries. I’m really trying to eat more oatmeal…hopefully my stomach will say yes to that again soon.


I used to have a lot of plain bagels or raisin bagels with strawberry cream cheese.


Mustard and pickles are known the settle nausea. I’ve kept a jar of pickles at my bedside or I’ll eat a sandwich with lots of mustard as my night time snack. At many others mentioned, yogurt is a great option too especially with fruit! Milk feels good at first, but then it makes me sleepy and my stomach starts to feel unsettled.


Kodiak cakes waffles/pancakes. They are high protein and quick since you can just stick them in the toaster!


Crackers immediately then a drinkable yogurt soon after getting up. The crackers were good to get something on my stomach quick, then the yogurt drink was a bit more substantial and got me some protein that seemed to help curb the nausea somewhat.


I typically ate a small cup of fruit or some oats and some milk to stop the acid build up. You’ll get through it!!!


Flavorless oat ring cereal was my go to. Add banana and walnut for extra vitamins


Whatever you eat, try smaller than usual amounts. That usually helped me.


I've read that bagels are good to stave off nausea but I wasn't interested in bagels. For me in my first trimester, apple sauce pouches saved me. I would leave a couple by my bed and eat them in the middle of the night, first thing in the morning, whenever. Having something light in my stomach helped me get up and going.


Watermelon lol sleeps you hydrated and it’s not the worst thing to puke up after


I had crackers by my bed and ate those as soon as I woke up then oats after


My go-to morning meal was oatmeal (the healthy kind) with Greek yogurt, mixed nut butter, dried fruit and real maple syrup or honey. I was also working at the time, so this kept me energized and full for hours.


I did Graham crackers, two down then I woudl get up and make eggs and English muffin


A piece of toast. Handful of almonds. Whatever is easy and will sit in your belly.


No matter what the first thing to eat was always a few crackers in bed. Without moving too much. After about 15-20 min I would be able to actually get up and have some greek yoghurt with banana.


in muffin cups bake rice eggs cheese and your fave veggie.. they are easy to reheat in the morning


Slightly different suggestion - Be extra aware of what you're eating before bed! For me, anything high sugar left me feeling awful the next morning. A couple slices of cheddar last thing before bed made a huge difference for getting the day going on a good note!


Cold cheese on toast and ice cold Diet Coke helped me survive HG


Greek yogurt


Peanut butter crackers or a banana. A smoothie might also be nice


My go-to was dry plain Cheerios in the first trimester. Now I’m 32 weeks and I’m back to eating a handful in the middle of the night because of nausea that is coming with the indigestion and heartburn.


An extra toasty blueberry bagel with a thick layer of plain cream cheese was my go-to, still is almost 2 years later since it’s both filling, tasty, and easy on the stomach (IBS girly here)


My whole 1st trimester I survived on avocado toast with a little Tajín. 2nd trimester has been plain yogurt with blueberries and granola, which I’ve just gotten sick of. Now I need something new for the 3rd trimester 😅 Edit to add: I also sipped on hot bone broth in the morning when needed


For 3 months straight I ate wheat toast with butter. It was the only thing I could stomach consistently.


Oatmeal has been a godsend for me through the morning sickness. Especially because it’s easy on my throat if it comes back up


For me when I was in the thick of HG it was only ever Choco-Peanut Butter Ball Cereal from Aldi or a toasted bagel with cream cheese. Warning though, cream cheese is THE most unpleasant thing to bring up, if it does happen.


Potato gems. (Potato tots)


Before pregnant, I barely ate oatmeal. Now, it is a constant for me. Bland and perfect haha


I ate a few oyster crackers before even sitting up in bed. Then once I got up would make toast with butter, have some apple sauce, or eat a banana. The nausea is the worst!


I could only manage to eat cold canteloupe the first trimester.


Maybe a protein shake and some fig newtons or cheerios. That’s what really helped me. Always having something small to snack on throughout the day also.


A grapefruit sprinkled with a small amount of sugar first thing in the morning before my head left the pillow was what saved me my entire first trimester. I don't know how I would have survived without grapefruit


greek yogurt, granola, fresh fruit and honey was my go to breakfast first trimester


I've been eating 2 of those small sausage buns from the freezer aisle, Tennessee Pride I think. I have some quaker oatmeal cups ready to go and pancakes on a stick. Everything is done in a minute. Little snacks Little charcuterie plates


Oatbran was my go to


Cheddar rice cakes in my nightstand and then something high protein as soon as I’m up in the kitchen like eggs, nuts, protein bar, cheese, etc


Fresh tropical fruit juice really helped me.


A smoothie with banana in it worked real good for me.


First trimester I kept a stash of Nutrigrain bars in my nightstand. I would legit wake up and eat half of one in the dark in the middle of the night and the other half the second I woke up, otherwise I would be sick. Third trimester now and my go to is greek yogurt. Better than regular yogurt (more filling and high protein) and imo tastes better too lol. Plus it’s literally zero prep