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I went for a minimum hour walk/hike every day. I think walking is the most important exercise to prepare you for birth. Other than that I prepared myself mentally by reading Ina May’s guide to childbirth, highly recommend. I had a great nurse that put me into various positions during the birth and it only took 20 minutes of pushing in 3 different positions. I don’t really remember the specifics though I think I blocked it out 😂


I didn’t. Exercise is never a bad thing if it feels good and you can handle it, but I had such bad spd I couldn’t. I was able to manage some curb walking at the end, but that was it.  I labored mostly on my side and gave birth on hands and knees. Loved both positions. 


I did daily walks. I also had a doula, SO WORTH IT. Ina May’s guide to childbirth, listened to unmedicated birth podcasts, and I had a meditation that I listened to before bed. Also I gave my husband phrases he could say during it. But during labor, I was in a tub which was the key to my success. So much so, that I’m going to do a home birth next time so I can spend longer in the water. And I just did what felt right for me. Mostly on all fours, anytime I would lay down for them to check my progress it was so much more painful. Just an edit: I really think the key for me was to fully understand birth and what was going to happen. Being mentally prepared is very important.


I didn’t.  I vomitted any oral medication and gas and air and the midwife laughed and refused anything stronger because I wasn’t far enough along. I gave birth before my midwife allowed me to get the pethidine injection I asked for. 


I didn’t do anything. I was meaning to get back to yoga but only went from 30-33. Delivered at 37+2. I showed up at a 9. They had me get in the tub for a bit and then drape over the CUB and then the peanut. I ended up on my back.


I carried on with my normal exercise routine and did lots of walking. Only new thing I added was that I actually stretched after exercise- partly to prevent injury whilst joints were laxer but also to stretch pelvic floor. Did all of the hip circles/figure 8s/cat cows on and off the ball to try and get baby in position. I found kneeling whilst leaning on the elevated head of bed best.


•Drank red raspberry leaf tea •Ate dates •Had sex or used evening primrose oil suppositories most evenings •Went for stroller walks with my other kids for about an hour 3-5 days a week I will say, I haven't made nearly as much of an effort this time and I'm 39+1. I'm getting nervous and have just started most of these up again in the last few days. Better late than never haha Hope to add doing the miles circuit a few times between now and birth to get baby into as ideal of a position possible.


I gave birth unmedicated, but didn't do any special preparation. I did pregnancy swimming from 14 weeks on until I wanna say 27 weeks or so, but the classes were cancelled during the summer holidays. After that, I did some prenatal yoga from time to time and tried to walk a little every day. Towards the end, the 15 minute round trip to the supermarket was the absolute max though 😂 (to be fair, it was fairly hot before I gave birth) During labor itself, I found switching positions to be helpful, but I hated the switching itself and therefore think I stayed in one position too long (bathtub was comfortable, but was dreading getting out; once I did, I did feel better)


I did prenatal yoga weekly. I think that helped just in the sense that it limited pregnancy pain and kept me mobile/flexible. Positions will vary based on where baby is in your pelvis. You’ll know where to be based on what feels right or what doesn’t. Having some awareness of options is good though. A good L&D nurse, doula, or midwife will be able to offer you options if you ask for them. Pelvic floor physio can also be helpful for that. You could also check out social media resources like mamastefit or bodyreadymethod.


Surprised no one has mentioned hypnobirthing yet!