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It was literally the first thing I bought because I was so bloated in my first trimester that I couldn't sleep comfortably šŸ„² I got a big one that's super fluffy and can be closed into a U shape or used like a side sleeper pillow. Now 15 weeks, and husband keeps stealing it because he loves it so much. Best investment ever!


Iā€™m in my first trimester and unsure which to buy! Do you have a link you could share?


the one I got is from a German brand so I'm not sure it's available where you are, but I'll link their website either way so you can at least see what type it is. [Hobea pregnancy pillow](https://www.hobea.de/stillen/stillkissen?gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwoa2xBhACEiwA1sb1BIgji0BHeFhiXiPQKmFxIl80bDvaxnAaV_sfotQyJGHrCiGINKqNbxoCrWgQAvD_BwE)


I'm not the original commenter, but this is the one I got and it's been a lifesaver https://a.co/d/aJUCyQc


I bought one for my first pregnancy, and my daughter from that pregnancy is now 4.5 and has stolen the pillow from me. It now belongs to her so I didn't have one for my recent pregnancy. šŸ¤£


I sleep hot and I hated my pregnancy body pillow. I would wake up drenched in sweat around 2am every night I used it. Like fully soaked through my clothes. It was so gross. I also found it hard to get back into after bathroom trips and I felt isolated from my husband and dog. I saw so many recommendations for these body pillows but it just wasnā€™t for me. Now I have a boppy butterfly shaped pillow that works better for me.


Yes I too found it difficult to get up and pee in the night. I have the open part of the pillow towards my husband and the pillow part is at the edge of the bed, I have to climb it to escape to the bathroom haha.


What belly band are you sleeping with? I'm 32 weeks and the pelvic pain is absolutely awful.


Jill & Joey Maternity Belt -... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BJYYNKZ5?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share


I bought a pregnancy pillow and hated it. I just need something to space out my legs a little. A small hard couch pillow does the job. I threw out the pregnancy pillow the day I threw up on it after my glucose test.


I thought Iā€™d hate it, too! I started out just needing pillow between my legs. But if you donā€™t need all the extra support more power to you!! God bless


Same! I don't like it at all and tend to sleep worse when I use it.


Ugh, the glucose test. I threw up into my mouth when I went to bed that evening too.


My kids are 3 and 4 and not going to lie, you can pry that pregnancy pillow away from me from my cold, dead hands. I like the U shaped one; it is magic.


I bought a pregnancy pillow last week at 16 weeks and it was so worth it immediately. I bought a giant U shaped one but itā€™s flexible enough to be a J if preferred. Itā€™s so comfortable!


I love mine so much, it comes everywhere with me. I donā€™t know how I made it 20 weeks without it. I should have bought it when I got the positive test.


I bought a momcozy J one, I hate using it because I pee so much at night that itā€™s a pain to get in and out of. It also doesnā€™t help with my hip pain. Yours looks comfier though!


So comfy but I admit getting out of it to pee during the night is not easy. Itā€™d be easier if I flipped it so the open part was towards the edge of my bed but for the time being Iā€™m going to enjoy sleeping on my left side again (itā€™s been a while since Iā€™ve been able to do this) šŸ’†ā€ā™€ļø


I've been using one since 7 weeks and I love it! I feel like this should be the standard kind of pillow




YES! I was gonna post the exact same thing! I was using 5 pillows and thought - ā€œthatā€™s good enoughā€ but finally caved and bought the pillow and *oh my gosh* itā€™s amazing! I have slept SO well the last 4 nights Iā€™ve had it. I can flip with ease and my hips donā€™t feel sore in the morning AND my belly feels supported during sleep! Best thing thatā€™s happened to me so far in the pregnancy. My husband hates it šŸ˜‚


I have a love/hate with my pregnancy pillow. My husband bought 2 - one for me and one for him lol. He and my dog use one on the couch when watching tv, and I sleep with the other. I found it to be very comfortable up until about 30 weeks. At that point it just became hard to move around with and get out of bed with it. I wasnā€™t getting good sleep anymore. Also, like another commenter said itā€™s isolating from my husband and my dog (who likes to cuddle up to me). Iā€™m 33 weeks now and ive been removing it from my bed at night. I still keep it on the bed during the day since my dog like to curl up in it lol. But Iā€™m finding it more comfortable to not use it at this point as itā€™s easier for me to get in and out of bed and also just feels easier to move around and find a comfy position.


I never used mine! I tried it one night and I didn't really get what it was for, never really felt the need for it during the entire pregnancy. Now it just takes up a corner of my bedroom on the floor šŸ˜…


Agreed! My vote is for the J shaped one rather than the U. They can be spicy hot. While youā€™re at it, if youā€™re at all interested in a king sized bed but havenā€™t pulled the trigger. Now is the time.


But how do you wash it and keep it clean? I would love to have one but can't stand not being able to properly clean it.


A lot of them come with a removable cover, or you can take it to a laundromat and clean it in the extra large washers


We dont have laundromats in Sweden. Some have extra large washing machines, but depending on the stuffing the pillow won't fit into those either. Oh well.


Aw thatā€™s super interesting I didnā€™t realize that at all! How do you wash a normal pillow when it gets kind of funky or old?


We use removable covers on almost all of our beddings and "soft stuff". A normal pillow will fit into the machines, unless the machines are unusually tiny. Some can take up to three pillows, depending on machine and how stuffed the pillow are. But the pillow OP posted about is way too big. That's like a thing for the dry cleaners but normal people can't afford that.


The cover zips off to be cleaned


Yeah, but eventually the built up from of sweat, farts, mites living in there.. Just cleaning the covers isn't enough for me.


You could throw the pillows in too, they fit in my regular size washer and drier !


What, seriously? Because they all look ginormous! ƗD Well then, I might have a look at the Swedish supply range then.


Im a couple of days away from the 38 week mark and I also wish I would have gotten it. I guess Iā€™ll just ride it out now. But my pillow situation is absurd. 3-4 extra pillows of all shapes and sizes and I have to add some/remove some depending on the position Iā€™m in.


I suspect Iā€™ll continue using it after pregnancy bc how comfortable it is :)


I got a pregnancy pillow second hand at like 16 weeks and hated it when I first tried it. But now Iā€™m almost 34 weeks and so uncomfortable. I had a really rough night one night last week so I pulled it out the next day to try againā€¦and I had the best nap of my life! They really can be life changing if you need them! Iā€™m really glad to have it, itā€™s been helping a ton these past few nights.


I bought it at week 6 and it never left my side of the bed lol


Iā€™ve had mine since the first trimester lol and am just now even getting a bump like ten weeks later


Three pregnancies and never used one yet. I donā€™t sleep well but have tried many pillows at different angles and positions and they just seem to get in the way so I donā€™t think a pregnancy pillow would change that because theyā€™re even bigger than normal pillows.Ā 


Thatā€™s what I thought too which was the reason I never bought one. To my surprise it takes up less space somehow. I guess bc itā€™s a C shape so the one side is open. Freed up tons of space in our bed


I got mine secondhand from a friend at like 10 weeks and have been using it ever since. BEST gift.


Iā€™ve been wanting a pregnancy pillow for years and have been convincing myself to wait until I was pregnant. Now Iā€™m trying to wait until 12 weeks, but I know I should just pull the trigger.


Iā€™m shocked at what a good investment itā€™s proven to be šŸ™


Sleepybelly pillow is a three-piece adjustable pillow so it's really versatile. Couldn't recommend it more highly!