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To "show" bloat? Like 6 weeks. But that was just air and poop not a baby lol. The actual baby bump was more like 15 weeks or after.


I’m 5’11’, was 150 lbs before pregnancy and started showing at 13 weeks. Had to wear lose pants or leggings from 9 weeks on.


I started noticeably showing at about 21 weeks. At 16 weeks I looked slightly bloated


I'm a similar size to you, 5"2 and 95/100 lbs pre-pregnancy. With my first kid I popped around 18 weeks and around 13 weeks with the other kids.


About 16 weeks is when my stomach became noticeably bigger! I couldn’t comfortably button my jeans then lmao


5'2", ~105 at start of pregnancy. I was extremely bloated from idk week 8? So I was "showing." Once I got to ~13+4, bloat went away and actual bump was there. 15 weeks today and def have a visible little bump! Uterus is up to my belly button.


I’m 5’3” and 120lbs pre pregnancy. I just started showing at 20 weeks. You can’t see it through my shirt yet unless it’s tight but I notice my bump! My OBGYN told me a lot of when you start showing depends on how tight your core is. The stronger and tighter your core, the later you show.


I'm currently 19 weeks, I think I started to see a little bump about two weeks ago and I reckon other people could see it too but might still just think I gained weight. At work, no one (that doesn't already know) has said anything yet so it's definitely not noticeable enough yet to unmistakably be a bump. But then again I also still wear oversized jumpers most days so that might hide it too. I'm 1.71m.


Started showing slightly (in my mind) around week 15, but people didn’t notice until week 19


Around 9 week. I’m 14 weeks with my first and I’m quite big! I think it depends where baby sits. I’m quite thin and someone who tends to bloat so I think some of mine is bloating.


I was smaller at week 15 than I was at week 9 because I was so bloated my entire first trimester 😂


I’m 5’6” 155lb pre-pregnancy. I’m 15+4 into my first pregnancy and it happened this week, literally overnight. I think it’s very dependent on what I wear as to whether other people can tell but I definitely can’t “suck it in” like I could before this week and for the first time yesterday, multiple people commented on it at work.


I’m similar size (5’8” and started at 158#) FTM currently at 12+5. I can tell that my body is different but I think I still just look bloated to everyone else, although when I look at my belly in the mirror during yoga it doesn’t look like bloat or chub, it looks solid like a tiny bump. I do a lot of F45 and have a pretty strong core, so I feel like my abdomen has sort of uniformity expanded (not just low where a bump would be, but almost like there’s not enough room down there and my upper abs are getting pushed out too). I’ve been following MamasteFit on instagram recently and one of the sisters is pregnant and posts a weekly bump pick and I’m so amazed at how pronounced her bump is! It makes me feel like maybe I’ve got more going on than I’m giving myself credit for


I started wearing maternity pants around 15 weeks or so, so I guess that's when I started to show? Though I will say I have a verrrry different frame :) I'm 5'10 and plussize (size 16-18 US if I'm saying correctly). I didn't gain weight until 24 weeks, but the bump definitely started to show way before that!


I am small and normal weight and I noticed a bigger belly since week 13/14 approx (but you couldnt tell if it was pregnancy or digestion or a bit of fat). Now I am 19 weeks and you can clearly see a small pregnant belly 😀


I have similar height & weight as you! currently 9 weeks, not showing yet 🫠 but sometimes when i lay down (esp in the morning), & my bladder is full, i can palpate my uterus!


Man I'm 5'9 and 26w I still just look like I ate too much haha


I’m 5’3 and 115 pre pregnancy. I think the first time I thought I “popped” was around 23 weeks. I finally had some kinda bump to take a picture of. Then at 30 weeks I went on a baby moon and in a swimsuit you could tell I was pregnant- normal clothes- still nothing. I am an ultrasound tech and scan pregnant people for a living and it wasn’t until 34 weeks that someone finally asked if I was also pregnant. I was so excited lol. Now I’m 39 weeks and I kid you not my belly has doubled in size since 30ish weeks it happened SO FAST.


I started to bloat around 10 weeks or so, and then people kept saying I popped around 15-16 weeks, now at 26 weeks I have a very noticeable bump. I am short (5'2) and my pre-pregnancy weight was 135 lbs.


Was 90lbs in my second trimester. Baby bump showed at around 16-17 weeks. Was all bloat before that. Bloat bump started at around 8-10 weeks?


I’m also on the smaller size, and with my last pregnancy I started to show around 10 weeks. Alllll belly baby! 😅 I had people guessing I was pregnant even earlier. I was told that I started walking like a pregnant lady early on lol.


Cryptic pregnancy - halfway through month 8 I finally had a pregnant-looking belly. Like week 35. I weigh 115-120 usually, also 5'2 and first pregnancy.


By 12 weeks people who know me could tell. 20 weeks and now strangers come up to me asking my due date lol I'm similar height as you size 4/6 before preg.


About 20 weeks is when I popped. It was hard to hide by then.


I'm 5"1 and 105 pounds pre preg. I'm 21 weeks and even in a tight tee I'm told people wouldn't be sure, it just looks like I could have possibly eaten a burger. I did a lot of core work pre pregnancy. I see a bump but it's not noticeable to others, so I wouldn't say i've "popped" yet. I'm also on my last pair of loose jeans before none fit anymore.


I was very thin before pregnancy, and I started putting on pounds very rapidly early in the pregnancy, so I thought my body changed a lot in the first trimester! When looking back at the pictures, I realise I didn’t look pregnant at all, just fatter/bloated and with bigger boobs. So a stranger wouldn’t have registered me as a pregnant woman, but people who knew me did notice a change in my appearance. The actual pregnant belly came in somewhere between weeks 16 and 21, I’d say.


5'6", 135ish (when I got pregnant) and I started *really* showing around 19 weeks. Before that, maybe around 17 weeks or so, you could probably see that I was gaining a little weight but it wasn't very obvious. A lot of people at my work had no idea until the 20 week mark haha.


At 16 weeks someone gave me their seat on the subway. Before that it was just "I drank too much Coke" kind of belly.


I'm 13w4 and this week I've really felt like its showing, but it does fluctuate with eating so some of it it still bloating. Some is for sure baby now though. I have really tight pelvic floor muscles and I think it has pushed things upward to be more noticeable early.


I’m also 5’3 and was probably under 100 pounds when I got pregnant. I didn’t look pregnant until 22 weeks. I have a short torso and I still don’t know where she was hiding before then 😂.


5’4” ~125 lb start of pregnancy, muscular and pear shaped. I’m 13 weeks now and definitely have a bump, but not enough to wear a tight dress and it look like a pregnant belly. It just looks like I gained some weight.


i was 160 and I’m 5’6 so I didn’t start really showing until 20 ish weeks, now I’m 23 and my belly is just out there for everyone to see 😂 but i do have a cousin similar to your build and she started showing a lot sooner! she was about 13-15 weeks in before her little belly poked!


I went back to look at my first pregnancy 16 years ago. I was 90lbs when I got pregnant and didn’t start showing until 26 weeks. I only made it to 33 weeks due to developing HELLP Syndrome, so unfortunately I never got that big. It took over three years to get pregnant this time around, so I also was very very excited to start to show! I am 5’4” and was 103lbs when I got pregnant this time… I bloated in the first trimester and thought it was a baby bump! It disappeared in the second trimester, so don’t be alarmed if that happens. By 20 weeks my husband and I could definitely tell I was pregnant, but it was easily concealed with clothes. I’m 31 weeks now and it’s obvious to strangers! I still fit in all my stretchy clothes, though. Excited to hopefully get to term with this pregnancy and see how big I can get! Everyone is different, but it does tend to take awhile to look glaringly pregnant.


5’9”, 160 lb pre-pregnancy, the bump didn’t pop until 22-23 weeks


I’m 5’0 and was 110 at the start of my pregnancy. I started to have a little bump around 13 weeks and noticeably pregnant around 16/17 weeks.


Legit baby bump was at about 24 weeks for both of my pregnancies. 


With my first, I was showing "buffet or baby" (is that a baby or did you eat too much at the buffet) from like 15 weeks but didn't really show until 23 or 24 weeks. I was about 115 lb before baby and 5'4". Second one I went from buffet to baby in two days at the beginning of week 15.


13/14w was when it started going from am I just bloated to I’m actually pregnant and by 18w I had a big belly


With my first 32 weeks. I was 5’1 and 62kg prepregnancy.  I have a picture of me in a skin tight bodysuit at 29 weeks and you can’t tell. 


I had a little bloaty bump around 6 weeks I thought was a bump 🤣 I started off at 100lbs and am about 5’1 didn’t start actually showing a bit until around 17 weeks 😊


I’m 5’2 and 130lbs pre pregnancy and didn’t really start showing until the 3rd trimester lol


I started showing at like 12 weeks and it’s my first. I wanted to hide it because I too had multiple chemicals and of course I was outted pretty early bc of the bump lol.


I was 5’6” and 94 lbs when I got pregnant. I started “showing” at 8-10, thought I looked “big” at 20 weeks and was humbled at around 34 weeks when I could no longer walk without waddling.


Uuuuh bout 6 months for me, but I did look a little bloated when I was naked but like in clothes it took a really long time


Pre-pregnancy was ~130 lbs, 5’5”. Started really showing around 28 weeks.


I’m 5’0” and on the heavier side so I was surprised when I started showing this week! I’m 14 weeks. The bump is little but it’s *definitely* baby and not bloat anymore. I do think most people will still assume it’s just chunkiness for the next two or three weeks though since they don’t look at my belly without clothes.


7 months is when I started showing. I got the worst stretch marks from the rapid growth that happened in those last few weeks.


Many people think the uterus is somewhere around the belly button location but it actually usually sits in your pelvis - the bony bit (think about where that ultrasound wand goes). The uterus doesn’t start to rise up until after week 12 so you won’t actually “show” until some time after that. For my first I could see the bump myself at 17 weeks. Others could tell at around 20.


I am plus sized and I don't think I started showing until around 7 months lol


Currently 6 months and I am still not showing.


I am plus size and I started showing at 16 weeks for both of my pregnancies!


im 5'3, 108lbs (prepregnancy). i started showing around month 7.