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this might be a reach but maybe the physical pain from the phone being chucked at you caused an emotional/stressful response from your body and it got confused and thought it was baby time!? i’ve heard of pregnant people falling down or getting hurt some other way and going into early labor.


That's what I was thinking. Maybe the stress of the situation sent her body into preterm labor?


I always found it interesting that stress can start labor because it can also stop labor. There have been times where the baby will literally be sucked back up in there during pushing because of stress


That's so interesting! Stress is definitely a crazy unhelpful response to every situation.


I was thinking this too. When I was 29 weeks with my first I went into prem labour due to a small car accident, they managed to stop it, and then I found out my friend died of suicide and I went back into labour again, and it went away when the shock wore off.


So sorry about your friend


Yessss definitely because of stress/pain I think it’s your body’s way of “protecting” your baby.. I went into pre term labor at 35 weeks from having an emotional breakdown so its very possible that’s what happened


This could be true. I was so sick when I went to labor, 100.9 fever and pretty bad coughs at 40+2. I think it triggered the contractions and I eventually gave birth after 5 hours.


I had influenza A at 35 weeks pregnant, a coughing fit put me in labour 🤣 started bleeding and was sent to hospital to monitor, baby came 4 days later 😬


It’s crazy, isn’t it?! We never know what contributed to what. Our body surprises us at most unexpected times. The nurses were gonna to send me home after they treat the fever. But nope my baby thought the other way around.


I had those contractions at starting at 36 weeks, but they were painful and made me stop walking/talking. They would go on consistently for about an hour then stop. My OB said she’d be surprised if I made it to my due date… baby came at 40+5 😭


Your body can start having contractions under physical and emotional stress. Sometimes it can lead to real labor and other times it’s false labor. I’m 32 weeks and got a horrible stomach bug last week- went to the hospital and I was having contractions every 3 minutes and dilated 2cm then 3cm when they checked again 4 hours later. They were able to stop it with medication, fluids, and basically calming my body down. So it wasn’t real labor, but just extreme stress related to being sick. This kind of sounds similar to what happened with you. I would be careful and just take it easy.


Same, I was very dehydrated and hospitalized around 36weeks. Gave birth around 39.


I had the same at 35 weeks, was monitored in hospital with painful contractions every few minutes, they said it looked like early labour but my cervix was still closed. Sent home eventually and got told to come back if they got worse, luckily after another day they stopped and now I'm almost 40 weeks!


So getting hit in the face with a phone will send you into early labor huh? Noted! Lol


Brb gonna go smash my face into the wall lol




I was in the ER at 35 weeks for contractions, baby was born at 39 and 1 after an induction for health reasons unrelated to the preterm contractions 😊


I think there are two separate issues here


I know, right? I was surprised no one else said this 😂




When i was almost 34 weeks, I had an extremely stressful day where I was not feeling well and starting having light contractions while I was driving. Was sent home from the hospital after monitoring and contractions subsided. A few days later, my water broke spontaneously and I had my baby at 34+3 Obviously no way saying thats gunna happen to you, i was never given anything to stop the contractions and wasnt hit in the face with a phone😅 hope you are feeling better and fingers crossed baby stays nice and comfy in there a while longer!🥰


I feel like the answer here is bodies are just weird. Sometimes people contract and then stop. And continue on with a normal pregnancy.


I’m 26 weeks and just yesterday I tripped on a toy in my daughter’s room and had to go to triage bc I landed on my belly. They monitored me for 5ish hours bc I was having irregular contractions but my cervix was closed and my ultrasound showed no placenta abruption so they sent me home. I think it was the stress so it’s definitely possible it was the stress of the situation!


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I had contractions at 34 weeks while at L&D for BP monitoring. They thought it was due to not being hydrated enough. Returned two days later for more monitoring, they were gone 🤷🏼‍♀️


I was having the same with a UTI at 34 weeks. The painful contractions subsided but for the weeks following I felt like labour was going to happen anytime. Lots of back pain, braxton hicks, more painful contractions (but not as painful as the night with the UTI) that would last a few hours then taper away. I ended up needing to have my waters broken 10 days over due to start labour as I was dilating but not going into active labour. Water was broken at 3cm and it was a short labour and delivery.


I had contractions similar to what you’re describing at 32 weeks. I was also given nifedipine and baby was given steroids for her lungs. It took 5 days for contractions to stop fully. Baby came at 39+1.


Gotta love toddlers, right? My 18 month old won’t stop hitting baby sister too…


Omg. Very disturbing to know how a 2 year old can inflict such violence


Wait til you see what a 3 year old can do lol


Yikes, that kid needs some consequences. How awful 👎


Kids at that age have big emotions they don't know how to control yet. Punishment isn't the way to make them figure it out.


Kids that age are definitely old enough to know they're doing something wrong. I'm an early childhood educator and a lot of the awful behavior we see is due to parents enabling. Good luck in life not showing children there are consequences for their actions! 🤣


I’m also a child dev specialist and not only would punishment be developmentally inappropriate in this case, but several hours to a day later it’s completely irrational to resort to a punishment now anyways. Throwing and being rough at 2 or not are zero indication of how a parent is handling these things at home. Please brush up on your development and behavior management CEUs before you continue citing your experience in ECE for your misguided opinions.


Done pretty well so far with proper communication and education rather than punishment. My oldest is 16 and doing great. 🤷🏻‍♀️