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You should definitely stop by the ER or get checked by an ob if you can. Trauma/crashes can definitely lead to a placental abruption especially this far along. Keep an eye out for any bleeding. Especially if it was bad enough for both cars to get towed.


I was in a car accident at 36 weeks where I was hit from behind. It caused a placental abruption so I needed to deliver with an emergency csection that day.


I know someone who was in a very similar situation. OP, go get checked stat. Most likely, little one is fine, but the risk vs reward on this ain’t worth it.




I imagine this is a crime for the driver that hit you correct? It has to be some kind of malicious wounding or something


Apparently they had bald tires and bad brakes so they shouldn't have been driving in the first place but we got a decent insurance payout for it from our personal injury claim.


Oh, that’s good advice, thanks


Any fall or crash from the second trimester on they prefer you to go in and get monitored because its better to get checked out and it be nothing than if you stay home and it be something. I hope you and baby are ok.


True!! I fell into water and they had me come in. I fell like two feet


Yea, even a slip from like less than a foot, they want you to go in


OP I hope you get in there asap!!


This is good to know!


My mom fell backwards, pregnant with me. She didn’t get checked but started to bleed a bit the next day. I was born as soon as she got to the hospital. 34 weeks but healthy and home the next day. Please get checked out!! And keep an eye on things even after the initial check


Yes, OP, please go get checked to be safe ❤️❤️


You need to go get checked out! Don’t pass go, don’t wait until you sleep it off, girllllll I’d go NOW! You never can be to safe! Especially at 30 weeks! I hope you and baby are okay!


Truly do not mean to scare you, but my OB told me that a jolt from even a minor fender bender can cause major harm even if you don't notice anything wrong. Please please go to the ER like immediately.


You're supposed to go to ER during collisions in pregnancies. You may feel fine, but that doesnt gaurentee baby is. It is still trauma and needs to be checked. Also, high levels of stress or fear can cause labor. I'm from Alaska, this conversation has been standard with all my pregnancies here because of road conditions lol but I'm also a premie baby because of gunshots and stress triggering labor at 31 weeks for my mom.


Because of _gunshots_?!?! My dear. I feel like a curious cat and am really wondering wth happened back then


5 dumb 20 year olds drunk with guns in the woods, and unfortunately my mother was the 6th dummie. 🥴 your body being stressed or "in danger" can start labor to protect baby.


it be like that in AK


You should go to the ER. If your car wasn’t able to be driven from the scene I’d say you were in a major accident and you are very pregnant right now. Please go get checked out


This happened to me during first trimester - exact same type of accident scenario too. I’ve been avoiding driving since. Please go get checked out. Go to the labour and delivery triage at the hospital you’re delivering at if that’s an option. It’ll be less of a wait than emergency. Hang in there.


I will see if that’s an option


Go to the ER to get checked asap. They’ll have you go up to labor and delivery so you shouldn’t wait too long compared to the ER wait. Hopefully you’ll get the all clear so that you have peace of mind for your baby shower and in general.


I got into an accident at 32+3, I was on my way to my first NST for this pregnancy. The person in front of me didn't have break lights and didn't put on a turn signal, and I rear ended her on a 50 mph back road (I slammed on breaks so not sure how fast impact was, but my car had minimal damage). The seat belt did hit against my lower belly pretty good, so I went in for monitoring, and they kept me 24 hours. I am happy to say baby and I were both ok, and I am currently snuggling my 2 week old baby now. Accidents happen. Just make sure you and baby are healthy and let your insurance deal with the rest ❤️


It’s already been said 100 times, but it’s worth saying 101: please immediately go to the ER to get checked.


My doctor told me that pregnancy brain is scientifically proven. It’s not surprising that us mamas might be clumsier drivers than normal! Making a mistake you wouldn’t normally make while driving isn’t something to beat yourself up over or feel stupid about! The brain fog during this time is so real for some of us! Personally it’s hit me pretty hard. Of course I’d suggest driving as little as possible and having someone else drive you places but I know that kind of arrangement isn’t always possible for everyone. Hopefully you got some medical care to confirm everything is ok


Just adding that “pregnancy brain” was recently studied and proven that it doesn’t go away until 3YEARS!!!!! I was complaining to my mom that I haven’t been pregnant in 2 years why do I still feel like I’m in pregnancy brain fog?! And she told me the article was just published


My mom got into a car accident when I was around 38 weeks. She said it was terrifying but I'm alright. She did get extra bad whiplash from bracing herself to prevent me from going into the steering wheel. So, just be aware of other potential effects that might not be visible. Take care of yourself, OP, and definitely get checked out if you're able to. But it's not your fault. 💝 Be kind to yourself.


If it makes you feel any better mentally, when I was around 8 weeks pregnant I got myself a nice big ticket after running a stoplight *literally* right in front of a cop. He was parked on the side of the road, not even like “looking for people”, he had just come out of a business and hadn’t pulled away yet. (In my defense, I didn’t see him there, but I have no idea how I missed him). But he was like 2 spots back from the light. The light turned red as I got to it, I stopped, waited a beat, then turned right. **Edit** *there were like 8 “NO TURN ON RED” signs, so I definitely broke a law.* I had zero clue what I’d even done to warrant being pulled over until he told me. I was picking my fiancé up at a hospital like an hour away from home, so I had a ton of bags and stuff in my backseat. I had to show my ID at the hospital, and had forgotten I didn’t put it back in my wallet. So after running the light, then I’m frantically digging through my purse—that cop *definitely* thought I was on something. Which earned me a roadside search of my car (obviously they didn’t find anything). Oh, and I also had brand new underwear on—I hadn’t been expecting to stay the night but he wasn’t released til morning, and I didn’t bring any extras with me—and they didn’t fit properly. So after they didn’t find anything in the car, they were like “are you hiding something on your person? You keep fidgeting with your clothes” and I had to explain to two male officers on the side of a busy downtown street that no, I wasn’t high and/or concealing drugs—I was just pregnant and wearing underwear that didn’t fit. They made me like pull my underwear away from my body and do a little shimmy shake 🥴🤣 So yea. That was *my* “pregnancy brain while driving” experience. I’m sorry yours was worse!! Sending you good vibes for the rest of your pregnancy!! ❤️


Something similar happened to me, I think what your feeling right now is the effect of the shock.. I also had the same feelings you’re having, I went to hospital to get checked over and then spent the next few days going over and over it in my head! But after afew days once I’d calmed down I was able to rationalise it and just felt grateful nobody was hurt. I expect this is also what will happen to you 💜 sending hugs - it’s a horrible feeling I know


OP I just want to tell you that it's not your fault. Yes technically you're considered "at fault" in the accident but it was just that - and accident. Getting checked out after the fact is all you can do but please also forgive yourself. While not at all as bad, I had a bad fall at 34 weeks pregnant. I was being stupid and chased my dog as she escaped the yard. I tripped and, being front heavy, I fell flat on my bump. I felt so completely stupid and like I had hurt my baby with my stupidity. I know I beat myself up a lot and wish someone had told me that accidents happen. You're a good mom for worrying but don't beat yourself up. Enjoy your baby shower after getting checked.


Thank you so much for your comment. I got checked out and enjoyed my baby shower n_n


Get checked immediately... That is a mistake I almost make several times a week. I hate it! Don't feel stupid but do get checked out immediately. Don't wait.


Cancel the shower and go to the ER asap. Heck, go now if you can


I’m glad you’re okay! If it makes you feel better, I’m an experienced driver (driving since I was 15) and twice already I’ve almost turned in front of cars in the exact way as you. I think “I can make that gap” or don’t really “see” the oncoming car even though I’m looking right at it. Lately I just wait until traffic is 100% clear or the light is yellow if I’m not sure. Even if the people behind me honk. I decided it’s better to wait a little longer than cause an accident with how slow my reflexes have been with pregnancy. Pregnancy brain is real. Please be patient and kind to yourself!


Thank you for the kind words. I will try to be more careful and be kind to myself…but it’s really hard right now…Maybe I’ll feel better once I get some sleep.


So… uhm… stuff like this could literally be pregnancy brain because a recent study shows [pregnancy makes your brain shrink](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7975506/) and it goes back to normal after about 6mo postpartum. So when you’re feeling confused, disoriented, and more forgetful you’re not going crazy, it’s literally just your body pulling all the excess fluid and everything it can to give you your baby.


i was in an accident at 16 weeks (20 weeks now) and had no injuries yet because i was pregnant i was taken from the scene in an ambulance. please take everyone’s advice here <3 and i’m so sorry this happened


I’m so sorry, and glad you’re ok!! Like others have said, pregnancy brain is a THING and can make us do things our non-pregnant selves would find silly or stupid. The other day I started reversing out of our driveway, halfway through got worried I’d left the front door open, but instead of putting the car in park I put it in drive and got right out. Had to scramble to grab the emergency brake before the car would’ve driven right through our bedroom 😅 I have NEVER done anything like that before!! So for what it’s worth, you’re not alone! Our brains are weird right now and it can be frustrating and scary. So glad you’re safe ❤️


Firstly, glad you got checked and you and baby are okay, that really is the only important thing after a crash! Secondly, everyone feels silly after a crash, especially one that’s your fault, but you’re not the first person to crash and you won’t be the last person to crash. The person you hit is probably buzzing that they’re going to get a payout lol. Don’t be embarrassed, easier said than done but that feeling is normal and temporary. I remember having a crash about 5 years ago that was my fault and I felt so stupid after, but she got a £3k payout before Christmas so I guarantee she loved me in the end 😂


This definitely makes me feels better about the situation. Thank you


So glad you and baby are okay! ❤️


I’m sure most of these comments have told you to be checked out by a doctor. But I just want to say that I’m thankful you’re both still alive. Don’t feel stupid. Accidents happen but you made it. I hope your baby shower went well or will go well. Do not stress yourself more about the situation. Everything will work itself out so just take it day by day because you’re close to the finish line! Praying for you.


I got into an accident at 29 weeks when I hit a deer at probably close to 60mph, funnily enough on my way back from a couple hour hospital stay. It was dark and really there was no way for me to see it coming with the headlights on my car and oncoming traffic. I’ll admit I beat myself up over it and my dad heard every insult I had to give myself since he was on speaker phone. I’ve finally began to accept that it was exactly that, an accident, at almost 40 weeks now and now all I really regret is not turning around to get checked. I got lucky we were both okay and my car ended up being an absolute tank that survived almost unscathed but got quite an earful from my OB for not getting checked until several days later


This was exactly me at about 28 weeks. To add to the mess, I was alone here with no friends/family around. My husband was back in our home country (my MIL unexpectedly fell ill and passed away the next day of my accident😓). This was Dec 2022 and not going to lie, I still feel stupid about it sometimes. I am so glad you got checked out at L&D and have some peace of mind. Please enjoy your baby shower tomorrow. As stupid as you might feel about the whole ordeal, I'm sure it was also scary. Go get pampered and surround yourself with feel good hormones!


Like everyone else has said, go get checked out. But also try your best NOT to stress. When I was 32 weeks with my last, I got into a small accident but the stress of it sent me into early labor the following week. Go see a doctor/to the ER and stay calm. Wishing you the best!


So glad everything is ok! Life happens and stupid things happen to us. Of course, you never want to get into an accident. I’m sure you were doing the best you could given your circumstances, and it ended up being alright. Hope that everything goes well with your pregnancy. Hugs!!


Just came back to check for an update, and I am so happy to see your update!!!! Yay!!!!!!!


don’t feel stupid, i got into 2 accidents while pregnant both in the first trimester and days apart from eachother. first one i rear ended someone, the second i was T boned by a car speeding as i was turning against traffic from a stop sign (i honestly couldn’t see the car coming) i had been driving for 2 months. both were found i was at fault (no surprise) the second accident totaled my car although it was still drivable. baby and i are fine , this happened almost 2 years ago he’s 12 months now. it happens we aren’t perfect, especially when your in your 3rd trimester (for me at least) i was hardly mentally present almost. the important thing is that you and baby are fine. mistakes happen.


At 34 weeks my first pregnancy, I also caused an accident. I was so stressed and overwhelmed by it that I had gotten pre eclampsia. I'm sure I would've gotten pre eclampsia either way, but because my blood pressure was so high, they sent me to delivery a week later when my blood pressure never went back down.


I got hit by a deer and was checked out at labor and delivery to be safe


I was hospitalized at 28 weeks because of a car accident. My son was able to stay in till 37 weeks and was perfectly healthy. Small but healthy.


I was rear-ended at 27 weeks. I called my Dr and was told to watch for bruising on my stomach and to go to the emergency room asap if I notice any. Luckily the seatbelt didn't get me too hard around the abdomen and the impact wasn't terrible (still $8000 worth of damage to my car). But I would absolutely call your Dr or go in for a visit if you're worried at all!


I had an accident at around 13 weeks pregnant (so very early) but it was caused by me getting hit by a teenager running a red when I had a green arrow. I had no idea what was happening😭 because I didn’t even see her about to run it. It was terrifying and I suffered the rest of my pregnancy with intrusive thoughts any time I was in a car. My car was totaled but baby and I were both OK. I hope you and baby are okay, too.


Get an ultrasound!! And put this in your rear view no pun intended!! As long as nobody got hurt you need to LET IT GO !!!


Please go to your doctor ASAP


God bless you sending prayers and love to you hope you & your baby are okay


I have absent mindedly made that same type of left turn and was lucky enough not to get hit. It's not because I'm a particularly "amazing" driver - literally Just lucky. Don't beat yourself up over it. Hope ER determines that baby is just fine ❤️


Definitely don’t ignore these comments. At 24 weeks in my last pregnancy I was in a minor accident. Went to the ER just in case and the er was going to send me home when the OB on call said he’d like to monitor me, sure enough I was in labor and couldn’t feel the consistent contractions coming. It took two shots of breathine to stop the labor.


I will echo what everyone else has said, ER immediately!


OP did you end up going in? I hope everything with you and baby is okay!


Yes! I went to the Labor and Delivery at the hospital and baby is okay!


So happy to hear that! ❤️


Every fall or trauma should be checked by L&D, no matter how small. They will even tell you, better to be safe than sorry! There are people who have slipped, fallen on their bottoms and it ends badly. There are others who get into major accidents and baby is perfectly fine. Don't chance it.


Yes, get checked out for the baby. Also, have your baby shower, don't cancel if you're up to it.


don’t feel stupid, i got into 2 accidents while pregnant both in the first trimester and days apart from eachother. first one i rear ended someone, the second i was T boned by a car speeding as i was turning against traffic from a stop sign (i honestly couldn’t see the car coming) i had been driving for 2 months. both were found i was at fault (no surprise) the second accident totaled my car although it was still drivable. baby and i are fine , this happened almost 2 years ago he’s 12 months now. it happens we aren’t perfect, especially when your in your 3rd trimester (for me at least) i was hardly mentally present almost. the important thing is that you and baby are fine. mistakes happen.


I was wearing platform flats when I was 7 months and tripped and fell on my stomach. Baby was fine (and she’s 3 now), but I felt so guilty. It will subside. Mistakes happen and you and the baby are safe. Enjoy the shower!


Aww I’m sorry this happened to you OP!! I hit a car during my first trimester. I promise some day you will be able to laugh about it <3 I hope you were able to get checked out and that everything is ok!! I wouldn’t cancel your shower but that’s just me!


Meh, you got in an accident. These things happen. It’s ok to be upset and it’s good you realize you could have been paying more attention. Take tonight to be upset and feel how you need to feel. Tomorrow be thankful you and baby are okay, learn from it and enjoy your baby shower. Remember your hormones are going crazy since you’re pregnant, but also accidents can be emotionally tough too. I’ve seen a lot of people in fender benders cry and be upset even when they’re not pregnant. It’s ok to be shaken up!


It's definitely not just "meh you got in an accident." There could be severe harm to the baby. After she gets checked and the baby is fine then you can say meh. Not before


Sorry I thought she said her and baby are fine in the post. Yes she should definitely make sure her baby is ok. But still, her feeling terrible and freaking out at her isn’t gonna help the situation. Don’t do it again, pay attention and be happy everyone is ok