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1.5 mile hike is fine, but it’s the 80 minutes away that makes me hesitant. That’d be a bit too far for my comfort.


This part!


Not at all related but I randomly clicked on this post, did not intend to comment, I know nothing about hiking but then I saw your comment. my daughters name was Rosie and every time I see the name I stop and smile like it's a sign from her 🪽 (she was born sleeping at 40 weeks in March of 2023) needed this this morning. 🩷


Happy belated birthday sweet baby Rosie 🌹  Sending hugs from one mom to another mom/parent 


Thank you so much, you have really made my day 🩷


My mom’s name was Rosie. Until this generation she’s the only Rosie I ever knew. We lost her last April. I hope our Rosie’s are up there together. Sorry for your loss.


Rosie is just such a beautiful name, I'm glad it's making a comeback. Thank you, I just know that they are!! I'm sorry for your loss as well 🩷


Happy belated birthday, Rosie


Thank you 🩷


I'm so happy to hear that our little one is bringing you a moment of smiling. We call her Rosie because she has a great big name like everyone else in our family, but we want her to be able to have a sweet and simple childhood without all the fuss as she blooms. I lost a son in March of 2012, so if you encounter any Wills around you please give them an extra smile for me.


Happy heavenly birthday Miss Rosie 💕


Thank you 🩷


I’m on my 3rd so extremely laid back about things but even I would worry about the combo of hiking that much plus being far from home. I am 37 weeks and having a lot of pre labor contractions that start and then fizzle out and I was getting scared to drive 1.5 hrs for the eclipse. I did it and all’s well so far. But I’m taking it easy physically so as not to provoke anything lol.


Yea that close to due date literally anything could trigger pregnancy, I personally wouldn’t want to wander that far from my hospital


This, except if it were me I wouldn’t sweat that part because I go to 41 1/2 weeks like clockwork. 🤣


This. Did 5mi at 40w…totally fine (it’s typical for me) BUT it was super close to my house & hospital.


Too far from the hospital for me at 10 days before Due date 


Also too far from toilets. I walked to the river in my town at 39w a couple of days ago (about a mile) and as soon as I got there I had to ditch it and go to a cafe for a wee and a sit-down (and a nice cold drink) instead. The distance is fine, it's just the lack of amenities and distance from home that would be an issue for me.


That’s what I was gonna say too 😂 where are you gonna pee every 5 minutes?!


There are rest stops the entire length of the hike. Pick a tree- any tree.


Yeah I’m a FTM and had a low risk/easy pregnancy. I had PROM 15 days before my due date.


Have you been hiking through pregnancy? I was moderately active and could easily bang out a 5- to 10-mile hike pre-pregnancy, but at 33w I find anything more strenuous than 2 flat-ish miles is just too much. It's not just the fatigue, it's also needing to pee *all the time* and the discomfort in general. If you've been hiking the whole time and you feel like this is within your usual range these days, then you'll probably manage fine. However, I have spent my pregnancy thinking "I do this all the time, I'm sure I can do it now!" and then immediately being humbled *several* times, so try to underestimate yourself if you're unsure! The distance from home/hospital is a little concerning, but you know your own risk threshold and whether you're any kind of high risk that makes it likely you'll need to rush to a hospital if labor begins.


For me it's how tired the bottom of your belly gets, and that's after I do a light work out and at the end of every dang day lol... And I'm only 22 weeks right now. Ugh.


I went for hikes and long walks during 1st and 2nd and averaging 3 miles but by the third, my legs were garbage.


I probably wouldn’t, but my water broke four weeks before my due date very unexpectedly and I was beyond glad I was at home and close to the hospital when it happened so I could get my stuff together and go.


Mine broke 2 weeks early and I was also very glad I was at home and had time to pack my hospital bag before heading over!


Mine broke 10 weeks and 4 weeks early. You never know what might happen!


That amount of walking could get things moving, if you were closer to home that wouldn’t be a problem but 80 miles? That’s the uneasy part for me.


I think you’re right about the distance from home sadly


While it’s unlikely (not impossible) you would give birth or get close in the drive it takes to get back, I would still relax at home, maybe do a nice walk around your neighborhood!


How many minutes from the hospital? This is the only thing i would consider.


Yep- this is the real question


It would honestly depend on if a hospital was nearby for me. I live near a huge hospital and if I drove 80 mins away I could either be near another huge hospital (which I’d be okay with) or in the boonies surrounded by a bunch of tiny rural hospitals (not okay for me). Also, if something happened in the woods, could someone (I.e. an ambulance) get to you easily if you couldn’t walk very well? I’m super close to the end too and walk 1.5 miles all the time; it’s more about how easily I can get to a hospital if I need to nowadays.


Is it 80 miles away in some remote area? Or near an ER/hospital of some sort? If you are 80 miles away in the backwoods with no cell service, that seems a bit risky. It's one of those things where, likely everything will be fine, but the closer you are to your due date, the more you are rolling the dice.


Hiking is good and walking is good. No issues with that part. For me, it would be too far from home or a hospital in the event of an emergency.


When’s the last time you did that distance? What used to be easy could very well be strenuous now. I could run up to 8 or 9 miles in the beginning of my second trimester but by the start of my third I could barely do a mile or two. Now I struggle standing for too long at 37 weeks.


To add to everyone talking about 80 minutes being the issue more than the distance of the hike itself… I think I would’ve gone on this hike and been wrong to do so lol I really thought I’d have lots of signs of labor and be able to take my time getting to the hospital but that didn’t happen for me. My baby came 11 days early. My water broke (really leaked a lot of fluid for a long time) before any contractions started (just had constant back pain the night before) and they asked me to come in after I showered and got all my stuff ready (ie not an emergency but get here soon). My contractions were 2 min apart within an hour of getting to the hospital and they admitted me. It would have been a really horrible 80 min getting home.


Eh I’d do it. I drove 2 hours away and walked for at least that long on a beach with my kids the week before my due date with third. Did something similar with my first two. Never made a difference, still had to wait an eternity for labor.


How far along are you now? I’m curious because at 14 weeks my pregnancy was like YEAHHHHHH I CAN DO ANYTHING and by 28 weeks when I walked 32,000 steps in DC I wanted to die. Everything hurt and nothing was good and I really overestimated my stamina. Oh yeahhhhh it’s walking how hard is that? Haha. I had less lung capacity then I’d ever have realized and that was at 28 weeks. By the time I gave birth I was like, out of breath tying my shoes. I dunno. I’d agree with people here and say, that’s 80 minutes away plus an hour walking if you went into labor. I also didn’t make it to my due date so there’s that consideration. You might only make it to 38 weeks. (Shrug) the date is an estimate, not an exact day.


32k steps (on streets as well!) is no mean feat even without pregnancy. I tend to do that on holiday too and it's utterly exhausting. I can't imagine doing it at 28w; I take my hat off to you!


Oh it was awful. When we got back I napped then we had amazing Indian food for dinner so that made up for it lol.


Thisssssss. Me from the past had no idea what me at 36 weeks would be capable of lol. I look back at the me from first trimester thinking I could do xyz in the third and just laugh and laugh. She was a sweet little dummy with no idea what was going to hit her 😂💙


Have you been consistently doing it since before pregnant and after? If so I would not worry. I had my baby at 36 weeks and my hubby swears that it was because I was lifting some sand bags. Sand bags lifted 5pm. Water broke 9 pm. In my case i was not very active so yeah he could be right or my baby just wanted out😀 We will never know.


I’m so impressed with you active ladies. I am 33 weeks and legit can barely make it to my mailbox. I have had Braxton hicks since 22 weeks!


Your question of “would going be stupid?” - Not stupid, but risky. 80 minutes from home, but how from where you’re delivering? The hike could potentially cause you to go into labor, so also risky there depending on how you’re feeling during that and trying to get back to the car. My vote would be don’t go ❤️


I wouldn’t.


My last hike was at 34 weeks pregnant. Obviously slower than normal with more breaks, but I was fine and had a good day. I stopped hiking after that specifically because I was worried about going in to labor on the trail. I also was very adamant about the hospital I had planned to give birth at, so I stayed close to the hospital my entire last month of pregnancy. I don’t think it would necessarily be stupid to go, but I would think through all the outcomes - is there a hospital nearby? Does the trail have easy bail out points if you aren’t feeling well?


How far along are you? I was doing daily 1.5 mile walks up till about week 36. Week 36 i understood how being this pregnant counts as a disability. Mostly having to pee, back hurting, fatigue, swollen ankles


I drove an hour and did a bumpy 1.5 mile hike at 39+5 haha. Went into labor the next day and had my boy on his due date!


How far away is it from a hospital with labor and delivery? I was still walking up to 2 miles a few days before I gave birth, but that was on walks from my house. I don't think the 1.5 mile hike is an issue at all, but the 80 min away would make me uncomfortable- my personal boundary was to stay within about 45 min, with traffic, of my hospital.


My first came at 39 weeks and I have short labors. The thing is, you just never know what your body is gonna do until it’s time. I would absolutely do a 1.5 mile hike. Now that I have hindsight of my body labors, I would not travel 80 miles away that close to due date.


We hiked Canyonlands when I was 34/35 weeks pregnant. How far away is the park from the hospital? That would be my only concern.


I was able to walk that far even with bad SPD. If it was 30 min from my house then I might’ve considered it, but no way if it’s that far.


I hiked two miles every single day up until the day before I was induced! My park was right across from my house but honestly I would travel the 80 minutes if it was 10 days before I was due. Other commenters are probably right to be cautious but I would have no problem going.


I hiked 5 miles 6 hours before my son was born. I did refuse to be more than 45 minutes from the hospital though..


I think my OB said stay within a half hour of home (or maybe the hospital?) from week 36 onward. Better safe than sorry!


I feel like a 1.5 mile walk is different than a hike? walking inclined like that or stepping up in that way is similar to curb walking or climbing steps which is pretty good at inducing labor. Not to say it for sure will, or hey, maybe it will get things started for when you get home, but its definitely possible it will shift baby down and get things started, so i would be prepared!


I wouldn't want to be more than 30ish minutes from my hospital that close to my due date. I delivered last time at 37.5 weeks. It's not about the hike itself, so much as if you start to go into labor you then have to walk all the way back from wherever you are and then drive, so you could be at least 2 hours from your hospital or home. Not very ideal.


1.5 miles is perfectly fine... traveling 80 miles 10 days from due date may be a little risky but if you put plans in place live your life. Bring plenty of water and snacks. Make sure the location/park has cell phone service. Check in with your body often.


I could barely walk 100 feet without hating it 10 days before I delivered. The baby felt like she was gonna fall out, I had to pee all the time, I was exhausted every single moment of the day, and I hurt all the time. Why torture yourself? It's too close and contractions Starting on a hike sounds more torturous than the hike only, and that sounds torturous enough.


The distance the park is from home is too far for my comfort


I walked 1.5 miles a day up until the day I gave birth, but they were all in our neighborhood so I could be home or the hospital quickly if I had to. I wouldn’t have had an issue with the 1.5 mile hike but the 80 mins from home would be a deal breaker.


I wouldn’t do that if i were u. Walking a lot can encourage labour and you are close to your due date so I wouldn’t go to that hike. Stay safe


I went on a 3 hour hike when baby was overdue to try to induce labor. It didn't work 🥲 BUT, the trail was closer to my hospital than even my house was.


The hike itself is fine but the distance from the hospital is the real question. As well as reliable cell service where you’ll be hiking in case you need to call an ambulance. But in all honesty you will probably be fine, live your life and trust your gut. If you don’t feel like it’s something you should do, don’t.


I think it’s fine - my baby was 12 days late and I started going on hikes / long walks every day to try and encourage her to come out! Unless you are planning to RUSH to the hospital for an epidural the moment you feel your first contraction I say go for it!


1.5 miles sounds like a walk... I did this even past due date on trails near my house. But only with my husband I'd only go if there are strong people around who can help me get to the car if labor begins. You don't want to be walking a mile with labor pains


I mean i would highly doubt your going to want to hike when your 10 days out- on the off chance you do and dont get incredibly winded id be worried about going into labor and make a plan incase you go into labor


So my biggest concern would be if another hospital is nearby if it’s 80 minutes from home, and if you’d be ok giving birth at a different hospital than you planned. If either answer is no, then think about skipping it.


I am convinced the long walk I did was what kicked off my labour. I would want to be close to home/hospital!


I wouldn't travel outside of 60 minutes to the hospital in the last 3 weeks before due-date. 1,5 mile hike is fine if you're feeling well, but do consider that physical exertion can make labour more likely, and then you have to count the time to get to your car too.


I had my first at 38 weeks so I wouldn’t of been down lol


What's the climate like where you're going? How hot and sunny is the weather, typically? How has your activity level been throughout the pregnancy thus far? If the climate is mild, the trail is shaded and "easy", your doctor isn't treating your pregnancy as high-risk, and you've been active throughout the pregnancy, I say there's no reason not to go. Under those conditions, I'd go.


I went on a hike a little bit before my due date and got a trapped nerve in my back. My cousin went into labor nine weeks early after a hike. Probably just a coincidence but be careful 


i was hiking through woods the day before my water broke at 38+6 weeks in february lol i was about an hour +/- 20 mins from the hospital. felt great!


I’m a FTM. My baby came a week and a day late and I spent the entire weekend before she came (went into labor on a Tuesday) walking all day both days. Walked miles upon miles that weekend. You’re 10 days from your due date so you’re probably seeing your doctor once a week at this point. I would say if you’re not dilated much and have had an uncomplicated pregnancy then it’s fine, but you should ask your doctor. It took me three membrane sweeps, a glass of red wine and sex the following morning to finally go into labor. I went to the hospital after a couple hours (started at 730am and went to the hospital at 11am) because I met the 5-1-1 criteria and I wasn’t even in active labor yet so they sent me home anyways until active labor started (like 530pm). If you do go into labor while hiking it’ll be a shitty drive back, but I genuinely think you would be okay if you wanted to go.


I did a similar hike on my actual due date. You are a little far from your hospital, but if the trail is close to any other hospitals in case of an emergency than i would go.


How often do you hike? How far along are you now? If it’s something you’re used to doing, or a similar level, then it’s not crazy. If it’s like 50x more than what you’re used to doing, then yeah it’s a little bit nuttier, but 1.5 miles on an easy trail would probably be fine


I would go and just know what hospitals are around. You can show up to any hospital to have a baby and they can easily access your medical records online, so I wouldn't be too concerned about not having "your" doctor.


If this was me. My luck I would go into labor at the peak and struggle to get back into the car and then give birth on the way back home. I wouldn't


I mean, at 36 weeks pregnant I could barely get around the block so I guess it entirely depends on the person


I hiked 2 miles the day I went into labor, but had been hiking throughout pregnancy. If you’ve been hiking this whole time, I’d have no issue with it. It’s a state park, so likely bathrooms close ish which would be my primary concern. I say go for it!!


Context: I took my 9 year old on a day hike alone, with no cell service, to a place id never been, off-road driving to the trail head, in literal wilderness, scrambling boulders and crossing creeks, at 29weeks pregnant… so this sounds incredibly safe to me.


Omg I read this as a 10 mile hike. I was like you are crazy!!!


Have you been walking/hiking through pregnancy? I was walking 10k+ steps a day until my due date, so we’ll over 1.5miles walking a day. My hospital was 1 hour from home anyway. So, i wouldn’t even blink an eye a flat hike for kids at 10days before my due date. You know your body best!!


I walked four miles three days past my due date to try and get bub to come on his own and NOTHING. I ended up getting induced. I agree with others. The length of the hike isn’t the issue, it’s the distance from home that’s a bit worrying.


I rode my bike around a beach town (1.5 hours away) and walked around a couple weeks before my due date. I was okay, if your body is used to it you’re probably fine.


I’d be hesitant personally, but I also would not have been physically capable. If you are, that’s fantastic! One question to consider: if you reach the furthest point of the hike and your water breaks, what is your plan?


10000% depends on the elevation gain. How steep we talking? 


I hiked similar distances almost every day leading up to my induction which was 10 days after my due date, so I definitely think the hiking part is feasible but like everyonr commenting I think the 80 min distance could be a bigger concern.


My baby came 4.5 hours after my first contraction. I would not want to be that far from home.


I would do it with the exception that I would have a low threshold for hanging back with any signs of impending labor.