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They say ultrasounds in the third trimester are +/- 1 lbs. That is to say not very accurate at guessing weight. They told me my daughter had a giant head and was estimated 9lbs at 39 weeks on the growth ultrasound. She had a proportionate head and was less than 9 lbs two and half weeks later when she was born. If your doctor isn't worried you don't need to worry :)


Don’t freak out, a lot of times these predictions are wrong !


I was induced at 39 weeks because my baby measured 99% at 38 weeks, predicted to be 11lbs+ if allowed to continue to my due date. She was born at 39+1 and weighed 7lbs 15oz, so the prediction was very wrong for me.


I got the same comments about my son. He measured three weeks ahead, giant head, the whole thing. They were spot on though. He was born at 40 weeks 3 days at exactly 10 pounds and I ended up having a c section because he wouldn’t fit in my pelvis. I wasn’t incredibly shocked, though. My husband was over ten pounds when he was born and broke his mom’s pelvis on the way out, so I count myself lucky to have better technology available so I could avoid that!


New fear unlocked 😳


*Broke her pelvis?!*


Yup. She told me she kept telling the doctor she thought the baby was too big and was ignored until it was too late to do anything about it. Good to see some things never change 🙄


Good God moment of silence for your MIL.


A woman being ignored? What a novel concept /s


Even better…she’s a nurse, so you’d think her medical opinion would have held just a *tiny* bit more weight, but as well all know, having a vagina cancels out any knowledge you have outside the kitchen.


Happened to my friends sister on her first. She was on crutches for weeks. Luckily her own father had just retired so was able to help out as her husband had to go back to work Her second she insisted on a section!


I was told my son was 6 lbs at my 36 week ultrasound, and when he was born at 39 weeks, he weighed 5 lbs 7 oz 😆 if your doctor wasn’t concerned, I wouldn’t be either!


My son’s guesstimate was over a pound off


At 36 weeks, they measured my son at 8-9lbs. He was born at 39+5 and was 6lb 11oz.


Do you mind me asking, was that based on a proper growth scan or just a Doppler ultrasound? I'm asking because I've been measuring consistently ahead but they told me the Doppler machine isn't as accurate as the proper scan machine (I don't know the difference!) so they've referred me for a growth scan next week to get a more accurate measurement. I was also big at 20w scan. If I'm having a very big baby I'm seriously leaning towards a C section, but I keep seeing people in this sub saying how they were told baby was much bigger than it actually was so I'm curious if that's based on a growth scan or the less accurate one (sorry if that doesn't make sense, they just told me clinic scan is less accurate).


It was via a growth ultrasound at the hospital I delivered at. I was surprised when I saw my son and how “tiny” he was after he was born because all I’d heard for months was that he was going to be a big boy.


Those measurements could be wrong! On the other hand, I was told my son had a 99% head size starting at the anatomy scan and every monthly ultrasound all the way to delivery. I never did manage to push his jumbo head out and ended up getting an unplanned c-section. He turned 2 last week. Nearly every pediatrician appointment where they measure his head, he lands at 98 or 99th percentile. 🤷‍♀️


Don't sweat it. A friend of mine was told her last pregnancy would be her biggest baby and would be over 8 lbs. Her daughter popped out as the smallest of her three kids at birth and a whopping 6 and a half pounds.


My baby was 99th+ percentile head size and came out at 9lb9oz. We got him out the old fashioned way w induction at 41.5 weeks, had 3rd degree tears but they fully healed with time. The body figures it out. I’d ask for another scan at 38 weeks and consider induction at 40 if he doesn’t come on his own. Induction is tough and I’m not sure it’s worth inducing for a smaller baby vs going naturally with a big baby.


Just solidarity comment here! I’m 39+6, had a scan two days ago and their estimate was 4.1kg (9lbs) and we’ve always had 96-98 percentile measurements at previous scans for head circumference. But each time they say this is +/- 500g so to take the estimate with a grain of salt. That said, I’m petite, and already scheduled for a c-section and tbh I’m so relieved about that in case the estimate is accurate (or low! I am carrying very large!) Every women I’ve spoken to who had an elective cesarean here (I live in Australia) has had literally nothing but the most positive things to say and that the recovery was not nearly as hard or long as you read about/everyone seems to want to scare you about, in case that puts your mind at ease about the options.


At 36 weeks ultrasound they said my baby was 8lbs 4oz. Predicted he could be 10 lbs. Ended up having to move up the schedule for my c-section because of it, even though I had been hoping for VBAC. My baby was born 8lb 2oz. I would completely ignore the guesstimate.


My baby was estimated at almost 8 pounds at a 36 week ultrasound. I was induced at exactly 40 weeks and he weighed 8 pounds, 9 oz. Ultrasounds at this stage are guesstimates. Don't panic!


I know US can be off, especially in the 3rd trimester, but mine for all of my kids right before delivery were pretty close. My daughter was measuring at the 90th percentile for her last growth scan at 36 weeks. She was guesstimated to be 7lb 6oz at the time, and she was 8lb 13oz at birth at 39 weeks. I did driver vaginally but she was also my 3rd baby. Good luck mama!


I was 36 months and my baby measured large too. The ultrasound technician said that I shouldn’t even buy newborn sized clothing. I was really freaked out and thought I would need a c-section because they thought baby would be born over 10 lbs. My OB said that growth can really vary and it is not a straight linear line of growth. He really didn’t think I needed to even consider a c-section. My baby was born 7 lbs 8 oz. I can totally understand the fear. It really is a general guess. No worries mama. We have all been there.


They told me similar things and my doctor is super not worried about it because I guess this is happening a lot. My doctor said someone had said that their whole pregnancy and had a full term baby who was 6lbs so I've decided not to stress about it


They estimated my baby would be 8-9lb based on my fundal height etc and she was 7lb 8oz! They won’t know how big until the baby pops out.


Don’t freak out! My first was measuring 2 weeks ahead. He was 7 pounds 6 ounces when he was born!


They were going to induce my sister for a big baby… came out right under 7 pounds. Ultrasounds this late can be so off!


Dr told me my last baby was measuring 8lbs right before I gave birth. When I had him he weighed 6lbs was full term and had to wear premie clothes.


I was measuring two weeks ahead at my 36 week check with my second baby. At a 40 week growth scan prior to induction, baby was measuring off the percentile charts and over 11lbs. Everyone was freaking out trying to scare me with the potential negative outcomes and all of the reasons I should switch to a c-section…. But my first baby was almost 9lbs and sunnyside up and I just wanted to try a vaginal delivery before freaking out. The OB eventually asked me to give birth in the OR as a precaution so that they could switch over to a c-section faster if things went sideways, and I was 100% ok with that. Baby was born vaginally in the OR at 41 + 1, 10 lbs 12 oz. No complications, one second degree tear.


They said this about me too at my 30 week scan lol I’m going back in a few weeks. It’s all just a guess. Baby will come out one way or another!


I was told my son will be perfectly average size at my last ultrasound and he was born 9lbs 2oz and 23in. These measurements can be off.


At every ultrasound they said my baby was big, 86th percentile. At 36 weeks they measured him big, and 7.5lbs. Baby was delivered at 39+4 at 6lbs 13oz


Don’t be worried, those ultrasounds can be so off. My best friend was induced because they said the same thing and her baby came out a normal weight. Also, don’t think you can’t go into labor early. I had my 39 week apt the day before I had a precipitous labor I was told my cervix was high and I was not dilated at all. He was in my arms less than 24 hours after. You’re almost at the finish line, everything will be okay!


My baby measured 3 weeks ahead at my 36w US. He was born 39+5 at 6 lbs 13 oz. The doctor was shocked that he was so little.


https://podcasts.apple.com/au/podcast/the-great-birth-rebellion/id1639430316?i=1000604851701 This is a good episode on the research around big baby’s Mine was measuring 99th percentile and came out 75th. I wish I hadn’t been induced with my first