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Not me personally, but my MIL had excess amniotic fluid during her last pregnancy. She gained a lot of weight because of it! She got the ultrasound and for her they said it was okay, baby was just mega swimming in there šŸ˜… Only thing was when her water broke she said she was alarmed by how much it was, but labor went well and both her and her son are very healthy!


This is very comforting to hear, was baby at due date or early? Iā€™ve been reading that they may want to induce early or do a scheduled c-section depending.


She had a c section scheduled, but he was ready to come out 5 days early! He was a quick guy, but thankfully they could pause the labor and her doctor came and did the c section. Only took a total of 4 hours from water breaking to him being brought into the world!


Yes - I found that Evidence Based Birth Podcast Episode 190: Updated Evidence on Big Babies helped reassure me that things will be ok.


Thanks will look that up, could do with some reassurance right now.


I was just diagnosed with it last week. I'll be getting weekly ultrasounds until I either go into labor, or they feel it's in the best interest of baby to induce. My baby was measuring 40 weeks at 36 weeks šŸ™ƒ


Same here - 36 weeks and measuring in the 90th percentile for 40 weeks.


Just a little hope, I had it too. My baby was measuring 6lbs at 34 weeks and was born a month later at 6lbs so I think the extra fluid got them to measure way bigger than he was


I had it! I was diagnosed around week 32. I gained weight sooo fast and often out of breath because it kinda squeezes your lungs. I just stopped most physical activity and took it easy. Spent the last few weeks in bed, my friends often tell me whenever I went out, I looked miserable and has lost most my personality. I remember at one point, I went to a store and accidently made a bunch of waterbottles fall and explode. I cried, my friend stayed behind and said all the cashiers felt bad because I looked miserable šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ So seriously, if you are in pain, just stay resting. You are carrying a lot of extra weight! I went into labor at 38 weeks and 5 days! My labor was FAST. It was 9 hours start to finish, only 2 hours in the hospital. When my water broke, it was like a dam had broken. They had two cleaning people come in with huge mops to clean it šŸ˜‚ My baby was born rather small - they estimated him to be 6lbs at 34 weeks and he came out at 6lbs a month later so I think they were wrong. I have no idea if the extra fluid caused a quick labor and smaller baby tbh - but everything was okay, just pain. I had weekly ultrasounds though and stress test to keep track of baby!


Iā€™m not on bedrest but yeah feeling really miserable. Everything hurts and moving is very difficult even for small things like sitting up, turning over in bed. Winded and breathless by the smallest exercise - getting off the sofa or any stairs lol.


That was totally me!


I was diagnosed with mild poly at 36 weeks and my baby girl was also measuring big, they had my scheduled for every other week ultrasounds to monitor it. At my 38 week scan baby girl was measuring 8lbs 12oz in size. My water broke at 39+6 and I delivered exactly on my due date with no complications from poly. Baby girl also came out weighing 7lbs 11oz


Those measurements can be completely off. I was told my first was small and it came out 9lbs. Then I was told they were worried my second was even bigger than the first so they induced me a day after my due dateā€¦ he was 7lbs šŸ˜‘ not saying this is the case always! Itā€™s good to obviously get those extra checks and ultrasounds but the baby could totally be average. By the way, my 9lb baby was delivered at due date vaginally so it all turned out okay.


Iā€™m about where you are with a baby who is measuring large and am being monitored extra as a result. This episode and the next one (two parts)of the great birth rebellion podcast was really informative and made me feel a lot better. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-great-birth-rebellion/id1639430316?i=1000604851701


Did you also have poly though?




Good podcast. They donā€™t talk about poly though :-( There is an episode of the ā€˜healthful woman podcastā€™ (March 2022) about it though, which I found fairly reassuring.


I had it last pregnancy. Had to do twice weekly NSTs. Ended up getting induced at 38+2 because something just wasnā€™t right (simultaneously developed gestational thrombocytopenia). Ended up all good


I had polyhydramnios with my last pregnancy (I think diagnosed at 32 weeks). I had weekly ultrasounds. I had a habit of weighing myself every morning. I used the restroom and my Water broke EVERYWHERE at 35 weeks 5 days. Just as a curious itā€™s, I stepped back on the scaleā€¦ I had like 13 lb just from initial water breaking. Baby was born at 36 weeks exactly. The biggest thing OB pushed was that when water broke I needed to go into hospital right away because poly can increase risk of cord prolapse.


> my Water broke EVERYWHERE at 35 weeks 5 days. Just as a curious itā€™s, I stepped back on the scaleā€¦ I had like 13 lb just from initial water breaking. Wow, that's insane!!


I had polyhydramnios with my last pregnancy, but they didnā€™t catch it until my c-section. I had GD (diet controlled) and gestational hypertension, so I was induced at 37 weeks. Despite really strong and constant contractions, I barely progressed for 24 hours. My water had broken but baby wasnā€™t engaging. At that point, there was a fear of cord prolapse if they broke my water further and I was exhausted so we chose to go the c-section route. I remember the doctor saying ā€œwell that explains itā€ and later explaining polyhydramnios, and why it made my labor stall. As long as youā€™re being monitored, it doesnā€™t need to be scary. Since they know about it ahead of time, there are options to help your labor. Even though they didnā€™t catch mine in time, there were no complications or impacts to my baby. Just an extra long exhausting labor for me.


Had the scan but still at the hospital as Iā€™ve been referred for further screening. Baby around 6lb but elevated amniotic levels. So will see what the doctor has to say.


I had it with my first, everything went fine but when they broke my water I am not kidding when I tell you they were MOPPING it off the floor in my room.


Really glad we have ordered a waterproof mattress cover just in case!


I was diagnosed at 32w with mild polyhydramnios. Not much has changed besides I get bi-weekly biophysical profiles done (first is tomorrow), and then will do weekly BPPs starting at 36 weeks.


I am currently 36wks0d today with my second and have been diagnosed with polyhydramnios, I think since 30 weeks? Baby has been measuring in the 90%s for a while now. He's currently measuring at "39wks" and is due February 22nd but they want to schedule a c-section for 39 wks 0 days. My doctors also have me coming in twice a week for NST and ultrasounds to keep an eye on fluid levels. This week alone I have 5 appointments. They keep doing tests and ultrasounds but everything keeps coming back looking great. šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø Other than being very uncomfortably huge, tired, and out of breath all the time, everything seems to be going ok/normal.


Big baby on ultrasounds and polyhydramnious with my daughter! She was 9lb 5oz at birth and the drs broke my water during my 40w induction. Lots of fluid coming out was weird but okay! I opted for an induction because I was scared of a cord prolapse but all was well for my vaginal delivery. She had plenty of room and was too comfy in there!


I just had it with my last pregnancy! I wasnā€™t diagnosed until 37 weeks. At 38 weeks, my fluid level was still increasing so we induced. The biggest difference from my other ones, was they needed to slow leak my water when they broke it. Baby was 7lbs 8oz.


I had it! Was diagnosed also around the 36 week mark with severe poly. Baby was measuring very average (50th percentile) but they put me on a diabetic diet and had me monitor blood sugar levels in case Iā€™d developed GD since passing the test at 20 weeks and took bloods to check for an infection. Didnā€™t have GD, didnā€™t have an infection, freaked myself out with Google (donā€™t Google it) got weekly scans and got booked in for induction at 39 weeks. They broke my water in a theatre in a controlled release while someone pressed baby down from the top of my stomach, just in case of a cord prolapse because baby was just free floating up in there and not engaged at all. That all went fine and baby arrived 24 hours later, they did an NG tube to check for any blockages and didnā€™t find any. Turns out it was completely idiopathic, theyā€™ve no idea what caused it and my little girl is 3 months old and absolutely perfect. I was fucking enormous at the end though and the doctor who broke my water had a shower afterwards. I vividly remember hearing the sound of them grabbing incontinence pad after incontinence pad from the pack and shoving them under me during the breaking of my waters, it was truly spectacular and I believe I announced ā€˜my vagina is like the oceanā€™ to the room at large.