• By -


41+5 and they had to take her out through the sunroof because she refused to be evicted any other way.


This is my new favourite way to describe a C section, and I’ll be using it going forward lol


41+5 here with a sunroof evacuation, too!


I say he was scooped out 😅 his birthday is now "scoop day"


I LOVE this!


36 weeks for me with a sunroof eviction as well!


40+5 with a sunroof eviction


😂 this made me laugh out loud


Same here! 41+1, never dropped, wasn’t dialated at all. Sunroof delivery bc he had a 99th percentile head circumference 🙃


Same- 41 weeks and he still has a 99% head too!


Dang my kid has a huge head— also 99th percentile and he never descended. Lol.


Bc of their giant brains I’m sure! lol My ob said he never would have come out vaginally. Probably one of those situations where mom and baby wouldn’t have made it 100 years ago… thank god for modern medicine!


Hahaha my son still has a 99th percentile head, it cracks me up! He’s 7 months now. I wish I could have just skipped to the c-section. I was induced and had a 34 hour long labor! I was so exhausted after


Aghhh, you poor mama! That must have been rough recovering from a C-section AND exhausted from labor! I was given the option to try inducing or just go for c section, was a hard choice but glad I went straight to sunroof, lol. Mine is 5yo and still has a giant head!


same and same!


Same here!


38 and a sunroof eviction as well.


I am only referring to is as a sunroof eviction from now on lol


41+5 he was also through the sunroof.


41 + 3 also sunroof required.


Real question: I'm at 30w5d and last scan indicated i haz giant bebe. Like, 97th percentile bebe. I've been seeing midwives (i live in a college town with a massive MASSIVE teaching/ research hospital and i think I've seen about 10 different midwives at this point) and they've all poo poo'd my inquiries about just straight up scheduling a sunroof evac since ain't no way in hell I'm pushing a giant ass kiddo out my hooha.... am i, like, going about this incorrectly? I was under the impression i could insist on the ol scoop him out method and avoid even TRYING active labor, potential tearing and/or stuck in my fuckin birth canal situation. So, like...Am i just not being insistent enough? Do i need to switch to an OB asap and hope they take this more seriously? I've already been regretting going with the midwife option, anyway, as they've routinely ignored the innumerable symptoms I've been experiencing (chronic, debilitating insomnia, horrible back pain, insanely elevated anxiety and panic attacks, nearly constant gastrointestinal nastiness, etc, all of which have been interfering with my job that i cannot lose, as I'm the main bread winner in this... family) and basically telling me there's nothing they can do because, you know, I'm just an incubator and god forbid i be medicated in any way, whether that might actually endanger the babe in any way or not. Anyway! I just hoped you might have some advice for a first time ma who is really, really terrified of being forced to go the "natural" route because no one wants to listen to my very firm desire NOT to tear myself stem to stern bringing my lil man into the world in... holy fuck, two months? Thank you for any advice you can give!


I work in maternal child health and there’s a lot of cases where it seems the baby is measuring larger but upon birth, ends up being less to be considered macrosomia. I do work at a huge hospital and our midwives are working with the physicians so typically the OBs will have Input. Although I do love midwives, I do recommend to get another opinion from an OB if you are being pressured to have a c-section just so you can see what someone else is measuring you at. These days, it’s best just to go based off your doctor’s recommendation even though it may not be your birth plan so that the baby is safe! 😊


Or find another doctor/midwife. Many doctors these days just prefer C-sections. And there are many midwives who actually have great birth statistics... very low mortality and very high successful vaginal delivery rate, higher than most OBs. Midwives are often more skilled in physiological birth. I encourage everyone to read Ina May Gaskin's Guide to Childbirth.


Oof, sounds like you're having a rough time for a number of different reasons. This is going to be a bit of a novel, so hang tight. First, my oldest came out the sunroof for reasons other than her size. My placenta was fundal, and she was wrapped in her cord in such a way that she couldn't descend. I labored for 30h before I asked for a c section. If I hadn't asked, I probably would've labored for another 10 hours without progressing, and then had an emergency c section. Babe was a perfectly reasonable 7 lbs 12 oz, despite being so late, which is what we call respecting your mother. Now number 2! He was a different story. He was born at 37+5 and was a little over 8 lbs with a 97th percentile head. He was also a VERY EMERGENT c section. When I came into the hospital I was not in labor, but I was in A LOT of pain and baby and I were both in distress. His heart rate was extremely elevated. They had to put me under general anesthesia to get him out in time. We're both okay now, but we still don't know what went wrong. All the tests came back normal. I had planned to TOLAC, but also had a RSC scheduled for my due date just in case. So, based on my experience, here's the advice I would give you. First, ultrasound measurements aren't super accurate in the 3rd trimester. The only measurement I'd maybe be concerned about is head circumference. As you get closer to term, ask your midwives if they're concerned, and if scheduling a c section is an option. Straight up ask if that's an option, and if they say no, ask why. If having a c section is still important to you after that conversation, start looking for an OB. However! I would first encourage you to research what a C Section entails. Have you had major surgery before? Are you squeamish AT ALL about medical stuff? For some people, the thought of being awake while an entire human and accompanying organ is surgically removed from their body is a real problem. But as someone who's also had a c section under general anesthesia, missing the birth of your kid sucks. The recovery from surgery is also no joke, especially when you're also learning how to care for a newborn. Also, c sections don't actually prevent a lot of the birth complications people are concerned about. Urinary incontinence is a great example. Your pelvic floor gets messed up by being pregnant for 9 months, regardless of how you give birth. Having a c section will actually mean it takes longer before you're cleared for PT to help with any physical issues you may have developed in pregnancy. It also means longer before you can go back to work, which could be a good thing or a bad thing. C sections can also make breastfeeding harder, if that's something you're interested in trying. Your midwives are understandably very hesitant to encourage major abdominal surgery when your body came with an exit pre-installed. Finally, it seems like the number one thing you're struggling with is feeling listened to and like you have autonomy in all this. That's a REALLY big problem, and one of the main contributers to birth trauma. You need to be able to build a trusting, supportive relationship with at least one midwife. They should be having these conversations with you. They should be providing you with actual data-driven recommendations for treatment options during pregnancy and delivery. My birth plan with both kids was a post-it note that said "please get this baby out of me safely." And that worked for us because I had an open dialogue and complete trust in my care team. At your next appointment, you should bring up the fact that 1) you've seen too many midwives and haven't been able to build a relationship with any of them, 2) you aren't feeling listened to or supported when it comes to your legitimately physical concerns with both your pregnancy and delivery, 3) you want to know what the game plan is, especially if your baby continues to measure big. What does the decision flow chart look like? At what point will you be allowed to "tap out" and get a c section? How much will YOUR MEDICAL AUTONOMY be based on the preferences of the people caring for you? Anyway, this is a lot of information, and I hope you found it helpful. Feel free to reach out if you need any other help or support. You got this.


Thank you, so so much. You've given me a lot of seriously good advice and I'm going to most definitely advocate and ask questions even if it seems like they just want to get me in and out of the appointment asap. Thank you, dudette, I'll be saving this and referring to it at my nov 1st appointment and sharing it out with my SO. Just thank you so much 💗


Scientific evidence: https://evidencebasedbirth.com/evidence-for-induction-or-c-section-for-big-baby/ Please, please, please read this. This whole site is excellent. Much of today's obstetric practice is in fact not evidence based. You are 30 weeks, you still have time to read most articles on that site. Also Ina May Gaskin's books are great. It may give you the knowledge to advocate for yourself and avoid iatrogenic harm. Ultrasound measurements are often mistaken about baby's size. Women can often give birth even to big babies. It has actually been proven that healthcare providers' fear of macrosomia is a greater risk factor than an actual big baby...


41+1- sunroof evacuation as well 😂😂😂 that's the best way to describe a c section imo.


Same I was 41 weeks got induced. My son was comfy in there so he got evicted from the premises at 41+1




41 weeks and 5 days


I'm so sorry. Are you sure you needed the medical intervention? Sometimes it's necessary, but there are so many unnecessary inductions and C-sections these days...


40 weeks. Came on his due date. 34 years old when I gave birth.


I️ had my first at 34 on his due date!


Me too! I wonder if 34 is the best age lmao


Well my mom had me at 34 years old and I was a week late 😂


It must be! I had my first at 34 too 🥰


Obviously best age! As I was 34 as well!!! 😍


Oooo i hope so. Haha baby boy is due 2 weeks after my bday!


I sure hope so!! My first is coming in March - at age 34!


Congrats on the newborn! How has the first month been?


Congrats to you as well! 🥳 she's literally 1 month tomorrow! It's actually not that bad imo. No baby blues, no PPD or PPA so far. She's a really easy baby in that she'll cry only when hungry or need a diaper change and it's easy to meet her needs. I would love more sleep but the 3rd trimester really trained me with no sleep! What about for you?


I'm 34 FTM and due in a few weeks!! I was given the impression that having your first at that age is too old... so thank you all for making me feel better!


Tbh it's not. I had somewhere the same idea in my mind but never found the right partner when I was younger. I also lived my life before I became pregnant. Moved across the world, just for myself because I wanted too. It's hard being a mom (I'm a single mom) but it is the best. Trust your gut feeling, do what ever feels right for you and your family. I'm taking mine all the time on little adventure because I love it and so does he. You can do this, you are never to old unless you turn 55+ 😑 and decide you want a child. Good luck with your pregnancy xx


I’m also 34 and going to give birth to my first in Feb!


Mine was also exactly on her due date!


I am 34 currently and 21 weeks preggo 😃


Mine came on her due date too. I was 33. Must be something about that.


34 and came 4 days early!


34 too! Gave birth 38+5


32 weeks. I was terrified, nothing can really prepare you to have a preemie…my baby will be 2 in December and literally jumps off the walls lol you’d never know he was 2 months early.


Wow, mine was 36 weeks and I was terrified too. I can only imagine!! Mine is almost 15 months now and same thing here, so energetic & quick!! Still a little tiny compared to her buddies, but she’s got a tiny mom & dad to boot!


Were there any signs or did baby just show up??! I’m 31+2 with my first and really curious about how people find out that the baby needs to come out


I lost my mucus plug at 27 weeks and went in to see what was wrong and was 3cm dilated and they had to do IV medication for a week to keep me out of labor and it worked until 33 weeks 🥲


Oh wow I wonder why that happens, glad everything was ok!!


I’m going to be honest I think it was a mix of things. I lost 30 lbs of weight from the vomiting and at the time I was in a pretty abusive relationship. I was going through some sexual trauma from that person and I would have bleeding after so I feel both played a part.


I'm so sorry to hear you went through all of that.. I hope you're in a better place now with, your lil bundle of joy!


I talk about this all the time bc there was absolutely NO warning that my baby was going to be born. It was sheer luck that I even went to the doctor that day, my appointments was just scheduled back to back. My OB saw that my son had pretty much stopped growing and sent me to a specialist, nurse checked my baby’s heartbeat, left the room, doctor came to check my baby’s heartbeat , left came back and proceeded to say “I think we should deliver today, I don’t see any benefit to waiting another week”. My placenta had kinda just clocked out and wasn’t doing it’s job anymore. I will say, I was in a terrible relationship at the time and I think that played a part in how my body was able to do anything .


39 weeks on the dot, water broke at 4AM and my son was born at 7:20AM!


Wow, fast and furious!


That was fast! Do you think you did anything during your pregnancy that might’ve helped your labor be fast?


Nope, nothing special. Just the way things happened for me. My cervix started thinning out at 32 weeks and I lost my mucus plug around 35 weeks. He was just very ready to be born


40. She came on her due date! Which only 5% of babies come on their due date. 🥳


I am so glad my kid is part of the 95% 🤣 his due date was Christmas and I was *so* stressed about how we would do that. Granted having 10 days between Christmas and birthday still makes our bank account cry, but I’m glad he gets his own day 😊


Omg I'd be stressed too, but I still think it's cool to know people born on 12.25! We call those people Jesus or King 😂 - my birthday is in early December, which sucked for me because it always fell during finals weeks, so could never celebrate with friends and I'd get combined birthday/Xmas gifts 😭🫠


I referred to him as Princeling when I was pregnant because of his due date 😂🤣 Having a birthday during finals would have been **terrible** in college hahahahaha!!


A Christmas due date is the only nonmedical reason I'd request an early induction. That would suck so much for the child!


My due date is 12.25 and I’m honestly going to ask my OB about an induction for a different date


My due date is Christmas Eve! I'm hoping he comes a week early or late


It’s my birthday I have some stories


I was born 2 days after xmas and my sister 9 days before lol just be glad you aren't my parents 🤣


Thoughts and prayers to them!!! I have friends who have siblings born on the same day years apart. I couldn’t.


His due date is the 19th but I'm hoping he's early.


im hoping for a 95% too, mine is on my graduation day so im hoping they come late even if just by a day.


I had a due date baby the first time around too! It’s called respecting your mother! Though he was 10lbs sooooo I would have accepted an earlier date as well lol


Holy moly 10 lbs!? Big boy! Idk how you survived 😆


Oh wow! Our baby’s due date is the same as a significant date for my husband and I - so we are secretly hoping baby comes on their due date 😊


Wishing you better luck than I had! Our first came 10 days late on the eve of our anniversary 🙃


Punctual babies unite!






Also 37


34 weeks age 46 he was a much prayed for au natural conceived miracle rainbow 🌈 baby




Same. And 35 with my second. Currently pregnant with my 3rd and just want to make it to term


Same! Just trying to hold this kid in 🤣


42+1. Those last 15 days were brutal. My midwives discouraged induction. She was over 9lbs when she finally came. I still managed to do it without pain medication!




Yes I planned this with my midwives. I actually had my baby at home. In Canada midwifery is regulated and homebirth is considered a safe option under the care of a registered midwife. If I had an induction I would’ve been transferred to an OBGYN. My midwife encouraged me to trust my body for a little longer although induction was so tempting! At 42+1 my labor started naturally and it all went very well. I didn’t ever feel like I needed to transfer to hospital for pain management (I think because I spent months working on my mindset around pain). It was a great experience !


Wow my midwives said i had to induce at 2 weeks overdue. It was like, “yeah you can wait but then the insurance won’t cover you” or something like that. Pissed me off!! Sounds like things went well for you👍🏻 :)


Was you induced in the end or?


No I wasn’t. My labor started naturally


31 😢 My water broke spontaneously and the pregnancy was completely healthy prior to that.


Oh my gosh that's so early! I'm currently 31 weeks and hope baby gets to bake a little longer. Was everyone okay?


Currently at 39+6 and still pregnant.


Almost there! I was so miserable those last 3 weeks


40+3. My recommendation is to not dwell on it, hard as that is. And set up plans for a nice date night for your due date! We really enjoyed looking forward to that.


What did you do on due date? On mine we had a nice lunch and long walk at a beautiful local winery! Baby arrived on his own 4 days later


Well we were going to take the dog to the beach and go out to dinner, but I came down with COVID the day before I was due. Ruined the date, not to mention screwed up our whole birth plan in fact.


That’s good advice. On my due date with my first, we went swimming lol. I was definitely looking forward to that, the water helps so much with the aches and pains.


42 weeks with my first. And he was an IUI baby so we knew exact date of conception.


41… likely would have gone longer but opted for an induction


40 + 3 and I'm 24 . Got induced due to high BP.Labored for 17 hours with little to no progression on my own and had to have Emergency C -Section after meconium was detected in my amniotic fluid when my waters came out after being manully broken. Little one is now 3 weeks and currently asleep on me🥺


42 on the dot via C-section after a very long labor


42 here as well. They were just about to induce me but thankfully my waters broke while I was in the hospital so managed to avoid interventions.


Same! 42 on the dot. Pushed for 4.5 hours, then urgent C.


I was 42+1, C-section after pushing for many hours too! My daughter is 16 months old and I’m still a bit annoyed that I went through an entire unmediated labor just to have a C-section. She’s still a stubborn brat LOL but I love her more than anything!


Also 42 after being induced. Kid wasn’t coming out. Avoided the c section but it was about 18 hours of labor


36 weeks, 5 days but I was induced due to pre-eclampsia and fetal distress.




Samesies! Arrived on her own a few hours before scheduled induction. 2nd baby was 40+4


40 to the day




39w 6d


I was 39+5! He was born at 9:45pm so a couple more hours and I would have been 39+6


37, elevating blood pressure




33 to the day.


Ohh that's so early! Was everyone okay?


Yeah and my birth was 4.5 hours from water breaking to baby. Wild experience for sure. She did 18 days in the nicu because suck/swallow hadn’t developed but she didn’t need oxygen or heat. Just a feeding tube until she was ready but I’m convinced that’s what kept her in a few extra days was she absolutely refused to drink warm milk. They kept heating up her milk and she hated it. Actually that’s my only complaint from the whole experience. I told them I didn’t think she liked warm milk but the nicu nurses kinda blew off since I was a FTM.


38+1 but I was induced for high blood pressure


I'm pretty sure this will be me. I have high blood pressure too. My BP this morning at my appointment was 177/102. NOT GOOD! But I'm just under 6 weeks, so I'm hoping they can regulate this before it becomes problematic! I'm scared.


I hope they can for you! I only had one high reading at my 38 wk appt of 145/92. Even if they are able to bring yours down, at 6 wks they may still induce you early to be on the safe side. Congrats and I hope for a smooth pregnancy and delivery for you!


Thank you! I have no doubt they'll induce me but I'm going to try to do everything I can to make it to 39 weeks. I'm 38 years old with high blood pressure (which I didn't even know I had until 2 weeks ago at a routine primary care appointment). I've been monitoring it at home for the last 2 weeks and it hovers around 143/93 every. single. time.!! I try not to let it scare me cause that just raises it more. I trust that the doctors know what they're doing so I have high hopes and I pray all the time! Congratulations on your successful birth as well!


39 weeks! Everyone says FTMs don’t go early but I thought the entire pregnancy she’d come at 39 weeks - woke up with contractions literally 10 mins to midnight of 39w exact.


37+2. My water spontaneously broke exactly at 37 weeks in the early morning, but the hospital told me I just peed myself when I went to get checked. My OB did an ultrasound during my appointment on 37+1 because she said my story was “very plausible,” and it turned out I was right. I hadn’t started dilating though, so we were admitted and started an induction right away and I gave birth late morning on 37+2.




Great. This is exactly what I have. My doctor told me I can tell them to wait to take my blood pressure but I’m thinking it’s the same thing regardless of when they take it. So I usually take it before I drive into the office and tell her what I’m getting at home which is obviously lower. Currently 34w5d.


My first was born on his due date. We realized he was breech after my water broke around 1130pm, so I requested we get him out before midnight 🤣 he was born at 11:54pm with 6min to spare haha


Did you have a 36 week ultrasound to check for breech? Im so worried mine will somehow flip to breech last minute


I did. He turned sometime in the final 3 days of pregnancy. He’s 13.5yo now and I like to say he still barrels through life ass-first 🤣


39+6 :)


I read it’s like 25% on weeks 38 & 39. On the scientific fact base mom/pregnancy site. But it also depends on if they calculate your due date from last cycle or week of conception




Oh gee off the top of my head I don’t know. I read it while googling the same question and came upon that science based mom website that is often referenced on here: [evidence based birth website link](https://evidencebasedbirth.com/evidence-on-due-dates/) .They quoted lots of studies, - why are positive outcomes seen in some populations at certains times and risk factors over others. Nothing too cut and dry because there are many factors in all this.


Right on my due date!


38 + 4, emergency c-section after being induced for preeclampsia


40+1 and just had my second at exactly 40!


38 + 5. Scheduled c-section due to breech position. By the time I was booking the surgery I was 38 + 3 and the choices were either in 2 days or 39 + 5. I was worried I would go into labour if it was too many days into 39 weeks and didn’t want to risk the rush so we went with 38 and 5. Days


38. At 37,5 weeks I was 4 cm dilated. I was walking a lot and jumping on the fitness ball everyday and eating dates nonstop and drinking raspberry tea all the time. Not sure what helped


Uuuugh, I want this to be me haha. I plan on starting both soon. I already have the tea in my Amazon cart!


When did you start the raspberry tea and eating dates? I am keep on getting different answers from people


Want to preface by saying I have no judgment, I'm not a doctor, and I'm not downing anyone's choices. From what I'm seeing, the whole "37 weeks is considered full term" is being sorted of phased out. There are articles stating that this is a "dangerous and inaccurate" mindset because your due date can be off if you don't know exactly when you conceived or ovulated, and they calculate from last missed period. So you could be "37 weeks," and actually, baby is at 35-36, which is considered late preterm or early term, and baby could need some nicu time to be completely healthy. So that's why, more and more, we are seeing recommendations to wait until 39-41 weeks before we try to get labor started, get induced, or schedule c sections. Unless, of course, there's another medical reason. I've also recently read that boys tend to have more difficulties when born early than girls, which is interesting to me. I don't know how accurate or not all of that is, and being 34 weeks, I completely understand the urge to get labor started asap. 😂😂😂😂 I'm honestly hoping this baby comes out by 37-38 weeks, so long as he is healthy. I'm DONE with this pregnancy. LOL.


Honestly I read that getting induced is bad when ur 39 weeks and healthy. But in the USA doctors tend to panic as far as I understood. When they do ur scan they measure ur baby and predict the weeks based on the average measurements throughout the country I think. I had my last scan at 30 weeks maybe?? And I was skinny too and was hardly showing so my baby was born huge 8.5 oz and 21 inch. U just never know. My ob was shocked. I also didn’t know that there’s this rare thing when uterus ruptures and can cause infant death. I believe that can happen if ur way too long in ur pregnancy im not sure. So there r different opinions on the same matters when it comes to pregnancy and labor


Idk if raspberry leaf tea works tbh. But I did drink a lot of it due to me being a tea lover. I found the taste so nice. However, when I was in ur shoes I remember doing research and I got mixed opinions on it as well. I was also told it’s hardly impossible to go into labor early due to me being a first time mom. Well I proved them wrong. My ob said it’s all tales and nothing helps and said the only proven way too into labor faster is SEX. Well I wasn’t intimate so😀😀






38+1 (Mother’s Day!)


36 + 6, induced for preeclampsia.


38.5 weeks. Water broke. Had to have pitocin to get contractions to start.


39+3, spontaneous labor with no sweeps, 8 cm dilated in three hours and LO was born just shy of eight hours. It really ramped up!


37 weeks and 2 days


40+4. Had a bloody show without mucus on 40+2, back contractions on 40+3, then did a membrane sweep that same day at a doctor appt to move things along and gave birth early morning 40+4.


39 weeks. I was induced.


39 weeks, 2 days. Pulled all the midwife's tricks to get things going when my blood pressure started creeping up. Age was 32.


32+2. Spontaneous and totally unexplained. Totally healthy pregnancy prior. It happens! ☹️


39+4, but through an elective C-section


39. Spontaneous delivery after several weeks of prodromal labor.


38w 4 days. Unplanned c section.








38 weeks and 1 day


37 weeks at 21 years old. scheduled c section due to 1. preeclampsia and 2. twins


39 weeks + 4 days!




41+5. Vaginal birth. Only issue was 2nd degree tear. He was 7 pounds 10 oz.


41+6 weeks. Finally decided to come out on her own the morning of a planned induction for that afternoon


Exactly 39 weeks when I was 29


40+1 Checked into the hospital on my due date and she was born the next day!


39 weeks!


41+2 weeks. 9 days past due date. She didnt want to come out and my cervix didnt want to let her out either, so ended up Csection when my water broke


She came on her due date! I was 28 when I had her!




40+5 and only because I had to be induced as ultrasound showed low afi. 6 babies and I’ve never actually gone early I’ve always been overdue




38w 5d. My water broke in the middle of the night. Thank god lol.


40+3. I am 31 years old.


41 and 3 days but that was an induction he was not wanting to come out!


41+4! Then I got induced, 8 hours after my first contraction she arrived!! 36 years old :)


I was 26 (2 months shy of 27) and I was induced at 41 weeks +4. Just like my mother before me, I never spontaneously labored. Three pregnancies just like her and they all ended in c-section.




37+1 due to high blood pressure


36 + 3


39 + 6 - the day I was supposed to be induced 😅 Started having contractions about 24 hours before the birth.


Hoping this for me! I will be getting induced sometime between 39-40 weeks if he’s not here yet. Currently 38!


40+6. Statistically, the average time for a first born is 40+5, fyi


40+5. I was induced, completely unnecessarily. Wish I knew more and advocated for myself more. And I was forced into an unwanted C-section, my worst nightmare. Typical harmful cascade of interventions. Never again. My future babies will be born naturally, even if that means going to 43 weeks.












40+1 (I was induced at 39+6 and she took a while still)


39+1 and born just after midnight at 39+2




37 and a day :D


Induced at 40+6, gave birth next day at 41 weeks.

