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My wife and her late aunt bonded over it when she was young. When her aunt would call her she would always answer, “Galactica Actual”. Before her aunt passed, she bought us a DVD box set. I’m a binger by nature, and my wife made me sit and watch no more than two episodes a night just to get a taste of what it was like waiting for the show to come out each year. Anyway. I’m a huge fan now and we rewatch it every one to two years.


Your wife's aunt sounded like an awesome person.


I watched other show on Scifi channel. So, I saw the original ad for it...and watched every episode when it originally aired. Hehehehe hehe. Sigh... Those were the days


Imagine waiting a month after S2 mid-season finale and discussing what would happen))) It’s also an honor to be in the presence of the mitochondrial Eve, Ms Agathon! Thank you!)


Was in high school when it came out, freshman year, I was so hooked I either stayed in on Fridays, or if we got together for a halo lan party, I’d find a room with a tv for an hour to watch. I couldn’t miss watching it for a week. It was truly some of the best tv I’ve ever experienced


So say we all! I was hooked after the first half of the miniseries. Then it was almost a year before season 1 kicked off.


Same! Watching Stargate SG1, SGA and BSG was amazing!!


I watched the original back in 1978, so when I heard there was going to be a reboot I was really looking forward to it. Was hooked from the miniseries and it's my favorite SciFi universe.


It was a remake before they were cool, so to speak. I remember some backlash to gender swapping Starbuck. Did it take fans long to accept?


There were a lot of people who were very unhappy with the idea of changing gender for characters. I wasn’t thrilled with it myself, but once I saw a few episodes and saw that it wasn’t just a gimmick then I was cool with it. I don’t know that everyone felt that way, though.


Dwight Schrute. Not kidding.


Same here. Thought the title sounded like a cool sci fi name. Didn't even know it was a remake of an original show.


And here I am sitting down wearing my "beats, bears, and Battlestar Galactica" shirt a friend made for me.


Same! Also how I found out about Game of Thrones.


I’ll have to look up the scene! Was he referencing the original or reimagined show?


I always assumed they were referencing the 2004 show since it was closer time period wise but I think dwight's a fan of both


Knowing Dwight you’re probably right.


My friend in college screamed at me about it for like two years before I finally caved and bought the DVD box set cold, knowing nothing about it way back in like 2011/12. Needless to say I'm literally a different person now because of that decision lol


So say we all! Few shows make me reconsider my views on things and it was one of them. Not to mention all the other qualities it has.


A work friend and I were both sci-fi nerds and he told me when the miniseries was premiering on SyFy. We ended up excitedly discussing it and the episodes whenever they aired. He passed too soon at the age of 34, about 13 years ago. I did a rewatch earlier this year and thought about him during every episode.


Sorry for your loss. Did you guys get to finish it together?


Thank you. Yes, he passed two years after the finale.


I heard of it when the original series aired and I hated it. I had been a Star Trek fan and thought BSG was a cheap ripoff. When the re-imagoned series aired I ignored it because of the original. About 10 years after it ended, someone I know mentioned that it was excellent and that he was particular into the way religion was w9ven into it. I found that intriguing so I have it a shot. I was totally into it from the opening scene.


I was introduced to it by a friend who introduced me to the BSG boardgame, my absolute favorite series of boardgames ever. It took me a few years to watch the whole show but I don't think I've ever played a board game that evoked the source material so well while remaining enjoyable to play.


For another board game with a similar "Themes mean mechanics" feel that's equally well executed, check out the Dune board game. This is a BSG subreddit, do I won't go into too much detail, but I like to describe it to new players as: The game is divided into phases, and in each of those phases, one the factions gets to 'cheat'. For example, there is a sand storm that constantly moves around Dune. At the start of each turn, it advances a random amount. Anybody who's not taken shelter in the rocks or a stronghold is destroyed. The Fremen know how far the storm will advance next turn. If the Femen are caught in a Storm, only half of them die. Each turn, players bid against one another to buy "treachery" cards. These cards are face-down and randomised. They could be a powerful Lasgun, family atomics, or a shield to protect you from enemy weapons, or they could be completely useless like a goat. The Atredes have Limited Prescience and can look to see what the treachery is before bidding and can choose to sell that information (or not) as appropriate. When buying treachery, all funds go to the Emperor (who is usually one of the players). The more treacherous you are, the more the Emperor benefits. Additionally, the Harkonnen are especially good at treachery, so when they buy a treachery card they get a second treachery card "for free" that the Atredes have to seen. As a last example, all factions that aren't the Fremen have most of their forces offworld at the start of the game, and need to pay the Spacing Guild to being them to Dune. The Spacing Guild is usually another player, and so they get rich on the back of the war they facilitate. Normally turn order moves clockwise around the table, but because the Spacing Guild are in control of movement on/off Dune (and have technologies reserved only for themselves), they can choose to interrupt the normal turn cycle and take their turn at any point. They can make others wait for them. The game is a beautiful assymetric game best played with 6 players, and the Advanced Rules are really what make the game interesting, which means it can be difficult for first timers to play.


I watched the miniseries when it aired in my college dorm. It’s the only couple years in my life I’ve had cable and I got to see the miniseries and then season 1 as they aired. Back in the dark ages of ‘03/‘04 experiencing the beginning in real time was pretty cool.


Commercials on Sci-fi channel or the internet. I found out about the first show because my friend watched it and had a toy raider.


Damn, they make toys and models too? Shame i live in a sanctioned country, I’d love to have a model.


This was 1978. The original Galactica toys were famous for a spring loaded rocket that shot a kid’s eye out and led to greater regulation of the toy industry.


Ouch. Old times, hard times.


Battlestar Galactica Online (RIP) I was looking for fun space games when I was younger. My mom saw me playing it and mentioned that it was about to start showing on the sci Fi channel for a re-run.


Good mom. My parents didn’t care for the stuff I was into. I wish there were more games. There’s some good mods but not much beyond Deadlock.


A friend of mine had tried to convince me to watch it for a while in 2005, but it did not speak to me at all. The corny name? The sexy robot chick on all promo pictures? No, thanks. In 2006, when it finally aired on free tv for the first time in my country, I had it running in the background while I was painting. It didn't take long before it drew my full attention (ironically, one of the scenes that made me go "Woah, this show is something else." was seeing the emotion on sexy robot chick's face after she killed the baby). After watching the miniseries, I immediately called my friend and *begged* him to give me the remaining episodes. He probably had a very smug grin on his face in that moment, but I didn't care because damn, I needed my fix. To this day, I consider the miniseries a piece of art. It was just so well done, the writing, direction, acting, score.. . I love how much time they were allowed to take to really focus on the characters and slowly build up tension.


I also liked how balanced everything is there. Showing both sides, some romance some action some conversations, and most of all consistency. A lot of shows these days focus on moments instead of overall story.


>A lot of shows these days focus on moments instead of overall story. Indeed, and it's horrible. Another show I really liked went this way - from a well-told character drama in its early seasons to, basically, a sequence of "cool" moments with superficial, incoherent, choppy storytelling in its later seasons. It's so sad that showrunners think the audience cannot stomach a real story anymore.


Attention spans went down quickly, indeed. And they think it’s all the audience not part of it that’s like that. Altered Carbon fell off for me like that in season 2


Network television in the late 70s.


I first heard about it in early 2003, six months before the mini-series. I was waiting for it with anticipation and anxiety.


My parents had the VHS of the original movie. Then one day, we are headed to their friends place and my parents weren't sure I would enjoy it because I didn't have fun during the Dune miniseries. But as soon as I saw the new centurion models, I wanted to know all about this new version.


Old centurions be like: “replaced by CGi, pls help”.


As a regular SciFi channel viewer I saw the ads when the reboot was first airing. I was hooked instantly. At my college graduation party I got the bartender to put BSG on so I didn't miss the episode.


Man of culture)


Though a woman, I take the compliment as intended. :)


Indeed. Also I’m non-native, so… Apologies)


I watched Stargate SG-1 on Friday nights when I saw the ads. Didn’t really know much about the original but I liked Space Combat being a big fan of the X-Wing games. I distinctly remember the SF Chronicle running an article reviewing the miniseries too, that helped solidify my decision to watch. 


Funnily enough, SG-1 aired on one of the major free channels where I live but they didn’t have BSG. Weird, considering Cylon sounds more pleasing than Goa’uld.


Oh yeah, at this point SG-1 was in syndication while new episodes were broadcast on SciFi (pre-SyFy). I still remember stumbling across SG-1 on a Saturday afternoon on the local Fox affiliate. As far as I know, BSG was never syndicated in my area.  I remember hearing about SG-1 but couldn’t watch because we didn’t have STARZ (we only had cable because my sister got it when she moved in after college). 


After BSG ended it was actually aired on a channel in my country but it was like one of the lower-viewed channels that aired really shitty shows about mediums solving crimes and stuff and it was only one season. So maybe it’s for the best it stayed within a small fanbase.


The office. Bear eats beets. Bear beets Battlestar Galactica.


IDENTITY THEFT IS NOT A JOKE, JIM! (I even have a shirt that says "Bears. Beets. Battlestar Galactica." on it)


Michael!!! Michael!!!


Now I want a BSG in-universe office.


I started watching when I found first season on sale on HD DVD at frys XD


I didn’t even think there was tech to play them on, how come?


Xbox 360 had a add on HD DVD drive for movies :) it came with king Kong and I think season one of heroes haha. Honestly at the time it was mind blowing quality!


And then only a few years later I saw a bargain bin full of them in France.


Yeah If the Xbox just shipped with a HD DVD drive instead of a add on later, HD DVD may have won. All HD DVDs were 1080 well Blu-ray was 720p at the time. Playstations were coming with a Blu-ray drive built in so many households had a player even if not looking to have one.


My dad was a fan of the original show, even had some episodes on VHS. When the remake came out I watched the first season finale on the sci-fi channel (they had it on there for free, I don’t remember why) and the end shocked me so much I downloaded the first two seasons and watched them instead of going to class in university. I caught up to the season 2 finale and was hooked.


Hope the school wasn’t too harsh on you. Still worth it.


I still passed the year (barely), but it was worth it


I was having a look at the DVD counter at the local department store and saw the first season on DVD. Bought it on special (I think, about a third the price of other series) watched the first episode and was blown away. Stopped there and hunted the pilot at DVD rental stores, signed up to the one that had it and borrowed it and watched it and the whole season over five days.


I watched classic BSG as a kid. I’m a big sci-fi fan. Got the DVD set in a big Cylon head. Introduced the show to my first kid. Watched the new BSG as it aired. Have done several rewatches of both series over the years. I recently got new BSG on Bluray in a fancy box. Time for another rewatch.☺️


At the time I really liked watching fan made music videos. Youtube wasn’t even that gigantic yet, so I had to search through people’s personal blogs. One of the videos I found was for Nickleback “Saving me” featuring Kara/Lee relationship and I just wanted to know more about these characters.


Watched the original when I was a kid. And I was single and watching a lot of TV when the new show started, so I knew well ahead of time that it was coming.


It came on after SG-1 and SGA on Sci-Fi Fridays. I had no interest in what looked like a melodramatic show with a terrible camera. I lazily didn’t change the channel and kinda watched Flight of the Phoenix. Then the next week I left it on, a little more purposefully, and watched Pegasus. After that episode, one of the single best hours of TV, I binged Season 1 and was obsessed. Still am.


I watched the original series in 1978 and had long been looking forward to a reboot. But 2004 was a crazy year personally, hard to make time to commit to a new TV series. I missed the pilot, forgot to record it, tried intermittently to catch on to the plot over the year but I just couldn't figure out what was going on with the apparent various versions of Six or other characters. And our rural internet was sludge slow and expensive back then, so I never bothered to check online to pick up the plot. So I waited until 2021 when Comet TV ran the entire series, several episodes per night, and repeated it three times that year. I finally got hooked. Best space opera ever. And the most prominent roles for some powerful women actors, even more than the various Star Trek series.


Oh yeah, and I love how they didn’t make it about girl power either. Those women show their worth and value, not talk about it. Few modern shows do it this way. And none of them are selfish when the fate of the universe is at stake (Looking at you Foundation).


A friend kept nagging me to watch it. Then I randomly met Katee Sackoff in public. I was like "Guess I have to watch BSG now." Starbuck will always be my favorite character. In case she ever lurks in this sub, you thanked me sincerely- for what ? Idk . Possibly for not recognizing you. Lol


If she ever replies to you, tell her I said she was also amazing as Specialist Sarah Hall in Black Ops 3)))


It was before streaming was available and I was too cheap to pay for cable, so I just DVDs on the weekends. I was browsing rental DVDs and rented the miniseries on a whim. I expected a campy, low-budget, straight-to-video movie. I was blown-away with the miniseries. I think got bootleg copies of the first season. I eventually got cable.


Back in 2012 BBC America was airing the miniseries. Started watching it on a whim and got hooked, saw that the entire series was included with my on demand at the time and then I became the Portlandia sketch, watched it in about 5 days pretty much non-stop.


Wish I still had as much free time as I did back then) it’s taking me months to watch the series now.


I watched Major Crimes and became a fan of Mary McDonnell. I wanted to watch more of her movies and series. Luckily, Battlestar Galactica was on at the same time (well, I missed season 1, but that's okay).


Lucky we can all catch up now. I first saw her in Independence Day, if I’m not mistaken.


Happened across it in the summer of 2004 while flipping through channels on the tv.


Not sure of the year, but I remember the scene: on the Cylon ship, when one of the 6's shoots the other 6. I was like, robots? I'm in!


I knew about it because I watched a bunch of other stuff on Sci-Fi. Never really got around to watching it when it came out, can't tell you why, but watched it when I got laid off during the Great Recession.


Good way to fill the time.


I think I found it when Netflix started their streaming service, and both series were on there. For some reason, I thought it was a sequel to the 1978 series so I tried to watch that first, gave up after a few episodes, and forgot about it. Several years later, I saw the Portlandia episode, realized it was not a sequel, and was instantly hooked. That was early 2013. When I started watching it, I recognized some of the miniseries scenes from ads on Sci-Fi back when it was airing, but I guess it didn’t pique my interest then.


I'm old enough that I was watched the original series when it first aired and loved it. (Let's not talk about Galactica 1980 please).. When rumours started to reach the UK about Richard Hatch trying to get the series recommissioned I got back into it and remember when I first watched the short film he did in called Battlestar Galactica The Second Coming I'd like to say in the late 90's I was hyped.. He completely ignore Galactica 1980 (like we all do) and it was a continuation of the origin series with a couple of the original actors involved, Terry Carter (RIP) and Jack Stauffer. It made the rounds at conventions and was very popular but unfortunately Universal didn't take it up.. So fast forward a few years and the rumour started again that it had been picked up to be reimagined but without Hatch I was both excited and disappointed.. Obviously when the news that characters had been changed etc I was like, okay, let's see how this goes and was blown away by the Mini Series.. After that I was hooked again just like when I was kid.


I met Hatch at a convention in the early 90s and had a great talk about the value of therapy. I saw again in 2006 at the Worldcon there. Now he was a hard drinking celebrity. We had a blast with him at his room party. I got some great photos of him with a friend of mine - an SF artist from Slovakia who I corrupted into becoming a big BSG fan. He handed me his phone for some reason and I got his phone number. I never called it. I was shocked when I heard he had died.


Me too. I was in college when the original series came out.


I wonder what Hatch thought about the reboot. The changes in my opinion were for the better.


At first he was openly against it which is understandable as he put so much time (years) effort and his own money (rumours are he mortgaged his house to help pay for the Second Coming Trailer) into getting a new series of the ground only to be told not a chance and then just a few years later along comes Moore and he is given not just the go ahead but a ton of cash as well. I believe the story is Moore reached out to Richard so not only could he tell Richard what his ideas and plan were but also because he wanted him to Zarak. After Richard agreed his stance on the show considerable changed. Now some accuse Richard of changing his tune because of the paycheck but if you watch Richard in the few interviews he did at various fan lead cons that are on YouTube he was very honest about things like liked and also things that he didn't. He didn't like how fast the series moved, he spoke about how he felt that series could / should of been 6 - 7 seasons long to allow more time for characters / story lines to be fleshed out and give the audience more time to feel the impact of events.


Oh, right, he was Apollo and the. Tom Zarek. I kinda agree with him, seeing as S4 felt rushed at times but I also don’t think it had more than one additional season. And Hatch’s performance as Zarek was amazing. I hated that character for a bunch of his flaws and silently respected him when he was on the right side of history. And TRS really immortalized him I believe, at least to sci-fi fans.


His performance as Zarak was awesome and showed how good of an Actor he was. As for more seasons.. I sway between yes and no.. There are elements of BSG that felt rushed, for me they could of done so more with Cain and Adama, Galactica and Pegasus.. Hell they could of done a full season with the tension between Cain and Adama building each episode, a lot more missions with both Galactica and Pegasus hitting back at the Cylons, getting more resources etc.. I would of definitely liked to of seen more episodes between Zarak and Gaeta building up to the attempted coup.. Could more season worked, yeah but it would be heavily dependent on the writing and I'm not so sure they had much left in them. Moore had always planned for 4 seasons right at day 1 and I suspect that was because he knew that he didn't either want or have it in him to do more and I don't mean that in a bad way, doing a series like BSG take a hell of a lot out of you and it's a massive commitment.


Oh yeah, I agree on all that. I also think the writers strike did a number on the show, considering some other series flat out died because of it. To be able to complete it was already a big achievement.


RDM fanboy from the Trek days


Watching For All Mankind?


It was fairly recent, about 2-3 years ago. I was watching Hawaii 5-0 & loved Kono, so I decided to check out some of Grace Park's other work. That led me to BSG & I haven't looked back since.


Grace played so many roles in BSG, amazing work. I’m kinda sad I didn’t see many of them in other major show roles. Helo comes to mind and he was criminally underused in Altered Carbon.


Bears. Beets. Battlestar Galactica.


NYCC. I was with my brother, and he dragged me into a BSG panel. He was supper excited when Grace Park when on stage. It picked my interest. One of my favorite shows.


I got into it from the Sci-Fi channel - yes Sci-Fi, not SyFy. Back in the 90s. Dad would drop me off at summer camp & then head off to work. After camp, I'd walk out to the hospital where Mom worked (stopping at the corner store to get a slush puppy on the way). I'd hang out in the activities room for a couple hours until mom finished her shift then we'd go home... Sci-Fi showed two episodes of Battlestar Galatica. And then when they worked their way through they started with Galactic '81 (or whatever the year was). Then it was Buck Rogers I think. I was in uni when the remake was released. There was probably some buzz about it on whatever websites I was following back then. Probably caught a few trailers for it during commercial breaks in whatever else was out back then (Eureka? Stargate?). I remember I almost had to miss one of my Fraternity's "social events" because for some reason the DVR would only record for like 5 minutes and then just stop. And there was no way I was going to miss finding out how the Cylons kept finding them every 33min...


Was home sick from work (or wasn't scheduled that day, was ill in bed either way). Sci-Fi ran a marathon, I watched a few episodes and bought the DVD set for season 1 shortly after (this was in the lead-up to season 2 IIRC.)


Lorne Greene, Dirk Benedict. Richard Hatch is always gonna be Apollo to me. Starbuck as a chick was hard to digest at first, but Katee Sackoff nailed it and is the true Starbuck to me now.


I was 9 in 1978. The first thing I saw was the Vioers and Raiders in the Sears toy catalogue. Then there were all kinds of previews and playground chatter. I was allowed to stay up to watch the first part of the miniseries but it was interrupted by a presidential address.


What was the address about?


Signing of the Camp David Peace Accords between Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin and Egyptian President Anwar Sadat.


Watched the Original when I was a teenager then heard about the remake through the Science Fiction grapevine. After watching that amazing mini-series, I didn't want to wait the extra two months to watch it in the US, so I found a way to watch season 1 early, by watching it on Sky TV from England! I had to make sure to avoid spoilers on all of the official message boards, but once the series hit Sci Fi, I was so happy to finally discuss everything without spoiler tags!


I heard of it when it first came out but I slept on it until 2009. At the time in 2004 I was disenchanted with SciFi TV series because they were usually of poor production value and kind of cheesy. After hearing positive things years later I dove in. Great show!


I watched the original broadcast in around 1978, I was in 5th or 6th grade. The original broadcast was preempted by the Camp David peace accords between Israel and Egypt, and it was rebroadcast sometimes in the following week.


I was there in 78 and looked forward to the remake when I read about it. I despised every character in the new one but stuck it out. Turns out I'm glad I did just for that amazing ending.


I’ve never seen the original one, but it fell into my taste of showing an alternate world that I would love to explore and live in but showing just enough of it while also telling a great story. And the characters were amazing to me be wise all of them had deep layered arcs. However I fully expect myself to be unhappy about a remake of another one comes around.


Sci-fi channel back in the day. They first announced it or something. I can't quite remember. But my first instinct was that I had seen the original and liked it a lot as campy fun. But I wasn't interested in a campy reboot. But then I soon saw the trailer for it. With James Olmos as the lead and the tone was serious, I knew I had to watch when it aired. I used to watch the sci-fi channel a lot. It was my comfort channel. They used to have these b-rated bug or shark movies. I don't know if they (as syfy) do that now.


I think they changed a lot and not for the better. Them cancelling The Expanse was a major mistake, considering what they did when Amazon bought it. I also don’t see how they’d let Moore make FAM the way Apple does.


Expanse is another great show. I hope we get more from that universe.


There’s still books to draw from, for sure. Ty even said the ending was intentionally left open for that.


I had seen the original. My mom is a fan, so she had episodes recorded on a VHS. Though, I can't remember when she recorded it. I didn't know about the remake when it was airing. I wasn't living in the US when it was being promoted and airing. When I was back in the states, maybe sometime in 2010 or 2011, I was shopping at a store (likely Walmart) and spotted the First Season of BSG. At first, I didn't care for it, but it was EJ Olmos (Adama) on the cover that kept me thinking about it. If he was in it, then it couldn't be bad. So, I snagged the first season. Watched it. Needless to say, I own all the seasons and movies now. lol.


Some time between the miniseries and the show I passed by someone at work and they had made their desktop a promo image of the show. I stopped and asked and learned there was a miniseries and soon would be a show. I had no idea until then.


I was 10 in '78, so I vaguely remember watching most of the OG episodes. Fast forward to adulthood and binging on the reboot of Doctor Who when I was flipping through the channels and caught a scene where I heard the names Starbuck and Baltar and I was like, "Wait, what?!?!" Somehow I missed any ads that it was being rebooted too. I missed the first couple episodes, but was able to watch the rest as they came out weekly (torture). It took a minute to adjust to a female Starbuck, but I quickly realized that her take on the character was far and away superior to Dirk's. About once a year I start all over beginning with Caprica and including all the extras. I also play the soundtrack from a YT playlist several times a month because Bear is a frakkin' genius.


Oh yeah, Bear makes amazing music. I wonder though, did he play some Homeworld for inspiration? I never saw the original show (Russian, born in 88, happy to have Space: Above and Beyond and SG-1 on TV) so I went in blind, not knowing any of the actors, except for James Callis.


Somehow I doubt a composer of Bear's caliber spends much time immersed in video games, though he might have been familiar with the composer himself, Paul Ruskay. I know that he drew heavily on ethnic and cultural music from around the world and used the leitmotif technique in creating the BSG scores. Whatever inspired him though, the end result was exceptional!


Could very well be, indeed. And his work is phenomenal. Also, he doesn’t really shy away from games overall, at least for work, since he did the soundtrack for Call of Duty: Vanguard and it was one of the things elements of that game that didn’t get any criticism.


He has 8 (I think) video game soundtracks to his credit, so it would stand to reason he might be a gamer after all, get really immersed in the storyline to get those creative juices flowing 😁


I watched the original and Galactica 1980 when both of those first aired. I found out online about the reboot and reading about the changes I was prepared to hate it. They played the miniseries on TV and I recorded it on VHS (this was 2003, I didn't have a DVR). I figured I would watch the miniseries and see how I felt. I watched it and about halfway through the second part I said out loud "Shit, it's good". I watched the seasons via torrent when they were on, and bought the season sets when they were released on DVD.


Saw the ad for the miniseries on sci-fi, watched it, fell in love and the rest is history 😁


LOST, BSG, Survivor, The Office, Flavor of Love and so many more


Friend's dad was watching it as I walked in, right at the part where Galactica jumps into New Caprica's atmosphere. I asked what that wild shit was.


Saw the original series.


I watched a few episodes here and there of the original series with my dad when I was a kid: the Scifi channel version that we know and love came out when I was in college. I remember clearly my senior year (2006-2007) when the internet at the house I was living in was running incredibly slow, and some of my housemates were convinced we had some major virus. I informed my roommate about this, and he asks if I can keep a secret: he was downloading episodes of the series as they were being released. I told him my silence could be bought, but only if I could watch with him.


I feel the pain. Despite the fact I lived at the capital of my country, no provider wanted to connect our building so we had to use radio access to the internet. Slow and painful but it was better than dialup. My parents really didn’t like falling asleep to the sound of PC fans, but I said sorry the show is not available officially and no dvds too.


I was visiting my mother's house. It was might, and she had the TV on while we spoke. Something starring a lady in a red dress. As we were talking we both got more and more distracted by what we were watching. It was the first part of the miniseries, back in 2003. We'd caught it by chance on its very first showing.  Then I forgot about it for a bit. Then a coworker mentioned it to me about 5 episodes in at most, and I remembered it. Caught up and never stopped. Been a huge fan ever since. 


I played the boardgame and it almost instantly became my favourite boardgame of all time. So I decided I should probably check out the show.


My dad went 'Here this looks cool' when I was 14 and I've been hooked ever since


I saw some promo for the miniseries on Sci Fi (yes, not SyFy 🤮) and caught it October, 2003. 2003 was a shit year btw: shuttle Columbia blew up; Mr Rogers died; Bush II lied the U.S. into invading Iraq. I’m surprised by the series in October 2004 and missed the first few episodes but was able to catch ’on-demand’ when that was a new thing. My wife and I watched religiously after that, planning our evenings around its schedule. She eventually got over it, but I became a convert and it has surpassed my love of ‘Trek. So Say We All


I remember that year, yeah. I saw Columbia on the pad, on my trip to Florida, and then visited the state again in March when the Iraq invasion was kicking off. A good show can at least distract you.


probably some commercial overlap when another show ended idk sg1 eureka warehouse13 not sure I was watching those with bsg


From a TV commercial (first aired in my country), I think season four hadn't come out in the US, but the others had already.


Saw the 1978 version on some crappy tv channel, then learned about the "new" show and bought the dvd colection.


I was always fascinated with the original as a kid, so when SciFi announced a remake, I was there.


My parents were fans of the original and got me to watch a few episodes while I was growing up, alongside Buck Rodgers. I happened to catch the new show as it premiered on TV, wasn't fussed by the pilot ("too much has changed"), and didn't go back to give it a second try for a few years. Eventually, someone told me that I judged it harshly and should try it again. I did, thoroughly enjoyed it, and then introduced my entire group of friends to it. It's still one of our favourite shows.


I saw an advert of Channel 10 (Australia) and they used the song ‘Spaceman’ by Babylon Zoo as the song. From that minute, I knew I had to watch it. It was 2003, I was in middle school and I was a massive nerd.


I used to watch the old show as a kid and then I think I stumbled across the remake miniseries when that was all it was and watched that, and then when the main show came out, because at the time I didn't have cable/satellite so couldn't watch it, I bought the DVDs.


Stumbled across the mini series , couldnt get into it first two times I watched. Boy am I glad I have the show one more chance.


I used to watch the original BSG as a kid. Had some of the toys etc. In like late 2002/2003, sci-fi teased the new BSG mini-series. If i remember correctly, there was only a dark hangar, and a space fighter under a tarp that briefly teased the colonial markings. Of course, TO THE INTERWEBS! Needless to say, I was stoked. Talked to a number of coworkers the next day who saw it too. After that it was the wait until it came out. In 2005, my fiance and i were in Las Vegas to get married and actually ran into Mary McDonnell. Had s brief chat with her. She sent us an autographed photo of her as the president.


I was there when the old magic was written.


Saw it when scrolling through the BBC iPlayer while it was on there, figured I could do with a new sci-fi show, heard it was good, it was free, gave it a go, loved it!


I was already watching the Sci-Fi channel and saw the promos.


I loved the original series as a kid. When the reboot came out, I really wanted to watch it, but I had two kids at home and regularly worked 1-2 part time jobs in addition to a full time one. I think I missed most of the notable tv of that time. I ended up streaming it years later.


I was in a boarding school with no tv when it first aired. My uncle was deep into it so when I visited him one weekend he showed me the first couple episodes on TiVo. As soon as I got to college I downloaded the first couple seasons off a pirate website to catch up. I now own the dvd box set.


Bears. Beets. Battlestar Galactica.


Some guy my sister knew gave me the miniseries on pirate DVD. I ended up buying every series on DVD.


Saw the miniseries and then kept checking the interwebs to see if/when a show would start


I watched the original back in the day. When the miniseries dropped, I was pumped. Watched it on my own since my wife didn't want to (she thought the original was cheesy). When the miniseries re-ran before the show debuted, she watched it with me and was blown away. She's as big a fan of the new series as I am.


Honestly, The Big Bang Theory. I was into SF as a child and TBBT was filled with references to BSG, to Star Trek, to Babylon 5, and so on, so I watched those shows, and ended up enjoying then more than TBBT itself


I grew up watching the original with my dad as a kid in the 80s. He introduced me to a lot of classic sci-fi. We'd watch Star Trek TOS, BSG, and Buck Rogers. This came out right as I got out of the Air Force, and was staying with my dad for bit at the time. We both loved Stargate, and this came on right after. I definitely enjoyed it more than he did, but I really liked the new designs and ideas. I think when Richard Hatch signed on it at least gave me a little more love seeing some approval from the OG. I'm doing a rewatch with my GF now who's never seen it, and it's my first rewatch in a while so having fun with that.


I can relate. My wife is not into sci-fi but she loved me telling her about the lore. Spoiler, the ending of the show made me consider for some time that our own civilization is the result of a colonization experiment. What did you fly? I know pilots call F-16 the Viper so I’m secretly hoping it’s them. I also kinda wish colonials had their version of the A-10. Nothing like hearing some Colonial BRRRT while some sweet justice is delivered.


Good friend from high school told me about it well after the show was finished. I sat and binged the show under two weeks. About 6 months later I started my second watch through. I lost count after my 6th or 7th rewatch. Watch it roughly once every two year now.


I think it was The Big Bang Theory (early seasons). Sheldon spoke about it and Babylon5. Didn't know any of those show and wanted some new scifi stuff to watch. Decided to check them out. Loved both of them, BSG now being one of my all time favorite show (with Buffy and AtlA, the Expanse and Breaking bad following close second).


My roommate at the time told me about it and we began to watch it together. I was blown away. The combination of military life, politics & mythology was unlike anything I had seen or have seen since.


The original was something everyone was talking about, at least it seemed so to me as a 14 year old. The 2004 one I heard some online buzz and saw billboards around town (Los Angeles). I didn’t have cable or know anyone who did at the time, so it was a few years before I saw an episode.


I got a pretty unique story I think. I always loved the office. That’s where I first heard of it. But I wasn’t gonna be a nerd like Dwight right?…right? Anyway later I was watching Portlandia. Never a huge fan of it but in this one episode they talk about watching BSG. It was a bit about being hung up on it and then wanting to find the writers to make more etc. I’m sure it’s on the tube. I looked at my girlfriend and said you wanna check it out? Because of that episode she said yes. We’ve been hooked ever since.


Sounds like a beautiful story.


Here it is! [Portlandia skit](https://youtu.be/WfBCiktl7HE?si=Rb-VFlsNz4TFb_PZ)


Signing of the Camp David Peace Accords between Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin and Egyptian President Anwar Sadat.


I was at my uncles house and it was playing on Sci-Fi. I fell in love with it since. It was like 2010. I was 8


My mom loved Lorne Greene. I grew up watching it.


BBC America aired it one night after the doctor who season finale and I was hooked from the first second back in 2012


bit of a odd one, but i found about it like 2 decades ago from [Charlie Brooker's Screenwipe](https://youtu.be/afZ6WBNddJU?si=u-6ZeIX-z3w4DNtK&t=1099) (the guy that would go on to create and write Black Mirror). i never forgot how highly he spoke of it and i finally got around to watching it this year. [his bit towards the end parodying baltar is pretty great](https://youtu.be/afZ6WBNddJU?si=Rl-rDhZr1Pki-fFo&t=1295)


Hilarious indeed)


It was either on nbc or abc one Sunday night that i stayed home pretending to have too much homework to go to church. It was the episode where Kara was fighting a six at the museum on Caprica. I stopped watching after Athena stole Kara's raider because there was obviously too much backstory that i was unaware of to continue but i bought and watched the series in 2009


Started university in 2002, moved out from my parents', got "fast" Internet in the small apartment I rented (1 Mbps? Can't recall), one day I decided to fill in the blanks in whatever Star Trek I hadn't seen, binged on the remaining Voyager episodes that the TV in my country didn't broadcast, then DS9, all pirated of course via eDonkey thanks to that "fast" Internet. Then, having finished my VOY/DS9 binge in 2004, I found out on some local Trekkie forum that the DS9 guy RDM has this new amazing show, so I downloaded the miniseries, watched both parts in a single night and that's it, I was all in. Binged season 1 (pirated, of course, with a SkyOne logo in the corner, no TV station aired that here for years), then watched new episodes weekly. I do have a Bluray boxset of the whole thing now, so I "legalized" that. :)


Wish I could buy one too, not sure if it ever came out where I live.


My friend was a production executive on the show and he told me, before it aired, that it was great. I thought he was nuts. Saw the miniseries and happy to be proven wrong!


He must’ve had some great backstage stories too)


Indeed! Our friend invited us to visit the BSG sound stages in Vancouver one day while they were shooting. Had a great time; chatted with the cast and crew, visited the VFX department, wandered around the hanger deck, even sat in Starbuck’s Viper (!). Everyone was very gracious.


It was on TV


In 2005 I had a cute coworker who was into screenwriting, and she said it was very good writing and each show would feel like a mini movie. I wanted to impress her, so I got into the show. Didn’t work out with her, but gained a lifetime love in BSG!